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Racist KFC Ad in Australia

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posted on Jan, 6 2010 @ 08:25 PM
reply to post by nahsik

The talking head in the video acts like he's never been to a theater patronized by mostly blacks. Talk about not shutting up, and if you don't believe me, go see a movie in the U.S. in a predominately black area. He acts like he doesn't know where to start because he really doesn't know where to start making up how this video is racist. The drum thing, yeah, perhaps because we all know that black people sit around grooving to drum music while wearing a dashiki or other African looking garb.

Also, I only see one hand grabbing chicken that looks remotely black. Are they upset because not more black people got fried chicken?

If someone wants to call it a racist stereotype about black people and fried chicken, I'll go down to the local Churches Chicken here, and get you a picture of the crew that works there, and the patrons. All predominately black. I'd be lucky to get a white or hispanic person in the shot. Hell, the last time I walked in there to get some chicken (I LOVE fried chicken), people kept looking at me like I stepped off of a freakin space ship, one guy kept looking at me until I asked, "What's wrong? Ain't seen a white guy before?"

If it were that racist then why are there black actors in the commerical? Nobody needs to eat so badly that they would be willing to take active part in a racist commercial against their own race. But, on the othe hand, some brothers and sisters got a job so alert Ted Koppel!
(Just kidding on that last one, calm down.)

To sum it up, just much ado about nothing from a couple of left wing neo-hippie nut cases that are looking for mountains in mole hills.

posted on Jan, 6 2010 @ 08:27 PM
reply to post by nahsik

Exactly ! Well done

He's struggling to have a half decent tan

and has had to add to HIS OWN racial stereotyping

by doing his hair up in a 'black' style

Then HE uses hackneyed 'racial stereotype' nonsense re: chicken

in order to justify his accusations that OTHERS are demonstrating 'racism'

Guy needs to get a job

and to stop trading on his barely discernible 'tan' (which looks more sallow than 'black' anyway )

posted on Jan, 6 2010 @ 08:31 PM
reply to post by Occy Anonymous

You are right in that there are worse insults than being accused of liking fried chicken and watermelon. The problem is that fried chicken and watermelon have a strong association with cartoonish caricatures of Black people.

posted on Jan, 6 2010 @ 08:34 PM
reply to post by hotpinkurinalmint


Time blacks figgured out that LOTS of people like fried chicken and watermelon

Blacks don't hold the monopoly on these things

I mean, blacks are reputed to have a strong association with drugs, too

Would that mean that any news about drug users or pushers would be construed as 'racist' ?

posted on Jan, 6 2010 @ 08:36 PM
reply to post by Dock9

It might if a white person holds up a bucket of crack and a bunch of black people simultaneously reach for it.

I personally do not think KFC was racist, just insensitive. They should have known this ad was going to reach the states and Black Americans would not find it humorous.

[edit on 6-1-2010 by hotpinkurinalmint]

posted on Jan, 6 2010 @ 08:37 PM
Australian history is very different to American history.

Our Blacks are your Indians, in a manner of speaking.
They have never been slaves. They have never had a reputation for eating particular foods other than native wild food.

The same applies to the Islanders shown in this ad. They are likely to be from islands north of Australia, and are are no more likely to encounter discrimination here than someone from England, Greece or America.

You'll get noisy banter here just because you're from interstate. It's the Aussie way of making you feel at home.

So the idiots on this show, calling Aussies racist, are brainlessly being racist themselves, about Australians. Instead of projecting their own guilt and calling the kettle black, they should stick to reporting on the little group of folk they understand.

[edit on 6/1/10 by Kailassa]

posted on Jan, 6 2010 @ 08:42 PM
Wow, this kind of racist stuff must be spreading. The other day I saw a commercial for pizza joint .. and guess what? Yup, they had an Italian guy on there hawking the stuff. How offensive (
). And someone else told me there is an Asian restaurant down the street .. and you won't believe what they sell. Rice. That's right. How stereotypical can these restaurants get anyhow? I'm even afraid to ask what that place called Taco Bell is all about.

posted on Jan, 6 2010 @ 08:51 PM
reply to post by Occy Anonymous

Totally agree with you. Its funny how americas media points the finger at us, like look...Australias doing it too!!

Its crap, i wont say racism doesnt exist in Australia, it exists everywhere, though Australia does are far better job of moving forward and over the subject than America does.



btw S&F for the OP

[edit on 6/1/2010 by scubagravy]

posted on Jan, 6 2010 @ 08:54 PM
No this isn't a racist advertisement at all. Australia and the West Indies played tests in Australia this summer and still have a one day series to complete. This is just harmless good fun. A parody about how crappy it can be if you sit in the middle of people barracking for the opposite team.

The relationship between AUS & WI is simply first class. I grew up with most of the WI Cricket team being my gods! I wouldn't know anyone in Australia that thought the ad was racist. I think yanks only point the finger to draw attention away from themselves.


posted on Jan, 6 2010 @ 08:57 PM
reply to post by nahsik

It's not racist, it's not a stereotype (negative or otherwise), it's just a fact... Black people like chicken, especially fried chicken. It's no more racist or stereotyping that saying that asians like rice. They just do. And if it is racist or stereotyping, then those in the fried chicken business are in on it, 'cuz you can't show me one black neighborhood in the states that doesn't have a KFC or a Popeye's or a Church's or a...

Now as to using said chicken to shut them up at a cricket game... Well, that's just not 'cricket'!

OK, now everybody can tell me what a racist bastard I am for telling it like it is...

posted on Jan, 6 2010 @ 08:57 PM
reply to post by InfaRedMan

Pretty much summed up what i was trying to say mate , cheers

Star for you

posted on Jan, 6 2010 @ 09:01 PM
I'm a white guy, born, raised and living in the U.S. I have never been to Australia and i'm not familiar with any racial conflicts other then with the aborigines, but the crowd looks to me to be made up of African-Australians.

The white guy seems to come off as your typical uptight prick, which seems to be the stereotype here for whites. So it seems to me that one could take this offence both ways... provided you are being an uptight hypersensitive prick.

To me it's a harmless joke, everyone is having fun when the bucket of chicken enters the scene, no one is being exploited, abused or rejected. It's a cute, upbeat ad, that gets right to the point... i.e. everyone loves KFC... KFC breaks the ice... KFC brings people together.

posted on Jan, 6 2010 @ 09:04 PM
The two people commenting on the video seem to be annoyed by the white guy appearing "civilized" and not "rowdy" as the brown folk, who, incidentally, seem to be having a good time, and one that seems normal for a sporting event.

Racist? I don't see it. This is KFC tapping into what they think is a supportive demographic.

I couldn't relate to the commentators' view at all -- "CLEARLY racist". whaaaat? if anything, the commercial makes the white guy look like a standoffish spud. Everyone else is having a good time but him, UNTIL the beloved chicken is passed around.......... then every'ting is krissss.

I think it's a nonissue. No racism, just commercialism and perhpas a bit of pandering to what might be perceived by some as "exotic" islanders and their zest for fun.

posted on Jan, 6 2010 @ 09:04 PM
Um in Australia people dont make fun of other people for eating chicken and watermelons, that is purly from the USA.

I dont think the ad is racist at all.

posted on Jan, 6 2010 @ 09:13 PM
i find the posture that this is racist most outrageous.

all that happens in the advert is there is a bunch of cricket enthusisasts that are watching a game. then the australian man gives them all KFC :s please somone even outline the aspect of racism in this advert. this is taking it to extremes. its like when when they re edited the nursery rhym so it no longer said ba ba black sheep. im sorry but in no way shape or form was it intended as a racist remark. black is also a colour, one which happens to be the colour of many sheeps heads. "ba ba black sheep have you any wool yes sir yes sir 3 bags full" . somone exlplain how that is derogitary in anyway to black people.

its perfectly understandable that after such a prolonged period of supresion and mistreadment of black people that they would be more on edge and on gaurd about comments made about their ethnicity, but its getting to the stage where it goes too far, its regressing from a component of equality to a proganda tool used to increase tention between black and white people. i for one as a white person feel as if i constantly have to carfully consider my vocabulary in the company of black people as to not offend them, it seems like almost madness.

posted on Jan, 6 2010 @ 09:17 PM
I find it more funny that KFC (one of the most american brands in the world) is one of the largest sponsors of Cricket ( a very non-american sport).

posted on Jan, 6 2010 @ 09:18 PM

Originally posted by EagleClaw
Um in Australia people dont make fun of other people for eating chicken and watermelons, that is purly from the USA.

I dont think the ad is racist at all.

Your 100% Correct EagleClaw!

Geez... I love eating cold chicken and watermelon... especially during an Australian summertime. Who doesn't eh! That kind of thing is normal for everyone over here... (bar the vegies and vegans).

I think I know what I'm going to the supermarket to buy a bit later. It's going to be a scorcher here in Vic tomorrow! Viva Chicken! Viva Watermelon!


posted on Jan, 6 2010 @ 09:20 PM

Originally posted by hotpinkurinalmint
The problem is that fried chicken and watermelon have a strong association with cartoonish caricatures of Black people.

Not in Australia, where the ad was made for it doesnt

posted on Jan, 6 2010 @ 09:23 PM

Originally posted by JaxonRoberts
It's not racist, it's not a stereotype (negative or otherwise), it's just a fact... Black people like chicken, especially fried chicken. It's no more racist or stereotyping that saying that asians like rice. They just do. And if it is racist or stereotyping, then those in the fried chicken business are in on it, 'cuz you can't show me one black neighborhood in the states that doesn't have a KFC or a Popeye's or a Church's or a...

Now as to using said chicken to shut them up at a cricket game... Well, that's just not 'cricket'!

OK, now everybody can tell me what a racist bastard I am for telling it like it is...

Not so much racist as ignorant.

Whites in Russia commonly like borscht and vodka. So would you assume whites all around the world, no matter what their country of origin, ancestry and culture, will all like borsht and vodka?

What applies to black Americans of African descent has no relevance to the Islanders in this ad who just happen to also have black skin.

They are not American, they are not African, they are not discriminated against, and they do not have a reputation for being fond of chicken. (- or watermelon.)

posted on Jan, 6 2010 @ 09:25 PM
Racist! What a shame KFC didn't use a bunch of white guys with blacked out faces (Hey-hey it's Saturday style) instead. lol

P.s I've never associated fried chicken with blacks anyway, but then I'm just an Aussie. I live & learn ..

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