reply to post by Stop-loss!
Your handle is Westside. You're 24 years old. You joined the US Army in the Summer of 2003 for 6 years, earned a $6,000 bonus and were posted to Fort
Sill. You expressed concerns about the weaponry supplied for training purposes, that it was inadequate for purpose.
Following basic training you were deployed to Bamberg, Germany C btry 1- 6 FA in December 2003, then to Iraq in February 2004, to Baqubah, Diyala
Province. After a busy year there, you returned to Bamberg in March 2005. Following your German tour, in Berlin, and after your escapades with the
German locals (drinking in excess, bringing women back to barracks etc) you were transferred to Fort Bliss when your unit was disbanded. In October
2006 you returned to Iraq, Q-West. You returned to USA in December 2007, based in El Paso.
By May 2009 you found yourself “stop lossed”, missing out on your ETS date of 30th July 2009, and transferred to Kuwait, thereafter to Iraq, the
financial benefits of which are $500. In November 2009 you withdrew most of your $43,000 savings to pay off your parents Bank of America mortgage. On
27th November 2009 you returned to Iraq, following a 2 week vacation in California.
You've killed many and seen a friend die from a lower back wound. Your consistently against the US Government, Obama in particular and in one
unnoticed post you advocate revolution ; “If we join together and show those washington war monger puppets how many constitution rights they
violated, we can kick them off of office and have our rights restored. If that don't work, then how about a revolution?”
Your unit suffers slow internet connection. Your forward operating base is a backwater, FOB Gary Owen, Maysan Province, Amarrah, Unit B 2-29 FA. you
don't work in the Green Zone.
All that I've obtained simply by reading what you've personally disclosed here.
I think you've been incautious by posting so much personally identifying information on ATS. I've no doubt your Army superiors can easily identify
you. By doing so you're in breach of Regulations.
You're also in breach of Regulations by consistently posting against the government and “the powers that be”. Army communication facilities are
paid for by the taxpayer and your own political viewpoint should not be expressed at the public expense, certainly not those advocating revolution and
the overthrow of government, however sympathetic many of us feel for that sentiment.
You're on thin ice too by highlighting the inadequacy of weaponry supplied, although I doubt you have breached Opsec because you have not described
to any detail the vulnerabilities of that weaponry or that of your training regime. For that I guess we should be hugely grateful for your
commonsense, such as it is.
You do however reveal that your unit is vulnerable to communications glitches, poor internet connection. That others could surely take advantage
However, you breached Opsec yourself by taking German civilians back to barracks for sexual/social purposes. That's nothing short of the most
stupidest thing I've ever read. Is it not beyond the realms of possibility that your sexual conquests may not be all they seemed ? And that you
brought them onto base, again totally in breach of Regulations ?
It's also arguable that your consistent whining here & in theatre could adversely affect the performance of your unit, that's in breach of
Regulations too, it gives comfort & succour to your enemy & saps the morale of your comrades.
You really are a blithering idiot of a soldier.