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I met an awakened Soul.

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posted on Dec, 21 2009 @ 06:31 PM
reply to post by dreams n chains

Thank you for your response. But be aware you are the exception not the rule. Millions of people start their day and end their day the same way everyday, they may not see or hear as you do. I don't, nor anyone in my family.

Thank you again


posted on Dec, 21 2009 @ 06:44 PM
reply to post by Rhain

I do understand and that is why I starred and flagged this thread and think it is one of the most extremely important ones I see in ATS right now.

It is a difficult thing to do what LiquidSmoke has done and it is a touchy thing to discuss without accidentally insulting someone. That is the furthest from the intent. One could say that the two polarities in this thread are, in and of themself, a zen riddle to contemplate for further enlightenment.

Thank you Rhain... and I thank your friend..... you are, indeed, two enlightened souls being guided on a great path and taking your time to share it.

Edit to request that your friend please share more in regards to how he helps to heal. Thank You.

[edit on 12/21/2009 by dreams n chains]

posted on Dec, 21 2009 @ 07:08 PM
Love thy neighbor, Find the key to your inner-being, Lazy humans must get up off their fat-asses and do something. Love everything.

Right, not sure I want to be enlightened if this is what I'd end up spewing after concentrating for 40 odd minutes. I can give the same message right here and now, I agree with the poster who said it's mostly common sense, bingo.
But mostly, above-all, reading it brought back memories of being forced to attend church at a young-age. Thanks!

Just being honest, no disrespect intended.

posted on Dec, 21 2009 @ 07:09 PM
reply to post by liquidsmoke206

Before spewing off your idiotic statements learn to spell the man's title properly.

With much love,


posted on Dec, 21 2009 @ 07:12 PM
You didn't talk to a soul,

you talked to yourself. You heard what you wanted to hear.

But other than that, nice and touching story.

posted on Dec, 21 2009 @ 07:23 PM
reply to post by Rhain

Your friend is communicating with his higher-self, the thing that represents the Soul. Although it is the very same thing that most new-agers call their Guide because they too do not have direct experience of or the re-merging with in order to awaken. Your friend on the other hand has known and merged, yet like so many who are the same he refrains from participating as the highest version of his Self as that does put you at a tangent to the rest of our culture to live on the fringe until more awaken.

Even though many say they have heard or read such things before, they still do not GET what it means because they are working from small-mindedness, which no one can blame them for as it is part of the indoctrination we all experience from birth.

Enlightenment folks is not a Trophy. It is not something you Attain and are always Enlightened after, as we would believe based on the Eastern Cultures. It is something that is experienced initially in the same way for everyone, which is the experience of being One with this Universe. It changes you on the inside, and opens you to an immense power from within. After that you must work at it so as not to be consumed by it.

Without this initial opening most cannot truly hope to understand the subtleties expressed by your friend's automatic writings in any way other than in a mental fashion. Why? Because it is only from experience that Wisdom is gained, understood and lived.

Be well.

posted on Dec, 21 2009 @ 07:26 PM
It's better and more useful than the stuff I write. That's enough for me to listen. I find the fundamentalist psychobabble talking bad about it to be just that, more fundamentalist psychobabble.

So your friend said, to paraphrase: Nothing bad comes from the heart, be with God and you can do no wrong. Who can disagree with that? The problem is finding your true heart and truly finding God.

posted on Dec, 21 2009 @ 07:40 PM
I have to admit it was an interesting read.

But I wonder if your friend has been reading Deepak Chopra.

A lot of what you have posted sounds like his writings.

Or maybe more like Jiddu Krishnamurti.

Anyway it sound like this guy has it together.

posted on Dec, 21 2009 @ 07:53 PM
reply to post by liquidsmoke206

IF everything that you are saying is true, that such points and insights are mute, than explain to me why the world is in the condition it is in?

Why is it that there is still war, famine, crime, starvation, and deceit among our elite if EVERYONE understands enlightenment?

It seems to me that the same message, conveyed in different means, has been repeated timelessly since we can remember because the fact of the matter remains that most individuals do not grasp or understand the simple premise of the concept (oneness).

Liquid Smoke, you appear to have a chip on your shoulder over this whole ideal, and it seems to me that you don't fully understand the simplicity yet pervading truth of the single statements.

Your replies reveal more about yourself and your awareness than it does to refute any of the points given. I cannot believe your disdain for the Dalai Lama.. If you truly understood, why do you reply in such a confrontational manner?

So you know already, eh? Than what are you doing to make this world a better place?

posted on Dec, 21 2009 @ 08:01 PM
reply to post by TheBeatlesWillSaveUs

If it is common sense, why do we still live in the state that we do?

Is it really common sense? Hmm.. Perhaps unconsciously, but not all participate in the acknowledgement of oneness, because if that were so - we would be living in a perfect world akin to a utopia as what one does to another, also affects himself.

Why is it that most are still driven by the desire for material gain and wealth rather than creativity and helping one's brother?

We still have yet to acclimate the wisdom of old into our readily being.

Such common sense yet most people blatantly turn a blind eye.

Many have yet to grasp the concept that every action has its consequence and reaction no matter how insignificant one may feel the action is at said time.

[edit on 21-12-2009 by Troy_]

posted on Dec, 21 2009 @ 10:25 PM

Originally posted by Troy_
reply to post by TheBeatlesWillSaveUs

If it is common sense, why do we still live in the state that we do?

Is it really common sense? Hmm.. Perhaps unconsciously, but not all participate in the acknowledgement of oneness, because if that were so - we would be living in a perfect world akin to a utopia as what one does to another, also affects himself.

Why is it that most are still driven by the desire for material gain and wealth rather than creativity and helping one's brother?

We still have yet to acclimate the wisdom of old into our readily being.

Such common sense yet most people blatantly turn a blind eye.

Many have yet to grasp the concept that every action has its consequence and reaction no matter how insignificant one may feel the action is at said time.

[edit on 21-12-2009 by Troy_]

I completely agree with you, Sir. Unfortunately I've met too many bad apples in my time to seriously think we will ever accomplish that utopia we so sorely need.

It's a sad story, but I just don't have much faith in others around me.

posted on Dec, 21 2009 @ 11:01 PM
reply to post by liquidsmoke206

Well, thank 'me' I am not enlightened so I can speak my mind. What in the hell makes people like you think that threads like this were meant for you and your approval? The idea that you may already know what the op has posted now all of a sudden meams that the rest of us can't learn from it????

It is nice that YOU already have mastered your soul (lol) but believe it or not there are still some of us who are still learning, So let us learn without your negative input.

The Lord and Savior.

[edit on 21-12-2009 by The Lord and Savior]

posted on Dec, 22 2009 @ 04:14 AM
reply to post by Troy_

IF everything that you are saying is true, that such points and insights are mute, than explain to me why the world is in the condition it is in?

I'm not really sure what you mean by mute, I don't remember using that term, and it's also unclear what you mean by the worlds condition. If you had read what I've been saying you'd see that i don't disagree with most of the stuff I've heard from new agers and enlightened people, I'm just not that impressed with it anymore. It's mostly good stuff, and much of it is applicable to improving ones life(whatever that means), but it should all be taken with a grain of salt.

Why is it that there is still war, famine, crime, starvation, and deceit among our elite if EVERYONE understands enlightenment?

I don't know that everyone understands enlightenment. As far as war, famine,'s always existed. If you want it to go away then enlightenment might not be the answer. Maybe you should let the NWO take over and chip everyone and create some sort of structured, monitored, and completely controlled society. There would be no more crime, famine, or war. Does this sound good to you? They'd probably come up with a new religion for you to follow as well. I'm willing to bet they could sell it easily with a lot of clever one liners that make perfect sense....
Perhaps there is some enlightenment to be found in war, famine, and so called crimes of the world after all huh? Just a thought.

It seems to me that the same message, conveyed in different means, has been repeated timelessly since we can remember because the fact of the matter remains that most individuals do not grasp or understand the simple premise of the concept (oneness).

Some people get it, some don't, some people argue against it, some don't. It's not a life changing concept, and for anyone to buy into it requires faith. I believe people have been getting burned by that since we can remember as well. Look, a better way to feed it to people is to put some science behind it, and there are examples of this today. If you want a book that will open your eyes a bit i recommend "Power vs Force" This brings some science into play with all the oneness you can handle. It's certainly more compelling than the dahli lama(however you spell it) or someone who just meditates all the time.

Liquid Smoke, you appear to have a chip on your shoulder over this whole ideal, and it seems to me that you don't fully understand the simplicity yet pervading truth of the single statements.

I don't have a chip on my shoulder over the ideal, just how it always seems to present itself. I think I've stated that I get it, but if I have an objection then i get flamed.....go ahead keep on tellin yerself yer enlightened.

Your replies reveal more about yourself and your awareness than it does to refute any of the points given. I cannot believe your disdain for the Dalai Lama.. If you truly understood, why do you reply in such a confrontational manner?

I'm sure they reveal something about me, but not what you think they do, but what do I know I'm not the enlightened one in this thread...I don't have any disdain for the Dalai lama(oh thats how you spell it), I agree with his message, but the guy sells out huge stadiums just to say "be nice". Come on bro, any charlatan could do that. Not that he's a charlatan, I'm just saying. It doesn't do much for me. I reply in a confrontational manner(if you wanna call it that) because i always question authority. Whats wrong with that?

So you know already, eh? Than what are you doing to make this world a better place?

I don't claim to be enlightened, I just don't think that the stuff I've read on this page, or in most of the thousands of other places where you can find this rhetoric is all that enlightened either. get it yet? Sorry I'm sure I could explain my position much more clearly with a few clever metaphors. Would it make you feel better if I went on tour selling people a buncha cheap ideas that sound great on paper? As long as they leave happy thats all that matters right?

posted on Dec, 22 2009 @ 04:23 AM
reply to post by The Lord and Savior

Well, thank 'me' I am not enlightened so I can speak my mind. What in the hell makes people like you think that threads like this were meant for you and your approval? The idea that you may already know what the op has posted now all of a sudden meams that the rest of us can't learn from it????

It is nice that YOU already have mastered your soul (lol) but believe it or not there are still some of us who are still learning, So let us learn without your negative input.

I think you need to reread all my posts. You've jumped to some conclusions here and completely missed what I've tried to say...

I've already stated that a lot of this is good stuff, and applicable to peoples lives, so yes, some people can learn from it. That still doesn't impress me, I think people's minds would likely benefit more from a lot of other things they could be learning, new age rhetoric is nice but it's an easy way out. It strikes me as some sort of a lazy mans enlightenment. I don't claim to have all the answers or to be enlightened, but I'm pretty sure it doesn't come through this stuff. My input is not nearly as negative as your reaction to it is.

posted on Dec, 22 2009 @ 06:02 AM
Thank you friend for sharing these "thoughts". I liked what I read and find them close to my heart as I see this World in the same way. It Is Not An Easy Path. Why?

You control the most important thoughts, your own.

In the beginning it is "control", later loss of concept/thought "control".

posted on Dec, 22 2009 @ 08:10 AM

Originally posted by The Lord and Savior
reply to post by liquidsmoke206

Well, thank 'me' I am not enlightened so I can speak my mind. What in the hell makes people like you think that threads like this were meant for you and your approval? The idea that you may already know what the op has posted now all of a sudden meams that the rest of us can't learn from it????

It is nice that YOU already have mastered your soul (lol) but believe it or not there are still some of us who are still learning, So let us learn without your negative input.

The Lord and Savior.

[edit on 21-12-2009 by The Lord and Savior]

OUCH.... Learn to hold your tongue in this world.
Learn it now while you have life in you. Because when you pass on, it will be to late. As it is written.....

posted on Dec, 22 2009 @ 08:20 AM

Originally posted by Rhain
Let me start off by stating that I don't like organised religions but am a spiritual person.

I have been working out of country for the past few months and by chance started a conversation with a person I'm working with. I am choosing to keep him anonymous for him and his family's privacy. If he so chooses to join ATS it will be his choice to use he real name or not.

Our conversation began innocent enough but soon we were engaging in a enlightened one. At an early age he was exercising with Yoga due to being born with a curved spine. This exercising led to learning his Chakra points and meditation. It was with meditating that he soon discovered he was a little different. He has been stopped and approached by strangers who ask him questions of who he is. My friend is a Healer. He explained to me how he can search and find areas of pain on people and perform a healing. But what he revealed later to me is what makes me want to share this person to ATS.

When in deep meditation, which he states can last about 45 minutes, he comes out from it in a what I call a trance. While in this trance state he will either write or paint. What he writes or paints is not directed by his own thoughts but flows from him. This flowing of information directs him with each work write or stroke to paint. It is the writings that am will be sharing with you. I found them to be very profound but enlightening. I am very eager to hear your opinions.

He has given me permission to share these writings with you. He is very aware of what reactions they will get but will proceed saying what you get from them is not in his control.

He has told me that he has not been meditating for a bit due to personal convictions but has restarted again because of our conversations. So I will start by posting what he shared with me last night first, all other postings are random from all his years of writings. My friend is 61 years old.

So many roads traveled so little time used correctly I know it is your nature and the nature of all to be time wasters instead of solving dilemmas. You instead sit and mope about things that mean nothing. The change is here and you realize it although you have refused to participate for fear of being known. How absurd are you? You, more than anyone knows the truth and still you watch their ineptness. What have you done to correct this. How do you expect the journey to be completed without you becoming that who you are? Give up the basic nature. I have shown you and given you more than anyone could expect. You refuse to step up for fear of being wrong. There is no wrong when you deal from the heart. When you speak only of the gain that all can have. Yes, I know there are many not ready but what of those who wait for the sign. It is for you to show the way. Sad man it is not your life but mine and I direct you to to what you must.

As I have been reading his writings I feel he is writing to himself. Someone or thing is speaking to him, as you will see in future postings.

Your ability to be easily understood has been strengthen as you seek those who are also in this search for mastery of their soul. Those close at hand have found the light and you need to practice the method together. The singleness of the act can be taken alone only so far before you will group together to continue the journey. Discussing with others will bring much serenity. Your motives are clear but it is necessary that is be done in harmony with others. Give of yourself, uncaring if it is returned or rejected. What does it matter when you hve the fullest possible love. To attain the ability to love openly, there should be self denial. Ego will cease to exist and vision will become clear in your contentment of being last.

Negative thoughts breed negative results, but positive thoughts will flow freely in and around the good

posted on Dec, 22 2009 @ 08:32 AM
It becomes clear in the third or fourth bit of writing that the "God" in mention is the same god that christians believe in. Your not going to convince me through this thinly vieled attempt at conversion that the god you follow is the god i should follow. It may just be clever enough to fool some who visit this site but i aint one of them.

I do believe there is a field or force that links the whole univerese. I dont believe that this Field will talk to me directly. You may think your God will but thats your choice. I practice yoga and meditate and have also recieved answers to questions that i have asked directly. I believe the answers come rom other civilisations or maybe people else where on earth. Through this field wich christians call "God" but not directly from it.

Whats more is that there is actual scientific fact behind the fields existance but non to support the fact that it speaks directly to or influences people.

Try watching this series and you'll see what i speak of.

posted on Dec, 22 2009 @ 08:39 AM

Originally posted by liquidsmoke206
Honestly....I read about 3 or 4 of these and then just skipped the rest.

It's the same old generic new age, pseudo enlightenment rhetoric. None of this is that interesting and if there's anyone who hasn't heard and thought all this stuff before then they live under the same rock that someone beat them in the head with.

This is why I am always dumbfounded at how many people want to listen to the Dhali lama. All he ever says is, be compassionate to each other. Yeah NO @@#$%&*! Dhali Lama, everyone gets that.

Not tryin to knock the guy, I'm sure he's great. But how is he an awakened soul??

It's good stuff to read, probably won't hurt ya, but it's nothing new, so I'm not that impressed.

Oh, you poor dear man... do you hear yourself? You say how you know all this, and yet from your very response, with the words you speak and the tone you project, you just prove that your HEART hasn't the faintest idea what this is all about.

The distance between your mind and your heart is about one foot, but it might as well be a million miles. These concepts are not hard to think about, but they are certainly hard to live by, for it is all too easy to speak hastily and nastily to others... which says far more about what you truly think and believe.

Now, just for a moment, imagine that you were the one who wrote this OP, and imagine that some well-meaning, yet seriously self-deceived person wrote those harsh words to you... can you do that? Just get out of your thinking for a moment, and put yourself into the OPs shoes. If someone talked to you that way, would you think that he understood the first thing about the higher human virtues, the greatest being love? If the pure essence of love is thinking of the other person, then true love is only shown when it is shown towards those who are unlovable in your eyes.

It is very easy to become jaded in life, and it is very hard to break from that self-deception. If you are brave enough to be honest enough with yourself, you will see that what I have said is correct... and meant for your benefit.

posted on Dec, 22 2009 @ 08:54 AM

Originally posted by Algebra
It becomes clear in the third or fourth bit of writing that the "God" in mention is the same god that christians believe in. Your not going to convince me through this thinly vieled attempt at conversion that the god you follow is the god i should follow. It may just be clever enough to fool some who visit this site but i aint one of them.

I do believe there is a field or force that links the whole univerese. I dont believe that this Field will talk to me directly. You may think your God will but thats your choice. I practice yoga and meditate and have also recieved answers to questions that i have asked directly. I believe the answers come rom other civilisations or maybe people else where on earth. Through this field wich christians call "God" but not directly from it.

Whats more is that there is actual scientific fact behind the fields existance but non to support the fact that it speaks directly to or influences people.

Try watching this series and you'll see what i speak of.

"God" as you say is not the field or force... God is the originator of the field/force... God is the very infinite ocean of potential, and without this infinite potential there could be nothing at all. All of creation, including the fields and forces are all finite, with boundaries and limits. What gives rise to everything is the potential for its existence, and this infinite potential is what you refer to as "God."

People take this potential for granted, assuming that in this universe anything is possible, therefore potential must be inherent in existence itself. But not all things ARE possible in this universe, for there are laws and limits, as science knows all too well. The potential that gives rise to all things is the source of all things, and it is far above anything that exists.

In this potential there is no time, no form, no boundaries, and no movement, and in this way it does not exist as we do... it exists in the infinite, and because it can cause things to exist in the finite, it is an inductive reality, whereas all universes are a conductive reality.

Anything you can think, feel, do, or be, all originated in the infinite potential, and that is why it makes no sense to think that we can do anything or be anything apart from the potential... just like you can have no electrical current without the voltage potential first.

This is not a description of the God of any particular religion, but of what philosophical logic and reason dictate MUST exist as a precursor to everything else. Things must come out of "all things" and not out of "nothing", for the idea that anything can come from nothing requires circular reasoning to be employed, and that is illogical and unreasonable. This is not a matter of opinion, for opinion has no bearing on logic and reason. So, if any religion sees God as the infinite potential that gives rise to everything else, they are undoubtedly representing the truth, at least in this regard.

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