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I support the so-called depopulation agenda

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posted on Jan, 5 2010 @ 06:16 PM
reply to post by unicorn1

How can you even say that. There are people out there who went to college, got themselves a career and unfortunately lost their job and had to seek help from welfare during hard times. I don't mind paying it forward to help people get back on their feet and i'm a waitress.....with two children......and a bachelor's degree. Sometimes life is a struggle, and there are people out there with virtually no money but they make sure their children are fed and happy. I agree with one thing. The world is overpopulated with arrogant, insensitive ignorant people like yourself. People that want to have children are not the problem, people acting like children are.

posted on Jan, 5 2010 @ 06:20 PM
reply to post by Goatflesh Gnosis

Once again, I do not advocate ANY killing or violence. But I DO think there are too many people, most of them are unhappy and live in squalor, and the world would be a better and happier place without so many humans.

How can you assume that perhaps 6 billion people are unhappy and living in squalor.

The reality is that most people of the world can find the joy of life under conditions that we in the developed world would consider a poor standard.

This is just your opinion from your perspective. People who live simple uncomplicated lives probably are more content and happier than most people living in mansions and driving the latest cars and using the latest technology.

I have traveled through many so called 3rd world countries to find the most spiritual and happy people I have ever met.

Mahatma Gandhi once said

Reporter: “Mr. Gandhi, what do you think of Western civilization?”
Gandhi: “I think it would be a good idea!”

I am not suggesting that we should all return to poverty to find true happiness.
I am saying though that wealth does not buy happiness.

If a major breakthrough regarding free energy where to happen, this planet would be able to cope with the current population.

The standard of living for all people on earth would improve, and we would colonize the oceans with underwater cities and near space with cities in the clouds. There would be space for all with comfort.

What is required is for humanity to stop being so selfish.

A limit would be put on our population but that would be a natural spin off from education. The Earth maybe small but the universe is immense. 7 billion humans to some races may even be considered as endangered.

posted on Jan, 5 2010 @ 06:20 PM
Looks like you having the spicy meataballs soon

posted on Jan, 5 2010 @ 06:22 PM
My opinion is that if you have enough money and time to support your family without falling back on the government, then sure, have as many kids as you want. The second you pull a dime of assistance though, no more children if you have more than one already.

I know people fall on hard times, but cutting off public assistance for people with more than one child is another way to go without being so draconian as to forcibly sterilize someone. Being in Utah, I'm quite used to my taxes going to pay for families of 8-15 kids, while my wife and I have no children of our own. Damn this socialism!

Granted, if everything works like it should, those children will go on to be consumers and tax-payers. But it rarely works like it should.

posted on Jan, 5 2010 @ 06:28 PM
reply to post by UFOabducteebe

Well said and seconded.

We should have spread to the planets by now.

The solar system, nay the galaxy, nay the universe is a big enough place. We need a large population to make that emigration to the stars viable. If we didn't expand beyond Earth

" would be an awful waste of space..."

Also we have an ageing population in large areas of western civilisation and elsewhere, which means that at some point in the near future there is bound to be a crash in numbers anyway. I think life extension, and cloning etc are as big a threat in regards to population than simple numbers.

[edit on 5-1-2010 by spookfish]

posted on Jan, 5 2010 @ 06:30 PM
reply to post by grahag

I'll say the same to anyone/ How are you going to force such things on million of people who will riot if you do that?

posted on Jan, 5 2010 @ 06:32 PM
reply to post by Ionut

I completely agree with you. This thread is absolutely ridiculous, not to mention many of the comments. People complain about the government continuously, then want to take away peoples right to decide for themselves about having children, because they feel it's overpopulated? What about freedom? What about peoples right to decide for themselves? I'm sure some of these people have brothers and sisters. I don't understand how they can say that some people don't need to know the joys of a family because we are overpopulated. There are people that don't want to have children and that is their right. But you can't take away the rights of the people that do. You might as well forget about democracy, because that would only happen in a dictatorship.

posted on Jan, 5 2010 @ 06:34 PM
Considering that the majority of population is in 3rd world countries that are too stupid to use birth control, too "macho", or have "religious" issues, I suggest that we start there.

In some of these places the morons think shagging a virgin will cure aids.

European countries are already on the decline due to societal degradation and food additives. WE need to increase, not decrease!

posted on Jan, 5 2010 @ 06:42 PM
Supporting depopulation is signing your own death sentace. See you on the other side!

posted on Jan, 5 2010 @ 06:42 PM
This thread is hopeless. The people arguing that there are enough resources to support as many people as we want it to is ludicrous. Is it the self delusional belief that human life is more valuable than any other life on this planet? Do you not realize that we cannot survive without most of the species on this planet? Do you realize the impossibilities of turning deserts into farmlands? If we do this have you thought about the ecological/environmental repercussions? You guys are making this into a good/evil debate. It has nothing to do with that.. I'm telling you that the earth has a finite amount of human life that it can support. That should be evident. If it wasn't true you could support the world population on an acre of land.
I'm not saying there should be a friggen death panel or forced contraception. I'm saying at some point something will have to give. As cute as I think it is that people simply say "convert deserts... flatten the forests..." it reminds me how far people have become distanced from a realistic understanding of how much a person needs to consume to survive.

posted on Jan, 5 2010 @ 06:48 PM

Originally posted by stephanies-chase
reply to post by Ionut

I completely agree with you. This thread is absolutely ridiculous, not to mention many of the comments. People complain about the government continuously, then want to take away peoples right to decide for themselves about having children, because they feel it's overpopulated? What about freedom? What about peoples right to decide for themselves? I'm sure some of these people have brothers and sisters. I don't understand how they can say that some people don't need to know the joys of a family because we are overpopulated. There are people that don't want to have children and that is their right. But you can't take away the rights of the people that do. You might as well forget about democracy, because that would only happen in a dictatorship.

I'm not saying that. Just let nature do it's thing. Stop shoving preventative medicines down everyone's throats. Stop preventing nature's population control. Take the warning "for external use only" off the curling irons and let the morons take care of themselves.

posted on Jan, 5 2010 @ 06:50 PM
reply to post by PayMeh

You know, we're about a decade away from being able to create our food from a machine that builds it with proteins, etc. We're a few years away from being able to clone our own food too. The limit is around 9 billion. And once food isn't a problem, 12 billion. Water is infinite, because it's not that hard to get ocean water with some heat via solar. And it is quite easy to turn deserts into farmland, just expensive.

The problem is unfair distribution. That's it. Nothing more. And the current rate is probably leading to a solution. We'll hit the breaking point, then just move on.

posted on Jan, 5 2010 @ 06:54 PM

Originally posted by felonius
Considering that the majority of population is in 3rd world countries that are too stupid to use birth control, too "macho", or have "religious" issues, I suggest that we start there.

In some of these places the morons think shagging a virgin will cure aids.

European countries are already on the decline due to societal degradation and food additives. WE need to increase, not decrease!

Where do you suppose that these people in 3rd world countries go to purchase said contraceptives? Next door to the filthy hut they call home and beside the polluted stream. I do not believe they have drug store just down the road to go pick up a pack of condoms, nor do they have any money to buy condoms because they spent their monthly salary of $2 on a ball of rice for their family of 5. You sound quite hateful towards those with less than you. I suggest you go and visit a few of these 3rd world countries you talk about and then rethink your response as it is a silly and hateful post. As far as the religious beliefs? Isn't the pope against the pill?

posted on Jan, 5 2010 @ 06:55 PM
OP's pretty courageous to have such a view on things and express it.

I for one also agree that we are too many - IF we remain in our current unevolved and unaware state.

However - if we were to be made aware of certain things such as our origins, our true nature and roles as powerful Beings, etc - I think that in such an enlightened state the planet could easily handle an additional five to six BILLION other humans with absolutely no problem.

So in other words, if we stay like animals, then yeah, we're too many.

If we become aware and realize our nature and who we are, then seven billion people on this small rock isn't too many at all. In fact, the more the merrier. If two heads are better than one, than 7 billion heads has to be way better.

posted on Jan, 5 2010 @ 06:58 PM
reply to post by stephanies-chase

That's vary true. I think anybody who truly believes that if you work hard then you will get nice things and life will be wonderful has not had life turn on them. That's like telling a little child that they can be anything they want to when they grow up. They can, but there are a few percentages involved there... The NBA only accepts so many people; if your not above six feet tall then your percentages are going down.

posted on Jan, 5 2010 @ 06:58 PM
reply to post by nethawk

wait until they can download information to your brain. problem solved

posted on Jan, 5 2010 @ 06:59 PM
reply to post by Goatflesh Gnosis

You are aware that the US population would be shrinking were it not for the all the emigrants and illegals?

As long as its voluntary, I'm with you on this, but you are preaching to the choir here. How do you get those in India and other places to stop having the children they need to do the work to feed themselves? People don't listen if it means their own families starve to death and suffer. How do you get around that? You would be asking them to suffer for your cause, not theirs?

People can talk about this all they want in theory, but reality is another matter. Where are all the activists in the countries where the problem actually exists? Why are they here preaching to the choir? Would you be willing to give up your life and spend all your resources in a third world country trying to get people to stop having children they need to help produce their food so they don't starve? Would you sell your house to do so? If not? Would you get on your hands and knees beside them and help them weed and tend to their crops? They won't listen to you until you do just that.

posted on Jan, 5 2010 @ 07:00 PM
Ok what about the stupids like Octomom? Fourteen kids, no job, what the hell. What is the justification for that? Oh and I have one right down the street from me four kids public assistance, I think pregnant again and the government pays for her house too.

posted on Jan, 5 2010 @ 07:04 PM
reply to post by Gorman91

I don't know what you mean by "it's not my right", my post wasn't intended to have any sense of "forcing" or law making as a means of population control, but rather to convey a sense of hope that people will realize when something is a good idea or a bad idea. We can sit here all day and argue about the philosophies about what "good" and "bad" really mean, but in the common sense of the word, I think "bad" is a very fitting word for the idea that it's ok for somebody to run around having children that they don't care about/ignore/beat to crap because they didn't want them in the first place.

Somebody in a previous post mentioned that "It's every human's right to have a child"...I'll see that, and add: "It's every human's right to have a child provided they are able to love and care for the child as they should." Just as much as it's every persons right to have a child, it's every child's right to be born from somebody who will treat them with love and respect.

posted on Jan, 5 2010 @ 07:07 PM
We have hunting seasons so certain wild animal populations do not grow out of control. The environment is a fragile system which requires balance. At some point in time a form of population control is going to be required. For all of those who don't care because they will be dead, to bad, this problem is bigger than you.

That's that reason why I can't blame the government for some of the things they do. More people are going to be able to live a happy life in the future if we have some sort of population control. If we need to restrict the number of children people can have down to two then we should. People aren't going to like it but that's why we need the government. The government is here to sustain a decent lifestyle for a massive amount of people. The government is not here to tell you to do whatever you want.

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