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POLICE ARE TERRORISTS!!! Oh boy, Oh boy...Please Enjoy!!!

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posted on Dec, 31 2009 @ 01:40 PM

Originally posted by moocowman
I'm trying hard to look at the clip objectively and impartially here but for the life of me cannot see how the police could be called terrorists here .

Please explain where you think terrorism is occurring in relation to this particular incident or am I misunderstanding something ?

Moocowman I am glad you watched it and saw it for what it was in real time. As for terrorism vs cops, you missed the part where I am a cop and this video was posted for those who actually DO believe situations like this make us terrorists. You saw it for what it was, but others here will watch it 50 times and each time find something new to bash cops about, but aren't looking at it just once in real time and saying WHAT WOULD I HAVE DONE?

posted on Dec, 31 2009 @ 01:43 PM
reply to post by rcwj1975

Are you WANTING to have people load video's of police acting like

Terrorist ?

That would be EASY to do.

No Vid.

San Fransico, shooting a handcuffed man , on his belly , in the

back, see , that was without even trying.

posted on Dec, 31 2009 @ 01:43 PM

Originally posted by watcher73

So given the choice between your family starving or you quitting youre telling youd quit?

Im pretty sure anyone reading this thread already knows you lack any sort of integrity and your choice will be the cash, just like the 99,999 others who dont walk away.

You're stating an opinion as an argument. You're logic is fallable. You do not know this man personally and therefor can not state he lacks integrity. Your judgement is based on a few forum posts in which he has not proven he lacks integrity, in fact if I can express my own opinion here, I'd say he has more than you. Now, taking into consideration the events leading up to a police state/NWO/SHTF scenario, there would be some large social upheaval at which point making money for your family wouldn't be of great importance. I also believe it was you who previously asked him if he'd quit before pointing a gun in his families faces and/or arresting/assaulting them. That essentially turned the question into "would you rather quit your job to help defend yourself and family, or keep your job so you can keep making money for your dead/incarcerated family?"

Wrong. You have the reasons I gave. Refiute them.

You're reasons are "police instill fear, fear is another term for terror, therefor police are terrorists" which is entry level logical form. The fear they instill is a fear that prevents criminal action and causes people to be fearful of faults which may be detrimental to social living, eg. broken tail lights. This might seem stupid to you, but broken tail lights easily lead to accidents that can be prevented by the simple warning a lit up tail light can give when pressing on the brake or activating the turning signal. Typically the main people that fear the police are people who engage in criminal activity. If you do nothing anti-social you have nothing to worry about. If you engage in anti-social activity, what makes you think you deserve a place in society if you are acting against it?

Cops take more hostages for $$$$$ than any other group in the world. WTF do you think an "arrest" is?

The difference between a hostage and a criminal is that typically a hostage does nothing to warrant their being held. A criminal under arrest has committed a crime or anti-social act, and as a result are held away from society to prevent further anti-social action. A hostage is held to secure the safety of a single person or small party or to acquire good/money. A criminal is held to secure the safety of the public (although criminals in prison do bring in money to the owner and as more people are getting into the prison business, the more corrupt it will get) I don't know how you can't see the difference between the two.

No you might not kill people for god, but you sure do seem to kill lots of people, even with supposed non-lethal weapons.

Now I have never seen a cop behead anyone, but I wouldnt rule it out based just on your testimony. Its not like cops have never been caught lying.

Accidents happen, people pull guns and other weapons, threaten the lives of officers. If you're going to tell me you wouldn't fire first if someone branishing a gun threatened your life then you must be a troll.

Your second statement would seem to imply that because human beings lie, and human beings work in Law Enforcement, that must mean LEOs behead people and lie about it. Goofy.

Now see what I did to your reasoning? Go back in the thread, find mine and try to do the same thing. Thats debate. Its not talking back "in a disagreeable manner".

Your 'debate' is spewing a bunch of ridiculous opinions founded on nothing. You haven't refuted anything. Your logical reasoning is below entry level. Good to see someone barely passed Philosophy 101 - Logical Thinking...

posted on Dec, 31 2009 @ 01:46 PM

Originally posted by rcwj1975
Some say I would need the paycheck.

I have a different perspective for a reason other than senseless speculation.

When I go to an officer and I tell them my kids are missing, and they come up with some excuse not to help me... reality sets in.

No... reality sets in when my kids still haven't been found today... and I look back and remember the face of every so-called officer that I asked for help.

I could go on... however, I do know that when I try to protect my family, as much as you just stated you wanted to protected yours, I was prevented... by guess who.

Every day is terror for me.

There isn't a day that doesn't go by that I don't think about my kids.

This is terror.

posted on Dec, 31 2009 @ 01:49 PM
reply to post by Sean48

San Fransico, shooting a handcuffed man , on his belly , in the

back, see , that was without even trying.

what happened to the cop?

posted on Dec, 31 2009 @ 01:52 PM

Bad news about your friend man. Police statistically have very high rates of depression, alcohol abuse, and suicide. This holds true to retirees as well. I would encourage you to check in on him if you feel it may be helpful.

Problems in policing are one of my major courses of study. Theres a lot of interesting little things that come up from both sides of the fence when it comes to issues of corruption and brutality.

Corruption isn't a simple concept here either. Theres all kinds that go on. Some are a little more morally ambiguous than others. New York is one of those examples where its reflective of society at large. Cops, shopkeepers, politicians, labor officials, sanitation workers, baseball players, wall street brokers, grandma, mobsters, and lucy down the steet all participate. I mean the former governor Eliot Spitzer, the big time US attorney for the district of New York, built his career taking down mafia guys with RICO, and got caught screwing hookers. Top down thats just the way it is there. Moral? No. Ethical? No. Still thats a heavy burden for a street patrol officer to shoulder. Its not a hard sell to snare guys like that when its handing him a few bones to go on lunch for a few minutes, when he sees his high society fellow new yorkers on TMZ every night doing coke.

Other forms are likened to "Dirty Harry" style policing practices where a street cop may fudge a little bit of arrest search and seizure so he can put a bad guy in jail. Stuff like saying he saw a gesture he didn't see to justify searching a car and seizing some drugs or a gun, justified in his mind for the greater good of the community.

Brutality is a way different animal. Sometimes they intentionally cross the line and get a payback beating. Sometimes they get scared and overreact. Sometimes they hesitate and it escelates beyond their control. Cops are trained to know the limits, but its hard to train away fear.
As far as different rules, like it or not, police DO have different rules. Police are authorized by the state to do many things that civillians can't do. In my state, for example, they can carry firearms, a criminal act for other people. Police can also use force to restrain you, deprive you of liberty, transport you against your will, and throw you in a cell for a justice objective. If a civillian did that to another civillian (under most circumstances) we would call that kidnapping. As a rule cops can escalate force to just above whatever their threat is doing.
In the context of the the video, I would go with a fearful reaction. Theres a burden placed on cops that society demands that they go and handle extremly dangerous and screwed up situations. In any high stress situation there are factors that can be controlled, can not be controlled, and complete unknowns. If the result is disasterous we hold them to the fire. Society at large expects 100% perfect performance from police officers at all times. Is it good to set the bar to that standard? Yes. Can it be achieved? No way.
None of the officers present for that incident were fired or indicted as far as I can tell after googling the YKW out of it. A few recieved minor suspensions for policy violations. Thats pretty normal for incidents like that.
Incendentally the reason the LA county Sheriffs office was in the City of Compton handling that is because Compton fired its corrupt police department and hired the SO to handle police response for their city.

posted on Dec, 31 2009 @ 01:53 PM

Originally posted by dzonatas
When I go to an officer and I tell them my kids are missing, and they come up with some excuse not to help me... reality sets in.

No... reality sets in when my kids still haven't been found today... and I look back and remember the face of every so-called officer that I asked for help.

I could go on... however, I do know that when I try to protect my family, as much as you just stated you wanted to protected yours, I was prevented... by guess who.

Going to an individual officer patrol for a missing persons case? Call the police department, an actual detective can be put on the case. A patroller lacks the resources and know-how to actually do anything beneficial to you other than drive you around hoping you spot your child, which you can do yourself.

You also claim the police prevented you from searching for your children. This is not true, they did not say to you, "you can not look for you child." You prevented yourself, stop placing blame on the police when you simply let yourself down. You're free to continue your search, nothing is preventing you but your own limitations.


posted on Dec, 31 2009 @ 01:55 PM
All this is is yet another video of a police officer going OTT on a member of the public, one of many we have seen here on ATS. Sad to see though, yes.

Where the conspiracy is though, i do not know? This is just one cop, not the whole of the Scottish police force.

I think i'll start posting every positive story about the police i find, however people would soon get bored of that because there are so many.

I'm not a police apologist btw, i detest officers that abuse their power, as i also detest the obvious blinkered hate against ALL police that is displayed here at times.

Unfortunately shocking videos of the police are deemed to fit in the "conspiracy" bracket more than nice ones.

What tickles me is that some members show an obvious hatred for the police due to one negative incident with them. Funny thing is, that same officer would probably help you out if tasked to do so in a different incident.

What a good job we don't hate all members of ATS just because the occasional one act like a fool eh?

Ignorance at it's best.


posted on Dec, 31 2009 @ 01:56 PM

Originally posted by liketheplague

Originally posted by dzonatas
When I go to an officer and I tell them my kids are missing, and they come up with some excuse not to help me... reality sets in.

No... reality sets in when my kids still haven't been found today... and I look back and remember the face of every so-called officer that I asked for help.

I could go on... however, I do know that when I try to protect my family, as much as you just stated you wanted to protected yours, I was prevented... by guess who.

Going to an individual officer patrol for a missing persons case? Call the police department, an actual detective can be put on the case. A patroller lacks the resources and know-how to actually do anything beneficial to you other than drive you around hoping you spot your child, which you can do yourself.

You also claim the police prevented you from searching for your children. This is not true, they did not say to you, "you can not look for you child." You prevented yourself, stop placing blame on the police when you simply let yourself down. You're free to continue your search, nothing is preventing you but your own limitations.

You just made the perfect example of the problem.

You assumed too much.

Go on... continue... be right... make another excuse... my kids are still missing.

[edit on 31-12-2009 by dzonatas]

posted on Dec, 31 2009 @ 01:57 PM
reply to post by rcwj1975

As for terrorism vs cops, you missed the part where I am a cop and this video was posted for those who actually DO believe situations like this make us terrorists.

Sorry for not reading the posts I just watched the video and said what I thought, not much different to how a juror is supposed to act I suppose.

You saw it for what it was, but others here will watch it 50 times and each time find something new to bash cops about, but aren't looking at it just once in real time and saying WHAT WOULD I HAVE DONE?

Well I'm sorry to say if I were in that position I would have not been taking any chances, innocent or guilty of whatever he was supposed to have done all he had to do was put up his hands his "Bitch" could have had a chinwag with him later at hers or behind bars whichever.

To my mind there is world of difference between having respect for the law and having respect for the upholders of the law and I get the feeling the the line is somewhat blurred.

posted on Dec, 31 2009 @ 01:58 PM

Less than lethal Arwen 37

posted on Dec, 31 2009 @ 02:04 PM
reply to post by dzonatas

So, you're telling me you called the police station, told them your children are missing and they said "oh, I'm pretty busy, I can not help you find your children." ? I find that unbelievable or your local police department is full of lazy scumbags. Don't use that to judge all officers.

And as I said previously, NOBODY is preventing you from searching. There's no law that says you can not go around looking for your missing child, making posters and (depending on the state) hiring a private detective.

posted on Dec, 31 2009 @ 02:07 PM
reply to post by dzonatas

First off if your children are missing I am sorry that has happened. But missing meaning kidnapped? Missing meaning ran away? Missing meaning custody issue and not allowed to see them?

NOOOOO police department or Sheriffs Office in the US is going to NOT help a mother find her children. Are you in the US? Also, as sad it is, after a certain amount of time we can only use so much resouces. Are you sure they didn't help you, but after time passed they simply couldn't find them?

posted on Dec, 31 2009 @ 02:19 PM

Originally posted by liketheplague
So, you're telling me you called the police station, told them your children are missing and they said.....

I've been to police stations. I've stood in front of judges.

I've learned what it means when they say "they protect their own."

If one cop buddy tells another cop buddy they need help... they protect their own and help.

If non-cop citizen asks a cop for help... they come up with excuses just like you did. They blame me. What you made up isn't anything new I haven't heard. You might as well add in, "why you starting now?" As I've been asked that, too... like they are implying it's all my fault.


Even going in front of a judge is not trying?

And as I said previously, NOBODY is preventing you from searching.

I got video footage of my attempt to go get my kids when I did know where they last were.

The so-called officer had the nerve to say I was trespassing. This is reality. This is how frakked up it is. Maybe try being a normal citizen and not among those the chosen few that "are protected."

There's no law that says you can not go around looking for your missing child, making posters and (depending on the state) hiring a private detective.

You know how many times I've called CPS, detectives, and other offices... just to get a simple drive-by of last known location. This is how many times they have actually responded.... nada... zero... 0... zilch.

Did you assume that I'm some that is not disabled that is like anybody else with a stable 9-5 bank hour job, or is that assumption because you and officers enjoy the taxes being paid to you and you think everybody has an income to afford a private detective, legal fees, and more.

You assumed way too much.

I know, it's still more important for you to be right then to think about MISSING CHILDREN.

Did you get that in my last post?

The OP even asks for how much we really should be listening... right?

Are you listening? Really? Let me repeat it... MISSING CHILDREN!

posted on Dec, 31 2009 @ 02:48 PM
Law enforcement is not as it seems.
Tax revenue generation is a better way to explain what these LEO constitute. I stated in a post that America could save billions by using our military to handle law enforcement. The American justice system is cluttered with laws that are used as tax generating revenue. I'm sorry but I just think the tax money could be used for better needs than to train people to staff local and state agencies when we have a military that could be trained to handle these duties.

Why spend double the tax dollars on these petty local law enforcement agencies. With our economy in this shape the last thing we need is over bloated police depts. I say we give the one who are due their retirment and draw a hard line after 2015 and start a steady stream of closing agencies after that. If police officers are so fast to up hold that society has changed so much that they need military assualt rifles and swat teams then I say screw it we don't need to spend the tax dollars on their agencies when we have a military who is trained to DEAL with the society that police so desperatly say is changed and use that as an excuse to have para-military swat divisions. We are spending way to much money on these depts and should just let the military handle it.

posted on Dec, 31 2009 @ 02:48 PM

Originally posted by rcwj1975
First off if your children are missing I am sorry that has happened. But missing meaning kidnapped? Missing meaning ran away? Missing meaning custody issue and not allowed to see them?

Is was a custody issue that turned into a kidnapping.

Because it started as a custody issue, that has been the major excuse for not to help. Cops blames that the parents are just bickerings and the only reason why I'm going to police station is just to get even. Hello?

The social worker has even claimed and said she would testify in court that she can't find them.

Other agencies can't find them.

NOOOOO police department or Sheriffs Office in the US is going to NOT help a mother find her children. Are you in the US?

I wish that was true. People assume that is true. I found the truth and that isn't it.

This actually is much worse. I think I am being polite and just have a will to live to keep going. I have no other reason to stay alive... except maybe one day.. maybe something will change. Maybe somebody will take me seriously and not assume too much. I've been alone for the past 5 years. Only one other person has stepped foot in my place, which I don't even own. Why would anybody think I'm just making up a story?

I finally was able to move all the toys that were left in the front room to the back room... after 5 years. I still haven't touched my other room full of toys and baby clothes. The bag of huggies collected dust next to my kitchen counter.

I don't have any criminal record. My only crime was just being born... my punishment was having to live through this being treated like a criminal.

I'm tired of fighting. Sure... you can say nobody prevents you. I don't think they understand what I mean by I'm tired.

Wake up every morning. First thing on my mind is horror. The horror that I have to live through another day. I have to find something to keep me busy. I have to do something, but I'm tired of going through this. I'm tired of trying to convince somebody of the reality I know. I'm tired of the stupid legal excuses.

I told the child support agency my kids are missing. I thought this would get someone's attention and get some action on the case. They sent notice that they want child support money and documentation of how much time I haven't seen my kids so that can figure out how much money to get from me. No... don't even assume the other parent had anything to do with it. The signature is a stamp from the person I talk to on the phone.

You know how much it would have meant to me if the other parent's signature was on that form? That would have been relief.

That stamp just brought more horror to the reality

posted on Dec, 31 2009 @ 03:04 PM

Originally posted by tsloan
I'm sorry but I just think the tax money could be used for better needs than to train people to staff local and state agencies when we have a military that could be trained to handle these duties.

Yes, please.

posted on Dec, 31 2009 @ 03:08 PM
reply to post by rcwj1975

LEO's have turned on the citizens many times. All you have to do is look at the 50's and 60's civil rights movement when LEO's used attack dogs, high pressured hoses, batons, etc on peaceful protesters.

If anything does go down, law enforcement and millitary will prtect the interest of status quo. Stop fooling yourself and lying to fellow ATS members.

[edit on 31-12-2009 by EMPIRE]

posted on Dec, 31 2009 @ 03:24 PM
Well I haven't watched the video and don't plan to, but just for kicks....

Police do sometimes look and act the part....

pakistan terrorist

american terrorist

posted on Dec, 31 2009 @ 03:27 PM
reply to post by EMPIRE

So you compare racial riots and racial officers from the 50's and 60's to me? And in your wisdom of knowing me so well call me a liar because your to stupid to have an open mind that not all of us are the same?

So then its safe for me to say you rape children right? Your a child molester because anyone on ats with a name like EMPIRE and who talks like you loves to rape kids and fondel children. See how stupid that sounds for me to assume and automatically put you into a group because of what???? You people really need help...

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