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Kucinich Announces the End of Class Warefare and the Defeat of the Middle Class.

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posted on Dec, 18 2009 @ 09:18 AM
The Link

The Warfare between classes, well between the rich and the not so rich has been in full swing in the USA since at least 1980. We have had Regan, Bush, Clinton, Bush Jr, and Obama and they ALL sold us (the average person of the USA) down the river to the financial interests of their choice. I am not saying this is new but the USA is without a doubt a plutarchy and we the people have little chance at a legitimate and democratic protection of our rights and our meager wealth.

"The class warfare is over -- we lost," Kucinich said before the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform. "I want to make that announcement today. Working people lost. The middle class lost."

We sure did, Obama ensured that the last nail was pounded into that coffin just recently. These bastards, the rich elite who have consolidated power with their money and their political hacks have me so very PISSED off. Perhaps it is because I got my graduate degree 8 months ago but there are NO jobs. Perhaps it is because 8 of my neighbors have been foreclosed on in the last year. Perhaps it is because I feel more and more like a piece of meat to either be used by the plutarchy for their ends or discarded as refuse. What ever it is I am pissed.

"All across this country people are starved for capital," Kucinich said. "Small businesses are failing, you have shopping centers that are becoming vacant because people can’t afford the rents anymore because the people who own the malls the developers are getting cash calls and credit is tightening."

"The separation between the finance economy and the real economy is real. This is not some fake idea. You can’t call that class warfare. That’s a fact."

"The wealth of this nation is being accelerated upward," Kucinich said. "That’s one of the problems that I had with the bailout."

"You could say that it helped stabilize the American economy, but what I see is the separation between the real economy and Wall Street. Wall Street is stabilizing, markets are a lot better, banks are doing well -- they parked their money at the Fed for a while so they could get higher interest rates."

I think it is long past time we took our nation back.

[edit on 18-12-2009 by Animal]

posted on Dec, 18 2009 @ 10:08 AM
Spot on Animal. What did you get your degree in? I think the only alternative left to the middle class is tax rebellion. Just yesterday here in Virginia they announced a DOUBLING of the unemployment tax on employers. This will only cause more small businesses to fail. America was built by small business, not mega-corporations and we know for damn sure no bank every did anything. We have to get these parasites (goldman sux, et al) off our backs. Their bonuses are a slap in the face to working people everywhere.
I would guess we have maybe a year or 2 to intiate real reform on wall street or the game is over and the middle class will become a ghost of the past. 99% of the working class will fall into abject poverty while maybe 1% gets to join their "betters" in the champagne and caviar world. Kucinich was right and he has been a fighter for the common guy, god bless him. Either buy guns or lots of lottery tickets, hard work will only buy us all an early grave.

posted on Dec, 18 2009 @ 10:24 AM
Is all a plan to make people more willing of the scraps that will be given for anybody to be glad of the upper classes coming to the rescued of the lower classes.

People will beg for more, more tax thievery, more support for the elite and more butt kissing to the corporate world and corporate government.

People will do anything for a buck.

The next step of the banking system is to used our own tax payer money to give needed loans to small businesses with not ties from the Federal Reserve but with all the taxes and interest to us on our own tax payer money, the banks will make all the profits and will lose nothing.

What is happening in this nation is dirty and obscene but people are to a point that they will beg for more of the same just to get a scrap of bread that they think is given for free.

[edit on 18-12-2009 by marg6043]

posted on Dec, 18 2009 @ 10:48 AM
Damn Kucinich! How dare you speak the truth?! Its so bizarre to have politicians speak and have what comes out of their mouth be facts.

We have known that we the middle class have been getting squeezed more and more over the years. I actually saw a graph of tax rates paid by each income level going back to the 30's in an economics class I took. It used to be that the graph was hockey stick shaped back in the day but now it looks mostly like a bell curve.

We have been been picking up more and more of the governments tab for 80 years and now the last few drops are being squeezed from us.

The layman still fails to see what is going on because his/her 401K is rising leading them to believe that everything is ok. At the same time, if they looked at EVERY other piece of evidence, they would see that this fake economy hasn't even bottomed out yet.

Wait, ignore that. Don't report on the 1000 page bills congress passes within 1 day of them being proposed. Don't worry about the unpayable debt owed. Don't worry about the value of the dollar in your wallet becoming less valuable every month.

Too bad Kucinich's message won't be heard by anyone that can change the situation.

posted on Dec, 18 2009 @ 11:00 AM
reply to post by SuperSecretSquirrel

Sounds more like a problem with the tax system to me. This progressive tax system we have been dealing with is absolutely horrible and counter-productive. It gives the government a way to control behavior.

posted on Dec, 18 2009 @ 11:03 AM
I voted for Kucinich but he never had a chance, he got no serious corporate money for his campaign and all of the attention was on Clinton and Obama. Kucinich needs to run in 2012 and let us pick again, it will be alot easier to see Kucinich if it's just him and Obama, lets see what Obama has to say when Kucinich brings up all of the genocide that is put on the working Americans and small business owners, what will Obama say then? Yes we can? That dream is over. Wake Up America! "The work begins anew. The hope rises again. And the dream lives on", we shall chant this at Kucinich inauguration while we send Wall Street packin'.

Why did America not listen to Kucinich, why didn't they listen? Well he can add to his next campaign, 'Because he was right... again'!

posted on Dec, 18 2009 @ 11:09 AM
Well, there you go.

Man, is it me, or are important things happening quicker?

This is a congressman of the U.S.A. declaring that the average American is getting screwed, when rich people are getting richer by us giving them our money. Maybe he has been saying this for a while, but more people are definitely listening to him now(like me).

We just had 'tea parties' a few months ago. No matter what you think of the tea parties(if you think Fox is all they were, it doesn't matter), do these not sound EXACTLY like what was happening when our country was building up to the first revolution?

We have yet to see the repercussions of the tea party. The public seems to work in waves, dissent fluctuates with the tides. But when these tides recede, it is hard to get a grasp on the actual amount of water(or dissent) that will come with the next high tide. With the internet, I think the dissent grows when the tide is receding, only to come back more forcefully.

Copenhagen is breaking wide open...

Are these events manufactured? I think not. We are really seeing the start of the downfall of the NWO.

Evasius has much to cover lately.

posted on Dec, 18 2009 @ 11:55 AM
reply to post by beebs

You are exactly right it does seem like the same stuff is happening that built up to the American Revolution. And everything is revolving around money too.

posted on Dec, 18 2009 @ 12:26 PM
Kucinich is free to speak his mind because they know they have won. He can say whatever he wants now and they wont retaliate because they have won. Assassinations are on a sharp decline because who now has the clout to stand against them No one, is the correct answer, in case you missed it, and they do not have to silence anyone further because its check mate.

posted on Dec, 18 2009 @ 12:29 PM
reply to post by Hastobemoretolife

Yeah, I'm still not quite sure how to view these things. I am skeptical, so it is hard to get my hopes up, but I think there are many 'positive' signs lately.

Now, whether a revolution would end up 'positively' is anyones guess.

posted on Dec, 18 2009 @ 12:33 PM
Yes, it does sound like history is repeating itself again. I would say this, if the Rich Elite Bankers keep on poking the sleeping bear that is the American People, eventually the bear will wake up, and she will be mad as hell. I guess they forget we are heavily armed and more than willing to shoot? I think the politicians and the bankers should attend a few Militia meetings.....keep it up, bankers, and you will see what happens. We grow very tired of your ways, and your greed. You cannot eat your gold, and your gold will not save you from us. There is no hiding place where we cannot find you, and no amount of begging that will change our minds.

posted on Dec, 18 2009 @ 12:36 PM
There needs to be alot of protests and each time they need to get larger, lets scare these @holes into sumission. 'The oppression of the worker's is the cause of all chaos, chaos is only called destructive because it hurts the ones who are causing the oppression, but when the worker's shall rise to the fight ol' liberty will shake the oppressers to a point of disbeliefe, but don't be fooled through your win they will never leave your sight but will only wait for a new way in, the fight will never die, the fight for liberty is eternal'. My personal quote.

posted on Dec, 18 2009 @ 12:36 PM
Dennis Kucinich has been a staunch defender of the real people of America, and I for one am proud to have him as my representative. Kucinich and Ron Paul are doing their best to tell you how effed up this country is but they'll never get any credibility. If either of them run for president in 2012 they'll be mocked and ridiculed by MSM (especially Fox).

Kucinich is right, the middle class is utterly defeated. You can't come back from this sort of defeat, except through insurgency or flat-out revolution. The bankers and the military industrial complex OWN the government.

posted on Dec, 18 2009 @ 12:47 PM
i considered another possibility. He might just be the token opposer of all things TPTB. They might just keep one on retainer to seem like there are still people to stand against them when in fact they are holding literally all the cards and pulling all the strings. It is a simple strategy, one that would pass under the radar because all people would see is one who stands against many but would really be a plant.

Who knows. All I know is that we lost along time ago and the Few rule the Many.

posted on Dec, 18 2009 @ 01:43 PM
this is the same lunatic that claims to have seen a UFO....

come on a silent triangle shaped craft....who's ever heard of such a thing. This guys makes up a lot of ish....

posted on Dec, 18 2009 @ 01:46 PM
reply to post by liquidsmoke206

people have been saying the middle class is been slowly killed off for over a decade. Where have you been?

posted on Dec, 18 2009 @ 01:54 PM

Originally posted by marg6043
Is all a plan to make people more willing of the scraps that will be given for anybody to be glad of the upper classes coming to the rescued of the lower classes.

People will beg for more, more tax thievery, more support for the elite and more butt kissing to the corporate world and corporate government.

People will do anything for a buck.

The next step of the banking system is to used our own tax payer money to give needed loans to small businesses with not ties from the Federal Reserve but with all the taxes and interest to us on our own tax payer money, the banks will make all the profits and will lose nothing.

What is happening in this nation is dirty and obscene but people are to a point that they will beg for more of the same just to get a scrap of bread that they think is given for free.

[edit on 18-12-2009 by marg6043]


I have watched your Posts on here

You drove past the money months ago

Drank to Much Patriotaide

the point is to keep people "working" just as they are, that is the point hon, hopefully the next cup will snap you back to reality. The Red Baiting is to get smart folks like you to maintain the status quo, the economy will get "better" and bah bah bah. You'll see


posted on Dec, 18 2009 @ 02:06 PM
reply to post by guidanceofthe third kind

people have been saying the middle class is been slowly killed off for over a decade. Where have you been?

oh sorry bro, I was kickin it on some silent triangular craft tryin to get a better look at kucinich's wife.

posted on Dec, 18 2009 @ 02:11 PM
reply to post by Janky Red

So far I have been very good at my predictions, the economy is not going to get any better, unless you are in the top wealth holders and you can take that to the crocks in the banking system.

posted on Dec, 18 2009 @ 02:28 PM
reply to post by liquidsmoke206

this is my final reply to you as i can tell from your avatar picture that replying would be a waste of time. But anyway, i was barely 10 when all of this middle-class crushing started and yes it has been happening for a long time. So yes, Kucinich was and will continue to be right on that issue

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