Thank you for your reply as always, I will refrain from asking any more questions for at least a week, I'll still be watching the videos though
Reply to legal education questions-
fair enough man,
I guess really that whole thing stemmed from the law in australia which says if you're involved in a car accident,
you must present yourself to a police officer within 90minutes of the accident. I can't discuss specifics of my case as it is ongoing...
For what its worth,
I can at least divulge that no one other than myself got hurt & there were no other parties involved in the accident - just me myself & I.
I'd probably never forgive myself if I had hurt anyone else.
I guess that's where my questions came from,
but also I get what you're saying,
and maybe asides from that particular law,
sure people know what to do,
but yeah I should've been more specific as obviously heavy things like murder or abuse are obviously wrong and people know better from the word go.
Btw, not asking for legal advice, I have my attorney.
and also, you've said several times "court is the place to argue your case" but just keep in mind, court is a terrifying experience for the best of
us. Its a shame no legal genius out there has found a less daunting way.
Reply to Environmental expectations-
Thank you for being in depth with this one, I myself grew up in a government housing neighbourhood, essentially a 'white' ghetto
(PC goes out the window here - no offence intended to any readers)
But you misunderstood what I meant - so I'll be more clear and I apologise for being vague earlier, I blame the English language. Too many words.
I meant the expectations of someone's peers & their situation.
(I lump the 2 together with all other variables and call it 'environment')
But particularly someone's peers.
See the majority of my friends growing up - 0-10years were racist, violent, most had been physically and mentally abused, most didn't care much about
getting an education, the whole neighbourhood was trashed, broken windows, was a bad time for all involved.
%90 of the kids there were gonna end up like their parents (imho),
poverty is a factor sure...but...
it's what the kids are being told by everyone that surround them,
their peers are telling them they're worthless (just like them),
that IMHO plays a bigger role in the outcome, especially if they're never exposed to a better 'way' because they never leave the area.
Look at me, look at yourself, look at others who escape the criminal mindset but aren't by any stretch of the imagination 'well off'
you can escape the mentality without escaping the poverty,
that's my point anyway. you don't have to agree with it.
About what you said regarding the homeless-
that's really a little bit odd because what you say about the homeless men who break the law in order to get a roof over their heads & food via a
prison cell,
I'd actually just heard that a day earlier from the horses mouth.
I'm just noticing the synchronicity in my own life,
where ever you find synchronicity,
there are lessons to be learnt,
so in my case,
It shows me there's something in 'helping the homeless' that I personally need to do something about.
I encourage anyone & everyone (even Semper) to watch this video interview with Brian (the shoe shine guy - 50 years old) he is one of the most wise &
likeable people I've ever had the privilege of listening to.
I have personally sought out homeless people to give my lunch too but haven't done it for well over a year due to personal tragedies I've experience
lately, I'm feeling better about life these days and this video really encouraged me to pick up where I left off.
I'm going to do it better this time, not let fear get the better of me & actually get to know these people as friends, because basically, you don't
need to be in the salvation army or anything like that, to make a difference.
Brian truly is one of the most inspirational people I've known about for a long time and I can't explain how much I implore people to watch this
interview, I wish I could. Just watch it.
Extended Interview with Brian
your reply to prison system & rehabilitation
fair enough.
I honestly can't comment on the system as it is today because I've not done the research, all I know is that there was a psychological program
designed in the 70's that had a %90 success rate at rehabilitating prison leavers to becoming law abiding members of society. The U.S government shut
it down. That begs the question: why? the only answer I could figure was that a %90 successful rehabilitation rate, was not what they wanted and that
instead that desired the %10 successful rehabilitation rate that they had at the time without the program. That program was successful and effective,
and it hasn't been used since they came up with it, you gotta ask yourself...why is that so?
proposed public vote system for law changing -
I didn't fully understand your answer,
but am satisfied not to discuss this one further.
Amsterdam's legal approach to cannabis use
bummer man, I'd really hoped you-
A.) had police officer friend over there
B.) knew all about the system/methods they use to police cannabis usage
C.) would be willing to comment and hopefully say "yes, its an excellent system and I'd definitely support implementing it in the U.S and elsewhere
if indeed cannabis was legalised"
But you answered nevertheless and I will refrain from asking again.
That's all from me for a while,
and remember to be generous & thoughtful, because at the end of the day, the key to happiness is "you first, then me" essentially, a selfless good
deed can still make even someone on death row feel good, and not many things in life hold that kind of power.
Much love to everybody,
-Bob Morrison
[edit on 24/12/09 by B.Morrison]