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I met an awakened Soul.

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posted on Dec, 21 2009 @ 01:01 PM
Let me start off by stating that I don't like organised religions but am a spiritual person.

I have been working out of country for the past few months and by chance started a conversation with a person I'm working with. I am choosing to keep him anonymous for him and his family's privacy. If he so chooses to join ATS it will be his choice to use he real name or not.

Our conversation began innocent enough but soon we were engaging in a enlightened one. At an early age he was exercising with Yoga due to being born with a curved spine. This exercising led to learning his Chakra points and meditation. It was with meditating that he soon discovered he was a little different. He has been stopped and approached by strangers who ask him questions of who he is. My friend is a Healer. He explained to me how he can search and find areas of pain on people and perform a healing. But what he revealed later to me is what makes me want to share this person to ATS.

When in deep meditation, which he states can last about 45 minutes, he comes out from it in a what I call a trance. While in this trance state he will either write or paint. What he writes or paints is not directed by his own thoughts but flows from him. This flowing of information directs him with each work write or stroke to paint. It is the writings that am will be sharing with you. I found them to be very profound but enlightening. I am very eager to hear your opinions.

He has given me permission to share these writings with you. He is very aware of what reactions they will get but will proceed saying what you get from them is not in his control.

He has told me that he has not been meditating for a bit due to personal convictions but has restarted again because of our conversations. So I will start by posting what he shared with me last night first, all other postings are random from all his years of writings. My friend is 61 years old.

So many roads traveled so little time used correctly I know it is your nature and the nature of all to be time wasters instead of solving dilemmas. You instead sit and mope about things that mean nothing. The change is here and you realize it although you have refused to participate for fear of being known. How absurd are you? You, more than anyone knows the truth and still you watch their ineptness. What have you done to correct this. How do you expect the journey to be completed without you becoming that who you are? Give up the basic nature. I have shown you and given you more than anyone could expect. You refuse to step up for fear of being wrong. There is no wrong when you deal from the heart. When you speak only of the gain that all can have. Yes, I know there are many not ready but what of those who wait for the sign. It is for you to show the way. Sad man it is not your life but mine and I direct you to to what you must.

As I have been reading his writings I feel he is writing to himself. Someone or thing is speaking to him, as you will see in future postings.

Your ability to be easily understood has been strengthen as you seek those who are also in this search for mastery of their soul. Those close at hand have found the light and you need to practice the method together. The singleness of the act can be taken alone only so far before you will group together to continue the journey. Discussing with others will bring much serenity. Your motives are clear but it is necessary that is be done in harmony with others. Give of yourself, uncaring if it is returned or rejected. What does it matter when you hve the fullest possible love. To attain the ability to love openly, there should be self denial. Ego will cease to exist and vision will become clear in your contentment of being last.

Negative thoughts breed negative results, but positive thoughts will flow freely in and around the good person and all souls connected to him. You shall rejoice at their great joy. The purpose of soul search is to find happiness and contentment for others. To give to all your aura of joy and in their peace will come your peace. It is difficult to live life in the shadows of all others, putting yourself behind the rest. Let love flow gladly from you and through everyone bringing love to all souls in all different dimensions of time.

There is but one God for all mankind. Be it by whatever name you call me. You are all one, all the same, with or without material possessions at your feet. So much envy, greed, jealousy, and dislike of each other. Such a fineline between like and dislike. Such a small difference between good and bad in your world. Is this what you want? Is this the destiny chosen for mankind to accept? Are you not a caring one who wishes to exist in harmony with me? Do you not accept the knowledge that I am your true father and there is none more important than me? You are blessed, for you have found the middle road that will bring you to me. There is but one God for all humanity.

There is a place and time for each of you to find me. It can not be rushed nor pushed. It is patience that will bring you to me. By now you have seen the difference in life if you are willing to accept the ideals set in rock centuries before. All the strength gathered is yours for the price of a prayer, of a moment with me each in solitude, knowing the price paid is the end result of what you have. Battles fought will be lost and with wisdom you will accept the result, good or bad. Never will everything be your way, and with this you accept all things as they come.

Your eyes deceive you into believing and you realize the paths we choose are ours to decide for the will we have within us. Do not discredit those who select the path of least resistance. Rather pray for their return. There are roads of many different directions, all leading to different points in our space, and do you not know that the ultimate resting plave is the same. Be not judge not jury when it comes to others. Only accept and know it is not your business to intervene in their movement away or to me. We will all learn to accept the truth and that the roads are many and the choice is theirs to make. Look within yourself for guidance and leave others to their own choosing.

Many take roads destined to dead end and still all that need be done is turn around and go back. Retrace the steps and find the turnoff that directs your will of trying and understanding that all is good no matter the circumstance. Life will not shiver in the knowledge of your becoming one with me. Know that learning can be accomplished no matter the situation. This feeling of happiness that stretches forever and ever. With this love you can help people and they will come to know that your strength lies in the knowledge of oneness.

Love, the secret of mankind, is so difficult to show in a outpouring of emotions. We all in earnest seek out material goals, forgetting we have sought these before and it has never worked out. A kind hand, a forgiving smile, a reaching to one who needs you at that moment. This is what we are here for. Go your way and walk in confidence that I am with you always for I shall never leave you. We are one just as the moon, stars, sun, sky and the universe are. Peace be with you.

Rest in my open palms and relax your weary mind. I am the keeper and serenity that eludes so many of you. Come, be at peace within yourself and give peace to all that intervene in your life. Each of you will travel the road that is best for you at this time. You can not alter the life of anyone else. Stop trying to think you can bring them serenity and peace. It shall be found by each person when it is time. Rest your weary mind and only worry about you and me together in harmony and everything else will be alright.

posted on Dec, 21 2009 @ 01:04 PM

Hear me speak the kind words you long to hear, but listen to the tune as it is played. Feel the melody that surges in your being, longing to reach out to others and be accepted as one who knows the truth but is in fear for his own being. There is a way to get our of your existence as it now stands. All you need to do is accept the truth that is inside yourself in spirit to me. There is no shortcut, nor an easy way. It depends on what is most important in your life here today.

Move toward the open door. Do not be afraid of what awaits you. Be willing to take the chance that the betterment of mankind is on the other side. Take your stand and move to a place few have ever seen, much less ever been able to stay. You have the right ideal and your purpose comes straight from your heart. You are a direct communication to me. There have been others before, seeking the opportunity to become one with me. Yet, you stand wondering can this really be all that I imagine or is it a reality so few get to know. Awake the key to your being and move towards and through the open door awaiting everyone.

Any spelling mistakes are mine due to retyping them here. But all are from the pages he presented me.

These are but a few I have typed out so far, there is so much more.

Please enjoy the read, we welcome questions and comments. Please keep them mature.

posted on Dec, 21 2009 @ 01:24 PM
Very powerfull stuff,

even as it has been directed towards your friend, it has struck a chord in me which has not been heard in quite some time.

somewhere along the line I forgot, .... and it isn't untill now that I've realized how much,

but I'm back, ... and I remember now. It's never too late to turn it all around.

Strange, the things that can happen in an instant, ... as if a light switch is hit and once again, ... everything is illuminated.

I knew there was a reason I stayed on ATS

Give your friend my sincere thanks.

[edit on 21-12-2009 by IntastellaBurst]

posted on Dec, 21 2009 @ 01:33 PM
reply to post by IntastellaBurst

You made me smile and feel real good inside. I will share your words with my friend and I hope he will join us.

Thank you


posted on Dec, 21 2009 @ 01:43 PM
Honestly....I read about 3 or 4 of these and then just skipped the rest.

It's the same old generic new age, pseudo enlightenment rhetoric. None of this is that interesting and if there's anyone who hasn't heard and thought all this stuff before then they live under the same rock that someone beat them in the head with.

This is why I am always dumbfounded at how many people want to listen to the Dhali lama. All he ever says is, be compassionate to each other. Yeah NO @@#$%&*! Dhali Lama, everyone gets that.

Not tryin to knock the guy, I'm sure he's great. But how is he an awakened soul??

It's good stuff to read, probably won't hurt ya, but it's nothing new, so I'm not that impressed.

posted on Dec, 21 2009 @ 01:44 PM
Thank you, Rhain. I really enjoyed the shared wisdom. I hope that your friend joins also. I'm anxious to learn more.

This part particularly strikes a chord within me:

Move toward the open door. Do not be afraid of what awaits you. Be willing to take the chance that the betterment of mankind is on the other side.

Thanks again.

[edit on 21-12-2009 by gazerstar]

posted on Dec, 21 2009 @ 02:05 PM

Originally posted by liquidsmoke206
This is why I am always dumbfounded at how many people want to listen to the Dhali lama. All he ever says is, be compassionate to each other. Yeah NO @@#$%&*! Dhali Lama, everyone gets that.

C'mon. I think he has to say it so much because everyone is NOT getting it. You don't "get it" 'till you "do it". Does overcomplicating the situation divert people from realization, allowing rationalization, because of their fear of losing their perceived, perhaps subconsciously so, purpose in life? Conflict. So much seems geared around conflict. It's nice and distracting.


To OP, I very much enjoyed everything so far.

[edit on 12/21/2009 by EnlightenUp]

posted on Dec, 21 2009 @ 02:11 PM
reply to post by liquidsmoke206

Thank you for commenting. How you react to the readings is personal, no one can change that.

I will post more soon, there are some poetry as well.

Hope you find what you seek.


posted on Dec, 21 2009 @ 02:13 PM
reply to post by gazerstar

Glad you are enjoying them.

I am still taken by them myself.


posted on Dec, 21 2009 @ 02:27 PM
reply to post by liquidsmoke206

Our mind is of 3 categories: what we know, what we don’t know, and what we don’t know we don’t know. Not knowing is unfortunate; not knowing that we don’t know is tragic. – W. Erhart.

The ultimate ignorance is the rejection of something you know nothing about and refuse to investigate.
– Dr. Wayne Dyer

Millions of unconscious people are not taking responsibility for their inner peace. – Eckhart Tolle.

I was asked – but there no words: it was a straight mental instantaneous communication – ‘What had I done to benefit or advance the human race? – The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying – Sogyal Rinpoche


A truth’s initial commotion is directly proportional to how deeply the lie was believed. It wasn’t the world being round that agitated people but that the world wasn’t flat. When a well-packaged web of lies has been sold gradually to the masses over generations, the truth will seem utterly preposterous and its speaker a raving lunatic. – Dresden James

Each progressive spirit is opposed by a thousand mediocre minds appointed to guard the past. ~
Maurice Maeterlinck

Contempt, prior to complete investigation, enslaves men to ignorance. – Dr. John Whitman Ray

In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act. – George Orwell

If you want to make someone angry, tell him a lie; if you want to make him furious, tell him the truth. All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed, second it is violently opposed, and third, it is accepted as self-evident. – Arthur Schopenhauer Philosopher, 1788-1860

As scarce as truth is, the supply has always been in excess of the demand. – J Billings

Don’t confuse your opinion with the truth. – Werner Erhard

Its a rare person who wants to hear what he doesn’t want to hear. – Dick Cavett

The power to fit in with one’s social peers can be irresistible. To a human lemming, the logic behind an opinion doesn’t count as much as the power and popularity behind an opinion. – Norman Livergood?

If the truth is that ugly -- which it is -- then we do have to be careful about the way that we tell the truth. But to say somehow that telling the truth should be avoided because people may respond badly to the truth
seems bizarre to me. – Chuck Skoro, Deacon, St. Paul's Catholic Church

Neo: What truth? Morpheus: That you are a slave, Neo. That you, like everyone else, was born into bondage... kept inside a prison that you cannot smell, taste, or touch – a prison for your mind. Matrix

Accept it or reject it; you have to know it. – Mrs. McKay, my grade 11 Geology teacher, RYCI

posted on Dec, 21 2009 @ 02:38 PM
reply to post by daddio

see.....anyone can spew this kind of stuff. You've listed all kinds of people from all walks of life dropping clever little one(or 2) liners. It's fun to read, but there's no enlightenment or awakening happening here unless this is the very first time any of this has crossed yer mind, but i don't think there's a lot of 7 year olds n ATS...

You've got a pretty good collection there, put it all in a book and you might make some serious cash off a lot of lost people.
but just looks like the same old same old to me.

posted on Dec, 21 2009 @ 02:44 PM
I am adding a few more.

It is a fine line that everyone walks. Never fully understanding the tests confronting them and always in doubt to their motive for me. Clarity is manifested in total grace of giving and loving all. Replacing anger with understanding. Arragance with tenderness, guilt with confidence, ignorance with widsom, and hate with love . Do this and the fine line widens to unparalleled strength never before felt on your plane of life. There is no winning the battles, nor understanding the different perceptions others have take as their God. It is only you that is wrong in your nonacceptance of their attitude. Release yourself from the chains that bind you and move ever forward to me.

The sadness that confronts you in the midst of the great change was bound to come in whatever circumstance you would have been in. It was your destiny to eventually end up on the road of aloneness. The road where no one knows your name. I cannot say enough how sorry I am that you must face this situation but it was going to happen anyway. May I be some help to you as you move in the direction you seek. Behavior patterns of the normal person are the confrontation you now are in. It is difficult for those who are caught up in their material world to ever give it up. You have sough a greater truth and now you know you can’t turn back. May your decision be swift and clean and may you keep me close in those final moments as you ascend out of the fog into the light of day. There will be a great joy in the end result and your happiness will be unmeasureable as you finally realize your potential.

posted on Dec, 21 2009 @ 02:48 PM
It's all well and good to say we have heard or seen these words before. But to take them into your heart and live them proves to be the challenge for most.

Lets take it for the reminder that it is.

posted on Dec, 21 2009 @ 03:19 PM
Thank you for these words. Regardless where they come from, or how many times they've been said, there is always a shortage of kind words or love for someone, and I have been reminded as well of my role as best as I know it. We can all grow differently from the words, so please repeat often. Thank your friend as well. I would like to have people like you in my friendship circle. Star and flag for the great messages.

posted on Dec, 21 2009 @ 03:26 PM
reply to post by Rhain

Thank you much for sharing Rhain, and please thank your friend for me. It is seeing things like this come through a many and not just a here or there is what gives me hope. Another ray is shining. At peace, for a moment....


posted on Dec, 21 2009 @ 03:43 PM
It makes me thankful for the reactions so far. Thank you

I am adding more..

There is no beauty. There is no feeling quite like the feeling of oneness attained with me. You can feel happiness at all times knowing I shall decide your movements. Why worry, when having put yourself in my hands you know the control is left to me to do as I must. Be not afraid to awake each day and search out the truth that will set you apart and in this apartness you know the unique quality of the oneness. Give yourself up, stand apart from the everyday worry of who and what are they trying to do to you. Don’t you see that your singlemost important endeavour is me? Love all. Give your understanding and know it shall pass into nothingness. Worry does you no good! I will be there not to give you all you want, but rather to give you support of know that you are right in your actions.

Hell is but a waylay station on the journey to the ultimate being. Me. You do not stay there forever although in human time, it would be. There is never a lost soul for me, there are some who have severely lost their path and i will punish those who are far away from the open door. You can not feel for only prayer will win them back. This is the same attutude you have to feel for those on your plane. Forgive them and with time they will find the open door. Do not become discouraged just because everything does not work out as would like. Do not sway your promise to me.

It is unclear as to the possibilities that await you. There are many decisions that must be made. It is in your best interest and also for your loved ones to make this solely for your own happiness. It must be attained no matter the cost or lost friendships. It is time for your life to begin. You are not wrong in wanting to give to the less fortunate, they must be cared for. They do not want your soul, only your kindness. Giving can not be overdone. It is the payment of the karma that must be fulfilled. In one kind deed the wrong done by you in another time can be paid tenfold. Search me out in your deepest thoughts, feel me in you as you prove your deep devotion to me. Time that is taken in prayer to me will only be answered with my love and affection. Go and prove that all mankind is one and the stumbling blocks are nothing in comparison to the love attainment achieved here with me.

It is a very hard subject to discuss, this is what you call death. On the physical plane it is hard to let go of our loved ones. You must pray for them, love them, never let them go, but release them and let them come to me. It is best for your loved ones to be here with no tie down to the material plane. A friend is lost and you fear for them but in their moment of death I am there to guide them to me. It is difficult for you to accept but I say to you that they send their greetings and ask that you grief not for them but pray for their eternal happiness. They have moved on to the next plane and they await you and will be waiting with love to greet you.

Lost souls, you seek yourself in the darkness. Is there no ideal for you to grab ahold of in order to push towards the light. The small ideal retained in nothing more than a materialistic thought. As has been said the ideal must be pure. It must be strength, it must come from your soul. Think of me, think of the kindess you could do with just a smile, or a laugh at your own expense. Think of the nonimportance that someone has wronged you and realize that the only importance is you. Your thoughts become you and they are manifested in your life. There are no wrongs committed, only a difference of ideas and thoughts. You control the most important thoughts, your own. It is simple to blame other and do the typical reactions such as believing they are all going to be wrong. Of course, it is your obligation to awaken in them a small spark to ignite within them the flames of ideals, the mystery of thyself. Always retain in your prayers the ideals as you have come to know them and help those who walk in darkness not of their own choice, but rather of their own unacceptance of me. Give of yourself and expect no payment, for this is the divine ideal that must grow within you.

posted on Dec, 21 2009 @ 04:00 PM

Originally posted by liquidsmoke206
reply to post by daddio

see.....anyone can spew this kind of stuff. You've listed all kinds of people from all walks of life dropping clever little one(or 2) liners. It's fun to read, but there's no enlightenment or awakening happening here unless this is the very first time any of this has crossed yer mind, but i don't think there's a lot of 7 year olds n ATS...

You've got a pretty good collection there, put it all in a book and you might make some serious cash off a lot of lost people.
but just looks like the same old same old to me.

I don't care about money, that is what is wrong with most people, material possessions mean nothing. Sure, I could go on for days with quotes, I have a ton of my own poetry too. Have never sold anything, again, I don't care about money, "He who knows he has enough, will always have enough" Buddha.

What you do not see is what you are saying. You say derogatory things and then don't care, thinking you are superior? I am not sure what is up with you but an attitude like that will get you nowhere. That is the point of enlightenment. You can use it to get somewhere, I can get into peoples heads pretty easy. I have done so many times, not for anything bad, but to understand or try to comprehend where they are coming from.

When you learn the way of the Tao, you will understand this, it can not be taught, it must be accepted. But it seems you refuse to accept anything but yourself, or selfishness. Sad really.

We are all connected, whether you believe that or not, we are all of one mind, some are closed and some are open, be open minded and you may see. Third eye type stuff. Otherwise you will continue to state negative ideaologies, sadly enough.

[edit on 21-12-2009 by daddio]

posted on Dec, 21 2009 @ 05:24 PM
reply to post by daddio

I don't care about money, that is what is wrong with most people, material possessions mean nothing.

We live in a material world. Thus making material things king. You would not be here if it wasn't for your computer. You wouldn't exist at all without food and shelter. I'm not saying you have to or should live in extreme excess. But at least some of your possessions are vitally crucial. I think even you'd have to agree that your body is the most important material possession of all. Without it where would you be?

"He who knows he has enough, will always have enough" Buddha.

see, it's lines like this that I have a problem with. It's a way of comforting people who are miserable because they do not have "enough." The quote would not even exist if it wasn't true. It's no different then tryin to tell christians to devote all their time and money to the church so that they will reach salvation....Liquidsmoke ain't buyin.

What you do not see is what you are saying. You say derogatory things and then don't care, thinking you are superior?

I dont see anything that I've said as being derogatory, and it's the "enlightened" ones that fancy themselves as superior. I don't know how anyone could argue against that.
In your post you are claiming to know what is wrong with most people, and specifics about myself as well being able to get into peoples heads pretty easily using the excuse to understand them better......who thinks they are superior here? Ignorance is bliss, but the enlightened will always try and tell you that enlightenment is bliss for thought indeed.

I am not sure what is up with you but an attitude like that will get you nowhere. That is the point of enlightenment. You can use it to get somewhere, I can get into peoples heads pretty easy.

define nowhere, and hope your definition of somewhere is not inside other peoples heads...

When you learn the way of the Tao, you will understand this, it can not be taught, it must be accepted. But it seems you refuse to accept anything but yourself, or selfishness. Sad really.

I've already stated that I've heard all this before. It's no that I don't accept it. It's just that I don't find it to be very deep. It's you that are not willing to listen to what I say, but why would you? You're caught up in some crazy holier than thou attitude, like so many other enlightened people.

We are all connected, whether you believe that or not, we are all of one mind, some are closed and some are open, be open minded and you may see.

yeah I get it, we're all connected, but those ideas are just so mundane now. Who cares? It's interesting when you first hear it, but then when you see that its been that way forever then it gets pretty adventure please....enlightenment has been done to death.

posted on Dec, 21 2009 @ 06:10 PM
reply to post by Rhain

Hi Rhain
. I don't have much to add, but I wanted to thank you for posting this, and for realizing there were members on ATS who would really appreciate it. It's soothing, somehow. A Christmas de-stresser.

Thanks also, to your friend for permitting us to read it.

posted on Dec, 21 2009 @ 06:23 PM
Liquidsmoke is making a lot of sense here. The truly "enlightened" would understand his words and not take them as a threat or flame, because they are not.

The quotes in this thread are actually already commonplace to many people and hold no awe to those of us who already practice it. This is already in every breath we take and every movement we make. It's like how some religions believe the "Ten Commandments" are full of awe inspiring wisdom and yet, to many people, they are just mere common sense and decency.

Do you understand?

And... I say all of this..... as also one who has been given paintings and writings through myself just as the OP describes his new friend as doing. I know first hand the powerful Beings that are right here with us, hoping that we become enlightened. There is much more to this reality than we could ever understand at present.

So....... most of you do not read the words quoted in this thread and not find them common sense and practice them already? I do... I always have... it's my nature. Apparently so does LiquidSmoke. That does not make us exceptional, I would hope.

No disrespect for the OP or their friend (or anyone else) and I am very glad for them sharing and starting this thread.

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