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Good News!!! MAJOR ANNOUNCEMENT to the World

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posted on Jan, 5 2010 @ 08:49 AM

Originally posted by MajorDisaster
To all those saying that Greer's only in it for the money,

Greer would be making more money if he had just kept his career as an emergency room physician.

Maybe, but then he would have to actually WORK for a change. You know, 9 to 5 everyday, like everyone else. I guess it is easier to just ask for money. hey, if people are willing to give it away, who can blame him?

You know what? I would even consider donating, even if he fails in the future to produce Free Energy, IF:

1) He shows me something slightly resembling a business plan, detailing all the costs and time of the project.

2) He explains how he pretends to do it. What is the theory behind it. I mean, if he has good intentions to give Free Energy to the World, why not show us his work? His theory?

That´s it. I dont think that is asking too much.

Also, why shout GREAT NEWS to the WORLD right now? Maybe he should create the technology first and after it is ready then he can shout the great news. Before that, all he is doing is asking for attention. And money, of course.

[edit on 5-1-2010 by henriquefd]

[edit on 5-1-2010 by henriquefd]

posted on Jan, 5 2010 @ 08:59 AM
This will NOT happen. Because it CAN'T happen.

For those of you that really grasp the structure of the world we live in, you understand that, at this point, the powers that be would never allow the release of anything that would empower the masses.

The key word here is "allow". Anything that is allowed to be released to the people, will most definitely have many, many caveats associated with it, end up as a "bait and switch", or simply a hoax.

We are given tastes of this, and bits of that, as we are pacified, over and over.
But, nothing ever really comes of these revelations.

No. The people at the controls are not going to allow anything to reduce their power and influence.

On the day that something does actually happen, to change the way our world is currently controlled, it will be done in a nearly catastrophic, single-stroke, unexpected manner. A "flash-flood" of information. An instantaneous reversal of power. An uncontrolled, and sudden distribution of technology or insight, given to the masses in one fell swoop.

But, these dribbles, and leaks that are offered to us from time to time, will never amount to anything substantial. Even if they SEEM to be coming from sources that present themselves as agents of change. Such as Greer.

posted on Jan, 5 2010 @ 09:07 AM
reply to post by ROBO6

Hi rob,
No offence but, “There are tons and tons of ways to create these Solution Energy devices. so no technology will dominate”???? I’d be happy to see just one. Don’t get me wrong. I’m not saying I don’t think its possible to do, because I believe that some day it will be. Who knows maybe now is that time.
One more thing. Finding funding from investors? If some one could produce a viable working device, that is “coast effective” to produce and distribute to the mass market. No one and I mean No one would have a problem finding the seed capital needed to get that product to market.
As far as free energy let me tell you something nothing in life is free. My father told me when I was a kid before I bought my first car “the cheapest thing you will ever put into a care is gasoline”. He was so right. It’s the same way with this. The manufacturer will make his money on the after market upgrades and maintenance on the product. O and lets not forget the inevitable TAX that the federal and state government will levy on the device.

posted on Jan, 5 2010 @ 09:14 AM

Originally posted by henriquefd
You know what? I would even consider donating, even if he fails in the future to produce Free Energy, IF:

1) He shows me something slightly resembling a business plan, detailing all the costs and time of the project.

2) He explains how he pretends to do it. What is the theory behind it. I mean, if he has good intentions to give Free Energy to the World, why not show us his work? His theory?

That´s it. I dont think that is asking too much.

Yeah. That's why I feel we at ATS should do a field investigation into Bedini and Bearden instead - they have put out more actual data than anyone else. Books, videos, papers, patents, everything.

posted on Jan, 5 2010 @ 09:26 AM
reply to post by solarstorm

another scam. Who is mentally unstable? The one who believe trashes, like u.

posted on Jan, 5 2010 @ 09:42 AM

Originally posted by whoshotJR
Of course you will need a whole new scientific process. The current one uses fact checking and proving results... we wouldn't want that. I didn't realize you need a building to develop a scientific process.

Good point. Exactly what I thought!

1Piece 2
"Greer said that the Orion Project signed a contract with this top secret scientist some ten days prior to the Dec. 25 announcement."

Why would you need a contract for something free?

Ahhh, to control the rights, the manufacturing and the distribution of such. In other words, to make lots of money!! "Free" energy will never, ever (mark my words) be free unless a lot of people are removed from the equation.

piece 2.5

"Their purpose in making this announcement was both to bring in additional support for the project"

Ohhhhh, so you need more money because you signing the contract with this guy wasn't free.

This is another hypes-up money-making scam. Look, it's headed by Greed, whoops, I mean Greer.

Final summary...

"The purpose of starting with the Tesla-based technology would be prove to the world that free energy can be had from the environment 24/7/365 via a device that is affordable even in the developing world, subsidized at first from sales of the device in the developed world."

So... it's not free then and you need donations to make the product so that you can sell it?

It's so convienient to throw out Tesla's name willy nilly just to draw interest and $$$. So, does this guy have access to the stolen patents that were taken after Tesla's death? If not, I'd like to see what he has done that nobody else has.

"Of the moneys raised so far, Greer said that neither he nor Loder have used any of it for themselves, but they have been doing this on a purely voluntary basis. Greer, who used to be an Emergency Room doctor recently gave up that career in order to pursue the quest for a free energy solution full time. His associate, Dr. Jan Bravo, likewise recently left her practice in California for the same objective.

In the future, "if there should be any profits from the sale of this technology, it should go toward helping impoverished people getting these technologies for free", said Greer; and he said "the inventor feels the same way."

So let me get this straight.... he quits his job but is nice enough to give us his word that he isn't using this money for himself and if there is profits from the tech that his company has a contract for rights to, he will just give it all away. The inventor feels the same way but he needs donations to get the contract with the guy.

Wouldn't it be easier to just run a giant ponzi scheme?

Ahhh, young grasshopper, you're finally beginning to see what the free energy scam is all about.

posted on Jan, 5 2010 @ 09:44 AM
reply to post by solarstorm

That in mind can we please discuss technology ramifications without turning this into a flame Greer thread.

He is being flamed for a reason.

If Bernie Madoff was released from prison for some reason, and told you he had a foolproof investment for you, would you believe him? Would you give him your money?

I can't believe this topic has almost 60 flags.
Barnum was right. There is no shortage of suckers.

He has no good reason to ask for money unless he discloses everything. No secrets.

I'd tell you what I'd do if I found something like this. I'd post it for the world to see, and to "hell" with the money or the ramifications for the PTB or the economy.

posted on Jan, 5 2010 @ 09:55 AM

Originally posted by GrandKitaro777
I have a strange feeling this world is going through a transition and heading towards a completely new Era.

Yeah, it is called "Hope and Change"

posted on Jan, 5 2010 @ 10:02 AM
I wonder if free energy would destabilize the world, or just make the world better.

I think the latter for ordinary people like me, because it would free up a lot of money, the budget is very tight with all the gas and energy bills.

Only people who will be sorry are the oil tycoons.

Sorry, but people that say free energy does not exist are wrong.

It will cost some to start up, but once its in place its free. There are millions of possibilities to make free energy, the oil lobbyists have just implanted the false information that its impossible to replace oil.

Just imagine an engine running on hydrogen. Hydrogen is free! See?

posted on Jan, 5 2010 @ 10:11 AM
reply to post by ROBO6

I guess. If zero point energy was readily available it would be used for military purposes, no doubt.

But still I guess it could help. If TPTB jam my energy bills to the moon, I will produce my own energy, one way or the other.

An example; After the recent tax increase on RYO tobacco, I now find myself paying less for tobacco not more. If I am pushed to the wall with energy prices I will also end up paying less.

posted on Jan, 5 2010 @ 10:34 AM

Originally posted by whoshotJR
Taken from your article.

puzzle piece 1

"About a year and a half ago, the Orion Project launched a fund drive to raise $3 million for the purpose of developing and/or finding such a technology. They've not yet raised that amount, and are asking their supporters to chip in to help raise the additional several $100k they'll need to build their research facility in Charlottesville, Virginian, not far from the historic Thomas Jefferson Monticello property. "We'll have to create a whole new scientific process," said Greer."

Of course you will need a whole new scientific process. The current one uses fact checking and proving results... we wouldn't want that. I didn't realize you need a building to develop a scientific process.

Piece 2
"Greer said that the Orion Project signed a contract with this top secret scientist some ten days prior to the Dec. 25 announcement."

Why would you need a contract for something free?

I personally don't believe in this because I don't have much faith in Dr. Greer BUT you had fallacies in your response I felt like addressing anyways. One was signing a contract for something free. Contracts are signed for multitudes of reasons and it doesn't have to involve direct payment to necessitate one. Also, and I thought this was so plain as to not need explanation but, the device itself is not free the ENERGY it creates is free. If a free energy device existed it would still need to be designed and constructed using materials and resources that cost money to acquire and money to assemble. It's OUTPUT after the sunk cost for the device itself would then be free AND in terms of money saved it would pay for itself and over and over and over once you reached the point where the money you paid for the device is now less than the energy derived from it. In that sense it's actually making you money back. Not too different from a solar home that creates energy and you can physically watch the hands moving backwards as you are giving energy BACK to the power company and getting paid to do so.

piece 2.5

"Their purpose in making this announcement was both to bring in additional support for the project"

Ohhhhh, so you need more money because you signing the contract with this guy wasn't free.

Again you are mincing words and are not understanding the definition of what is purportedly offered up as free.

Final summary...

"The purpose of starting with the Tesla-based technology would be prove to the world that free energy can be had from the environment 24/7/365 via a device that is affordable even in the developing world, subsidized at first from sales of the device in the developed world."

So... it's not free then and you need donations to make the product so that you can sell it?

Again, if I were to make a free energy device it costs raw materials to build it. If I were to do that for free ON TOP of building you a device that will create the energy to run your car or heat and light your home then I would be paying for it all out of my own pocket. Why would someone want to lose money on this? Big difference between losing money, breaking even and making profits. If all I was asking for from you was the money for the materials to build it (and theoretically speaking let's see it's assured I could build one) and you balked at that what kind of greedy person does that make you? That someone should lose all their money to make this available to you? That it's not enough that it will make it so you never have to put gas in your car again or pay an electric bill again or pay to have the heating company come around to fill your tank again.

Like I said, you are not understaning what is supposedly offered up as free. And before you respond think. Read what I wrote because I know there will be a whole bunch of you who will jump the gun and jump to conclusions about what I'm saying and thinking I have put my eggs into Greer's basket. Read and comprehend.

posted on Jan, 5 2010 @ 10:47 AM
Oh Lord...sounds like Dr. Dan Crane is back at it again....

posted on Jan, 5 2010 @ 10:50 AM
reply to post by merryxmas

I see where you are trying to go but you would be wrong to think I assumed it was all free. My point being that this guy makes it sound like he is doing this for the good of the people and talks about making it free for improvised people but its just all a scam for money.

If you have a sound business plan then you wouldn't need to try and get donations of 3 million to develop a new "scientific process". The amount of money he would be making per product in April would be insane and people would be lining up to help share in some of the early profits.

But he isn't looking for a business partner, he just wants donations.

I also realize that contracts can be used for many reasons but the one it seems to me that they are talking about is needing cash to buy up the product rights to the design and paying off the inventor.

Like I have stated before, I'm all for people making money but they should tell you that up front. This man is a fraud and a con artist.

posted on Jan, 5 2010 @ 11:02 AM
In the 80s I worked for a group of people in Canada who were receiving government funding for high level research projects.

I got to know some of the people involved on various level and what the ropes are for what is thought to be breakthrough technologies.

And we aren't seeing it here.

If Greer is representing something significant that is workable he could have all the money he says he needs in a heartbeat. There is something called Venutire Capital that puts up development money in exchange for participation, and if the word is put up there are thousands of private investors or corporations with large R & D budgets who would take a gamble on something that sounded good and cut a check with little hesitation.

I can tell you for certain Greer is just milking the same community that lacks sorely critical thinking as he has with his bogus UFO projects.

The fact that he has any difficulty raising funds for something he claims is so important, beneficial and would represent a vast fortune in patent royalties or process management for anyone involved fully demonstrates this.

He's a snake oil salesman.

[edit on 5-1-2010 by mmiichael]

posted on Jan, 5 2010 @ 11:07 AM
I really wish this were true, but after hearing several hundred times that mankind is "just on the brink" of free energy, contact with aliens, a way to run cars on fairy dust, a new age of enlightenment, etc., I am more than dubious.

If free energy were possible with a mixture of smoke, mirrors, exciting announcements and wishful thinking, we'd have been there a long time ago.

April will come and go and we will still be hearing that "we're almost there" and just need another $100,000 to make it happen.

I don't think Dr. Greer is an opportunist or a charlatan. If he were, why go to so much trouble to bilk people out of a few thousand dollars here and there? No, he'd find a way to get on the global warming gravy train like all the other science whores.

posted on Jan, 5 2010 @ 11:14 AM

Horse Puckey

Sorry to say , but I do not believe a single word uttered from this guys pie hole.

This man tends to dance on that fine line that separates sane people and absolute wack jobs.

Unless detailed information is released or some type of announcement is made by, god forbid I say this, MSM.

This is nothing more than another empty promise that will get all the other nuts all geared up. Not to mention all the threads that will be created trying to explain his divine master plan.

And when this magical day in April arrives, nothing will come to fruition and there will be some cheese explanation about how the scientist was murdered by the bad aliens working with the US government.

Jeez, that sounds like one hell of a good movie plot.

to Steven.

posted on Jan, 5 2010 @ 11:19 AM

Originally posted by solarstorm

Good News!!! MAJOR ANNOUNCEMENT to the World

Top secret free energy scientist enters contract with Greer's Orion Project*On Christmas day, Steven Greer announced that the 'top secret' inventor they've talked about has been released early from military seclusion, and has contracted with them to bring a Tesla-related free energy technology to the world.*
(visit the link for the full news article)

Are we about to be surrounded by "buggy whip" manufacturers?
How many jobs will be destroyed? How many will be created?
The great news is that we can shut down each and every coal
burning power plant on Earth.
Did you read the whole article? - Teleportation-? also?

I guess we will find out more in April 2010.

Then again, maybe this is just another HOAX.

posted on Jan, 5 2010 @ 11:28 AM
free energy is not a hoax, its only a matter of time before its here.

posted on Jan, 5 2010 @ 11:34 AM
reply to post by conar

I will give free energy the benefit of doubt. But I wont give Dr Greer the same treatment.

posted on Jan, 5 2010 @ 11:35 AM
At the risk of whining for attention a bit with this one, I can't believe nobody has addressed the issues I raised on pg. 5 about the potential of free energy to be used in nuclear-weapon-like ways on a mass scale to destroy the planet.

All of you seem to think either A) it will never happen; or B) if it does it will be this wonderful miraculous salvation of humanity.

Personally, I tend to lean strongly towards (A). But entertaining the possibility, I think if "free" energy really became available, it would NOT be a boon for mankind. It would be WEAPONIZED. First by governments without nuclear arms, and then by smalller groups, finally perhaps by individuals (if the earth lasted that long).

Picture conjuring the energy of 10 suns out of thin air and releasing it from your back yard. Picture everyone on earth, or at least a massive number of people and organizations, being able to do this.

As I said, the earth probably wouldn't last a week if this kind of tech actually emerged. It would be used destructively in a massive explosive manner. Some lunatic would use it to shatter the earth into a zillion particles of dust, either intentionally or by accident. Believe it.

[edit on 1/5/10 by silent thunder]

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