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I met an awakened Soul.

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posted on Dec, 22 2009 @ 02:29 PM
It sounds almost Buddhist with the central path and all. If you read up on Buddhist stuff it sounds a lot like that. I hope this person joins ATS.

posted on Dec, 22 2009 @ 02:56 PM
reply to post by daddio

I tell you what, go to this site below and read her articles. I question authority too, because I am the ultimate authority to ME. I answer to myself and no one else. I see that and I am sure you agree here. But read her stuff and let us know what you think.

Solution to the Authority Hoax: If it isn’t simple, it isn’t accurate.

OK, i read it. I don't know that having a discussion on this is appropriate for this thread, but if you want me to comment on it i will. It could get long winded tho, it was a pretty long essay..

posted on Dec, 22 2009 @ 05:28 PM
reply to post by liquidsmoke206

Liquid, I am somewhat intrigued, ..... perhaps you can guide the rest of us " generic" new ager's to something you believe to be worthwhile.

so just out of curiosity, ... what value's and beleif's do you hold ?? which way is your way ?? your so quick to dismiss even the dalai lama, ... so what then do you deem groundbreaking or worthwhile ??

posted on Dec, 22 2009 @ 06:52 PM

Originally posted by liquidsmoke206
None of this is that interesting and if there's anyone who hasn't heard and thought all this stuff before then they live under the same rock that someone beat them in the head with.

This is why I am always dumbfounded at how many people want to listen to the Dhali lama. All he ever says is, be compassionate to each other. Yeah NO @@#$%&*! Dhali Lama, everyone gets that.

Since you don't want "generic" comments, I will use your own comment here to point out the possible fallacy in your thinking. You said here that EVERYONE gets the idea about being compassionate to each other, and yet doesn't this very thread, and ATS as a whole prove that VERY FEW actually get it?

Understanding something with your intellect is not at all what this is about. The reason Dhali Lama says those things over and over is the same reason the Apostle John in his later years only ever told the people "Love One Another." When asked why he always just said the same three words, he said "Well, until they actually start doing it, there is nothing else for them to know."

Walking in the light is not an exercise of the intellect, or a measure of how much you know. A person can fathom all mysteries, and be filled with every piece of knowledge in the world, and yet still be quite immersed in darkness. This is plain to see by anyone who has attained even a small amount of SPIRITUAL light.

Here is a practical example: you could read a thousand books on flying a helicopter, ace all the tests, and walk around thinking you are a helicopter pilot. Then you could see someone standing next to a copter who says to you "hey there, want to come and learn how to hover?" to which you smugly reply "What? No need man, I know it all already! Heard it all before! It doesn't interest me to keep hearing all about cyclics and collectives and hovering!" And yet, if you would dare to actually get into the machine and try to fly it, you would soon learn that there is a huge difference between intellectual familiarity and actual experiential understanding.

You might think that you understand these simple principles, but from your responses on this thread, it has yet to show itself... the compassion and kindness for your fellow human beings. Do you think you win any points in the universe by putting others down or making yourself look better by insulting others? And in case you think about turning this around and accusing me of doing that to you, let me point out that I am not telling you that you CAN'T be better, or that you CAN'T show more compassion... I'm not telling you that I'm not impressed with you, for I am impressed with your ability to be better in your words than you are being. You see, I am not at all criticizing your ability to rise to a higher standard, for you ARE capable. The issue with you is your CHOICE to act and speak with a certain heart, and that heart makes itself known by your words.

Here is one last analogy to hopefully bring things to light: imagine a baby laying on its back on the ground. He looks and sees other babies struggling to crawl, struggling to just get up on their knees. Now, imagine the baby who is laying on its back laughing at those trying to crawl. He says to them "Hey, you silly babies! I'm so surprised at you trying to crawl over and over. Don't you know how by now? I've heard all those instructions many times before. It's easy! In fact, I know how to walk! You just put one leg in front of the other. We've all heard it before, many times!"

Those who are learning to crawl so that they can eventually walk just look at the baby lying there on his back and wonder how a creature can be so blinded to his own situation, for he thinks he knows how to walk because he heard others talk about it, or because he thought about it, and yet he himself has never taken a step.

I am not at all putting you down here... I am actually lifting you up, encouraging you to stop thinking that you raise yourself up by putting others down... the OP has posted some good things for some people to consider, and it HAS HELPED some people already. I am also trying to help you, knowing full well that the likely outcome will be that I will receive your public scorn and derision... but often that is the price one pays for trying to help a fellow human being. I would just ask that you consider how you can also be an encouragement to others, and to show them compassion. How will YOU show compassion? That is the question that all true spiritual leaders would want you to consider and to actually start DOING, not just thinking about.

Of course the same goes for me, and that is why I will not put anyone's attempt at growing spiritually down. For truly, there is no need to learn anything new until the present lessons are well perfected.

Anyhow, I know you will feel the great desire to lash back at me, for you mistakenly see this as some kind of intellectual duel, but please know that from my point of view, I am not interested in "winning" or in beating you in any kind of contest. I have said sincere words to you in the most gentle way I could find, hoping that somehow they will be of benefit. That was my intent, regardless of the outcome.

posted on Dec, 22 2009 @ 07:54 PM

Originally posted by liquidsmoke206

This is why I am always dumbfounded at how many people want to listen to the Dhali lama. All he ever says is, be compassionate to each other. Yeah NO @@#$%&*! Dhali Lama, everyone gets that.


Does everyone really GET this? If that were true, wouldn't the world be a compassionate place without negativity so commonly associated with it? Sometimes the only way a message can sink in is through repetition.

posted on Dec, 22 2009 @ 08:00 PM

Originally posted by liquidsmoke206
reply to post by daddio

see.....anyone can spew this kind of stuff. You've listed all kinds of people from all walks of life dropping clever little one(or 2) liners. It's fun to read, but there's no enlightenment or awakening happening here unless this is the very first time any of this has crossed yer mind, but i don't think there's a lot of 7 year olds n ATS...

In your view, what would have to happen for a piece of information to be enlightening? Do you believe just reading something will enlighten you? It is the angle from which you perceive the information and whether you choose to incorporate it into your life. Without action, your enlightenment is just words on a page.

posted on Dec, 22 2009 @ 08:08 PM

Originally posted by Algebra
It becomes clear in the third or fourth bit of writing that the "God" in mention is the same god that christians believe in. Your not going to convince me through this thinly vieled attempt at conversion that the god you follow is the god i should follow. It may just be clever enough to fool some who visit this site but i aint one of them.

Could you show me where exactly you came to this conclusion? Thanks in advance. The writings clearly state that no one should interfere with the choice beliefs of another so I don't think he is pushing his view of the Eternal One on us.

posted on Dec, 23 2009 @ 02:44 AM
reply to post by Rhain

schizophrenic, delusions of grandeur; yup, he's the one

posted on Dec, 23 2009 @ 11:41 AM
QUOTE: “Honestly....I read about 3 or 4 of these and then just skipped the rest. It's the same old generic new age, pseudo enlightenment rhetoric.”

Actually it’s channeled “pseudo enlightenment rhetoric” however, this one string of words is the only thing that liguidsmoke206 said in his many posts that I can agree with. Gee, he sure reveals more than I ever wanted to know about the state of his Self doesn’t he?

As for the original Post, my first thought was “get a life” but then I notice the apparently sincere responses which genuinely seem to gain some light and advancement by those words and am reminded yet again that everyone has something to add to Existence (as LS206 demonstrates).

But seriously, IMO once you’ve heard one channeler you’ve pretty much heard them all, but its a skill that neither indicates awakening, consciousness, nor Enlightenment in the conduit, which I suspect to be the poster.

Although I will readily admit that we all have been Enlightened many times in the Past, and will be in the future too, channeling is merely a single aspect of the Angels and God Archetypes that everyone carries at their Core.

Good stuff arrives but pretty much "same old same old" that one can purchase in almost any private session or read in a multitude of books. Platitudes but no concrete advice on how to define it, do it, find it, or achieve it, because that would be the real secret.

The other side of this coin is amusement at the lack of insight often expressed herein, but this is only a reminder that none of us can finish this Journey until we all do; and thus, this gives an idea of how long we have come and how far yet to go.

Fortunately, Eternity and the Infinite stretch before us and provides enough time and everything else needed to make the journey to One's Destiny (Heart, Courage and Brains).

I also have reason to believe in the One God, and of course, the lesser Gods as well. An interesting and amusing Post.

[edit on 23-12-2009 by Brown Bear]

posted on Dec, 23 2009 @ 01:14 PM
reply to post by liquidsmoke206

/////YOUR QUOTES///////

"He who knows he has enough, will always have enough" Buddha.

see, it's lines like this that I have a problem with. It's a way of comforting people who are miserable because they do not have "enough." The quote would not even exist if it wasn't true. It's no different then tryin to tell christians to devote all their time and money to the church so that they will reach salvation....Liquidsmoke ain't buyin." end your quote//////////////////

Wow LS206, you travel far to avoid the light, and your own words condemn you more than you can realize; but the obvious response to the above mentioned bit of your foolishness is as follows.

Grasshopper. Pay attention for a change. And then ask yourself exactly "how much" do you need in your own life to be happy and content? For you, how much is enough and how much is too much?

An honest answer will reveal many attachments and cherished delusions you need to shed before advancing a single step toward an understanding of the Great Mysteries or the task before Mankind.

Also, you might make an effort to rid yourself of anger toward Christianity. Although many of them also go far to give God a bad name one must rise above it and not allow ill feelings to prevent approach to the light.

Finally, people are "miserable" for reasons which you do not yet understand but need to investigate by feeling your own pain instead of expressing "quiet desperation" so obviously on this thread (but just a thought).

[edit on 23-12-2009 by Brown Bear]

[edit on 23-12-2009 by Brown Bear]

posted on Dec, 23 2009 @ 02:42 PM
reply to post by IntastellaBurst

Liquid, I am somewhat intrigued, ..... perhaps you can guide the rest of us " generic" new ager's to something you believe to be worthwhile.

If I did that I would sound much like the awakened soul who was the original subject of this thread. I feel like a broken record, but it's not that this stuff isn't worthwhile, to some people it is. i just don't see people that do this kind of stuff as awakened souls. The whole thing seems so egotistical, and that strikes me as the complete opposite, even though some of the logic contained in new age ideas is pretty solid.

so just out of curiosity, ... what value's and beleif's do you hold ?? which way is your way ?? your so quick to dismiss even the dalai lama, ... so what then do you deem groundbreaking or worthwhile ??

value's are tough to put into words, unless you have a category to fall under, such as christian values etc.
My belief system is probably leaning somewhere toward nihilism at this point, if that's possible...LOL.
My way? I don't even know how to answer that.
I did not dismiss the Dalai Lama, I in fact hyper-agreed( just invented that word) with him. I just happen to realize he's no more enlightening than Bill and Ted...."be excellent to each other..."

experience is worthwhile, even bad ones. art and science are groundbreaking.

posted on Dec, 23 2009 @ 03:23 PM
reply to post by downisreallyup

Since you don't want "generic" comments, I will use your own comment here to point out the possible fallacy in your thinking. You said here that EVERYONE gets the idea about being compassionate to each other, and yet doesn't this very thread, and ATS as a whole prove that VERY FEW actually get it?

Understanding something with your intellect is not at all what this is about. The reason Dhali Lama says those things over and over is the same reason the Apostle John in his later years only ever told the people "Love One Another." When asked why he always just said the same three words, he said "Well, until they actually start doing it, there is nothing else for them to know."

Walking in the light is not an exercise of the intellect, or a measure of how much you know. A person can fathom all mysteries, and be filled with every piece of knowledge in the world, and yet still be quite immersed in darkness. This is plain to see by anyone who has attained even a small amount of SPIRITUAL light.

I think people are compassionate at a level that's comfortable to them, as a product of their own life, and how compassionate they are at any given time is dependent on whats happening around them. That people are doing a decent job of being compassionate is evident in the fact that the world is able to function and civilizations are able to blossom. I understand there are breakdowns, but for the most part it works which is pretty extraordinary. What is someone really asking for when they say be compassionate? We already are. Some people could use some help in that department, but probably in both directions. You like practical examples and metaphors, can you think of an example of too much compassion? If you can then you would understand that a message of compassion is moot, thus realizing my point about the dalai lama rattling off things that make me wanna say, "no duh dude...". If you can't design that scenario, then it would be a result of your own biases limiting your mind, which would hopefully be....enlightening.

You might think that you understand these simple principles, but from your responses on this thread, it has yet to show itself... the compassion and kindness for your fellow human beings. Do you think you win any points in the universe by putting others down or making yourself look better by insulting others?

Who am I putting down? How have a i been unkind? Who have insulted?
If you're referring to my opening crack at the Dalai Lama, I was obviously just being a smart ass. hence the grinning smiley. The only guy I was remotely rude to was skittle, but we were just talking a little trash to each other. No biggie.

the OP has posted some good things for some people to consider, and it HAS HELPED some people already.

I don't know if you guys are really reading my posts. I never disagreed with this line. I in fact, have said the same thing, more then once in this thread.

I am also trying to help you, knowing full well that the likely outcome will be that I will receive your public scorn and derision... but often that is the price one pays for trying to help a fellow human being.

ah, the prices paid for being TOO compassionate...
I'm not gonna scorn you...LOL, but you don't need to be so hell bent on helping people. People might not trust someone so overtly compassionate, especially if their help backfires.

Anyhow, I know you will feel the great desire to lash back at me

nope, not until you say something really really stupid like skittle did.


posted on Dec, 23 2009 @ 03:28 PM
reply to post by ModestThought

Does everyone really GET this? If that were true, wouldn't the world be a compassionate place without negativity so commonly associated with it? Sometimes the only way a message can sink in is through repetition.

I'm a compassionate guy and have noticed how much you respect repetition, so just for you, I'll repeat my previous post one more time. Who loves ya baby!?

I think people are compassionate at a level that's comfortable to them, as a product of their own life, and how compassionate they are at any given time is dependent on whats happening around them. That people are doing a decent job of being compassionate is evident in the fact that the world is able to function and civilizations are able to blossom. I understand there are breakdowns, but for the most part it works which is pretty extraordinary. What is someone really asking for when they say be compassionate? We already are. Some people could use some help in that department, but probably in both directions. You like practical examples and metaphors, can you think of an example of too much compassion? If you can then you would understand that a message of compassion is moot, thus realizing my point about the dalai lama rattling off things that make me wanna say, "no duh dude...". If you can't design that scenario, then it would be a result of your own biases limiting your mind, which would hopefully be....enlightening.

posted on Dec, 23 2009 @ 03:35 PM
reply to post by ModestThought

In your view, what would have to happen for a piece of information to be enlightening? Do you believe just reading something will enlighten you? It is the angle from which you perceive the information and whether you choose to incorporate it into your life. Without action, your enlightenment is just words on a page.

Just being new could make information enlightening, so yeah reading something can definitely enlighten someone. The more angles you perceive the more enlightening it would be, I'd think. And yes, incorporation is experience so yes, I'm find it to be enlightening, for better or worse. JUST words on a page? Enlightenment is enlightenment, reading it for the first time is an important action in itself.

posted on Dec, 23 2009 @ 03:54 PM
reply to post by Brown Bear

Grasshopper. Pay attention for a change. And then ask yourself exactly "how much" do you need in your own life to be happy and content? For you, how much is enough and how much is too much?

Is that the goal here? To be happy and content? I thought buddhists intentionally made their lives difficult as a way or reaching nirvana.

An honest answer will reveal many attachments and cherished delusions you need to shed before advancing a single step toward an understanding of the Great Mysteries or the task before Mankind.

perhaps the idea that there is a task before mankind is a cherished delusion of your own, or have you already figured out the great tell.

Also, you might make an effort to rid yourself of anger toward Christianity.

i don't get am I angry toward christianity?

Finally, people are "miserable" for reasons which you do not yet understand but need to investigate by feeling your own pain instead of expressing "quiet desperation" so obviously on this thread (but just a thought).

huh? yer reading into my post waaaaaay too much. Jeez, you enlightened types are just glorified know it alls...

posted on Dec, 23 2009 @ 06:27 PM
reply to post by liquidsmoke206

Grasshopper, I appreciate your response and it's clear that your Ego has single-handedly contributed to make this thread more interesting.

I wish you'd have taken a little more time to explain why you're saying what you said; but Son you're an Army of One against the Philistines and my comments to you were obviously irrelevant.

BaBa, if nothing else you've at least put those who oppose your views firmly in their place in the scheme of things.

As I mentioned previously, everyone plays their part and contributes to the Whole and your value is appreciated.

posted on Dec, 23 2009 @ 07:10 PM
reply to post by liquidsmoke206

I wonder, have you ever watched "Kymatica" or the "Ring of Power"?

So you read Mary Croft's stuff. Did you get it, what she was getting at? It has do with the enslavement of man as a whole and how to get out of it, as you have obviously figured out. So you must be enlightened then, yes?

I did read all your posts, some "seem" to be quite arrogant. There does seem to be some anger or frustration as could be seen in the repsonses. But that would be reading into it, and we don't want to do that. Ergo Ego?

And just for the record, those who have experienced a heightened sense of being are not egotistical or superior or ignorant nor arrogant, they are just at peace with themselves and would like to extend some knowledge to others. For you to suggest otherwise, and you did in many places, is quite.................

posted on Dec, 25 2009 @ 04:27 PM
reply to post by liquidsmoke206

Liquid you have gained much respect in my eyes, you seem much more aware than what you let on, ... I think people were just taken aback on how you approached the topic. It seems as though your somewhat Jaded when it comes to new age philosphy, as if your beginning to question it, ... or have hit a Rut somehow. I don't mean to speculate.

what I'm trying to say is, ... not everyone who is " englightened" walks around in robes, picks flowers and heals the sick. I'm sure the enlightened cover every spectrum in life, from light to dark. I've used my gifts for good as well as sinister motives, ... everything isn't pure ligh tor dark, but shades of grey.

however I feel like we've strayed far off topic, .... OP do you have any other poems or words from your friend you would like to share please ??

posted on Dec, 25 2009 @ 04:49 PM
I am into Buddhism and this is not true.

Is that the goal here? To be happy and content? I thought buddhists intentionally made their lives difficult as a way or reaching nirvana.

"What is called the highest teaching is not the highest teaching"


Diamond Sutra

And that is the goal which is not the goal.

[edit on 25-12-2009 by shakespear1]

posted on Dec, 29 2009 @ 01:22 AM
just read most of the stuff you posted...

whilst I'm not sure what is going on in your friends head, that was some refreshing and thought provoking stuff. Thanks for posting it, I enjoyed reading

I don't mean to sound skeptical, but perhaps your friend's trance state thing is really just him feeling relaxed after his meditation, and he's just naturally a philosophical genius?

either way, awesome stuff

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