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Kucinich Announces the End of Class Warefare and the Defeat of the Middle Class.

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posted on Dec, 18 2009 @ 02:35 PM
Thanks for the info but I will tell you MY feelings on the matter. The only way I will be "Sold Out" is if I believe it. No one has power over me.. I could be jailed, persacuted, and burned at the stake.. But, I will NOT let anyone tell me that I am not worthy. I am free and will be so, as long as I chose to be. Freedom is a state of mind, not a state of paranoia. To find beauty where others dont is the biggest strength of all.

posted on Dec, 18 2009 @ 02:42 PM
reply to post by Grossac

i would say you are right, but im sure Germans thought the same way the year before the SS came out of the blue and freedom then up and puffed and I'm sure they didnt see it coming

[edit on 18-12-2009 by guidanceofthe third kind]

posted on Dec, 18 2009 @ 02:58 PM


posted on Dec, 18 2009 @ 03:04 PM

Originally posted by marg6043
reply to post by Janky Red

So far I have been very good at my predictions, the economy is not going to get any better, unless you are in the top wealth holders and you can take that to the crocks in the banking system.


I predict the economy will get "better" -

The system we have/had is the state of in milking the pissupons, people are not working they are not "working"...

We shall see

posted on Dec, 18 2009 @ 03:48 PM
reply to post by Janky Red

I believe you are right, people are not working that is why our economy can not support our spending, as we are a nation of spenders, used to be on credit and loans, but without that the only ones doing the spending now is the government, with its bailouts and stimulus, still the economy is helping only one sector, those that has been protected from our government with tax payer help.

So if you agree with"people no working" . . . then what makes your assumption different from mine?

posted on Dec, 18 2009 @ 04:05 PM

Originally posted by marg6043
reply to post by Janky Red

I believe you are right, people are not working that is why our economy can not support our spending, as we are a nation of spenders, used to be on credit and loans, but without that the only ones doing the spending now is the government, with its bailouts and stimulus, still the economy is helping only one sector, those that has been protected from our government with tax payer help.

So if you agree with"people no working" . . . then what makes your assumption different from mine?

Sounded to me that you thought the goal was to cripple the whole thing to instill, "socialism/elite intervention" I have heard this theory on here a few times...

I don't buy that, I think the goal was to make some extra $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$'s, pure and simple - Not change the primary scheme, which is work em up -

posted on Dec, 18 2009 @ 04:40 PM
This war is won by slaves.
Loyalty of slaves will protect their masters.
You cannot even start to fight, before you acknowledge that.

posted on Dec, 18 2009 @ 04:51 PM
Ya know, ive often wondered what NWO really means..i mean yeah i know NWO is al about the middle class being destroyed, because off governemnts overpsending, so the selected onees, will have power and wealth. I wonder if the slect ones, are outside of the rockefellers, rothchilds and the like? Those willing to screw everyone over, so they can have complete dictatorship control over them all...just as is promited in buisness management, at leat in retail management it is.
I wonder, becaue of the masive mindless and careless overspending of money, and the bailouts for huge corporations..if the corporations wernt in on it, they wouldnt have goten the bailouts* speaking of hwich i wonder when and where the rockefellers next meeting is? and WHO is gunna bethier...ide love to get in touch wih the journalist tha attended his get togetehrs, like 2 years was on some news, the journalist came out with a face as white as snow, and mentioned something about an economic collpase, then seems to have shut up..august 2008 came by right after the meetings, and bam, recessin started.

posted on Dec, 18 2009 @ 04:51 PM
Providing the journalist is still alive of he/she would have LOTS of info for us all.

posted on Dec, 18 2009 @ 05:01 PM

Originally posted by Hastobemoretolife
reply to post by SuperSecretSquirrel

Sounds more like a problem with the tax system to me. This progressive tax system we have been dealing with is absolutely horrible and counter-productive. It gives the government a way to control behavior.'s the progressive tax system, that's what has happened to this country...banks?, no, the tax system...wall street investment houses?, no, the tax system... military spending? no, the tax system, lack of regulation?, the tax system...foreclosures? no, the tax system...

posted on Dec, 18 2009 @ 05:10 PM
reply to post by Animal

Did anyone need the announcement? Look at the news. Just today "Prince Charming" pledged billions more in Copenhagen. He should just stay the hell there. Environmental scams, mandatory health insurance, expanding war debt and the same clowns that were instrumental in the worst of this crap are being reappointed with "attaboy" slaps on the back. Charlie Rangel, Christopher Dodd, Roland Burris are still seated. They've done everything but hold us up literally with a mask and a gun.

Thanks for bitching Dennis where ever you are.

posted on Dec, 18 2009 @ 05:43 PM
I am now another statistic of this war. I was fired 2 days ago. Yep, a week before Christmas and my supervisor fired me. But not before he had me come into work and get his 5 day backlog of paperwork inputted into the computer tracking system and all his numbers in order so he would still be golden to his supervisor. This also happened 24 hours after we had discussed the supposed issue he fired me for and assured me I still had a job and that some of my responsibilities would have to be "modified". Though he did give me a 20 dollar gift certificate for publix as a parting gift. So when this POS wakes up Christmas morning with his stay at home wife and his kids and opens all the presents he bought them with his big salary and bonuses, my family, my daughters, my mother, my brothers and sisters will all be waking up deflated, and overwhelmed with sadness due to this miseraqble excuse for a human being. I have always tried to be a peaceful person, and only try to put good vibes into the world. But I feel I am at the end of my rope. How can I ever forgive this person? How can I feel anything but contempt for him, his family, and everything he represents? These people should have to be reminded every for the rest of their pathetic lives what they have done to all of us. They should be made to suffer as we all have. They should have to have EVERYTHING taken from them and spend their lives hiding their faces in shame. I'm sorry to be such a bummer and add to the rage. But maybe RAGE is what we have to do. Where are these "Men of Honor" who swore an oath to God to Serve and Protect their countrymen? Cowards, ALL OF YOU! How could you let these snakes do this to us? You go halfway around the world and kill thousands of people who did absolutely nothing to you, but you let some of the most evil people to ever walk this beautiful planet of ours destroy everything that we and our ancestors worked for. When the levee breaks, I hope the 40 pieces of silver was worth it. Merry Christmas to all my fellow Citizen Slaves.

[edit on 12/18/09 by Chillidog1]

[edit on 12/18/09 by Chillidog1]

[edit on 12/18/09 by Chillidog1]

posted on Dec, 18 2009 @ 06:38 PM
reply to post by Chillidog1

Sorry to read this. I hope all works out well for you and yours. It's a sad world we live in where things like this happen regularly with no-one able to do much to help other than state their sadness in hearing about it.

posted on Dec, 18 2009 @ 06:54 PM
reply to post by ShiningBeneath

Thanks for empathizing. I guess alot of it comes down to something I heard a long time ago as a kid when I mowed lawns for my Grandpas elderly friends. "There are alot more horses asses than there are horses."
Hope you have a good Holiday season.
Peace, Love, and Happiness.

posted on Dec, 18 2009 @ 07:06 PM
Dennis K is a very respectable person and admirably known to tell the truth. I knew this before he told this truth.....But reading him saying this confirms my beliefs.

posted on Dec, 18 2009 @ 07:13 PM
reply to post by Animal

Excellent thread friend

Nice to hear from someone who speaks real truths

S F for you

posted on Dec, 18 2009 @ 07:52 PM
It's ok, nobody listens to Dennis the menace anyway.

If Dennis said the nukes were flying, people would look up, but then turn back to their sandwiches and continue their eating.

Now there is a guy this site should love!

posted on Dec, 18 2009 @ 08:07 PM

Originally posted by Animal
I think it is long past time we took our nation back.

Too late!

In the weeks and months ahead this administration and congress through pending legislation that when passed will forever change this county in ways that will be irreversible. The "reforms" and agenda should be painfully clear by now... It is a globalist agenda that is the hidden priority behind it all.

USA will redistribute its wealth through new revenues raised from cap and trade legislation... Redistribution of wealth which will be ultimately taken from Americans and given to "developing nations" developing nations which are struggling with "climate change"

This whole plan is using the vehicle of climate change backed up by fraudulent science to defraud the American taxpayers, and all but destroy the US industrial complex to give hundreds of billions of dollars to those developing nations.

Finally they get to kill the great capitalist system and bring down the almighty USA, and force those fat greedy Americans to live like the rest of the world.

I'm quite sure that these nations under the governance climate control will provide, will ultimately have consensus and agreement that the US constitution itself is a threat to humanity and must be eliminated by international agreement and binding decree.

Welcome ALL, to what is next.


posted on Dec, 18 2009 @ 08:28 PM
It occurred to me recently that a large majority of the electorate in our supposed democracy, if they have a job or in past jobs are not managers or even supervisors. And yet come every election, we effectively throw away our brass ring by not insisting on and then voting for candidates who emphasize worker rights or the rights of the common man in general. And then when we have a dispute with a manager or supervisor, no matter how unfair or wrongly your being treated, what chance does an hourly worker have without some law created by an elected official to ensure fair and just treatment?

I think a big reason for the demise of the middle class is that the very intellectual progressive minded set that would most likely spearhead a revolution or at least campaign for the proletariat have been subdued and sedated by words of succor from msm medias masquerading as advocating for left wing social issues but instead manipulating media to assist super rich elite.

The media I have in mind here especially is mainstream public radio and public television. While they claim to be public and acting in the public's interest, not even supporting members, much less the general public, have any say in the information content of public radio or television. Rather, if you go onto the websites of a mainstream public radio or television station and look up their list of board of trustees you will see a listing of the who's who of the super rich and powerful. I'm thinking they are probably manipulating their so-called public media's information in a manner that will protect and enhance theirs and their cronies interests at the expense of the general public that they claim to be advocating for.

posted on Dec, 18 2009 @ 08:47 PM

Originally posted by guidanceofthe third kind
[snip] and they do not have to silence anyone further because its check mate.

Check mate will be when 100 million gun owners are standing in the elites living rooms demanding our country back.

They are strong financially but weak when it comes to being hardcore getting real blood on your hands.

The deer hunters of America will skin them alive one day.

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