reply to post by rcwj1975
Ok, so after reading your posts in answer to many of the questions being asked of you, you reply in a nutshell, that:
1. If you (and 95% of your bretheren) were ordered to perform your duties as assigned in a martial law situation, you would not turn on your family
and friends.
2. You personally would not have tasered that guy, but you see no real error in what they did if that was departmental policy to act in that way.
3. That if someone feels nervous or anxious around the police it is because they are doing something wrong or shouldn't be doing.
I'll stop there for now and address each of these in turn.
1. Saying you wouldn't turn on friends and family is not the correct answer.
The correct answer would have been, "I wouldn't turn on my fellow citizens". But, that wouldn't be true would it?
Would you give your mom or wife a speeding ticket?
Would your buddies on the force?
No F-ing way, and you know it.
Would you give my mom or wife one?
Hell yes, and if you are willing to bend the rules for family and friends, you're willing to break them.
2. If you say there was no error in their use of force b\c it was most likely departmental policy, that is the same as saying "I was just following
Don't try to slice it any other way.
3. This last one is complete horse crap and shows your true nature (everyone is a criminal just waiting to happen).
I know people who are compliant little societal sheeple who never color outside the lines. When they see cops, their first reaction is to get out of
Because cops can make up any crap they want to try and get a reaction out of people. This usually causes a percieved suspicious or sometimes hostile
response and an excuse to flex some muscle, possibly arrest someone, and maybe even rough someone up a little.
Don't deny it, you know it happens, and others on here who claim to be cops or were in the past confirm this.
In fact it has happened to me on numerous occasions for being guilty of walking home from work at night. It's called Probable Cause, and is so vague
in description it is like a blank cheque to be a dickhead.
It has been said before, but I feel it needs to be said over and over again until it actually sinks in.
If you do not turn in the bad apples you are just as bad or worse.
I don't care if you are brothers in arms. If you are so scared to turn one of your own over for wrong doing, or to point out that everyone who sees a
video of police brutality is absolutely right, instead of sound bites like "They acted within dept. policy", "You don't know the whole story", or
my personal fave "They were cleared of all wrong doing", because the SOB may not help you out in a jam, or may even shoot you in the back
"accidentily", then the lot of you from the chief on down need to be investigated and prosecuted to the full extent of the law.
That being said, in relation to this documentary, I can only comment that showing us this one video of how "unreasonable" people can be that you
deal with every day, does not excuse the thousands of videos out there of you and your brothers not doing your job properly, and just generally being
.25 of a notch above the wads you are supposed to be protecting us from.