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Ask A Cop *The Video Series*

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posted on Dec, 19 2009 @ 05:41 PM
reply to post by Phenomium

OK, I think I understand your point of view now. Lets wait for Semperfortis' answer.


Semperfortis, a question for you: do the US cops know how other police forces in other countries work? Is there something like a worldwide "police industry"?

Thanks in advance.

posted on Dec, 19 2009 @ 05:48 PM
reply to post by Phenomium

I just wanted to ask you if believe that there is a human being inside that uniform? Do you think every police officer is a cardboard cutout with no room for individuality or personal expression?
I have 3 police officers as family members or dear friends. They're all 100% human, some of them even smoke....dare I say it? Shwag?
How about giving Semper a chance to speak before you shout him down with NWO enforcer comments?
I understand your side of the coin Phenomium, I've been in many positions that put me at odds with authority and even spent time locked up for illegal behavior. Im not asking you respect him as an officer, simply as another member of ATS, where we can all have our say.

[edit on 19-12-2009 by Asktheanimals]

posted on Dec, 19 2009 @ 06:05 PM
Yep "To Serve and Protect" splashed on the side of cruisers is just a logo which means nothing. I already knew these types of things having had 4 cousins that are/were police officers. The truth of the matter is that they are "Law Men" that do uphold the law whether that law is just or not.

All of my cousins insisted there were quotas but, not so much stated that way. If you didn't hand out a certain amount of tickets it was frowned upon kinda like you weren't doing your job.

I've seen the list of statutes just for my small town and it is as large as two world book dictionaries together. I actually bought a copy that is here somewhere that is a few years old (too old) because laws change sometimes daily.

Some of the offbeat things I remember....
Standing/Using a phone booth more than 20minutes-Considered loitering 200.00-500.00 fine.

Rushing a car engine a certain amount of times-Noise violation- 300.00 fine.

Ability to hear the music from the outside of vehicle-Noise Violation-350.00 fine.

I do remember in NC the proposal for seat belt laws to be enacted. The front page was about financial benefit through "Click It Or Ticket" checkpoints. It was actually buried somewhere in the back of the proposal for the safety benefits but, the safety was presented as the top reason on the news. I know Charlotte NC rakes in millions through their random checkpoints along the I-77-I-85 routes.

Looking at police cruiser was just cause to pull over to do searches. Waving at the policeman even more so.

The average citizen doesn't know all the laws and as such I will not speak to a police officer in other than obscure (but polite) conversation without an attorney present even as a witness. If the officer is abusive I continue to speak in a polite obscure manner only when prompted until I can have my lawyer present to assist me with the law. Neither admit anything nor denying anything. One of my familiar phrases is "Sir/Madam I am not familiar with the law but, I will make some statement through my attorney's office and either give them a card or a telephone number.

Ever wonder why clearly criminals get off? Why do corrupt officials in either political or even law enforcement get off with either nothing or slaps on the wrist? They know the laws and how to work them or hire someone whom does.

Two local cases of this below.

A very drunk businessman drives his sports car through a man's home and kills him. He quotes a very obscure law about not taking a breathalyzer test but, a blood test at a local hospital. While the police look for that particular law for seven hours the man sobers up enough. He is given probation for reckless driving.

Police Officer charged with animal cruelty for starving 30 Pit Bulls behind his home. The case vanishes from the papers and such for a while (time to look for a loophole). The officer is given a stern lecture by a judge and sentenced to 30 minutes in a jail cell and a 300.00 fine. There is an obscure law that serving as an officer is already "community service" so most of his sentence was "time served".

This is why at least one cousin quit "The Force" because he had this beautiful dream about protecting the citizens and helping them out. He was disappointed that he was driving around harassing people for minor obscure laws that should have never existed while true criminals washed their hands and walked a great deal.

It is up to the officer's discretion (as far as moving violations) whether to issue a ticket or a warning. My cousins always issued me warnings because they caught me speeding several times. My older cousin Dennis fined me to have my mother make him one of her famous chocolate cakes (joking). When I was a teen another cousin called my mother and made her come get my car for speeding although he only gave me a warning for going 80 in a 35 zone.

I guess after that I should ask a question lol.

I have witnessed a lot of law enforcement whom are snappy, ill tempered, and attempt to circle one into saying something they should not have. I have also met a few police officers whom were firm but, kind in their dealing with the public. Which do you think works better to gain trust/cooperation of the citizens?

Is there actual training for being ill tempered, snappy, and often confusing to the public? I would really be interested in knowing what psychology measures are taught from the standpoint of dealing with non-violent people.

posted on Dec, 19 2009 @ 06:19 PM

Originally posted by ArMaP
reply to post by Phenomium

OK, I think I understand your point of view now. Lets wait for Semperfortis' answer.


Semperfortis, a question for you: do the US cops know how other police forces in other countries work? Is there something like a worldwide "police industry"?

Thanks in advance.

I respect that you actually understand me and you are respected as well, but really, do you think he would actually rat out the NWO when (in his video) he claimed that even cops on an individual basis won't rat each other out and that conspiracies are heavily controlled by internal affairs? Would he actually show his face in a video while admitting this? Yet, the proof of it is everywhere, FEMA prisons, Blackwater USA, Nato, EU Police and now the attempt at merging America, Canada and Mexico into a free trade collective (same way the EU got started)'s just history repeating and common sense dictates that there will have to be an international police force that has power that supersedes all 3 countries..... but I bet he still won't admit it.
I bet he won't admit it though despite the evidence.

[edit on 19-12-2009 by Phenomium]

posted on Dec, 19 2009 @ 06:54 PM

Originally posted by Asktheanimals
reply to post by Phenomium

I just wanted to ask you if believe that there is a human being inside that uniform? Do you think every police officer is a cardboard cutout with no room for individuality or personal expression?
I have 3 police officers as family members or dear friends. They're all 100% human, some of them even smoke....dare I say it? Shwag?
How about giving Semper a chance to speak before you shout him down with NWO enforcer comments?
I understand your side of the coin Phenomium, I've been in many positions that put me at odds with authority and even spent time locked up for illegal behavior. Im not asking you respect him as an officer, simply as another member of ATS, where we can all have our say.

[edit on 19-12-2009 by Asktheanimals]

I respect your point of view as well, but every member of hitlers army, the Storm Troopers, all of the men that ran the Jews down into the trenches and shot them (some of them mothers who had to hold their babies up to their chest while being shot to save money on bullets), every serial killer and murderer of every kind and all gangsters and rapist, bigots and hate-mongers are all guessed it....., all are human. Most of them had families and the amazing thing is that a high percentage of these"humans" treated their families like people yet treated other people less than that of an animal. Now before we go on, I am not likening cops to Storm Troopers and serial killer rapists. my point is that the basic requirement of being a human does not make one less likely to become a monster in spirit. There is a reason why the Personal Computer and every computer up to the processing speeds of the CRAY computers were designed from the template of the human experience, you kow CPU=Brain, Short term memory=RAM, Long term memory=ROM, Hard drive=physical brain (as a whole) to hold information,... and like the computer we humans are "programmed" with instructions and if programmed repetitively enough the programming can be carried out unquestionably in levels that rival that of hypnotism. The instructions would, of course, be wrapped up in a countrys pride, the flag of the country, the 'oneness' of the countrymen and the "my country is better than your country" mentality, not to mention wars created to keep the oneness of countrymen alive and the hate and distain of the opposing team or country fresh in the minds of those programmed. Football, baseball, basketball, hockey etc. are also all designed to keep this 'opposing team' mentality that translates over into military service usually. Now days, they use team warfare online with video games to make fun out of what they will be programmed to do one day, yet, it's all the same means to an end. my point is, that a man can be programmed into believing he is right in working for any government and that the 'bad guy' is who he is TOLD the bad guy is, not necessarily what the true situation may be. In essence, the cops are brainwashed into believing that we the American people are Homegrown Terr0rists. The danger is that what all cops go through is an indoctrination process of brainwashing that removes their own personal beliefs and replaces them with the ideals and strict policy of the police force that cannot be contested. Thus what they are told to do, they do unquestionably and it is of course justified by the 'our team is right, their team is wrong' mindset. Make no mistake about it, cops are not like us, they work for the very ones destroying us and their allegiance is unquestionable, for once they question the system and break the illusion that was programmed into them, they will no longer be of any use to the police force. So in summation, no doubt that they are human beings, but there is a difference between one that is a human being.....and one being human.
I am sure your family members are fine, no disrespect to them. I am not speaking for all cops, just a big percentage lately....just as the OP is not speaking for ALL of them but as many as he can.

[edit on 19-12-2009 by Phenomium]

posted on Dec, 19 2009 @ 08:01 PM
[edit on 19-12-2009 by tmayhew01]

posted on Dec, 19 2009 @ 10:35 PM
Very much looking forward to the upcoming videos, semper promised to 'get to' my questions in time, which I very much appreciated very much

But I think I've got a really bloody good question to add now, one I imagine a huge chunk of ATSers have wondered about.

The following has been quoted from Kymatica (Esoteric Agenda II):

A degradation of language in this case has shown to affect biology. If something as basic and important as language can be degraded and devalued to such a degree yet never questioned, what else might we be missing. Think of an aspect of your life that dictates your freedom. Government and law enforcement, insurance and pharmaceutical companies, taxes, building permits, drivers licenses and more. There are hundreds if not thousands of stipulations regulations and boundaries on our freedom.

The Barron’s Dictionary of Banking Terms defines a CERTIFICATE as a paper establishing an ownership claim. So right there, we notice that everyone with a birth certificate is defined as being owned. People are used as collateral with other nations because the U.S. is bankrupt. The United States declared bankruptcy on March, 9 or 1933. At this point, the U.S. began taking out loans from a private, non-government affiliated corporation called the Federal Reserve. With no money to pay back the loans, the United States began using the citizens as collateral. All birth and marriage certificates are warehouse receipts. Just look at the similarities of warehouse receipts and birth certificates. Both document the date of issue, a serial number, registration number or receipt number, a description of the product, and an authorized informant to notify the appropriate government agency. With all of this information being readily available the majority of the people are unaware of their involvement with Maritime Admiralty Law. This is possible through the manipulation of language. This Admiralty law changed the meaning of the word PERSON, from a natural living person, to a CORPORATION.
Source - also has complete list (from the doco) of burnt books throughout history, def' worth a look!

And so, If I am not a corporation, I am not the man on the birth certificate right? which means any documentation that comes to my door delivered by police or otherwise, I can deny ownership/responcibility for?

...documents listing me in ALLCAPS because that refers to me as a corporation as opposed to a living human being??

unless this information (civil V. Maritime) is flawed or downright wrong?

lets say it isn't, I deny the documents & associated anything, would that in turn make me some kind of terribly cut off & alone fugitive? because If I go and say "thats not me" then that means everything aquired on the foundations of that birth cirtificate, is ALSO no longer mine? so my house, bank rights to live in the country...essentially makes me what? like an illegal immigrant to the whole world? like suddenly I'm without a home country? as you can see the whole thing begs many questions...

After watching a different documentary called "the corporation" (highly recommend it) I see the same information used to explain how a corporate body is a 'legal person' despite not being a 'real person' etc...also how they use that to side step responsibility for things...So I tend to think there is definitely "something there" re: civil V maritime & practical use thereof, to know about.

Kind regards,

P.S) E.A I&II has questionable information in terms of accuracy, and Its things like....

Dr. Leonard Horowitz stated in his work on DNA “one third of the sensory-motor-cotex of the brain is devoted to the tongue, oral cavity, the lips, and speech. In other words, oral frequency emissions spoken, or sung, exert powerful control over life, vibrating genes that influence total well-being and even evolution of the species.”

....being referenced as the foundation of one idea presented in the video, when I happen to know Horowitz is playing both sides of the field * & a downright no good bad guy, that leads me to think some of the content is poorly researched or incorrect. Which is why I don't jump on this civil V. maritime bandwagon just yet...

* - meaning,
he is a yoga master..AND knights of malta,
he 'exposes' vaccine & viruses as lab created...then releases an essentially homoeopathic 'remedy' which he claimed to cure Sars. The patent dates suggest he had prior knowledge regarding the Sars outbreak, and his product was ready to buy 2 weeks after initial reports of the outbreak, before being pulled off the market nearly as quickly as it benefited nothing but the size of his wallet. He named the thing after Dr. Urbani, which to those who know of the guy, know this to be disgusting & Horowitz showing off his ability to 'get away with it'. God bless Dr. Urbani, the only decent WHO affiliate, that I've ever known of.

Then he steals/changes Josephs's solfeggio figures, puts Josephs name on the book, of which %90 content is Josephs stolen work, and has yet to pay the guy a dime/knickel....both sides...

[edit on 19/12/09 by B.Morrison]

posted on Dec, 20 2009 @ 02:13 AM
why do cops take graffiti so personally, and not see it as the largest art movement ever

posted on Dec, 20 2009 @ 03:17 AM
reply to post by B.Morrison

Dr. Leonard Horowitz stated in his work on DNA “one third of the sensory-motor-cotex of the brain is devoted to the tongue, oral cavity, the lips, and speech. In other words, oral frequency emissions spoken, or sung, exert powerful control over life, vibrating genes that influence total well-being and even evolution of the species.”

Questionable? Sounds more like pseudoscience and mysticism to me. I think there's a far more rational explanation to be had. Now, I'm not sure off-hand if the motor cortex is dedicated to that profoundly to vocal/facial/oral/etc control... but it wouldn't surprise me in the least. Humans are social creatures who evolved in social environments where communication and inference of the mental states of others was useful for co-operative and competitive interaction. We have several different methods of communication beyond language, with the most primary of which being body language.

And indeed, while it certainly seems that humans are wired for language - we aren't really wired for specific languages. For example, compare Lakotan, Swahili, German, and Cantonese in their pacing, the tone and quantity of different vowels & consonant sounds, the structure of subject, action, tense, etc. Yet children seem to pick this up by themselves without much trouble. You don't have to proactively teach a child to talk, but teaching them to read and write takes years of schooling and practice. Children can learn two or three languages in the time it takes the master the writing of one. If you ever find yourself in a situation with young mono & multi-language children... ask them why they use words to refer to some object. Pinker gave the example of a coffee mug. A mono-language child typically shows high connection to purpose with the name, saying you call it a mug because that's what hot chocolate goes in. A bi-lingual child is more apt to take a practical approach. Because it reduces confusion by recognizing that a mug isn't intrinsically a mug by it's intrinsic nature... and it can have other names to other people.

This is just the opposite with facial expressions. From the moment we're born (and well before that) - we express emotional states vividly and purposefully. Most of it is unconscious and largely involuntary, yet can betray the emotion you feel. This can ruin your night at poker if you grin at a good hand, or raise suspicion when tell a lie by averting eye contact. They are largely universal, but subtle cultural variants can shift focus on specific facial regions causing you to overlook subtle cues in the corner of the mouth if you're focusing more on the eyes. This doesn't refute the universal expression of facial emotion, but indicates that our brains are adaptive and intuitive - capable of subconsciously accommodating cultural variance. But what never apparently changes is our constant scanning patterns which are searching for those emotional cues. Eye to eye to mouth to eye to mouth to eye to eye to mouth. This is beautifully demonstrated in the Margret Thatcher illusion.


All four images are exactly the same, except the two on the right had their eyes and mouth region inverted. The picture columns on the left were left the same. Does the upper right picture look a bit less horrid than the bottom right? Rotate it 180 degrees in your browser window or a image viewer. What's happening is that our perceptions of subtle cues in facial expression are lost slightly when viewing the image upside down - because we don't live in a world that's upside down. Yet in the picture that's right-side-up, those cues are attenuated to more and she starts to look just a bit hungrier for your soul.

... so I would suggest that the mouth, tongue, eyes, and other fine and subtle positioning takes up a seemingly disproportionally large dedication in your motor cortex not because you're attenuating delicate frequencies for vibrating DNA (so as to give your words power)... but because we're trying to "get inside" other people's minds and infer their intent when interacting... because the words and tones themselves are more or less arbitrary culturally shaped conventions used to try to replicate the thoughts and ideas in your mind to the mind of the person you're interacting with. It's an decoding interface... roughly analogous to a dial-up modem that converts digital information into modular voltages to travel over the telephone line and reconvert to 1's & 0's the other computer can understand. But not nearly as efficient.

Consider that the next time you watch people play charades, a game which has the same basic goal as language while handicapping you from using it and highlighting the the inference and mental modeling systems of our cognition.

The videos below seem to provide a rough example of the point of conceptual disagreement with the quote you provided. See if you can spot it. I'd point it out, because really right now I'm just looking for an excuse to post some Monty Python.

(By the way... if you find merit with the argument I made, consider a moment what implications that may have for concepts of "innate" 6th sense mind reading or telepathy which is often endorsed here. Were it available to our minds once, why are our minds so apparently geared towards language processing both verbal and bodily? Why would our minds put such a focus on processing spoken words and correlating them with symbols and concepts and purpose? Why wouldn't our minds intuitively attempt and fail to transmit those "mental models" directly to others minds without the need for the encoding/decoding for atmosphere transmission mechanisms that language represents? If we were telepathic in the past... wouldn't language be a new and arbitrary medium that we'd struggle to learn, much like the struggle to learn how to read? Just something to ponder.)

[edit on 20-12-2009 by Lasheic]

posted on Dec, 20 2009 @ 03:18 AM
A large number of Police Officers died in the World Trade Center.

At the same time as 9/11, there was a scandal in Canada over political funding by advertising companies to he Liberal Party to obtain business.

The Canadians spend 1,000 times the cash on their mediocre Commission on inivestigating the advertising scandal than the USA spent on the 9/11 Commission Report.

Many Police Officers in New York are said to be deeply unhappy with the conclusions of the 9/11 Commission Report.

Are you one of them?

Do you feel that your dead brothers who rushed in when to allow others to rush out were cheated out of a proper investigation with an investigation that cheap and skimpy?

posted on Dec, 20 2009 @ 03:24 AM
In the UK, there is one video camera to every human. Quite apart from the question of civil liberties, does it not seem to you a way in which the state can hire less cops of a lower calibre rather than hiring more Police to go out on the beat and paying them a decent salary with which to support their families?

posted on Dec, 20 2009 @ 03:24 AM
Next Video Response

(click to open player in new window)


posted on Dec, 20 2009 @ 03:35 AM
ok. my question.

In theory, A officer is sitting in his car with a radar gun and taking photos of the license plates of everyone going over the speed limit. A man drives past doing twice the speed limit, but the officers only action take a photo like the rest. Moments latter the man crashes and dies in a speed related incident. -Doesn't that technically make the officer responsible for his death for not pursuing him?

posted on Dec, 20 2009 @ 03:51 AM
Please excuse the reduction in quality of this one and the one just prior. It was necessary in order to get as many of your questions answered as possible.

(click to open player in new window)


posted on Dec, 20 2009 @ 04:57 AM
reply to post by semperfortis

Thanks for the answers semperfortis, I do understand they are your opinions. Thank You for your time and consideration, although I am not in the US the information you have shared with us has been very informative. I have a better understanding of your point of view as well.
No matter what people do for work or play first and formost they are human beings, I think you are doing something good here, even though I may wonder if there is another reason you are doing this.
My hats off to you! Stay well.

posted on Dec, 20 2009 @ 05:07 AM
reply to post by semperfortis

Thanks Semper for the reply.

I asked this because my lil' brother once thought of becoming a cop, but as I knew his ethics to some extent, I posed that same question.

Imagine a situation where you'd be forced to evict people from their homes. For example, a pensioner from one's home.

The pensioner, living in a bank owned house, maybe not being able to pay the interests would be then cast out from what that one considers as home.

Sometimes the law may require a cop to act in cruel ways. Or to carry out orders that are unethical (but who determines the ethics - is it you, or your peers?).

Anyway, I respect your take on it and again, thanks for the reply. I hope that you will not be required to do such tasks.


posted on Dec, 20 2009 @ 05:18 AM
Hi Semperfortis. I Just have a couple questions that I hope you can answer.

Number one: You stated that you were involved in the US military. Can you explain to us how combatants at a time of war are so easily persuaded to kill other human beings? Human beings that they have never even met with previously. Human beings that never actually posed a threat to our way of life here in North America. Can you please explain where the encouragement to open fire upon these individuals emanates from other than the need to defend oneself?

Number two: I have noticed many threats of violence made towards those in positions of power here on ATS. I have noticed calls for violent revolution on many occasions as well. Being that you are a member of the law enforcement community, have you ever felt the urge to turn these people in, in order to prevent an act of needless violence from occurring? If your answer is no, then can you explain to us why you haven't felt obligated to do so?

Thank you.


[edit on 20-12-2009 by Matrix777]

posted on Dec, 20 2009 @ 05:19 AM
I've got two (not so) serious questions for you, Semper.

Which is in your opinion the most badass fictional/TV cop "out there"?

And which is your favorite police show?

[edit on 20-12-2009 by David_Reale]

posted on Dec, 20 2009 @ 05:46 AM
thank you for taking the time to answer these questions semper.

i'm fortunate to live in a state that allows law abiding citizens to carry a concealed weapon if they choose (via permit of course.). are citizens allowed in your state allowed to carry if they obtain a cwp.

what are your personal feelings regarding this?
do you think that a local sheriffs office should have the ability to pick and choose who is issued a cwp ("may issue")?

can you give a idea of real world impact in a pro carry state vs. a area of equal size with no cwp permits (i'm aware of all the statistics, i'm just curious what you personally see.)

stay safe!


[edit on 20-12-2009 by anonamousantichrist]

posted on Dec, 20 2009 @ 05:49 AM
Thank you so much for your time in answering our questions. After I explain who I am as a citizen, I will ask my question which may appear stupid to some but its important to me. I am a 59 yr old woman who has spent her life in community service. I have an "award" so to speak from the OHIO HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES for outstnding community service. Ok. I have never broken the law, and in my life I have never even had so much as a speeding ticket. I majored in criminal justice in college. Ok thats who I am. Now my question, As a senior citzen who does not own a gun because she cannot afford one, is there any program within the police depts. to give a granny an gun? When you take guns from the criminals, can you give them to law abiding citizens who would like to have one but cannot afford one? See, when mandingo or bubba decide to break into my apt and steal my compter or worse, I would love to be able to say hello to them with a small handgun. Thanks for taking the time to answer this question which may not seem important to others.

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