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Major Event: The Greatest Movie Ever Produced on Earth

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posted on Jan, 12 2010 @ 04:22 AM
reply to post by Unleashed68

Sorry, I've read such New Age drival before and am unimpressed, thank you. You seek a quantum change and you will receive it. What you receive, however will be your own demise.

I agree a change is comming, but the change will be based on a lie and deception. The seeming saviour you await will be evil personified and will result in death and distruction for those who follow the teachings you implore.

Some would rather believe a lie and be damned. Better to read God's word of the end times and be prepared to confront evil rather than embrase it.

posted on Jan, 12 2010 @ 04:55 AM
I have an idea. Lets just live. Enjoy all that life has to offer.

I want to make this clear. I am here at this site and will continue to open my mind to new ideas and thoughts. However, blind trust in something that is presented without a stitch of support, wildly outlandish and downright clearly self-serving at everyone elses expense is shameful.

This site and the members on it are very receptive to new thoughts and ideas. It is very refreshing to be able to come to a place and express your thoughts and ideas to like minded individuals.

It is VERY irritating to me when someone (I.E Unleashed among others) that come on here posting this stuff as if it is TRUTH. As if it is law. The nature of certain individuals on this site is to believe in the supernatural and the wierd stuff. Non mainstream if you will.

And for some one to come on and cook up a story to spoon feed thier ego is sickening.

Thats all this is people. Open your eyes, and you will see it.

posted on Jan, 12 2010 @ 05:06 AM

Originally posted by ATC_GOD
I have an idea. Lets just live. Enjoy all that life has to offer.

I want to make this clear. I am here at this site and will continue to open my mind to new ideas and thoughts. However, blind trust in something that is presented without a stitch of support, wildly outlandish and downright clearly self-serving at everyone elses expense is shameful.

This site and the members on it are very receptive to new thoughts and ideas. It is very refreshing to be able to come to a place and express your thoughts and ideas to like minded individuals.

It is VERY irritating to me when someone (I.E Unleashed among others) that come on here posting this stuff as if it is TRUTH. As if it is law. The nature of certain individuals on this site is to believe in the supernatural and the wierd stuff. Non mainstream if you will.

And for some one to come on and cook up a story to spoon feed thier ego is sickening.

Thats all this is people. Open your eyes, and you will see it.

You are just a sad sour individual who believes in nothing but your own BS and is happy too make fun of others belief systems.
You know what they say if you have nothing nice to say don't say anything!

[edit on 12-1-2010 by KeeperOfGenisis]

posted on Jan, 12 2010 @ 05:08 AM
reply to post by ATC_GOD

You have serious problems, possibly skitzophrenia as noted in your avatar, sorry life is so hopeless for you that your only happiness comes in telling everyone else here their own instincts are wrong and you are a God of truth who sees lies that they can not.

You are a true hero upon yourself. Funny, whenever a mass amount of people are encouraged by someone, there is always some idiot trying to tell them they are fools and are not capable of decisions. Get a life and move on, and learn to read, as they OP states, your negativity is not wanted, however, please continue as you are truly hilarious.

posted on Jan, 12 2010 @ 05:10 AM

You are just a sad sour individual who believes in nothing but your own BS and is happy too make fun of others belief systems

I share the sentiments, and I am sure many others do as well. Maybe one day he learn that constructive criticism as opposed to arrogance is a humble way to achieve a valid point of disagreemnt. Anyways, I am off for the night.

posted on Jan, 12 2010 @ 05:17 AM
Thank you Unleashed 68 for sparing the time to share. You could be spending time in self indulgent pleasures. Instead you choose to visit here and attempt to expand the thoughts of others. You message rings true with me. There never will be 'proof' until it happens. Maybe those who deny/fear it will recall these messages when the time comes, and so be less afraid then.

In 3 years time I will have achieved the average lifespan of 70 years.
I have grandchildren who aspire to do great things in their lifetime, so I empathise with the anxiety/denial expressed by that mother of children.
I am sad that their hopes are not to be realised, but appreciate that failure of expectations is an experience of a physical existance.
I have been fortunate to have had life in which I have had joy and sorrow in equal measure, and have learned why the 'bad things' happened. Life is a lesson to learn to expect the unexpected.

I am ready to go now, and even though my body told me that my time was up 2 years ago, I am doing all I can to physically preserve it so I can be here for the grand finale.

posted on Jan, 12 2010 @ 05:20 AM

Originally posted by I am i
The Theory of Everything


How do you create something from nothing?

Your theory is correct. You cannot create something from nothing. You cannot 'add to' or 'subtract' from the source. We are merely in the mind of the source. We will return to the source in the end. The thought is a millisecond for the source yet a million lifetimes for us.

posted on Jan, 12 2010 @ 05:26 AM
Can you tell me, unleashed , the source of your information. You state this is obviously not your own information at the start of the post. What is your inspiration for this ? Once again you are coming across as someone who has figured everything out about life and anyone who believes in something else is delusional.

Please explain your inspiration and why this is correct and everything else is not?

Thank you.


posted on Jan, 12 2010 @ 05:27 AM
reply to post by Unleashed68

the fate of a body that was never designed to experience immortality, just temporary illusion.

The above quote from you said it all.

Very good posts.

posted on Jan, 12 2010 @ 05:33 AM
You know, i have been very skeptic about all the 2012 predictions and world ending-new age-spirit body stuff. However, i have always on some level subconsciously hoped for such an event, since i have been fed up with the way the world is.

Now i recently lost my wife and feel there is nothing left to live for, so now i even consciously hope "the world will end" no later then 2012. Bring it on.

posted on Jan, 12 2010 @ 05:43 AM

Originally posted by KeeperOfGenisis

You are just a sad sour individual who believes in nothing but your own BS and is happy too make fun of others belief systems.
You know what they say if you have nothing nice to say don't say anything!

Except that the OP does not present a belief system for us to debate.

They present "Fact" and "Destiny" which affects everyone equally.

This is not a discussion about philosophy, but rather about the physics of reality itself and it's direction of flow. And how it affects us humans.

So his criticisms are actually just as valid as your blind acceptance. And I prefer to have a nice mix so things will balance out.

However skepticism is a good thing, if taken in moderation. Threads like this should definitely be where skepticism is applied.


Well maybe the last 500 of these threads got my hopes dashed a bit when NONE of the predictions came true.

Look I hope something cool happens in 2012 or whenever you guys think it will happen.

But I do not pretend to know the Universe to any extent, therefore it would be impossible for me, and HONEST person, to claim anything I did not know.

I agree with the sentiment that it is not possible to have this knowledge at this point. (For me at least, maybe you have inside sources?)

I know that I do not know. But I know that much!

posted on Jan, 12 2010 @ 05:44 AM
reply to post by Unleashed68

I find your most recent post very interesting.
But,this is a repeat.
What is on next week unleashed!
Last week it was doom and gloomavision, saw it already, This week is the Big show, seen it.
What is on next week?

Good read though, but you went old school bro! With all the New Age mysticism in there, kinda got the feel you were channeling Shamballa force mystic theory there.
That is so 1930's.
But as I said, seen it already.

The Earth has been broadcasting a major event and many spirits have chosen to temporarily manifest here to participate in this event. The physical inhabitants of the Earth throughout history have called for a Messiah, by thought alone, and their collective conscious has desired and called for a major event. This collective desire was and is for an event that involves a Messiah to exact justice against the injustices within the planet.

This is typical of New Age mysticism and matches Alice Bailey's writings in the Secret Doctrine and the Externalization of the Hierachy. You reference spirits that enter and manifest in some way in the physical plane etc which is also what New Age mystics express. Not to mention many other religions, which is interesting.
Are you using any of these philosophies in your writings?
Have they influenced you?
It is funny that you mention the "greatest movie ever produced", because in mystical terms, what you are writing about when you mention spirits and the materialization of a messiah is called an AVATAR. Which will probably actually be the greatest movie ever produced in our contemporary context.

Later will come an Avatar Who will have a large measure of wisdom and of love, plus that "materialising power" which will enable Him to found a divine powerhouse upon the physical plane. His task, in many ways, is far more difficult than that of the two preceding Avatars, for He carries in Himself not only the energies of the two divine principles, already "duly anchored" upon the planet by His two great Brothers, but He has also within Himself much of a third divine principle, hitherto not used upon our planet. He carries the will of God into manifestation, and of that will we, as yet, know really nothing.

If find this similar to what you write.

What I don't like about the "show" is that you can justify anything you do, as just being an artifact of the show, a predetermined destiny that was a collective result. Thoughts and illusions, spirits playing a game by manifesting "physical" reality as you say.

Like War, just role playing, doing my part, it is illusion, bubbles of thought.
Murder! No way man, don't point the finger at me, I didn't write the script! Merely a destiny arrived at controlled by the thoughts of all that have seeded the reality of existence.
It is kind of a piss weak spiritual cop out.
Because we can look at the world and say that all the worlds problems will be solved by just thinking about them. Yet you also say that we actually waiting for a messiah to perform all these justices for us.
I find that in reality, people are actually inspired by the "messianic figures" to actually think about solving many of these problems that we would want a messiah to achieve for us, people address these issues locally as well as globally by using the doctrines and dogmas the many religious figures preached.
So I find this an odd contradiction to your writings. But hey, thats destiny for you!

If you have read this, then you like an actor in a movie are a character written in to receive this information; and like a movie, only a few may know in advance and the rest get caught by surprise. Don’t be alarmed that people in the great masses don’t seem to care, they were designed to be the characters in the play who are surprised by the event. You are one of the actors who play the role of the one who learns of the event in advance.

Those that realize the show, as you say, do so because it is their role, whilst those that are ignorant of the show also play the role.
What if you are just a role unleashed.
What if you are just a fictional element of the reality, a sideshow or a distraction. Have you considered that?
That you have a predetermined role to present a fiction and a distraction, that rather than informing people who will have a pre-determined role to believe you, that these people have been predetermined to be distracted or misinformed about reality whilst those who remain unaware of your fiction are really the ones that are full filling a pre-determined role by realizing actual true nature of reality and the universe.

I am really interested in your thought relating to this possibility.

Perhaps it is my role in the show to present the reality that your role is merely fictional, this way I am the thought seed of the universe spawned that shows the design of your own true nature! Which you will deny, as your role is predetermined of course, as is mine in presenting the truth of what you are!
That is possible!

You tell us to love our families etc etc. Yet you also say our roles are set, so what is it we are actually doing, living in that love or merely playing a role? You present many aspect of the show as kind of like a determinist universe but implore us to apply free will to the most important things in our life, all the while telling us of a pre-determined conclusion that is an inescapable role for every individual?

Destiny is a formation of the collective thought, and no single being is in charge of their own as they are all a part of the whole. No one escapes destiny!
I am either destined to love those closest to me or I am not unleashed. Your platitudes are irrelevant.

This still may be too hard to understand, it may defy your logic of physical explanation; however, physical understanding of a higher level of existence in non physical form within the environment of the Universe is all a part of the master design. Most physical beings that are visiting this environment do not even understand what originally brought them here, as they believe it is all a part of the natural order of science expedition.
This is not hard to understand, in fact the vast majority of people are doing what you are doing on this thread. IT IS CALLED RELIGION.
RELIGION is the explanation of a higher existence in a non physical form within the environment of the universe.
What I don't understand is what makes you think you are actually presenting anything new or profound because you seem to think people won't or cannot understand you. When in fact people have been doing exactly what you are talking about for thousands of years.
The above is actually pretty similar to nearly all the major traditional beliefs in that existence is a place were one must travel through in order to realize the very "god" or "creator" from which one is from in order to know and return to that "source" etc or achieve a higher "spiritual manifestation" above the physical one we occupy.

Anyway, regardless of the show, the doom and gloom and the aliens in your other threads, I quite enjoyed this thread a lot more as it is right up my alley of interests in comparative mythology and religion, so thank you.

The end has always been near here, it has always been desired when people feel their own existence is at hand, however, now it really is here.

As has been said a large number of times. A very large number of time. Alway by religion.

The Earth is ripe with inhabitants that have formed a mature fruit, we as humans are the part of the juices that have prepared the fruit for final consumption. As I said at the beginning of the post, the analogies within this post are merely used to help visualize in human understanding.
What is there to misunderstand about end of the world religious philosophies unleashed?

Our ancestors called for it, we have all come for it,
Speak for yourself dude.

we are not alone as a species to participate in the final movie event. And for the doom and gloom naysayers, expect it. Human illusions die from age, disease, natural disaster, accident and intentional murder or suicide, but rest assured we all die. All 7 billion will face a fate of natural design, the fate of a body that was never designed to experience immortality, just temporary illusion.


Enjoy the show.


LISTEN to the exhortation of the Dawn!
Look to this Day! For it is Life, The very Life of Life.
In its brief course lie all the Varieties And Realities of your Existence;
The Bliss of Growth,
The Glory of Action,
The Splendor of Beauty;
For Yesterday is but a Dream,
And To-morrow is only a Vision;
But To-day well lived
Makes every Yesterday a Dream of Happiness,
And every To-morrow a Vision of Hope.
Look well therefore to this Day!

Such is the Salutation of the Dawn.

posted on Jan, 12 2010 @ 05:45 AM
reply to post by KeeperOfGenisis

I am sad/sour and believe only my on BS? My own BS? Really? Most folks call that BS reality.

This guy has no basis for anything he is saying. And if you actually look at it with a critical eye you can find contradictions all throughout his posts.

Not only that, but he speaks as if he is the knower of all. I am at a loss as why folks are attempting to attack me and be nasty for simply questioning the legitimacy of this horse poopies.

Because, make no mistake, thats what it is.

I will say again.

We are not special. Things are what they are. Are there things we cant explain? Sure there are. Is everyone in the scientific community being completely objective about new discoveries and revealing that information? No way Jose. Do we have potential that may be untapped as a species? Possibly. Are there aliens that know about earth and visit? Probably.

These are just a few of my thoughts. Hardly closed minded.

I burned my box a long time ago, BUT I will not idly sit by and listen to useless drivel, with no basis of support, stated with an arrogance that transends rationale.

And for those of you that are defending this guy. Thats exactly what you are doing. Well not exactly, you are listening, accepting and defending it.


posted on Jan, 12 2010 @ 05:49 AM
People are drawn to this thread, not because of your writing (although IMO its one of the best threads I have read for a long time) but because either subconsciously or consciously they understand life itself is bigger than the human mind can comprehend.

posted on Jan, 12 2010 @ 05:53 AM
reply to post by above

Sorry for your loss. I think it is part of life that we loose everything we love. We start to learn a lot then. I'm sure you wife would like you to be happy. Don't be blue.


posted on Jan, 12 2010 @ 06:02 AM
To be or not to be, that is the question.

posted on Jan, 12 2010 @ 06:15 AM
Really cool thread; and I agree from a Christian perspective OP.

I, remember looking in to creation before I was born, and seeing a need. I looked around to see who could fill that need and saw no-one around me fitting that particular job better than myself.

Of course, I saw that it was hard for many here in creation/mortality, [people dying in bad ways] and could be bad for me. However I deemed coming here to be necessary.

So here I am. I have learned that we are brought here to become, "polished stones"; solidified/raised/matured into our eternal positions.

Because we are physical/temporary, we are not eternal beings/gods here. We will rightly appreciate being just that when we find ourselves, "on the other side".

posted on Jan, 12 2010 @ 06:21 AM
reply to post by Unleashed68

Hello unleashed, I found your latest thread to be very interesting and consistent with your earlier threads.

As far as the nature of life is concerned I believe you hit the nail on the head.

As far as the demise of our planet is concerned, you may well have a point

As far as our spirit returning to the universe and finding our place based on our own personal condemnation rings true.

As far as appreciating your writing style and lucid story telling goes, I am very impressed.

As far as you taking pleasure from beating an ATS member down, deriding and mocking him totally sucks and I am really disappointed with you.

I thought with your understanding of spirituality, you would have been above that.

posted on Jan, 12 2010 @ 06:29 AM
I have some questions. What happens after the event? Are we just going to sit around for all eternity twiddling our non-physical thumbs? Was the physical universe created for a purpose? Has that purpose now been realised? Or maybe it was because all the spirits were bored and decided to create the universe for entertainment? In which, case who's to say they won't get bored again and decide to incarnate in physical form?

The physical universe is massive and we've explored not even 1 percent of 1 percent of it. It seems a shame to end the universe just as we are taking our first steps into it. Is all that empty space there for a reason?

posted on Jan, 12 2010 @ 06:42 AM

Originally posted by MarrsAttax
I have some questions. What happens after the event? Are we just going to sit around for all eternity twiddling our non-physical thumbs? Was the physical universe created for a purpose? Has that purpose now been realised? Or maybe it was because all the spirits were bored and decided to create the universe for entertainment? In which, case who's to say they won't get bored again and decide to incarnate in physical form?

The physical universe is massive and we've explored not even 1 percent of 1 percent of it. It seems a shame to end the universe just as we are taking our first steps into it. Is all that empty space there for a reason?

Im pretty sure that exactly what you have said will happen anybody well likeand for those of us you say is bored will be able to reincarnate into a human body and once again start their new journey toward enlightenment and for those enlightened souls you will find you may have plenty to do on a higher plane of exsistence.

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