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U.S. Marine 'I Killed Innocent Civilians'

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posted on Jan, 23 2010 @ 12:08 AM

Originally posted by SLAYER69
reply to post by rainfall

Yeah check out the Youtube Category tags.

Source Link

Category: News & Politics Tags: 9/11 inside job war iraq george bush terrorism bin laden afghanistan al-qaeda CIA Taliban barack obama deception us troops army military navy police state cops IVAW soldiers Winter Soldiers 911 nanothermite controlled demolition twin towers WTC illuminati secret societies bilderberg group trilateral commission CFR new world order nwo infowars alex jones bohemian grove Tamil Toronto Police

Spare it, stop being smug. The video is an obvious repost from someone who is interested in this sort of stuff. I'm sure if you searched for the video did a little research you would find that those "tags" have nothing to do with it.

The "Infowars, anti-NWO, tin-foil hat, secret society, anti-America clubs" didn't get together, put a fake soldier in front of a camera and make him cry because they wanted to give you 'proof of a conspiracy'.

Yeah, but I suppose you don't care about that do you. You don't care if what the marine says is legitimate, because "dirty people associate with it" so it's off-limits to you from now on. Funny.. people like you are super Pro-War, Pro-Soldier.. but not for these guys. Not for this marine who is telling it like it is. Now he's just a pathetic anti-America tool to you, and he doesn't matter. Only the soldiers who don't ask questions and wave the red white and blue matter to you.

I don't find your smug jokes funny at all.

posted on Jan, 23 2010 @ 12:19 AM

Originally posted by SyphonX

I don't find your smug jokes funny at all.

Like I'll lose sleep over that.

[edit on 23-1-2010 by SLAYER69]

posted on Jan, 23 2010 @ 12:31 AM
reply to post by SLAYER69

You come in here with a rather distasteful crack at a joke, neglecting the whole point of the thread, and you leave with telling someone "they don't know how it is".

Your notion of, him being "one voice out of hundreds of thousands", isn't very amusing or comforting to the fact that only One atrocity is too many, let alone the thousands that have occurred over there. The military has it's own justice system for a reason, and it's initial point was to defend the honor of the armed forces and persecute those who dishonor it.

That's what you volunteer for. If you volunteer to go overseas to, "F*ck sh*t up", as they usually say, then the only person you're going to f*ck up is yourself and those you leave in your arrogant wake.

This marine has more courage than most people could imagine. He's coming to terms with what it means to be a real soldier. Even after his initial duty, he's still compelled to complete another duty. This is what a soldier does.

So go ahead and just, "brush it off", crack more jokes. I don't care if you lose sleep, or if you sleep like a rock. This will go on, more and more, whether you like it or not.

posted on Jan, 23 2010 @ 12:34 AM
reply to post by SyphonX

Though we didn't agree in a previous thread, I must say I am with you 100% here.

What this guy is doing takes a lot. Not only to admit what he's done, and feel sorry for it, but he does it in front of a public audience. Good for him.

posted on Jan, 23 2010 @ 12:44 AM

yeah,,, and we also don't see all the dead children's bodies,,,, mother's crying

when we drop a bomb on a school instead of the enemy

you can't have it both ways,,,,,

I'll take it you have never served in any type of combat role? Do you have first hand knowledge of this? Can you site evidence? Please provide me the answers since you seem to have them all. In my 26 months in Iraq (Al Anbar Province), which is slightly over 2 years for the math deficient, not once have I heard of a school being bombed accidentally. A few local national deaths, yes but they were due to being killed by their own countrymen.

If all you took from that was the cheetos thing then you are either:
A. Overly sensitive about your appearance.
B. Perhaps maybe you are the ignorant one in this matter.

I would be more inclined to go with B, since you have probably never served in an active combat zone and can only judge by what you see reported by the MSM; who are biased and have their own agendas to fulfill. I would also be inclined to believe B since you lack a grasp of proper sentence structure, punctuation and spelling. I am by no means an english teacher but try and stick with elementary school basics.


posted on Jan, 23 2010 @ 12:45 AM

Originally posted by SyphonX
reply to post by SLAYER69

You come in here with a rather distasteful crack at a joke, neglecting the whole point of the thread, and you leave with telling someone "they don't know how it is".

Oh please get over yourself....
I'm sorry if I've hurt your feelings. My son spent 18 months in Iraq. I got his first hand experience. I don't need to rely on a YouTube video to know what went on over there.

I'll take his word over your OPINION.


[edit on 23-1-2010 by SLAYER69]

posted on Jan, 23 2010 @ 12:54 AM
reply to post by SLAYER69

Cool pictures, thanks for sharing!

To be on topic, I'm glad that this guy is sharing his sorrows with what he did. Civilians die in war whether it's necessary or not. One things for sure, it's always a sad thing when it does happen.

posted on Jan, 23 2010 @ 12:58 AM
reply to post by SLAYER69

Nice pictures. Thank for reinforcing my point, even if it was inadvertent! LoL
I have gigs of pictures from my 2 deploys. I may have to share a few but will start a new thread for that. Might be a nice way for the Veterans on here to get together and share experiences.


posted on Jan, 23 2010 @ 01:15 AM

Originally posted by Acid_Burn2009

the whole problem is the knowledge of the americans that support the war ... if nobody supported the war, it wouldnt have happened ...

I am going to have to raise the bullsh_t flag on this one. Ol' Bushy boy was hell bent on going to Iraq to finish a job his daddy didn't; with or without the approval of the people.

Also raising the BS flag with you. The whole nation didn't support the war, Bush and boys did it anyway. Bush knew it, he saw the protests up close in many cities... I saw the protests, up close and personal in 2002 when 'ol Bush came to town, it was far from pretty. I don't want to see snipers on the roofs and Riot Cops beating people, and shots from bag guns firing into crowds, again. So the righteous crowd on this thread can shut up. People cared about the choices... Fact is, Washington couldn't care less.

[edit on 23-1-2010 by LadySkadi]

posted on Jan, 23 2010 @ 01:20 AM

Originally posted by Acid_Burn2009

I have gigs of pictures from my 2 deploys. I may have to share a few but will start a new thread for that. Might be a nice way for the Veterans on here to get together and share experiences.

Fair enough

Mine is of another time and another place.
I've rarely spoken of my experiences. Everyone takes away something and many leave a part of themselves.

posted on Jan, 23 2010 @ 01:26 AM
Regarding the men and women in the military - regardless of where they are in this world, they do not deserve to be judged by the broad strokes applied by people who are smug enough to believe they know anything about anyone's situation, having not been in it. The hypocrisy in this thread is thick and so is the judgment. You all should take a look in the mirror...

[edit on 23-1-2010 by LadySkadi]

posted on Jan, 23 2010 @ 02:38 AM
reply to post by LadySkadi

Very well said!!! Broadly Judging a certain group of people, or even a single individual, has become very "quick and easy" nowadays. Especially sitting in a nice warm room in front of a screen, typing words and reading them. no need for actual human interaction..
And so as not to be hypocritical, I will admit to doing the same thing myself on occasion..(I try not to, but alas, I am not infallable)

posted on Jan, 23 2010 @ 07:17 AM
reply to post by SLAYER69

Just because you, or your son, have had good experiences overseas in Iraq or Afghanistan, and has managed to come home without having a bad incident, doesn't mean that bad things aren't happening.

That's a bit naive.

Have you ever sat down with your son and asked about a crap unit that was out of control? He sounds lucky enough to have been with a great unit.

I could tell you stories all day long of some rather disturbing events, some very unsettling things. It's usually a unit-to-unit thing, either from a lack of discipline or something on a larger scale.

Just because your son didn't experience it, doesn't mean the whole situation is moot.

I could also tell you many stories of compassion and empathy, on both sides of the spectrum, military and Iraqi. I've had so many personal encounters with Iraqis, Kurds, Turks.. be it family dinners, schools and even a wedding or two. Though guess what? I could sit down with you and talk to you about the darker side and tell you of someone who confessed to murdering an Iraqi, right to my face. How he shot a man in the head for almost no reason at all. I could tell you of the contractors and Blackwater, on how they were so aggressive that they would shoot at us if we didn't play the right way, or how they would fire up an entire village/area for sh*ts and giggles or because they were scared.

So I don't care what your son thinks, good for him. Maybe he's even lucky enough to not have witnessed anything bad at all.

posted on Jan, 23 2010 @ 07:21 AM
reply to post by LadySkadi

I don't think most people are "judging" this soldier or soldiers in general. Certain people are coming into this thread and literally saying that, "No bad things are happening." or that "It's not that bad." etc., and that is complete BS, I'm sorry, it's just completely disingenuous.

To shrug it off as, "It's war, get over it", is pretty sad for any American to say..

The least we can do as a nation is to come to terms with the crimes and atrocities that have been committed in Iraq and Afghanistan. There isn't any witch hunt on the troops here, it's a facing of reality.

posted on Jan, 23 2010 @ 10:04 AM

Originally posted by SyphonX
reply to post by SLAYER69

Just because you, or your son, have had good experiences overseas in Iraq or Afghanistan, and has managed to come home without having a bad incident, doesn't mean that bad things aren't happening.

That's a bit naive.

What's naive is that opening statement. You don't know what we've seen, done or been through. Yet you'll sit in judgment of others.

You make too many assumptions.

posted on Jan, 23 2010 @ 10:08 AM
reply to post by SLAYER69

With all due respect, you're sitting here telling me that, "it's not bad over there", because your son (or yourself) said so. At least that's what you were saying before. Don't try to tell me I'm now trying to attack your son's credibility just because you brought it up after-the-fact.

So don't tell me I'm attempting to pass judgment on you. I never said every soldier is bad and that everything is bad in Iraq. I never accused you or your son or any other person here of being 'a bad person' or judging them by saying they have done bad things.

Some soldiers do a lot of bad things, and it doesn't just go away because you yourself haven't seen it. That's all I'm saying.

posted on Jan, 23 2010 @ 10:18 AM

Originally posted by SyphonX
reply to post by SLAYER69

With all due respect, you're sitting here telling me that, "it's not bad over there", because your son (or yourself) said so. At least that's what you were saying before. Don't try to tell me I'm now trying to attack your son's credibility just because you brought it up after-the-fact.


Show me and any reader here where I've made that statement. Or was it yet another Assumption of yours?

Lets get down to brass tacks.

posted on Jan, 23 2010 @ 10:28 AM
Your first entries in this thread had the intent to discredit the marine and the video because it was "somehow associated with anti-Americanism". You even went on to say that, "His words are one out of hundreds of thousands, so what".. etc, etc.

Your tone, and your demeanor is what set me off.

If you didn't want to try and discredit the fact that a lot of crap has happened over there, you wouldn't have done that, nor would you have suggested I was attacking your son's credibility.

I understand that you have a lot of experience in the matter, and have a son who also does, and all that. However, why the discrediting attitude towards all of this? Wouldn't you want to see more of it come to light..? It's not just anti-war propaganda. These are serious issues, even if it's "1 out of 100,000", it's still 1 too many. This marine wasn't even one of the bad ones, it was more of an "accident", per se.

We've lost of a respect and credibility as a nation, and as a society, because of all this. The only way to get this back, and to regain our integrity and honor, is to expose it and recognize it.

[edit on 23-1-2010 by SyphonX]

posted on Jan, 23 2010 @ 10:30 AM
I hate to break it to all of you, but war will go on for a VERY long time (Venezuela, Yemen, Iran, Syria, Lebanon are next) so you might as well make a profit off of it by investing in military stocks.

As long as the majority of this world remains like they are which is dumb morons who pride themselves in the killing of their fellow man for the need of Democracy, Judaism, Islam, Communism, Christianity etc. to spread then humanity will never get anywhere.

The ROOT of the problem is RELIGION and the human EGO. The human mind likes to lie to itself to make itself sleep better at night regardless of how wrong their decision is, and THANKFULLY there's such a thing such as Karma which takes care of the morons. The people who sign up for the military either end up in poverty, hooked on psychotic drugs (another good one to invest in), having no sense of pride when they come home since no one gives a damn, or ends up suiciding.

So you can either make some money or sit around for a while till the sheeple wake up. I say make some money while you are at it because it's going to be a long time!

The smart investor takes advantage of the current times!

posted on Jan, 23 2010 @ 10:31 AM
War is a bitch, I have been there, done that, got the tee shirt 3 times..... I have seen humanity at its worse... There is no excuse for murdering civies in cold blood. But sometimes things go wrong. Now I dont know if thi guy is for real or not but I know it changed me, but you cant condemn a whole Army on the atios of a few idiots. Thats like condemning all blacks because a few of them our murders and rapist. Same gos with whites and hispanics, there are bad people everywhere and the miltary is no different.

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