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Ask A Cop *The Video Series*

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posted on Dec, 19 2009 @ 12:19 PM
Disregard my last comment. I now realise that Die_Another_Day's comments were directed towards Semperfortis. And Semper, just remember, as a courtesy call from those of us that still have some respect towards the Police Forces worldwide - you will always cop criticism's from somebody out there.

Even though most of us have had a bad experience from our local authorities, there are still some of us that have some sort of respect for you. Knowing what I know, and having heard stories from the "local PD's", I know how #ty your job can be, and how positively hard it is to deal with certain criminal's (i.e. Paedophiles, Rapists etc), just because we may not agree with your method's or methodology, doesn't mean you don't have our respect.

As the saying goes - Keep on keeping on - because no matter how low you get, there will always be some Civilians the believe what you are doing is honourable, and there is always someone out there that will listen to any problems you have, regardless of whether they are in the Force or not.

There are those out there that listen and care, and those that only care for themselves.

As the song for the dirty Scousers (s'n-word's) goes - You will never walk alone!!!!

[edit on 19-12-2009 by TerribleTeam2]

posted on Dec, 19 2009 @ 12:20 PM
Hi, semperfortis.

A question on the lighter side I've wondered about. Do 24-hour responders such as police departments use a way to distinguish the first 2:30AM of autumn Daylight Savings Time from the second 2:30AM? If not, could I rob an ATM the first 2:30AM and then go to a police station with a minor complaint the second 2:30AM and thus have an airtight alibi?

posted on Dec, 19 2009 @ 12:42 PM
Interesting thread semper.

Which are more popular? Jelly filled or glazed donuts?

Seriously, others have posed the question, how do you NOT take the job home with you? I will expand on this. What sort of things keep you awake if this is the case? Secondly, have you every wept because of something that happened on the job?

posted on Dec, 19 2009 @ 12:43 PM
Thanks for this thread semper! This is great. I watched your first video, and it answered a couple of the questions I had. I might add that I really liked your answers. Oath keepers is an organization of cops and military personnel that actually took to heart their oath to the constitution, and truly mean to keep it. Since you would not violate a citizen's constitutional rights, based on your answers to other peoples questions, you are in all practicality an oath keeper. You need not sign up to be an oath keeper, you just need to keep your oath!

Is it true that police officers are generally easier on motorcyclists that are speeding?

I ride a crotch rocket, and am very careful (still alive), and I don't speed in town. I have never gotten a ticket, or had an accident while on the bike. However, I tend to open her up a little bit on the interstate, when there is little traffic. There was a cop in the median one day, and he was in a good hiding spot. I was going about 95 when I saw him, and really jammed on the brakes. I had it down to 65 really quick. He turned on his lights, and then turned them off.

Is this because he was holding the trigger on the radar gun, and when he let off I was at the speed limit?

How exactly does the standard Ka band radar gun work? Does it instantly show the speed of the target vehicle as soon as you pull the trigger? or do you have to pull and hold the trigger for a time, and when you let off it shows the speed?

What is the difference between K, and Ka band radar?

When I drive my truck, I always run a radar detector. I am working on some Ideas for a radar detecting motorcycle helmet.

Also, when you are going down the highway, and blasting radar constantly, does it show the speed of traffic head on, or does it show their speed plus your speed? So basically, do you have your cop car on cruise control at a constant speed to tell oncoming traffic's speed, or can you just zap them and get their actual speed?

[edit on 19-12-2009 by downtown436]

posted on Dec, 19 2009 @ 01:06 PM
reply to post by downtown436

He did not have a radar gun or he did not have it pointed at you at least.

posted on Dec, 19 2009 @ 01:07 PM
Two topics with a set of several questions for each:

What are your feelings on the recent increase in the use of Law Enforcement for the purpose of generating state and city money through both the legal system, and the corrections system?

Do you feel that this will add to the number of silly laws that are enacted simply to making everyone a "criminal" as sort of an additional form of taxation?

What are your feelings on the use of traffic/red light cams that are going up in many cities, being run by third party companies, for the purpose of generating income while violating many states laws that a misdemeanor citation must be witnessed in person by a law enforcement officer?
For Example:
Here, our governor has told the cities that this is a direct violation of state law, yet no one seems to be doing anything about it.

What are your feelings in respect to many states Military Preference in the hiring of Law Enforcement, and the differences in training between military and Law enforcement? As you have already mentioned, there is a fellowship among officers, as well as among Military. The Military personnel are trained with a “Us”, “Them” mentality, you are either in the same uniform or you are the enemy. Do you feel that this is in the best interest of the Citizens that these Military Officers, with this mindset, are now being put on the street?

Do you feel this is being done as they are less likely to question orders if used widespread against the general population in violation of the Constitution?

As I am sure you know there are already problems in many forces with officers who are adrenaline junkies, have god complexes, are bullies, and/or stick up for each other no matter what, doesn’t this military preference just add to an already bad problem?

posted on Dec, 19 2009 @ 01:32 PM
reply to post by semperfortis

Hi Semperfortis -kudos to you for making this thread.

The question I would like to ask is what are your opinions (if any) on the huge number of UFO reports submitted by policemen and women around the globe and if you think that Police Officers make more credible,reliable witnesses than the average person on the street.

PRUFOS-´Police report UFO Sightings´Organisation


posted on Dec, 19 2009 @ 01:38 PM

First off, thank you for doing this. Law enforcement has a very bad name on this forum and it makes me very happy that people who are "anti-cop" get to hear from someone like you. Thank you for your services.

Now, in response to your first video... Don't you think it's a little unsafe and somewhat unwise to assume you're the most heavily armed and highly trained person on the streets? For example, I was in the U.S. Special Forces for many years and I would be willing to bet that I am overall more well trained than you. I also am armed at all times. Don't get me wrong, I'm not insulting you at all, and I mean absolutely no disrespect. I just want you to understand that your assumption of always being the most highly trained and deadly can be very dangerous. Just be careful out there, you never know who somebody is or what they have.

posted on Dec, 19 2009 @ 02:17 PM
Hello! And thank you for this series !

My uncle in law enforcement, however he buys his underage kid alcohol among other illegal acts so I don't really trust his judgement.

However, my question is...

When doing a routine traffic stop (someone speeding, forgot to put on turn signal, etc) do respect and manners actually increase the chances of getting off the hook or is your mind made up before you even get to the car? Do officers actually get a choice in ticketing or is it a command? (for instance, you need to reach your quota and pull over 3 people before the end of the week)

And on a side note, I've always been curious to ask an officer what he thought about this:

Ok so me and a friend were driving and I came PRETTY CLOSE to a complete stop - But the back of my car did not do the entire bounce (semper will know what I mean) and I was pulled over and ticketed.

On another occasion me and a friend were driving and he was going about 30 miles an hour matching the same speed of a train next to us (kid stuff, this was awhile ago) and then he saw a car pull out in front of us and accelerate and my friend began to chase him. We were eventually going around 110, the car in front of us was doing the same. My friend kept brighting the car in front of us trying to annoy him. Over and over. Eventually the car pulls over, and then comes up behind us (It was a police officer without the lightbar on top of his car but inside instead) and asks us what we were doing. (The back of my friends car had an upside down flag, by the way. Not that its illegal, just the whole respect thing again) We told him we were just driving around and he says have a good night! We got off scot free. Did he let us go because he was cruising around the town going 110 mph as well?

Thanks semper!

[edit on 19-12-2009 by The_Zomar]

posted on Dec, 19 2009 @ 02:22 PM
reply to post by semperfortis

good stuff Semper although you may not get around to joining it, the question before mine answers everything about being an Oath Keeper as in following the constitutional rights of the people keep up the good work bro

posted on Dec, 19 2009 @ 02:32 PM
semper, excellent thread, very ballsy of you.

i have a simple question, and feel free to be as long winded about it as you want:

what event or things brought you to above top secret?

posted on Dec, 19 2009 @ 02:53 PM
reply to post by intrepid

hahaha it feels cool replying to a super mod, but anyway, driving down the highway once, a cop was pulled over on the shoulder, walking around his squad car oddly. as we got closer, the officer was weeping openly, true distraught disfiguring his face. it was shocking and i instantly felt horrible. very strange! but cops are humans too.

posted on Dec, 19 2009 @ 03:55 PM
Alright, so I've recently come to understand the Strawman Illusion and I have a video of a guy discussing into detail very exactly what it is and I'm going to post it, but my question is: Do police purposely play on people's ignorance of what their actual rights are? Instead do police trick people into giving their rights away so they can then get them in trouble or atleast have people at their will instead of the other way around?

posted on Dec, 19 2009 @ 03:58 PM
What's the difference between you...a cop....acting like "one of our friends" and say a banker who would come on here and do the same thing trying to make all bankers look good after a wave of monstrosities? Lately a cop is not such a good thing is it? A little P.R. here maybe? All I have seen lately is cops bullying and tasering everone from children to little old ladies and everything in between. Arresting people for knowing and citing their rights which are then mocked and scoffed at for "being an extremist" or a "homegrown terrorist". What makes you think we want to ask you anything? I am not blaming YOU (the person), YOU may have done your job the honest and just way, I am asking these questions because you came in the name of ALL COPS so I feel I must critisize the new regime of whos name you claim to represent. The police force should change it's motto to " to serve ourselves and protect our own".

[edit on 19-12-2009 by Phenomium]

posted on Dec, 19 2009 @ 04:09 PM

Do you feel remorseful for arresting your fellow citizens who broke consensual crime laws (drugs, prostitution, sodomy laws, etc)?

The reason I have a problem with just about all police officers is because just about all police officers have arrested people for violating unjust consensual crime laws.

The rationalizations given usually revolve around: cops are just doing their jobs (yuppie Nuremberg defense); cops don't make the laws, they enforce the laws;

To break Godwin's law I will refer to the Nazis. There were many regular old police departments in Germany that were brought into service of the Nazi regime and rounded up Jews either killing them or putting them on trains. Those German police officers were just doing their jobs; they didn't make the laws, they just enforced them. The Milgram Experiments did a good job in explaining why people tend to defer to authority and become amoral tools of that authority.

That said, those rationalizations (just doing a job) and explanations (milgram experiments) are not a valid defense of one's actions nor do they defer responsibility of one's actions onto the policy makers. Yes the politicians share responsibility, they do make the laws, but law enforcement also shares responsibility because they enforce the laws.

I would also say police unions along with corrections unions lobby to keep consensual crime laws in place and these unions have a very strong lobbying power as politicians want their support so that they may win election.

Ultimately these reasons are why I have a problem with virtually all of law enforcement, I do not limit my views on responsibility to just the police though. I have similar views on soldiers serving in illegal wars, parents circumcising their newborns, etc. Individuals are responsible for the actions they take in life and most police officers have arrested people for violating consensual crime laws, likely leading to fines and or imprisonment and all that person did was possibly harm themselves.

"your body, your property, your choice" - a simple principle I think we should all live by

P.S. To address your take on protests, people are allowed to protest outside abortion clinics or anywhere else as long as they are not trespassing on private property or blocking entrances and exits to buildings or roads. Throwing RNC/DNC/WTO/G8/etc protesters into tiny pens not even visible from the places the events are has nothing to do with not blocking entrances so that event participants can come and go freely. It is about silencing dissent by making it invisible. If protesters were allowed to surround these event buildings while leaving an open path for event participants the protesters would remain visible whenever tv crews used building footage in covering the story. By keeping the protesters in pens away from the events, the media has to decide to cover the protests rather than they having no choice if they want to show the building the event is in.

posted on Dec, 19 2009 @ 04:09 PM
reply to post by Phenomium

I don't understand why you think that his answers will make him look good, and even if they do then they will do that just to him, as he is answering them personally and not in an official position.

Yes, as far as I know he is a cop, and is answering questions from a cop point of view, but they are just his answers, so I don't see how that can be considered as a "public relations stunt" for the whole police force.

If you know a banker that is an ATS member you can tell him to do the same thing, I think it would be interesting.

PS: is he a cop acting as "one of our friends", is he a cop and "one of our friends" or is he "one of our friends" acting as a cop?

posted on Dec, 19 2009 @ 04:25 PM

Originally posted by ArMaP
reply to post by Phenomium

I don't understand why you think that his answers will make him look good, and even if they do then they will do that just to him, as he is answering them personally and not in an official position.

Yes, as far as I know he is a cop, and is answering questions from a cop point of view, but they are just his answers, so I don't see how that can be considered as a "public relations stunt" for the whole police force.

If you know a banker that is an ATS member you can tell him to do the same thing, I think it would be interesting.

PS: is he a cop acting as "one of our friends", is he a cop and "one of our friends" or is he "one of our friends" acting as a cop?

I asked because although he is answering questions off of the clock....he is riding in on the back of a vocational horse, that of the police force, which means he has taken a personal responsibility for the whole of the police force. Hence the reason why everyone is telling him he's so balsy. I, like anyone, know the close intimate bond that cops have for one another. It's almost maternal in nature. That being said, I can only surmise that anything he says regarding his brothers and sisters of the force will be of a publicity preserved, self-protecting ascent of positive affirmation. After all, why would he answer in any other way that would make an already bad reputation for cops (concerning the danger level of the profession). This is the reason why I think this is a (Public Relations Campaign (P.R.)...[never said publicity stunt]. A P.R. STUNT is different than just a P.R. Campaign which is designed to get a desired result by the public interpersonal relations as opposed to a P.R. STUNT which is designed to "trick" one into a desired frame of thought. I was speaking of the aforementioned P.R. Campaign. Is this some guy just answering questions for the sake of answering questions? You have to always ask a question anytime anyone does anything and that question is .....what do they have to gain from it? What exactly DOES HE HAVE TO GAIN FROM IT, if it's not a P.R. campaign?

[edit on 19-12-2009 by Phenomium]

posted on Dec, 19 2009 @ 04:27 PM
reply to post by semperfortis

As a fellow career officer I wish you the best in this endeavour. If I can do anything to support you just let me know. I will probably weigh in on an issue from time to time. Other than that, all I can say is here we go again.


posted on Dec, 19 2009 @ 04:39 PM

Originally posted by seeashrink
reply to post by semperfortis

As a fellow career officer I wish you the best in this endeavour. If I can do anything to support you just let me know. I will probably weigh in on an issue from time to time. Other than that, all I can say is here we go again.


You see? This is what I talked about just one forum entry back. These guys are like maternal family members. This guy is already offering backup for a situation that doesnt even call for it. They know that it's THEM (cops) against US proletariates. He said in his video, on the first page, that cops don't rat out other cops because of the "brotherhood effect" and that there are conspiracies overseen by Internal Affairs that never see the light of day. THIS IS CONSPIRING AGAINST THE AMERICAN PEOPLE, which is illegal and by derivation makes them above the also makes them hypocrites as we are to observe the law while they are favored. Why then would they want to help us out by giving us their version of the truth when all other evidence lately suggests that cops these days work for the furtherance of the NWO? It's clear that all cops these days support the very government that is oppressing us. The proof.....THEY WORK FOR THEM. If you don't do what the NWO says, you will no longer have employment to police for them. They are trained these days to think of YOU, the American populace, as a terrorist (homegrown). Tearing at our constitutional rights and dismanteling our system of laws that have been in place since our country was founded and replacing them with more convienient laws that protect the cops and favor them while enslaving the populace at the peril of a police state. This is what a cop of today is, NOT someone that is there for the people. You would have to be a simpleton to not see that this is a P.R. campaign to make a worldwide regime of "like-minded" cops look good after a wave of criminal behavior aginst the American people. I would suggest further that this is nothing more than a "wolf in sheeps clothing" tactic to regain favor of the public just long enough for a system of laws to be put in place to ultimately enslave us once and for all. We are so close to a police state right now and all they need is for us to be a fool just one more time. As if, these cops are not working for the NWO, the very govenrment that pays their salaries and gives them almost unlimited power over us plebians. It's them against us and don't forget it. I don't promote vi0lence against them, but I am asking you, as Americans, to turn a deaf ear to ANYONE who works for the THEY are the very ones who have robbed us financially and morally and they work for the very men who have systematically tried to shred our constitution and remove our most basic of human rights. Take any bravado from these government covens with a grain of salt as they are most likely trying to make that which is proven BY EVIDENCE to be corrupt (police force) into something that is heaven sent by our future 'new fathers' of a 'new constitution'. ATS is clearly being comandeered and there is a campaign to implant illusory thoughts of benign police into a reality and framework of an evil empire. The infiltration of ATS will be like all other organizations infiltrated. It will be to infiltrate, support, fund, propagandize and plant seeds of deceit, divide and conquer (turn ATS member against ATS member) and finally to dissolve the forum once bought out by the government, or to "control" the content by leaving out imperative discussion of legitimacy and leaving in outrageous conspiracies that have no foundation in truth. The "crap conspiracy" will be left in place, of course, to obfuscate what should really be discussed such as the activities of the leaders of our "Big Brother" elitists. This is actually the beginning of the end of ATS as we know it. Another day, another sucker in America born and the chapters go on and on and the story remains the same.

[edit on 19-12-2009 by Phenomium]

posted on Dec, 19 2009 @ 04:40 PM
I have a question about an incident that happened to me about ten years ago that has always bothered me.
I was in my house getting ready for bed when a cop knocked on the door. He said he had gotten a report of domestic violence at my house. There had been a problem with domestic violence with my now ex husband and he is my ex for that very reason, but that night had been peaceful. When that didn't pan out for him, he started accusing us, me in particular of being high. Never touched a drug in my life and I don't even drink, so I was extremely offended. Then he went on to say that he saw me earlier that day talking to a "Friend " about trying to find her some drugs. Which flat out never happened. His story was so detailed down to where I was supposedly standing and discrimination of clothing that I did not own. When I tried to suggest that he had the wrong person even though it was clear he was making this up, he got in my face and something like "I don't make mistakes" in the threatening way possible. By then I was in tears, because he just kept trying to get me to admit that I had agreed to sell drugs to someone, and the more I told the truth the more angry he got.
To this day, I have always wondered what his motivation was. Was he under some kind of requirement to arrest someone and could find any one to arrest? I saw saw him at restaurant with his family a few months later and wanted to confront him so desperately but I didn't. I just want to know what would make a cop come to someones house for no reason and make up lies to try to get them to confess over something they never did.

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