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Aliens make Crop Circles, Best Evidence Ever - Cosmic Wakening

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posted on Dec, 20 2009 @ 06:02 PM
reply to post by Chadwickus

Great point. Show us a highly intricate Crop circle from the 60's and i'm in.

posted on Dec, 20 2009 @ 06:04 PM

Originally posted by mars1

Come on now GPS in the middle of the night and some where in the pouring rain the year sorry do not bye that.

You can accept that aliens are coming here and making paterns in crops but can't accept that GPS can be used at night and in the rain?

I remember seeing you in some of them threads Chadwickus even if you where stood there wile one where been made by something that was not human you would still say man made.


Now you're just spouting lies, I would welcome it if aliens are proven to be making circles and visiting us.

posted on Dec, 20 2009 @ 06:09 PM
The argument that these things must be man-made because the intricacy has evolved over time holds no water.

Everything evolves over time.

Are we to assume that aliens, if it turns out they are involved at all, don't evolve?
Does their technology not evolve also?

Maybe their plasma projection techniques has evolved?

Or perhaps, they are just deciding to "up the ante" a bit because they are being taken more seriously by some now?

You can't just sugar-coat an unknown with some bullcrap like that and expect it to fly.

posted on Dec, 20 2009 @ 06:13 PM
reply to post by CosmicWakening

I enjoy this subject also! Thanks for sharing the video. I understand that a crop circle would possibly bring some tourist to the area, but I always wondered why someone would damage their crops on purpose. They are loosing their income -- and some of these are huge.

They are so pretty & interesting. I wish someone would figure out their meanings, if are alien. And I think very possible they are.

posted on Dec, 20 2009 @ 06:15 PM
reply to post by zz0409

The only people that are damaging the crops are the jerkoffs that try to assign their name to an otherwise fascinating phenomenon. for example.
The other glyphs, the genuine unknown origin glyphs, don't damage the crop at all. In fact, they have been known to actually accelerate growth by changing the plants at the cellular level.

posted on Dec, 20 2009 @ 06:15 PM
I don't get the binary part..

For us to interpret binary we count the numbers and read them as the numerical placing of the letters in our alphabet, correct? Then how could we receive a message, in binary, sent by a civilization that doesn't know our alphabet?
That is, unless it was included in our package of facts distributed to outer space. (no condescending tone intended)

posted on Dec, 20 2009 @ 06:16 PM
reply to post by aboveGoos

I'm assuming that if they are here to put the glyphs on the ground, they have been here for quite a while watching us.

I have no problems understanding that they, if they are here, would understand our language.

Heck, they may have even given us language.

posted on Dec, 20 2009 @ 06:18 PM
I would be over the moon if these were done be ET's, but all we get are photos taken after it's finished.

Its like finding graffiti on your garden fence every sunday morning, unless you catch the little buggers in the act, you cant point fingers at one particular person.

therefore, the odds must be completely astronomical of it being done by an outside intelligence.

posted on Dec, 20 2009 @ 06:20 PM
reply to post by grantbeed

Now, I can buy that logic.
You're right. As of now, it is a genuine mystery.

posted on Dec, 20 2009 @ 06:38 PM
Crop Circles have nothing to do with alien spaceships landing on wheat fields.

It is Geomancy.

TPTB have you running in circles, while the truth is more esoteric than it is extraneous.

Then, there are the students who run around standing on 2-4's and rope, throwing iron/lead pellets all over the man made crop circle then spraying the wheat with a modified home microwave oven (radiation evidence).

Then there are local shop owners, that propose a great idea of how to get some good tourism into the town to make some profit. Hell, it worked for Lough Ness

Not space ships, but a language very few know.

[edit on 20/12/2009 by the_denv]

posted on Dec, 20 2009 @ 06:38 PM

Originally posted by colloredbrothers
Also humans break or bend crop they do not accelerate there growth!!!!

so for god sake don't ignore the details because you don't want to hear about them.

Does anyone have any good research on this topic specifically? The idea of accelerated growth among plants has always interested me, especially when the vegetables we buy from the stores now come in a larger variety of sizes.
I am very skeptical of photos with facts and no evidence nor any information for me to make my own conclusion.

posted on Dec, 20 2009 @ 06:43 PM
Nice video, I think there is definately something more to these crop circles, I think a lot of them however are hoaxs, but I had an interesting experience when I was living in the UK a while back, I took my video camera with me to a Mayan calander crop circle (only one I've ever seen) and the video came out all distorted and pixellated - very strange as it had never done this ever before or since, I had heard electronics can be effected.. maybe just a coincidence.. who knows? Whats the music playing in the vid Cosmic Wakening? Quite nice..

posted on Dec, 20 2009 @ 06:44 PM
The idea of people going out and making crop circles makes no sense. Could be the mother nature trying to tell us something.
As above so below.

posted on Dec, 20 2009 @ 06:44 PM

Originally posted by colloredbrothers

ofcourse humans can make such things but you guys are forgetting details!

humans can make amazing big # but humans need time!!!!!!! and planning!!!!! you guys seem to forget that!!!!! Also humans break or bend crop they do not accelerate there growth!!!!

so for god sake don't ignore the details because you don't want to hear about them.

it is what it is, this weird stuff is happening and things like the human buterfly are mind bogling. for people to say that it are just some simple stupid crop circles is for showining how utterly stupid and brainwashed you are.

So, humans have time. If you make a bigger circle and you want to do it fast, you need more people that's all.

Regarding the human butterfly being mind boggling, I guess some minds are more easily boggled than others. Just use more people and take more time and you can make larger circles.

posted on Dec, 20 2009 @ 06:44 PM
I believe these are 4th dimensionals creating these crop circles that do

not abide by human governments rules of this Earth and have no binding

agreements with Earth's leaders. Trying not to interfere, but warn us of the

evil deceivers in governments of this Earth.

Showing us there is a greater physical as well as spiritual power then the world

governments and deceivers. They know there is still goodness within the hearts

of most of mankind and that they are letting us know of their great

intellectual complexity and spirituality they possess. The 4DMS are preparing

this world mentality that they are here and there is time for a massive

awakening of the truth. ^Y^

posted on Dec, 20 2009 @ 06:44 PM
reply to post by JayinAR

Yeah, that might be the case.

I was just assuming that as we sent the message to space they would have to be in space to receive it. Also noting that it took them 27 (or whatever the video said) years to respond, giving the impression that they traveled here to respond to said message.

Of course both scenarios are speculations, but I find the scenario going "Inhabit earth for 100 years, see message sent by humans, wait another 27 years, respond using their own language on their own planet" rather unbelievable.
So does traveling from the closest inhabitable planet to earth in only 27 years, as well, but perhaps less so.

posted on Dec, 20 2009 @ 06:52 PM
I may be talking out my ass here but havent they found a load of weird chemicals/substances around some of the sites ???

I mean if thats true it kind of rules out your human originated angle.

Not completely obviously but to a large extent.

posted on Dec, 20 2009 @ 06:56 PM

Originally posted by Nematode

Originally posted by colloredbrothers
Also humans break or bend crop they do not accelerate there growth!!!!

so for god sake don't ignore the details because you don't want to hear about them.

Does anyone have any good research on this topic specifically?

If you are talking about Phototropism, it's a known natural phenomenon that can accelerate aspects of plant growth when the plants are bent as in the making of crop circles.


Phototropism is directional growth in which the direction of growth is determined by the direction of the light source.

Phototropism is enabled by auxins. Auxins are plant hormones that have many functions. In this respect, auxins are responsible for expelling protons (by activating proton pumps) which decreases pH in the cells on the dark side of the plant. This acidification of the cell wall region activates enzymes known as expansins which break bonds in the cell wall structure, making the cell walls less rigid. In addition, the acidic environment causes disruption of hydrogen bonds in the cellulose that makes up the cell wall. The decrease in cell wall strength causes cells to swell, exerting the mechanical pressure that drives phototropic movement.

So that accelerated growth is caused by cells swelling in the dark side of the plant to get it to grow back toward the light.

posted on Dec, 20 2009 @ 07:00 PM
Well, if the video is not CGI, those are some nice crop circles that must've taken a lot of effort to make.

If it can be proven they were just made in a few minutes certainly you got a case. The video only shows some random guys testimony though, so it's hard to judge.

If it's not CGI, you got to question why these people go through all that trouble to make these patterns just for maybe a local news story or some threads on ATS. Regarding attracting tourists? I am having a hard time believing thousands of tourists will travel to that place so that some unknown farmer will get rich by becoming a guide or whatever... Doesn't make sense.

posted on Dec, 20 2009 @ 07:00 PM
Have people gotten caught making crop circles, or do people just "admit" to them for their 15 minutes?
I'm assuiming that if crop circles are man made the "two orbs" making the crop circles in seconds were proven to be cg, and the video a hoax.
Can anyone direct to such information?

I read in another thread some type of "crop circle maker's manifest", to paraphrase, and one of the rules was to make them near civilization so that they'll be noticed. If this is the case I just would have thought people would have been caught doing it. It's possible that being caught making a cropcircle is not newsworthy, IDK.

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