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Haiti (Deep Conspiracy)

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posted on Jan, 19 2010 @ 11:00 PM
Honestly, i don't believe in coincidence. When you look back throughout history there are a massive series of coincidences. It really makes you think "if" certain things were purposely dictated. The only downside is that you can only make the connections afterward.

The Divine Wind for one, The Patriots losing the superbowl to the Giants, the recall of the ridiculously large Chinese armada (it was there exploration feat) right before the Mongols emerged...and those are the ones off the top of my head.

You definitely found something interesting. What we have to do is wait..a year or two and see what was done. That'll let you know

posted on Jan, 19 2010 @ 11:04 PM
reply to post by StevesResearch

The paranoia on this site is unbelievable! An "earthquake machine"? Really?

If you really want to get into this, then by all means, Let us Bravely Deny Ignorance!

Earthquakes induced by human activity have been documented in a few locations in the United States, Japan, and Canada. The cause was injection of fluids into deep wells for waste disposal and secondary recovery of oil, and the use of reservoirs for water supplies. Most of these earthquakes were minor. The largest and most widely known resulted from fluid injection at the Rocky Mountain Arsenal near Denver, Colorado. In 1967, an earthquake of magnitude 5.5 followed a series of smaller earthquakes.

"In the past, people never thought that human activity could have such a big impact, but it can," said Christian Klose, a geohazards researcher at Columbia’s Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory.

It turns out, actually, that the human production of earthquakes is hardly supervillain-worthy. It’s downright commonplace: Klose estimates that 25 percent of Britain’s recorded seismic events were caused by people.

Most of these human-caused quakes are tiny, registering less than four on geologist’s seismic scales. These window-rattlers don’t occur along natural faults, and wouldn’t have happened without human activity — like mining tons of coal or potash. They occur when a mine’s roof collapses, for example, as in the Crandall Canyon collapse in Utah that killed a half-dozen miners last year.

But some human actions can trigger much larger quakes along natural fault lines. That’s because humans, with the aid of our massive machines, can sling enough mass around to shift the pattern of stresses in the
Earth’s crust. Faults that might not have caused an earthquake for a million years can suddenly be pushed to failure, as Klose argues occurred during Australia’s only fatal earthquake in 1989.

Officially, there is an area of research devoted to man-made earthquakes. Geologists and seismologists agree earthquakes can be induced in five major ways: fluid injection into the Earth, fluid extraction from the Earth, mining or quarrying, nuclear testing and through the construction of dams and reservoirs.

In fact, there are officially recorded instances of earthquakes caused by human activity.

Geologists discovered that disposal of waste fluids by means of injecting them deep into the Earth could trigger earthquakes after a series of quakes in the Denver area occurred from 1962-1965; the periods and amounts of injected waste coincided with the frequency and magnitude of quakes in the Denver area. The earthquakes were triggered because the liquid, which was injected under very high pressure, released stored strain energy in the rocks.

So, YES... for your Information, Man made Earthquakes are not only POSSIBLE...

But are DOCUMENTED to be scientific FACT.

Please research a subject thoroughly before you start hurling insults.

I'll be watching.

(Edit to Add)

Oh, and just for FURTHER information...

The study of Earthquakes, Tectonic Crust composition, and Plate Dynamics is the Study of Geology.

The Science of Geology is a NECESSITY for the extraction of oil.

And Large oil companies put BILLIONS of dollars into Geology science research.


[edit on 19-1-2010 by Edrick]

posted on Jan, 19 2010 @ 11:06 PM
I wonder if this is not just another way of repaying some debt, also to pay for the rebuilding of the new casinos and luxury Hotels which will replace the poverty stricken PortauPrince.

We know that there were plans already in the works to begin to rebuild starting in spring 2010, with all of the players mentioned in the Op it is possible that the EQ itself was HAARP driven quake with the intent of eliminating the populations poor and needy.

This would go a long way to explain why the aid was being held back and the injured left to die before any help was forth coming.

posted on Jan, 19 2010 @ 11:14 PM
I couldnt figure out how to embed this but this video is well worth watching if you have any doubt that EQ technologies do not exist. They most certainly do...

posted on Jan, 19 2010 @ 11:29 PM
reply to post by antar

I couldnt figure out how to embed this but this video is well worth watching if you have any doubt that EQ technologies do not exist. They most certainly do...


posted on Jan, 19 2010 @ 11:38 PM
Thank you E. It is much more tempting to take a peak the way you posted it. Did you see the video?

posted on Jan, 19 2010 @ 11:48 PM
reply to post by antar

Thank you E. It is much more tempting to take a peak the way you posted it. Did you see the video?


It is quite possible that resonance could be built up in Fault Lines using low frequency electromagnetic radiation.

Harmonics is the key study in this particular instance, and that is self reinforcing waves that increase the wavefront with each oscillation.

A good example of such can be seen here:


posted on Jan, 19 2010 @ 11:58 PM
That was cool, made me think about how the effects of these types of technologies can and will affect human beings and animals. Could this be why the aquatic life has been going through so much stress in the past few years? I also am reminded of the migration of birds being thrown off course as well.

posted on Jan, 20 2010 @ 12:00 AM
In order to understand this Debacle, we must know several key things.

This entire enterprise is a money making operation.

The powers that Be are running out of money, because the cost of keeping the populous asleep is growing by the day.

Propaganda is expensive, as are wars of conquest to secure resources.

The Carbon Trading scheme was an attempt to make money.

You set up the carbon trading company, and you invest heavily in it.

You scare the UN into adopting Carbon trading, and you get rich off the investment.

The H1N1 scare was the same methodology.

You invest in the pharmaceutical company, you create the scare and attempt to mandate the vaccine, and then you get rich off of the investment.

The Haitian earthquake is the same thing.

The board of the red cross is appointed by the President of the united states.

People from key companies are appointed to make sure that Red Cross money is spent on products from those companies.

You invest in those companies, and then you create your little earthquake.

You convince people to donate to the red cross, and the red cross (With its implanted Corporate CEO's) spend these donations on products from those specific companies.

Your initial investment in those companies makes you rich.

This is known as "Insider Trading"

What do you think?


posted on Jan, 20 2010 @ 12:08 AM
Don't mean to keep bugging you here, but I find this thread fascinating and very important. I was watching a History Channel show on EQs tonight, specifically the San Andreas Fault, and the experts say it is a 99% chance of a major EQ within the next 30 years, but if this technology is being used then I fear it just may happen much sooner if not in the immediate future.

I cannot imagine if it happens between Northern Calif and Southern, if we cant see aid and order brought to the small area of Haiti in a timely manner, what of the millions in the San Andreas area?

Also one more thing and I will leave you alone, lol, is that it has been discussed that the area affected was so very concentrated in Portauprince that it raises suspicions in and of that fact alone. Just as the sound was set at the glass in the above video demonstration, what do you think of the possibility that this Haiti EQ was used in this kind of manner?

Had this been a natural phenomena it would have caused at least a small tsunami right?

posted on Jan, 20 2010 @ 12:14 AM
You said :

You convince people to donate to the red cross, and the red cross (With its implanted Corporate CEO's) spend these donations on products from those specific companies.

Your initial investment in those companies makes you rich.

And I have to not only agree but also say that this is as good a reason based on common sense to understand why they would not allow goods and services to be brought into the affected area. Also why they are attempting to divert any aid through surrounding countries instead of directly dropping?

I think your explaination says it all.

Edit to say, that this is also more than likely the reason for the big push to send money only, no diapers, food, water, clothing, medical supplies. In other words nothing that will bemost needed in the imediate.

Yes you have my full support for your theory, I dont even want to call it a theory, lol.

[edit on 20-1-2010 by antar]

posted on Jan, 20 2010 @ 12:20 AM
reply to post by antar

Had this been a natural phenomena it would have caused at least a small tsunami right?

Tsunami's are caused by the displacement of large volumes of water.

Underwater eruptions, Sub Aquatic Subduction Fault Slips, and such.

The epicenter of the Haiti earthquake was located 6-10 km below the surface, and as such would not have displaced any water, man made or not.


posted on Jan, 20 2010 @ 12:21 AM
reply to post by antar

Yes you have my full support for your theory, I dont even want to call it a theory, lol.

Thank you...

I should note, that the Scientific Definition of a "Theory" is *NOT* an unfounded hypothesis...

A Scientific Theory is a Field of Study.


posted on Jan, 20 2010 @ 12:21 AM
OK good night thankyou for the information.
Keep up the good work, keep putting 2+2 together.

posted on Jan, 20 2010 @ 12:39 AM
very good very good i get it

posted on Jan, 20 2010 @ 03:11 AM
the weird thing about this is the day this happend i was watching the news and bush said i quote " People that are concerned about haiti dont send blankets, clothes, or food, just send your cash" thats a weird way to put it dont you think? he didnt even say send a donation like the rest of us would say. i think that this was a man made event to some how or some way gain the us more controle.

posted on Jan, 20 2010 @ 03:21 AM
Nobody on this earth is safe anymore from these Mass-Murderers of the Globalists. You never know where they will strike next those international super-powers of big time loosers, cause they sold their souls for fools gold. . Haiti was very calculated, contracted earthquake, man made. Already in- vading by usa, playing cops of the world. Blackwater also was there, their super soldiers. (Montague experiment) Haiti probably will end up in the hands of England, Roth..., Shell-oil. We are looking at international killing machine holding humanity for randsom, population control very calculated WW3, killing half a million people with one strike for money, resources, land & sometimes desperation. . Tsunami 2004 was no different, same with Katrina. You bet relief-donations go into their coffers always too. Remember Bush & Clinton begging for donations every time? Like always, they are laughing all the way to the bank. . OK, you guys want more facts, just add them up like you are doing, a real good job by now. I guess, after always the same, same old, same old, one does wake up sooner or later, its always right in your face anyway. . . ==================================== The all-of-a-sudden investment opportunity, valuable Indian Ocean coastal property opened up to global investment and industry -- small property holders and their claims no longer a problem -- thanks to "Tsunami redevelopment" Smart money goes to reconstruction of Indian Ocean coastal properties -- available for a song -- most already vacated. Vast inflow of funds for reconstruction will make corporate investment all the easier and cheaper. And best of all, no insurgents shooting at you or trying to blow you up -- your investments will be treated as humanitarian development aid.

posted on Jan, 20 2010 @ 03:23 AM
Update!(I think)

A Dutch newspaper reported this today; "The earthquake in Haiti was a US experiment"
Writes the Venezuelan ministry of communication and information.

The ministry bases this on the Northern Russian submarine fleet which would follow a US fleet in the Caribbean.(where Haiti is

According to the Venezuelan ministry , a Russian test showed that the US caused the quake with their "earthquakeweapons'
The ministry states that the US has been perfecting this weapon since the '70ies with great development.
And that one of the next targets will be Iran.

AMSTERDAM - De aardbeving in Haïti is veroorzaakt door een experiment van de Verenigde Staten. Dat schrijft het Venezolaanse ministerie van Communicatie en Informatie.

Het ministerie baseert zich op onderzoek van de Noordelijke Russische Vloot, die vlootbewegingen van de VS in de Caribische Zee, waar Haïti ligt, zou volgen. Het Russische onderzoek heeft volgens het Venezolaanse ministerie uitgewezen dat de Amerikaanse marine met een van zijn 'aardbevingswapens' de beving teweeg heeft gebracht.

Het ministerie stelt dat de Amerikanen sinds het eind van de jaren 70 hun 'aardbevingswapens' enorm hebben verbeterd. Een van de volgende doelwitten is Iran, aldus het Venozolaanse ministerie van Communicatie en Informatie.

I initially wanted to start a thread, but as a new member you'll first have to have 20 posts before you may start one ?! wow ..... the stuff discussed isn't that important I guess ? kiddin

Cheers Ruben from Holland

p.s. If someone with more then 20 posts want's to make a thread out of this, please do so !

[edit on 20-1-2010 by TheFaceless]

posted on Jan, 20 2010 @ 03:29 AM
i wouldnt doubt it. i also herd that a while back the u.s tried to take out the haitain race because they thought they were wortheless. i think i herd this on ats, but i could be wrong. any one with a follow up on this please comment.

posted on Jan, 20 2010 @ 05:01 AM
the F section of the Red Cross Ethic Code Prohibits any interest this is not interest do you name it?Red Cross Ethic Code

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