+1 more
posted on Jan, 11 2010 @ 07:01 PM
This still may be too hard to understand, it may defy your logic of physical explanation; however, physical understanding of a higher level of
existence in non physical form within the environment of the Universe is all a part of the master design. Most physical beings that are visiting this
environment do not even understand what originally brought them here, as they believe it is all a part of the natural order of science expedition.
They believe that their purpose for arriving here was by free will to travel, however, they are puppets of the Universe, and are also a part of the
design as a whole.
Now, to simplify the understanding of the timeline you are experiencing on Earth right now, you must understand that one law of attraction is simply
put, crowds attract! Go by a desolate mall and you are NOT enticed to enter, but go by a mall with a massive crowd and a major sign promising a big
event, you are stopping in to become a part of the event.
The same can be said throughout the Universe. We all, including our ancestors and recent deceased grandparents, all collectively have broadcast the
desire for a major event. We have enticed other visitors from other planetary environments to visit here, in much higher volumes than previous
throughout this history here. Our thoughts called out and by natural design and reaction, they came. They offered human beings advanced technologies
and deeper understandings of sciences to “unknowingly” help us achieve the big movie event, as we have collectively thought and desired into
The collective calls of the here and now can symbolically be seen in Hollywood design, where movies create super beings here to save us, they create
catastrophe events, and those movies break record sales because they attract major crowds. This is what we are all here for. This is why we came. This
is a natural law of attraction. This is why other physical races of existence from other environments have been travelling here in abundance, beyond
their past reasoning to visit here. It is all part of the natural order of the Universe, as a response to the thoughts that have been resonating
The “|physical beings” that visit this planet are not designed from the elements of the Earth and can not sustain their physical existence here.
They are extensions of the environment they physically formed within, so visitation here is very temporary for those beings, which helps to understand
why their excursions inside the atmosphere are short.
The non physical beings that visit this planet, well, they are not physical and can not be perceived by the human design, nor the bi-product designs
that humans have manifested from the elements of Earth. Humans will not perceive their existence as visitors here, but rest assured, they are here and
they are here to witness the collective desires come into fruition. They have come to witness the event as promised on the Giant Earth Billboard, and
are here in non physical form without fear of harm, no different than a dream. The dream of Earth is no different to the non physical spirits of the
Universe as is a movie being played out on stage in front of our eyes here on Earth, it is just an illusion.
The leaders here, or so called leaders of planet Earth, are mere puppets under the collective desire to have a force of evil that will be conquered by
the Messiah and the grand event. They are mere actors playing out their roles as desired and predicted throughout the ages. We are all here now. The
Earth is ripe with maturity of inhabitants that are here to form the juices within the fruit of planet Earth. We have all come here to ripen the fruit
for consumption, and consumption will be achieved in the Grand Event.
The Earth is a consumption environment, and we are all born into the environment where our bodies also require us to consume of the Earth to
lubricate, nurture and maintain the body for a temporary phase. However, our bodies belong as elements of the Earth as they were formed and created
from the very elements of the Earth, and will remain here.
Understand that Earth was created within a Universe that creates everything from the invisible. All air elements, all water and all soil within it
have the magical ability to create fruit, vegetable, trees, minerals, and the list goes on, and they are all created from nothingness, just the same
as our human bodies were created from nothingness.
Although we can not see this invisible material that allows us to also send signals to a satellite, that can simultaneously rebroadcast the signal to
millions of TV sets instantly, these elements do exist within Earth. Obviously, if these invisible waves rebroadcast from satellites outside of Earth,
they also naturally exist throughout the Universe.
It was humanity, who broadcast the big event to invite visitors, not a God, but our ancestors and we the current generation. The calls have invited
new participants in physical materialization to become a part of major jamboree, the event of all events on Earth, and the materialization of a
Messiah and the Grand Judgment. We collectively created this event by mere thought, we invited the massive crowds, and by mere thoughts, we will all
experience the Final Judgment as so desired throughout the ages. Judgment is a destiny we created. Destiny is a formation of the collective thought,
and no single being is in charge of their own as they are all a part of the whole. No one escapes destiny!
It was promised, it was predicted, it was desired, it was imagined, it was distributed, it was received, it began to materialize, it is here. We are
all here to witness the event as promised on the Giant Billboard. We have called for others to arrive and take their place in the great event. Some
have arrived to play as leader of government, playing the bad guy, and some have come as part of the big stage play to merely be a background
character. However, rest assured, we are all here to be a part of the great movie on Earth.
The end has always been near here, it has always been desired when people feel their own existence is at hand, however, now it really is here. The
Earth is ripe with inhabitants that have formed a mature fruit, we as humans are the part of the juices that have prepared the fruit for final
consumption. As I said at the beginning of the post, the analogies within this post are merely used to help visualize in human understanding.