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Haiti (Deep Conspiracy)

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posted on Jan, 19 2010 @ 03:51 PM

Originally posted by dangerish
reply to post by djusdjus

Your trust for corporate filth is highly offensive to me. Sorry your upset DJ but this is the tip of the iceburg when it comes to the scam that is the Red Cross. Don't be naive, what better way to launder money and advance an agenda than to put a halo on it and say your doing good deeds. That way people like you get disgusted and angry when someone quetions a motive

Apparently there is an even bigger coincidence in relation to the crisis in Haiti. Our Gov't have been setting up for a disaster like this for 3 years with a hi tech networking system to coordinate relief efforts. SOUTHCOM was preparing to test it's new system with A SCENARIO THAT INVOLEVED A HURRICANE IN HAITI ON THE SAME DAY! Since disaster struck on the day they were planning to do a test run anyway, they decide to just go ahead and go live and use the fully operational system. SO MANY COINCIDENCES, so few open's the link...

I'm sorry but you are writing text into my sentiment where there isn't any. THis is egregious on your part and dispicable to say the least.

An incredible display of self involvement.

TO YOU AND YOUR ILK. You are looking for evil where there is none. Do you think some people won't take advantage of a bad situation? Of course they will, there are plenty of wicked minded people out there. Do you think people aren't so stupid they don't think there idiotic faith is behind the doings here? Of course not, there are plenty of people who have great faith and lack fundamental humanity.

Do you think it's appropriate to twist what someone says to fit a construct you create in order to throw bile and vitriol at them?

You sir need to check yourself and practice some reading comprehension.

Disgusting display of ignorance on your part chasing silly coincidences and believing the worst of people.

People have died, a country is ruined and you are tracing lines on bits of nonsense in the hopes of what? HOW DOES THAT HELP IN ANY WAY WHATSOEVER?

Utter failure in thinking, never mind critical error. Mind you, this place seems to attract a lot of your ilk in that respect.

As to the OP and his "What If" idea. Sorry, not good enough. It is a juvenile pretext and is disinformation period.

10's pf 1000's are dead. And what is it you want to talk about? Lawyers at the red cross? Theirs red cross staffers on the ground helping right now. What have you done? What are you doing? What do you intend to do to help?

This thread is not helping, it's breeding stupidity.

posted on Jan, 19 2010 @ 03:53 PM

Originally posted by godfish
Has anyone heard a pip out of Dominican republic? There should have been damage there too?
Why only Haiti?

for pete's sake. Yes the DR has sent people in to help. The epicenter of the quake was practically in Port Au Prince.

It's not an island the size of a city, it's a huge island with Haiti in the quake area. People in the DR felt it, but the epicenter was no where near the DR.

pick up a map and a newspaper sometime.

posted on Jan, 19 2010 @ 03:55 PM
I totally agree that charities are conning people. I never give to them.

A bloke I once knew was a local agent for a big charity. He went around collecting the money from tubs left in shops. He would simply pour the cash into the back of his car. Later you would see him use the same money to buy stuff for himself.

I have been known to give to the Salvation Army, I have no proof but for me they seem more genuine than some of the other high brow charities.

Regarding the situation in Haiti.... they are saying they cant get aid in becuase the airport is clogged..... but imo you dont need to land to distribute food aid.... just launch it out the back of a plane as it flys over.

posted on Jan, 19 2010 @ 04:09 PM
reply to post by djusdjus

My ilk will not rest until truth is revealed. Maybe my reply about the coincidences is more far-fetched than you care to entertain, but the OP showed pretty proof positive how those members of Board of Directors will personally benefit from this disaster. And my reading comprehension?...Did you even read the article I posted? Stick with the insults DJ, I'm gonna be over here trying to stop these guys from doing anything like this again. But by all means, send them a donation. Hey I heard Halliburton is asking for donations for clean-up of the disaster in Iraq...maybe you should get on board with that too.

posted on Jan, 19 2010 @ 04:14 PM
reply to post by djusdjus

Oh we have a live Troll here!
So good to meet you, but you really need to take your anger and two dollar words else where.

posted on Jan, 19 2010 @ 04:44 PM
reply to post by godfish

uhh not defending anyone but the person you are calling a troll seems to have a lot of common sense whats your angle??
just curious no ill will intended well not yet

the dr did report feeling the quake in fact so did Cuba from my understanding. they have a valid point the island haiti is on is quite large and damage from quakes is often reflected by its depth as well as its seizmic rating correct???
to much troll bashing we are all trolls here it seems just looking for info to bite at...
Be well

posted on Jan, 19 2010 @ 04:44 PM
reply to post by Edrick

I know this is a small little observation, but did anyone ever notice that the symbol for the Red Cross is....A Red Cross!! Just like the Knights Templar. And since the Savior of the World died on a cross stained red with blood, what better of an anti-christ symbol of the destroyers of the world than a red cross.

Anti-christ means a replacement christ, not the opposite of Christ, but a stand in fake if you will.

The red cross...what a shame.

[edit on 19-1-2010 by Dallas1611]

posted on Jan, 19 2010 @ 05:06 PM

Originally posted by triplescorpio
reply to post by godfish

uhh not defending anyone but the person you are calling a troll seems to have a lot of common sense whats your angle??
just curious no ill will intended well not yet

the dr did report feeling the quake in fact so did Cuba from my understanding. they have a valid point the island haiti is on is quite large and damage from quakes is often reflected by its depth as well as its seizmic rating correct???
to much troll bashing we are all trolls here it seems just looking for info to bite at...
Be well

My angle? I just asked a question about damage in DR, I know they felt it... why is the news not talking about other damage? 7.0 is a good quake, there should be more, like a picture falling off a wall, an old man tripping and breaking his hip?

So a site about digging in to secrets is not the place to ask a question? And no we are not all trolls only some of you are here to divert the issue and cloud the topic by starting fights. Oh and I didn't start this topic I only made the mistake of asking a question.

America is one scam on top of another, I know I live here and if there is a dime to be stolen the government will see that some corp will get it.

posted on Jan, 19 2010 @ 05:10 PM
Nice thread for Pete's sake

Yes there has been a huge loss of life, I have personally gave money to help people in Haiti and I hope it finds and helps them, but this was a conspiracy site the last time I looked, people have given links to things that are a little more than fishy, if one doesn't like it then one ought to sling ones hook ..



posted on Jan, 19 2010 @ 05:20 PM
reply to post by godfish

dont play slippery with me

your calling trolls and what not yes conspiracy site no doubt thats why were here so .... DONT try to corner me im not a dog i dont bite or panic .
i simply read a post that gave valid info you dont agree. so im onesided ?and not participating properly? we cant all agree but that doesnt mean there a troll
dang it i promised i wouldnt defend anyone .
But common sense is fleeting quickly in a lot of areas here do we have to assume the outlandish just to fit the conspiracy mold the world paints could it be there is room for simple answers. I live in NYC well right by it on the island i know all to well how the great nation bends us over to take it deep. questions are how we learn calling people trolls ishow we get stupider(not a word just a joke) im not yelling mad or anything i just really thought the post that set this off was quite valid. Bad on me..
anyways as before be well

[edit on 19-1-2010 by triplescorpio]

[edit on 19-1-2010 by triplescorpio]

[edit on 19-1-2010 by triplescorpio]

[edit on 19-1-2010 by triplescorpio]

posted on Jan, 19 2010 @ 05:22 PM
reply to post by godfish

When the Earthquake happened, I think I remember hearing that the DR had some damage, but it was no where near that of Haiti. I think it might have been because they are not as poor, and have some building codes. Hence the damage wouldn't be as bad.

I wouldn't quote me on any of that though.

It is kind of odd, now that I think about it, that everything is about Haiti. I would expect it would receive most of the attention, since it was the closest to the epicenter, but I would have also expected a little blip here and there about the other countries in the area.

posted on Jan, 19 2010 @ 05:25 PM
reply to post by harrytuttle

What you wrote, I some what agree with it. But this is the problem mostly in USA/Britain and a few western Countries. Other than that where I come from, it is not a problem. Corruption is every where but in US they rip you off blindly.
In US you cannot go above your supervisor and supervisor cannot go above his Manager, but in the 3rd world if you are a small person you can still meet the head of State. I can give you my personal experiences that it never took me even a formal request for meeting. I just walked to the person. If he was busy I was told to wait. If I couldn't wait then I could make appointment. Here in this country I cannot even meet the Mayor without any appointment and the reasons behind it. Just like Mafia scared for their life they cannot trust any one.
What the elites doing in this country, they have to be scared for their life. In 3rd world countries you don't have to be connected with elite.

posted on Jan, 19 2010 @ 05:25 PM
Not an expert on the OP or the Red Cross connection,...

But I think you MIGHT want to check on any connection with covert operations or CIA. They are notorious for infiltrating groups that do humanitarian work around the world, and I'm sure that makes it a much riskier business for a lot of groups like the Peace Corp who probably have people detained for spying all the me.

Does anyone remember Susan Lindauer?
"For five years, I was the poster child for President Bush's retaliation against Americans who opposed his War Policy in Iraq. In March, 2004 the Justice Department indicted me for acting as an "unregistered Iraqi Agent" (not espionage), because I delivered a prescient letter to my second cousin, Andy Card, former Chief of Staff to President Bush, warning of the dire consequences of War.

I'm not sure that the Red Cross "charity" is really lucrative enough for members of Goldman Sacks. Seriously, if all the phone calls and charity going to Haiti disaster relief were skimmed off to benefit a former CEO like Hank Paulson and that were his ONLY bonus for the year, the guy might jump from a tall building for the shock and depression of having to be so humiliated.

I think I'd be much more willing to believe that these Goldman Sacks and other well healed people were on boards like the Red Cross because CIA inc., is all about making sure that people in these countries work for peanuts, and that peanuts stay cheap.

Destroying Haiti with an earth quake takes away from working people to death -- so I don't see the economic interest. GS and others already OWN our government, and if they wanted more money -- they'd just be printing it.

It seems like too much work for too little money. Haiti is just a low-wage haven for companies, and they don't represent anything other than a DESTINATION for other people and economies. If people in Detroit and Alabama had an earthquake and then had to be paid what the Haitians do to "create an economic incentive for business" then I might see the point of bothering to produce an earth quake. The disaster in Haiti is due to a crumbling infrastructure -- NOT to an earthquake. When you take so much from a people -- then they slightest problem becomes a catastrophe. They can't even move a bulldozer to pull rubble off of a daycare and they can't even run a generator to have lights at the hospital once they got the kids out.

Lot's of people are going to die, because they starved where they were trapped for weeks, and some people will die from shock on a simple broken leg, because NO doctor will be able to see them. The tragedy has been happening for decades and this is just the inevitable result and every place that has nothing, will experience the same thing when the inevitable natural calamity hits them.

posted on Jan, 19 2010 @ 05:27 PM
It most definitely is a conspiracy...

I used to work for many charities based out of a fundraising company handling both canada and usa clients, red cross being one of them...

Our client rep had informed us of a new campaign some 2 years ago that involved our contacts mailing out 10 forms to their friends and pitching them for money, with their own stamps...

Thats when I realised they're only in it for the money, having each of their donars reach out to 10 more getting 10 times the amount of revenue for the charity...

The administration fee goes directly to the CEO and most employees are volunteers...

We as a fundraising office got contracts in the hundred thousands based on numbers, we had to generate x number of dollars per hour or else we lose the client...

I dont trust organizations that do things like that...

And that is also why I finally exploded and fired myself last july...

posted on Jan, 19 2010 @ 05:35 PM
reply to post by bigyin

Even when you go to the super market they ask for money for every thing you could possibly imagine. "Money for a cure for cancer", they ask. I ask them if I will get it for free if they ever discover the pharmaceutical profitable cure?

Plus their is effective treatments that are ignored as they can not be patented. Like if you take 50 mg per day of Iodine you can't get breast cancer!

posted on Jan, 19 2010 @ 05:37 PM
reply to post by riddle6

i agree its odd but the epicenter isnt haiti its in haiti port au prince and since the damage there is so much worse then anywheres else that will be the media and releif focus ya know.
I am curious what you think s behind the focus on haiti? i think its political know doubt i think america is reeping the oportunity of disaster in a region where WE HAVE SO MANY FINACIAL AND MILITARY INTERESTS I DONT BELEIVE IT WAS AN EARTHQUAKE MACHINE AS SUGGESTED SORRY for the caps i left them on not yelling at you. my bad!!

posted on Jan, 19 2010 @ 05:38 PM
Not that it's very unusual, but I work at Starbucks, and we're currently offering donations to Haiti, through the red cross, with every purchase.

posted on Jan, 19 2010 @ 05:39 PM
This might be something, it might be nothing... But when you look for Haiti's natural resources on the CIA website you get the good old Error 404 page every other page seems to be working fine, just a bit peculiar I believe..

posted on Jan, 19 2010 @ 05:58 PM

Originally posted by dgtempe
Well i gave to the Red Cross and i gave what i could. My heart and Karma are in the right place and if some elitist b@@tard wants to take the dough and add it to their build a bunk foundation, so be it.

I trust some force higher than us will take care of them.

Your heart is in the right place.
Despite the corporate connections at the top there are good people volunteering for the Red Cross at the bottom that have no connection to the elitist f***tards. Pardon my spelling. With any of these things you have to give with a certain amount of trust and if you don't feel the trust, find another venue to contribute.

posted on Jan, 19 2010 @ 06:04 PM
reply to post by mopusvindictus

you guys should go on you tube and check out zeitgeist federal reserve and other zeitgeist on you tube,
I think we should donate clothes food and water if we can ,giving money to the red cross is gonna do nothing, I think they tried messing up Wyclef John's donation organization he's the one i heard of first to donate to but now The red cross is eveywhere like its a competition to make more money, I am abslutley positive these people are in it for the money and its sad, this world is going to destroy itself in a few years especially with the help of the media.

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