First off, I am excited to find this ATS website and find people with their eyes open, minds working, and guard up! Very refreshing. This revelation
of Big Oil in Haiti does not surprise me. Everything "they" do is calculated, and cold, with the WIIFM formula! What's in it for me!
After all OIL......
Liberation was the samo samo. I believe Haiti probably was targeted for the oil and it's
position geographically as stated, and other sinister reasons we have not figured out yet.
As my mother used to say "the whole thing is" is that they will do what they want to do, when they want to do it. There are people that make things
happen (that's them), people that watch things happen (all of us), and people who wonder what the hell just happened (those in Haiti right now!)
Okay here comes my long belabored point from a biblical perspective. WE are all living on the EDGE of Eternity! As it was in the days of Noah, so
shall it be in the last days of man. Eating and drinking, and building and marrying etc. and then sudden destruction comes upon them (us). We are
told He will come as a thief in the night, and that is only to those who are not expecting Him!
The Haiti dilemma, is just 1 of many coming soon for all of us everywhere!
Our dilemma from a personal perspective is that we cannot fix every problem that evil planners and doers keep concocting for the world. Each person
can do their part of helping their fellow man at a personal level though, and should! Love thy neighbor as thyself.
Here is what we all need to do. We all need the FULL ARMOR of God! To withstand the wiles of the devil. He is a roaring lion wandering about,
seeking whom he can devour!
The plans for all of us food wasters is more and more obvious every day. With the disasters we see, which is planned chaos, "they" always have the
Soon a National Sunday Law will be enacted, as it is already being proposed and has taken effect in Germany as an example. This will be the answer to
God supposedly causing all of the calamities on the earth, and if we get everyone to worship on Sunday He will be happy again, and the disasters will
mellow out. Then the lie of 1000 years of peace on earth or "age of Aquarius" will begin.
Why is everything bad considered an "act of God"! Here it comes.............. are you ready???? Who you worship is the Mark of the Beast! See Rev
13:15 it's a matter of worship who will get the mark, of the beast system!
One more passage I have to write this one out, sorry atheists! Romans 6:16 Know ye not, that to whom ye yield yourselves to obey, his servants ye
are to whom you obey, whether sin unto death or obedience unto righteousness. You must watch the 3 short videos at the back of my blog it will all come together for you.
All of these disasters, and they're gonna keep coming with more frequency, are part of the tribulation, and these last days of earth's history. Do
not believe the fiction book Left Behind series! It will be anything but a secret rapture! ALL eyes will see and all ears will hear, it will be loud
and proud.
His rewards are with Him! Either a crown of Life to wear for an eternity, or no crown because you will not exist for an eternity. First being
consumed by the brightness of His coming, and then in the 2nd resurrection being judged 1000 years later, when Jesus returns with His saints who were
caught up (raptured) in the 1st resurrection which is soon to take place!
So again we all need to be ready. You need to know this information about the Mark of the Beast truth. It is not a chip! Pray for the people of
Haiti! Pray for those in this world that are on the fence and still can hear the truth.
He does not want to lose 1 of us! He wants us all to be with Him for eternity!
I went deep because I care for all of you who are searching for truth and wisdom, and it is more precious than rubies or gold!