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Good News!!! MAJOR ANNOUNCEMENT to the World

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posted on Jan, 5 2010 @ 01:15 PM


posted on Jan, 5 2010 @ 01:28 PM

Originally posted by MajorDisaster
Would the corporations be willing to take various actions, including murdering people to prevent that from happening? You bet!!

This is likely my last contribution to this thread. I don't argue with people who think the world operates like a James bond movie.

There are tens of thousands of independent scientists and scientific dabblers working on project they hope will provide free or cheaper energy sources.

If they ever produce demonstrable repeatable results there are sources privte, international, R&D, governmental, that would fund them in a second.

Hollywood doesn't murder people who submit great scrip ideas. It either rips them off ro buys them.

The oil and gas industry would love to get it's hands on an alternative enrgy source. They already fund an number of labs and independents in the hopes there will be a breakthrough.

That's how thing happen in the real world, not in fiction and conspiracy fantasy land.

A preliminary check on a number of credible sites will provide a wealth of detail on what I have said, as will anyone who is working on something.

Greer is offering sizzle and no steak.

posted on Jan, 5 2010 @ 01:31 PM
I remember first hearing about Greer and being absolutely amazed by the Disclosure Project (I'm a bit late to the game - I only heard of him about a year ago). Unfortuntely, the more I hear, the more dubious I feel about anything he states.

Personally, his speech at the Spanish Exopolitics conference was the beginning of my contempt. I'm willing to potentially accept some things that are a bit out-there, but lights in the sand being UFOs? No.

I take what he's saying here with a pinch of salt, as with anything these days.

posted on Jan, 5 2010 @ 01:37 PM

Originally posted by mmiichael
This is likely my last contribution to this thread. I don't argue with people who think the world operates like a James bond movie.

Another common tactic. "Ugh, I'm not going to even waste any more time talking to you. I'm too good for this."

Well done

If they ever produce demonstrable repeatable results there are sources privte, international, R&D, governmental, that would fund them in a second.

Then why doesn't that ever actually happen?

Instead we see people throwing away billions and billions of dollars on hot fusion and stuff like that, which has been a complete failure and waste of time and money.........

That's how thing happen in the real world, not in fiction and conspiracy fantasy land.

Well, this is a site for discussing conspiracies, so either deal with it or leave!

posted on Jan, 5 2010 @ 01:55 PM
My 2 cents: Never trust a news article (especially one like this with grandiose claims) that contains spelling and grammatical errors. That in itself makes one question its validity.

posted on Jan, 5 2010 @ 01:58 PM

Originally posted by mmiichael
This is likely my last contribution to this thread. I don't argue with people who think the world operates like a James bond movie.

There are tens of thousands of independent scientists and scientific dabblers working on project they hope will provide free or cheaper energy sources.

If they ever produce demonstrable repeatable results there are sources privte, international, R&D, governmental, that would fund them in a second.

That is naive...

Many powerful people are invested in staying in control and keeping things as they are...

Who killed the electric car?

posted on Jan, 5 2010 @ 02:02 PM

Originally posted by Jezus
That is naive...

Many powerful people are invested in staying in control and keeping things as they are...

Who killed the electric car?

The lack of any decent energy storage would be my guess.

posted on Jan, 5 2010 @ 02:04 PM

Originally posted by Jezus

Many powerful people are invested in staying in control and keeping things as they are...

Who killed the electric car?


mmichael mentioned Venture Capitalists, but venture capitalists can be scared away from investing in things like this very easily. Have some big guys start following them around town and uttering threats etc etc......

I know how that whole game works, cause it's happened to me.

posted on Jan, 5 2010 @ 02:09 PM

Originally posted by Jezus
Many powerful people are invested in staying in control and keeping things as they are...

Who killed the electric car?

There are a few hundred million people with the money and willingness to make more money.

Who killed the electric car. It committed suicide.

The electric car is not a technology of the future, but from the past.

The electric car is 170 years old. This may sound surprising, but e-cars predate automobiles with a combustion engine. They were driven out of the market in the beginning of the 20th century because petrol engines had significantly better mileage.

One century later, the electric car still faces the same – fundamental – problems. Furthermore, the need for batteries makes them eco-unfriendly by nature. The only possible green future for electric cars is a wired future: hooked up to the overhead lines, like trolleybuses and bumper cars.


The technological problems that electric cars have faced for more than a century now, compared to the smooth operation of electric trains, trams, trolleybuses and bumper cars, may mean that the wireless electric car simply has no future. Its problem might not be technological, but conceptual.

Certainly, better batteries will improve the mileage and the charging time of electric cars, but it’s hard to see how they can do that without harming the environment. While the sole reason for the existence of electric cars today is that they are better for the environment.

posted on Jan, 5 2010 @ 03:28 PM

Originally posted by mmiichael
There are a few hundred million people with the money and willingness to make more money.

That doesn't change the fact that people are willing and able to prevent the development of technology that will change the game significantly enough to jeopardize their control over it...

It is naive to think it isn't happening again...

posted on Jan, 5 2010 @ 03:33 PM

Originally posted by MajorDisaster

If they ever produce demonstrable repeatable results there are sources privte, international, R&D, governmental, that would fund them in a second.

Then why doesn't that ever actually happen?

Instead we see people throwing away billions and billions of dollars on hot fusion and stuff like that, which has been a complete failure and waste of time and money.........

This is just amazing. Hot fusion is the "complete failure and waste of time & money" but somehow free energy isn't?

I've been looking at free energy for years, ever since the internet happened.

If a scammer claims some scientific justification for free energy, it's always withheld as "secret" or "under research."

If details are provided, they're always vague to the point you can't reconstruct what they're doing.

If the details are specific, they're a gobbledegook mishmash of pseudoscience and misused scientific concepts, such that any scientist in the field would look at it and say "this isn't just wrong, it flatly makes no sense!"
Just look at the nonsense someone was posting just up the page... To claim that zero point energy is a "zero point field," and not only that, it's a magnetic field (but not an electromagnetic field!) and we can extract energy from it-- this isn't even a theory or testable hypothesis, it's word salad. It's completely clear that you have no idea what you're talking about.
(if there was such a thing as a pure magnetic field, lorentz invariance would be broken.)

When i take my car in to be fixed, i don't argue with the mechanic and say "no, the carburetor sends gasoline to the muffler! the muffler turns the noise energy into the radio!" because i know i don't know anything about fixing cars. What is it about wingnuts who think that anybody is qualified to talk about science? Let alone cutting edge theoretical physics.

If a free energy device works as its "inventors" claim, and if they're simple enough to put in every home, then it would be the easiest thing in the world to replicate them in laboratories all over the world.
Not just the nobel prize in science, you'd also get the peace prize and probably national awards from every nation on the planet. You'd go down in history books as the person who singlehandedly changed all life and civilization on planet earth. You would never want for fame, money, or accolade for the rest of your life.

But don't take my word for it... Please! Do your own research! Try reading about the conservation of energy. Try to read and understand the arguments for the laws of thermodynamics. It's all out there as a matter of public record & knowledge!
Try reading about what zero point energy ACTUALLY IS (i.e. crack open a quantum field theory textbook and try reading it! oops! too hard! better go back to my geocities websites that talk about made-up russian tesla torsion field point source generators!)

And if you STILL want to invest in free energy, well, I just happen to need another $50k to complete my nonlinear axle drive engine, just paypal me...

posted on Jan, 5 2010 @ 03:39 PM

Originally posted by np6888
Now here's something really freaky. Type in backward) or or in your web browser and see where it takes you.

why do you think that is freaky? it has already been posted here at least 4 times before

posted on Jan, 5 2010 @ 03:57 PM
reply to post by dizziedame

Distilled Witch Hazel is very good for sprained ankles. Soak a cloth and wrap it around your foot, keep it wet until the swelling reduces.
Hope you feel better soon.

posted on Jan, 5 2010 @ 03:58 PM
The complaint against Greer is that he's an incompetent swindler.

Show some respect for the people you are conning. Produce an scientific abstract that won't crack up anyone who has a degree. At least get small details like basic spelling right.

These con-men are so used to there being ignorant unaware people lining up to buy into the next promise of something futuristic exotic, they just get sloppy.

I wonder if the new free energy breakthrough will be said to come from retro-enigneered alien technology. That way he can promote two of his scams at the same time.

Don't know whether to describe this stuff as shameful or just embarrassing.

[edit on 5-1-2010 by mmiichael]

posted on Jan, 5 2010 @ 04:01 PM

Originally posted by wirehead
But don't take my word for it... Please! Do your own research! Try reading about the conservation of energy. Try to read and understand the arguments for the laws of thermodynamics. It's all out there as a matter of public record & knowledge!
Try reading about what zero point energy ACTUALLY IS (i.e. crack open a quantum field theory textbook and try reading it! oops! too hard! better go back to my geocities websites that talk about made-up russian tesla torsion field point source generators!)

I've done quite a bit of research, wirehead. (Welcome to ATS, by the way, since you "just registered today".)

During that process I've come across a lot of guys who claim to be experts in physics and have PhDs, and yet they can't explain to me in simple layman's terms where permanent magnets get their energy from. You know, the energy to defy gravity and make little pieces of metal jump right up into the air and stuff.

Which leads me to conclude that there are whole little armies of physicists going around claiming to be experts and to understand how the universe works and telling people that "free energy" is impossible, and yet they can't for the life of them explain how permanent magnets work - which are the most glaring and obvious examples of "free energy" in Nature there is.

Now I agree with many of the posters in this thread that Greer and Dr. Loder have been at it for years and still failed to produce anything even remotely interesting.

But then there are guys like Bearden and Bedini, who have produced books, instructional videos, scientific papers, patents, everything. Bedini even has a very successful product on the market, the Renaissance Charger.

If anyone in the free energy community deserves a serious investigation, it's them.

And if you STILL want to invest in free energy, well, I just happen to need another $50k to complete my nonlinear axle drive engine, just paypal me...

No thanks, but I'll gladly invest my money in an official field investigation of Bedini and Bearden.

Is there ANYONE else on ATS willing to do the same? Not likely.........

posted on Jan, 5 2010 @ 04:03 PM

Originally posted by ROBO6
reply to post by chorizo3

So the proliferation of toxins, and the destruction of the natural environment is more important then having a clean and beautiful world for your children and your children s children. Were is the logic in that thinking. I'll give you a quick example of the benefits of these technologies. The introduction would yes completely eliminate gas and oil use. But it will also open up doors for the third world countries to finally become sovereign and modern. It would eliminate the need for redundant jobs, imagine a world were you dont have to go to that oil drilling job to feed your family. Think about not having to spend 60-80% of your income on energy, think about your home running on a decentralized device that you never have to touch again. Think about the clean water that can be had to those in need with these technologies. Think about traveling the stars and advancing our civilization with the rest of the Galaxy.

To sit here and promote the use of fossils fuels knowing its impact is a crime within itself. People are so selfish and greedy that they dont look at the whole picture, which everyone will benifit. Not just the "Lucky Few".

You are so wrong oil companies would still make millions oil is used in the production of paints , plastics & chemicals.

60-80% of your income goes on energy either your very low paid or your house is not well insulated.

Any working machine will need to be serviced or maintained another lie !

It's going to get us to the stars dont think so not in our lifetimes!

What about all the job losses in the industry, related to it and that supply it people still have to pay rent ,cloth and feed themselves etc.

posted on Jan, 5 2010 @ 04:13 PM
Well I dont want to rain on your parade OP but you could have chosen a different title for this thread. When I see the words "Good News" associated with something I usually tend to think of one thing- HYPE.

posted on Jan, 5 2010 @ 04:15 PM
reply to post by whoshotJR

Blimey..calm down.


Greer says 'Free energy', not in the sense of no cost of manufacture...of no cost of servicing or replacement / kit parts etc.

There is a direct cost there. You get that..right?

He is talking about the cost of the energy coming out of the device being free, not the device itself.

Fair enough as far as i can see. If GM announced tomorrow, that they had secretly invented and developed a car that had the same or better power/hp, handling and styling as a conventional car, but ran on nothing but thin air instead of petrol/gas, and cost the same as an average family SUV, millions would rush to buy one...many millions.

But using your arguments against Greer and others, GM should just give the car away to anyone that wants one..this is nuts..of course the 'device' has a cost attached, just the same as the 'G.M. aircar' would.

posted on Jan, 5 2010 @ 04:25 PM
reply to post by wmd_2008

Small potatoes.

People losing their jobs within a soon to be obsolete, monopolistic industry is an unpleasant time and experience for those concerned and their families.

Measured against the saved lives, prevented daily suffering and dramatic improvements in the quality of life of many millions of people around the world - losing a job or attractive salary is very small potatoes.

posted on Jan, 5 2010 @ 04:29 PM

Originally posted by MajorDisaster
But then there are guys like Bearden and Bedini, who have produced books, instructional videos, scientific papers,

care to point to one of these "scientific papers" in a peer reviewed journal?

No thanks, but I'll gladly invest my money in an official field investigation of Bedini and Bearden.

so which University have they presented their machines to be tested to? If they have not done that, why not?

If they worked as overunity machines, the JREF would give them US $1million, there would also be a Nobel Prize in physics for them - so why havent they done that?

[edit on 5/1/10 by dereks]

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