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2012: Did it ever occur to anyone that just maybe...

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posted on Sep, 9 2010 @ 07:21 AM
reply to post by stereologist

even after that scientific data from that documentary you still don't believe it? WTF are you? Are you Johnny 5 evil twin robot? I have never seen someone so damn ignorant in my life from one person. Even I was skeptical of that documentary but after watching it I believed it.

edit on 9-9-2010 by dragnet53 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 9 2010 @ 07:24 AM
reply to post by dragnet53

I don't have the time to waste watching a video for no reason. What do you think that this video states that is so interesting?

posted on Sep, 9 2010 @ 07:48 AM
reply to post by stereologist

you don't have time? you spend your time reading all these posts. you have plenty of time. I guess your superiors are stating you must only read and not watch videos eh?

posted on Sep, 9 2010 @ 07:52 AM
reply to post by dragnet53

How about this. Instead of posting videos designed for entertainment purposes, why don't you go out and find scholarly journal articles that support your viewpoint. It would certainly bring more legitimacy to your claim than some clips from the History Channel.

posted on Sep, 9 2010 @ 07:56 AM
reply to post by Xcalibur254

sorry, I am a video type person and not a bookworm.

Even if I had scientific journals you people would debunk them as hoaxes.

posted on Sep, 9 2010 @ 07:59 AM
reply to post by dragnet53

It's not hard to search scientific journals. Google has a vast repository online that are just waiting to be poured through for free. Even an abstract would help support your cause more than a simple video and be much quicker to digest. The truth is not going to be discovered on YouTube it's going to be discovered through empirical observation and analysis of data.

Google Scholar

edit on 9-9-2010 by Xcalibur254 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 9 2010 @ 09:25 AM
reply to post by dragnet53

Another pointless comment.

I suppose that is because you are unable to provide any information on the video. Is that because you don't understand the claims made on the video?

I doubt it. I believe that the reason you can't post a reason for the video is that there is no reason for the video other than spamming the thread.

posted on Sep, 9 2010 @ 09:27 AM
reply to post by dragnet53

You just don't get it do you. You have nothing worthwhile to say - again!

There are many non-scientific journals, too. All of them have discourse about ideas. The reason for the discourse is to share ideas and sort out the good from the bad.

Is that so hard to understand?

posted on Sep, 9 2010 @ 03:48 PM

Imagine if you turn a bicycle upside-down, and you take one of the tires, and you spin it, and you put your hand against it. What you'll feel is air. Okay, so now, imagine the galaxy, billions of light years across, billions and billions of stars, huge amounts of mass, and it's spinning.

Part 3, @4:35

Even if everything 2012 related in the video turns out to be false, this one statement Stein said made the entire video worth it. It really puts it all in perspective.

edit on 9/9/2010 by SonicInfinity because: Added where and when I found it being said

posted on Sep, 9 2010 @ 06:08 PM
Hey, quit hijacking my thread. Or something.

posted on Sep, 10 2010 @ 12:58 AM

Originally posted by stereologist

I did a few searches, probably not as many as you did, and I saw nothing.
It's sad that so many people fall for these claims without checking up on the claims. It's often
fairly reasonable to check to see if a statement is reasonable.

Item to remember.... If according to sitchin it only effects us every other orbit then depending
on its proximity a nibiru orbit may or may not have any, or have sufficent effect on us to
produce correlative data that shows an effect every other 3600 yr orbit.

Here is the data i found. where is your data saying it is unreasonable? or at least some
sources to show you at least saw a page about an ice core, you know something more than
nothing would be nice.

I did ONE QUICK search and i got a bunch of hits here is the first hit on the page..

In an article in Nature, November 1980, Hammer, Clausen and Dansgaard date a disturbance
from the Camp Century core to 5470 BC +/- 120 years. This compares to the proposed Hekla
eruption which was radiocarbon dated to 5450 BC +/- 190 years.

these disturbances give more credability to a possible nibiru and are reasonable for discussion

shows a 6000-7000 yr climate reversal cycle 30,000-60,000 yrs ago so a little credability to a
ancient nibiru.and time frame is certainly interresting and reasonable for discussion.

Yoshiyuki Fujii and Okitsugu Watanabe's "Microparticle Concentration And Electrical
Conductivity of A 700 m Ice Core from Mizuho Station Antarctic" published in Annals of
Glaciology (1-, 1988) pp. 38-42, demonstrate that "large scale environmental changed possibly
occurred in the Southern Hemisphere in the middle of the Holocene. (Within the last 10,000 years).
Their depth profiles of microparticle concentration, electrical conductivity and Oxygen 18 at
circa 1600 BC indicates a spike in readings for all of these elements. The evidence shows that
this disturbance covered this designated period, but with a "huge spike" at c. 1600 BC .....

Hmm spike at 1600 BC Lets see that would be 3600 yrs ago little more credability for nibiru
and reasonable for discussion.

no one is talking exact time frames except sitchin and 3600 yrs so it is up to the researcher
to decide weather they believe human error and/or the errors present in our dating techniques
along with any time differences that may exist between passings of a nibiru is adequate to
account for the slight difference in dates.and you need to look back in the data sets farthur to
see if there are more events in an appropriate cycle to match the 3600 or every other 3600 yr
orbit give or take. but for the purpose of this post this info will do.

took me about 30 mins to find three seperate examples of a possible correlation to the 3600 yr
orbit causing issues with planet earth. i wouldnt classify this as proof positive but it would
definately be a reasonable statement and certainly worth discussion and research by you and
not just the same lazy bashing of peoples posts.

ice cores from all over the world show basically the same data, the information is there no
matter where it leads. all it takes is a little intellectual curiosity !

Why does our civilisation only go back a few thousand years? mankind either evolved here and
has been around hundreds of thousands of years or more or we are genetically engineered and
we've been here about 40,000 years or more... no matter how long we have been here There must
be a very good reason for everyone to have left or perished. this has happened to numerous
civilizations at different times through history. Most of these cultures have been wiped away
except there buildings, we know nothing or very little about them. Alot of them are under water.
something catastrophic probably occured numerous times but what and why ? goodnight

posted on Sep, 10 2010 @ 03:20 AM
reply to post by TheEar

Your research is fairly limited to sites which scratch around for evidence of some sort of cycle. They are sort of picky about the data they show. BTW, when you use a direct quote you are expected to notate it as such, lest it be considered plagiarism.

In an article in Nature, November 1980, Hammer, Clausen and Dansgaard date a disturbance from the Camp Century core to 5470 BC +/- 120 years. This compares to the proposed Hekla eruption which was radiocarbon dated to 5450 BC +/- 190 years.
OK, a large volcanic eruption occurred. That's been known to happen. Was Nibiru responsible for Tambora in 1815? How about Taupo in 186 AD? Crater Lake was a big one (4850 BC). Kurile Lake (6640 BC). How do those fit into the "cycle"? Or do only eruptions that fit the "cycle" count?

Yoshiyuki Fujii and Okitsugu Watanabe's "Microparticle Concentration And Electrical Conductivity of A 700 m Ice Core from Mizuho Station Antarctic" published in Annals of Glaciology (1-, 1988) pp. 38-42, demonstrate that "large scale environmental changed possibly occurred in the Southern Hemisphere in the middle of the Holocene. (Within the last 10,000 years). Their depth profiles of microparticle concentration, electrical conductivity and Oxygen 18 at circa 1600 BC indicates a spike in readings for all of these elements. The evidence shows that this disturbance covered this designated period, but with a "huge spike" at c. 1600 B.C.
Did you actually look at the Fujii article? I don't see how you could have and still use that ripped off quote as evidence. There is no "huge spike" at 1600 B.C. but there is a bit of one. There are quite a few spikes. Showing no pattern whatsoever. The thing is, those "large scale" changes seem to have begun gradually about 6 or 7 thousand years ago (near the end of the last glacial period, one would expect major climate changes) and increasing in intensity. Interesting too that the ice cores from another location in Antarctica do not show any "spike" at 1600 BC, or any other cyclical "events".

Those sea level changes dated by Yokoyama et al? Interesting stuff but there is no regular cycle found there, 3600 years or otherwise. Again, maybe you should have gone to the source. It's about correlations with Heinrich events.

The timing of the major sea-level high stands and the corresponding Heinrich event designations are as follows: H3 (30.4 ka); H3.5 (38.3ka); H4 (43.7); H5 (51.5 ka).

It is thought that Heinrich events are the result of climate change, not externally induced catostrophic events.

There was clearly a close relation between these ice core temperature cycles and another prominent feature of North Atlantic deep-sea core records, the Heinrich events. Heinrich events occurred every 7,000 to 10,000 years during times of sea surface cooling in the form of brief, exceptionally large, discharges of icebergs from the Laurentide and European ice sheets which left conspicuous layers of detrital rocks in deep-sea sediments.

So by carefully choosing data a "cycle" can be found. But even taking into account the potential inaccuracies of dating techniques, when a greater body of evidence is examined, there is no 3,600 or 7,200 year cycle to any global catastrophes. Looking for cycles is fine. Trying to make the evidence fit a predefined cycle...not so much.

posted on Sep, 10 2010 @ 07:33 AM
reply to post by TheEar

i wouldnt classify this as proof positive but it would definately be a reasonable statement and certainly worth discussion and research by you and not just the same lazy bashing of peoples posts.

The misrepresentation of the ice core article is just a lame attempt to waste the time of the gullible. I have looked over that article. Did you? I know you didn't and you call me lazy.

Always check these claims by going back to the original source. Does the source back up the claim? What is the date of the article? Does that fit in with the claim? There is a process to research and there are lots of things to do. I do it and yet you call it being lazy.

If you want to find this supposed 3600 year cycle you can find all sorts of baloney online. That's easy. You found 3 in a short period of time. A typical nonsense claim works like this:

If A happened at time t, then t is on a cycle.

In the mean time all other data is disregarded if it doesn't fit. Do you know how many active volcanoes there are in Indonesia at any given time? I believe it is 12. How does that fit into a cycle?

These nonsense claims get repeated and repeated without anyone checking the original article. As soon as one person get the ball rolling by making a fake claim,then the others follow.

A great example of that was someone fooling a small paper in Europe to print an article that an office worker was dead at his desk for 3 days before people realized he had died. Then the article was picked up by larger papers because they accepted the story as true. Soon that tall tale made it around the world in many newspapers.

posted on Sep, 10 2010 @ 07:43 AM
I can't believe anyone takes something that is shown on History Channel seriously.

posted on Sep, 10 2010 @ 01:45 PM
reply to post by Segador

As opposed to what other channels? Fox?

posted on Sep, 10 2010 @ 01:49 PM
reply to post by Phage

Excellent points, Phage. I know this started out as a "Nibiru" thread, as I was equating geophysical changes/occurrences with historical/biblical writings. But, I think it's important to observe a bunch of strange coincidences in several different arenas that all seem to be coming to a head at right about the same time. (Economic, Political, Technological, Extra-Terrestrial, Religous,etc)

I'd love to hear your input on my long post on page 4. [Linkage for your convenience]

edit on 9/10/2010 by SquirrelNutz because: Added link for easy access

posted on Sep, 26 2010 @ 12:54 PM
Time to wake up this thread. My 'acceleration of knowledge of ourselves and the universe' theory got a little bump to day: ATS Discussion, here: U.N. to Appoint Earth Contact for Alien Visitors

Sounds like people in some pretty important places/positions agree with some of my ideas. The smarter we get, the more we learn about our past (and, see how truly basterdized and falsified our (knowledge of) our own history has become), the more we are forced to come to terms with ther truth. About our origins, of our fate, etc.

We are not alone. Period.

OOPS - this is ultimately the wrong thread I wanted to bump, but I found my 'accerlation' post, and wanted to add to it, so it applies to other posts in the thread, but not the OP, itself

edit on 9/26/2010 by SquirrelNutz because: Wrong thread replied to - sorry :-(

posted on Sep, 26 2010 @ 04:45 PM
well 2012 would normally just be another year..but i fear that the world order is preparing us for world war 4,,so i wouldnt be surprised if the world ends,,,i mean something has to be done..something big..or wel just run out of oil...think about it...

posted on Sep, 26 2010 @ 04:59 PM
reply to post by stayjersey

What the Hell happened to World War 3??? Did I miss it???

posted on Sep, 26 2010 @ 06:40 PM
So squirrel, any info or rumor, about the Last survivor of that crashed UFO named Bek’Ti? This particular crash ( which happened after roswell) is an incident that seemed to inspire William Cooper to start an investigative and research career, which IMO eventually got him killed in 2001.

I read the PDF, and the story told by this marooned humanlike ET seems like a very detailed version of the old writings. If these papers could indeed be confirmed, as originating from a collage paper from a student in the 60's,
then that is a mystery unto itself. So at the very least, he found a version of the "Book of the Dead" that was very well studied and translated. Interesting read anyway. thanks

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