posted on Jan, 6 2010 @ 07:51 PM
My understanding of this is that the ad was not to be presented in any other country apart from Oz, due to this fact. The lack of understanding of our
culture and others, is behind this whole free for all, and I think it was stated that it was not the American public that was crying shame, it was
their media groups.
To be frank, if you really listen to the comericail it is just saying, IMOO, that to make friends hand out some KFC. Typical of our Ethos here in Oz.
We have been continually labeled over the last year or so as being racist. We all know (us Aussies anyways) that we are one of the most culturally
diverse countries in the world, and I believe, the most accepting. If they really want to get up in arms over this, well, as stated by others that
have viewed this article, they should have a really good look in their own backyard before they start throwing stones others!