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Major Event: The Greatest Movie Ever Produced on Earth

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posted on Jan, 12 2010 @ 07:00 AM
hmmmm.. thank you Unleashed for the entertaining threads, well written and thought provoking to a degree but why start yet another thread? Questions have been asked in previous threads, why not simply answer them there? We are all here (ATS) for a reason and that is we are all on our own personal journeys of enlightenment whether this be about science, God, 911 whatever...

And as much as I enjoy your writing style and ideas, they are a little preachy (sorry), why not credit everyone with the open minds that brought them here, spill what you know and then let's discuss it. The dragging out of ideas and beliefs takes the polish off these threads for me, I prefer to pull my own pud (my analogy) so if may be so bold to ask that you don't create any more threads on this subject please and get all the info out in this one and lets have a good discussion - what do you say?



posted on Jan, 12 2010 @ 07:01 AM
sounds like a rehashed interpretation of biblical stories re creation and end time prophecy.

Nice take on it though, seriously. Very eloquent.

posted on Jan, 12 2010 @ 07:29 AM

I often think that the near future is going to be so spectacular that we will really not have any words in the human language to describe it!

Has anyone heard that Chinese people didn't need to come up with the word airplane because it was already in their language. I think there may be words to describe it. If this is all cyclical, then I believe people have witnessed this before. I have good reason to believe the words were passed down, but sadly the meanings have been forgotten.

posted on Jan, 12 2010 @ 07:30 AM
reply to post by Unleashed68

I just want to thank you for taking the time to make these threads and answer these questions. Your efforts are appreciated and we hope you have not suffered too many -karma points for doing so.

Just a few questions (EDITED for clarity):

1) Are you saying that the most evil (or what we perceive as evil) people on this Earth have agreed beforehand to play the villain? Example: Will Joseph Stalin be able to redeem his soul for the "atrocities" he committed during this play?

2) Are we all going to meet up eventually and discuss the play? Am I going to be able to speak with person X and joke and laugh with them? What about pets of ours who we share an intimate relationship with?

3) Is there any way possible for us to alter the character we have chosen to play? Can any person or group of people actually change what is to come?

4) Why are you telling us these things considering we know it already? Why are you appeasing our wonders while we have chosen to take this role of forgetting? Doesn't this make anything you say, in a sense, pointless?

Thanks again for your time, hope you can answer these soon.

[edit on 12/1/2010 by Dark Ghost]

posted on Jan, 12 2010 @ 07:36 AM
This topic reminds me of the Hidden_Hand one, I got quite ill after reading that lot though...

Some interesting points and definitely food for thought. I work as a software engineer by trade so I can relate to a lot of what you are saying as I have always held the belief that computer technology is a mere expression of our thought processes put into physical form (albiet a limited 1 dimensional form).

But the ideas and basis for this technology had to be inherited from somewhere, that place being the very universe we live in (both seen and unseen).

You can think of everything as being part of one living computer system that interacts on many levels, where a thought process is like a piece of software being created, evolving and adapting to the environment it's in.

posted on Jan, 12 2010 @ 07:43 AM
Seems like a bit of religion bashing IMO, being replaced by, as others have mentioned new age mysticism.

Im a christian, and to say the least (impo) Jesus was a perfect archetype of what human beings can strive to be like, something i do, but fail as i am human and fallible in the ultimate sense. This however does not mean i cannot strive for the best for everyone i interact with as well as the Human race.

Your post seems to want to allow everyone impunity from wrong doings, based on the fact that everything is predetermined and we have no choice, yet should exercise free will?? What THE!?? Confused much? They are going to judge themselves apparently.. Satanist believe they are their own Gods and believe in no one GOD judging their actions. sounds a bit like what you are saying imo.

I know i am double posting, but as soon as i read your second or third anger filled post defending your views - something you shouldn't do when trying to promote a new way of living - it ruined your credibility for anything you have or will say in future. Then i started to see the you pushing your own misconceptions ...

IMHO - you're a self proclaiming, know-it-all, totalitarian bigot. You stole ideologies from Christianity, not to mention any other religion that relates end times and prophetic judgments or Messiahs (that much is obvious) and are trying to pass them off as some kind of "epiphany" that you or some other mystical noob trying to make a name for themselves has.

Rewording already written, accepted (by some) religious texts is called plagiarism.

You are no prophet, nor are you shedding any new light, you are a sham - who does not like substantiating their own claims. Anyone who preaches that certain accepted ideology frameworks are false based on no historical evidence or reference and pure speculation is not only foolish, but are opening a can of worms and destroying your credibility.

Want me to let you in on something; "Christians they have been fooled for centuries" is what the apparent "illuminati" preach, i might add, from what i have read - this organization is Anti-Christian and anti-Semitic, they apparently praise Satan - though who knows what is true in relation to this. I have read some outlandish things in my time, some even saying that Jesus was EVIL, some of these were written by new agers. Im not pointing the finger, but im definitely calling you back to your own words for a bit of well deserved reflection.

You sound like a new age evangelist which as all other have, have stolen ideas from anywhere you think people might take seriously and tried to pass them off as NEW whilst wording them differently in the vain hope that people who have not researched religions in depth, will overlook and not question you, nor recognise your plagiaristic writings.

Next time you start bashing religions in place of your own unfounded mystic view, be prepared for rebuttal. I saw you write that any negative comments should not be posted here - Well, wouldn't that be easy for you, to not have to substantiate any of your claims or accusations/assumptions/suppositions. If only LIFE was so easy. Perhaps you should wake up from your "matrix" rip-off ideological mindset and see that you have no idea, past what anyone else has in regards to this (including me).

I got definite hints and undertones of a massive event, seemingly wiping out humankind as we know it. FYI, this is apparently called the final judgment as has been written by many religious prophets and scholars of many different religions.

I too am interested in how far this new (not really, at all) mystic view travels, as i am sure that anyone here with a skeptical mind will more than likely find an originating source other than what you will admit.

[edit on 12-1-2010 by FeralMonkeyMagic]

posted on Jan, 12 2010 @ 07:47 AM

Originally posted by ATC_GOD
reply to post by KeeperOfGenisis

I am sad/sour and believe only my on BS? My own BS? Really? Most folks call that BS reality.

This guy has no basis for anything he is saying. And if you actually look at it with a critical eye you can find contradictions all throughout his posts.

Not only that, but he speaks as if he is the knower of all. I am at a loss as why folks are attempting to attack me and be nasty for simply questioning the legitimacy of this horse poopies.

Because, make no mistake, thats what it is.

I will say again.

We are not special. Things are what they are. Are there things we cant explain? Sure there are. Is everyone in the scientific community being completely objective about new discoveries and revealing that information? No way Jose. Do we have potential that may be untapped as a species? Possibly. Are there aliens that know about earth and visit? Probably.

These are just a few of my thoughts. Hardly closed minded.

I burned my box a long time ago, BUT I will not idly sit by and listen to useless drivel, with no basis of support, stated with an arrogance that transends rationale.

And for those of you that are defending this guy. Thats exactly what you are doing. Well not exactly, you are listening, accepting and defending it.


So, we should all ignore the OP views and treat them as BS.........and accept your views that we are nothing special, mereley specks on a speck??

Oh the irony

posted on Jan, 12 2010 @ 08:09 AM
Go tp bed for awhile and a few criticizers jump in and post more negative challenges to make themselves feel.....??? I guess to feel like they are somehow a matter of importance by challenge. Well, I leanred a long time ago that there will always be contenders looking to take a shot, well, back to sleep for awhile again.

posted on Jan, 12 2010 @ 08:13 AM

If people understand this to be true, I have the mathmatical proof! To support my claim!

posted on Jan, 12 2010 @ 08:26 AM
reply to post by Argyll

Really? Is that what I am doing? Trying to make you believe an ideology? Hmm.

Thanks for the laughy face too. Amazing how rude some folks are, based on twisting words around.

I simply stated my belief. That we are nothing special, we are what we are. And I am sure it has been proven that in this thing we call existence we are pretty small (size wise) in all of creation.

I am not spitting out a bunch of outlandish info with no basis of proof as if it is factual, or presenting it in a matter that would suggest it is FACT.

What I did do, was state a FACT. Proven fact. The Universe is HUGE and earth in comparison is just a tiny little thing to other celestial bodies within it. We are tiny compared to the size of Earth so where does that put us.

A speck on a speck... right? Or am I missing something?

[edit on 12-1-2010 by ATC_GOD]

posted on Jan, 12 2010 @ 08:32 AM
reply to post by ATC_GOD

He is trying to tell you to bring across your opinions more politely, this is a forum, not the Middle East. If you can't see how rude you are in your opinions I suggest you get some therapy because your posting is very arrogant and not offering any frienfly input on aly level, so I agree with the others, if you can't be nice, expect others to call you on it.

posted on Jan, 12 2010 @ 08:35 AM

Originally posted by Unleashed68
Go tp bed for awhile and a few criticizers jump in and post more negative challenges to make themselves feel.....??? I guess to feel like they are somehow a matter of importance by challenge. Well, I leanred a long time ago that there will always be contenders looking to take a shot, well, back to sleep for awhile again.

There is also alot of people have asked questions. You might try and answer some.

posted on Jan, 12 2010 @ 08:36 AM

Originally posted by Unleashed68
Go tp bed for awhile and a few criticizers jump in and post more negative challenges to make themselves feel.....??? I guess to feel like they are somehow a matter of importance by challenge. Well, I leanred a long time ago that there will always be contenders looking to take a shot, well, back to sleep for awhile again.

They're only negative if you fail to see fault/potential fault in your own words.

If you think you are not going to get some less than supportive comments back on something that many people will find obtuse, then you are certainly a "special" kinda' guy.

Are you also saying that to be "important" you need to challenge, or not challenge? Im only asking as i am building a picture of you psychologically, ill let you in on a little secret... You sound like a field day for any well trained psychologist.

Im curious as to what you think non-supporters are wanting to "take a shot at" - are you claiming that you are the irrefutable all-knowing leader of this new magical mystical way of life/belief system? UH OH! some one needs to pull their head out of their bum.

Also, what is the name you are going to try and sell books under this ideology as? Becuase "2012

posted on Jan, 12 2010 @ 08:41 AM
I just noticed that a few of the replies here get little stars and the fellas wanting to be belligerent with their replies are adding more stars for each other. What purpose would one or a few have to try and make themselves little stars in their replies? What motive? Lol, some here seriously need psychological help, lol. For the most part, 80% of the replies came from calm, sane and decent friednly folk, but there always has to be a few who try to incite a riot lol. I know why.

They want to be a part of a top thread somehow because it makes them feel apart of something, awe, okay, add your little stars to your little negative replies lol. Am I igniting the fuel yet? Lol, I enjoy this.

posted on Jan, 12 2010 @ 08:42 AM

Originally posted by FeralMonkeyMagic
Seems like a bit of religion bashing IMO, being replaced by, as others have mentioned new age mysticism.

Im a christian, and to say the least (impo) Jesus was a perfect archetype of what human beings can strive to be like, something i do, but fail as i am human and fallible in the ultimate sense. This however does not mean i cannot strive for the best for everyone i interact with as well as the Human race.

Firstly, I just want to say that I respect your views but disagree with them. Your perception of God or Jesus is very likely based off the notions of another person that has conditioned you to believe in this manner. What makes your views the truth or right? How can YOU be 100% certain that you have not been deceived into believing something that is not true.

Your post seems to want to allow everyone impunity from wrong doings, based on the fact that everything is predetermined and we have no choice, yet should exercise free will?? What THE!?? Confused much? They are going to judge themselves apparently.. Satanist believe they are their own Gods and believe in no one GOD judging their actions. sounds a bit like what you are saying imo.

One could argue that God/Jesus is trying to uphold impunity from wrong doings. God knew Satan would exist. God knew Satan would corrupt his angels. God knew that his creations would suffer excruciating pain and suffering because of their failure to believe in something (Him) that they truly cannot understand.

I know i am double posting, but as soon as i read your second or third anger filled post defending your views - something you shouldn't do when trying to promote a new way of living - it ruined your credibility for anything you have or will say in future. Then i started to see the you pushing your own misconceptions ...

I agree his behaviour was undesirable. I am sure he has learned from this experience. After all, didn't God ever make a mistake?

IMHO - you're a self proclaiming, know-it-all, totalitarian bigot. You stole ideologies from Christianity, not to mention any other religion that relates end times and prophetic judgments or Messiahs (that much is obvious) and are trying to pass them off as some kind of "epiphany" that you or some other mystical noob trying to make a name for themselves has.

I think you feel deep down that the OP's views are very offensive to your own beliefs. You cannot fathom that the things you believe to be true might not be certain. I am not saying you are wrong, but it is obvious that you have some kind of bias to believe and want to defend the views you have convinced yourself are true.


Why did God create us with the ability to doubt him and deviate from his ways? He knows what we will choose, still gives us Free Will but it makes no difference. Don't you see that this sense of Free Will is an illusion? God KNOWS beforehand what you will choose the instant you are created. According to you, God knows EVERYTHING and ANYTHING because it all comes from Him.

[edit on 12/1/2010 by Dark Ghost]

posted on Jan, 12 2010 @ 08:42 AM
reply to post by Unleashed68

Most have been respectful towards your opinions(which is what they are, after all) although it is true a few have questioned certain points and doubted certain others. However,on a medium such as this, that should certainly be expected...agreed?
And your oh-so-typical of internet forum boards responses to what you see as 'critisizers' only detracts from any 'message' you feel you are trying to share. You react more like someone on an NFL board arguing over Brett Favre or the collapse of the Patriots than you do someone with truly esoteric 'knowledge'.

As far as my opinion of your opening posts: it is fairly well written with little new content masked in abstract terms and a whole lot of meaningless fluff.Granted, most of us have posted silly things on the 'net that in retrospect leave us asking 'what the hell was I thinking'. Its likely in a few years you may in fact recall the truths of these words.

At any rate and with no sarcasm: good luck with your beliefs.

posted on Jan, 12 2010 @ 08:43 AM

Originally posted by Unleashed68
reply to post by ATC_GOD

He is trying to tell you to bring across your opinions more politely, this is a forum, not the Middle East. If you can't see how rude you are in your opinions I suggest you get some therapy because your posting is very arrogant and not offering any frienfly input on aly level, so I agree with the others, if you can't be nice, expect others to call you on it.

You must be American (no offense to most americans as i have no issues with any of you, just arrogant, ill-informed fools that come from many different global locales), as every person i know from the middle east is well mannered and polite as well as welcoming and understanding, though the American M.I complex has turned that place inside out - not to mention saturated western culture with Propaganda to support their reasons for stealing natural resources from the people that live their.

Perhaps you should take some counseling yourself for you live in a world where Mass Media saturation has tainted your perception of the real world.

it doesn't surprise me that you would agree with everyone else that people are being rude in relation to your post. As they are siding with you, wouldn't it be silly to agree with some one who has a differing opinion to your words? kinda counter productive.

As for rude, please see previous posts where you have defamed Christianity. Im pretty sure that is the height of arrogance and rude behavior.

posted on Jan, 12 2010 @ 08:46 AM

Originally posted by Unleashed68
reply to post by ATC_GOD

He is trying to tell you to bring across your opinions more politely, this is a forum, not the Middle East. If you can't see how rude you are in your opinions I suggest you get some therapy because your posting is very arrogant and not offering any frienfly input on aly level, so I agree with the others, if you can't be nice, expect others to call you on it.

Well then why not just say that? Because if I recall correctly he was insinuating that I in some way am trying to push my ideology on others. You are doing something worse than pushing an ideology, you are stating the horse poopies as reality, as if it is a definate reality.

Sounds to me like you are putting words into someone elses mouth. Just as everyone else is that is defending you.

Every single post that is slamming my view in some way are making up intentions as they go along.

Birds of a feather I guess... Have a great day!

[edit on 12-1-2010 by ATC_GOD]

posted on Jan, 12 2010 @ 08:47 AM

Originally posted by Unleashed68
I just noticed that a few of the replies here get little stars and the fellas wanting to be belligerent with their replies are adding more stars for each other. What purpose would one or a few have to try and make themselves little stars in their replies? What motive? Lol, some here seriously need psychological help, lol. For the most part, 80% of the replies came from calm, sane and decent friednly folk, but there always has to be a few who try to incite a riot lol. I know why.

They want to be a part of a top thread somehow because it makes them feel apart of something, awe, okay, add your little stars to your little negative replies lol. Am I igniting the fuel yet? Lol, I enjoy this.

Hi Unleashed,

Will you be replying to any of the questions raised or did you just create this thread to preach? The last two reponses you have given are not what I expected and reveal alot.

posted on Jan, 12 2010 @ 08:50 AM
reply to post by Unleashed68

WOW somones listening
Great write!
Great Mystery never stopped speaking to us, most have forgotten how to listen.

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