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My sister was a Project Monarch victim (beta-level mind programming)

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posted on Dec, 18 2009 @ 11:49 PM
I agree with those posters, who doubt the integrity of the OP based on his previous posts and threads. But sadly it is also true, that victims of abuse are victimized a second time, when they or their relatives try to get justice. No one believes them. This is especially true for sexually abused children. The paedophilia abuse of the catholic church in various countries and the Franklin skandal cover up are only two examples. But if people in power are accused of paedophilic wrongdoings, this kind of reaction from the justice-system, police and media is the norm.

I don't belong to those, who believe that the existence of project Project Monarch and satanic ritual abuse are ludicrous ideas. I don't dismiss them after reading a short debunking wikipedia entry on these topics.

The existence of MKULTRA is proven without the shadow of a doubt. Abuse of thousands of people was conducted and the lives and minds of many people were destroyed. Horrible experiments, which have become public knowledge indicate, that the technocrats, who ordered and conducted these experiments won't shun away from the sexual abuse of young children.

Much of the debunking of satanic ritual abuse and Project Monarch comes from the False Memory Syndrome Foundation.

When stunning accusation of conspiracies or criminal behaviour are investigated, often people are appointed as investigators or ethical watchmen, who have incriminated themselves before. At first, Kissinger should lead the 9/11 commission. Nano-thermite experts play an important role in the NIST investigation of 9/11. The APA appointed psychologists, who have themselves worked on torture programs, to evaluate the role of APA psychologists in the “enhanced interrogation programs”.

A look at the board members of the FSMF show, that prior to their work for this organisation, many have worked either in mind control programs or are accused of paedophilia.

On the other side, there are stunning congruities which can be found in the victims testimonies.

Edit: After having read Silent Thunders statement, I have to apologize, for doubting the OPs integrity. I also want to add, that I am sorry for her loss.

[edit on 19-12-2009 by Drunkenshrew]

[edit on 19-12-2009 by Drunkenshrew]

posted on Dec, 19 2009 @ 01:28 AM
It is my opinion that so many of these stories are popping up right now - and they are - to help scatter any potential that Americans would be interested in the stories that Blackwater executives were engaging in pedophilia and perversion, esp. with Blackwater being so tightly connected to the CIA.

So on one hand, you have a truth that is very damaging and well witnessed.

On the other hand, you have vague stories of sexual abuse 'by the government' that is Satanic in nature.

The effect is to scatter any potential for belief in the first, because the 2nd has associated it with religion and supernatural forces that even most people that are religious and are SUPPOSED to believe in those things, don't want to.

posted on Dec, 19 2009 @ 02:15 AM


posted on Dec, 19 2009 @ 03:38 AM

Originally posted by hadriana
It is my opinion that so many of these stories are popping up right now - and they are - to help scatter any potential that Americans would be interested in the stories that Blackwater executives were engaging in pedophilia and perversion, esp. with Blackwater being so tightly connected to the CIA.

So on one hand, you have a truth that is very damaging and well witnessed.

On the other hand, you have vague stories of sexual abuse 'by the government' that is Satanic in nature.

The effect is to scatter any potential for belief in the first, because the 2nd has associated it with religion and supernatural forces that even most people that are religious and are SUPPOSED to believe in those things, don't want to.

Perhaps there is more behind these “vague stories”, than you believe. In my opinion neither Blackwater, nor mind control programs of the past get enough attention.

Richard Helms ordered the destruction of all MKULTRA files. Mind control programs were conducted under an even higher level of secrecy, than most other operations of the CIA. Nonetheless 10.000s of pages of incriminating evidence could be acquired through FOIA requests. Project Monarch is/was probably the worst of all mind control projects. The outrageous nature of this project reaches such a level of dreadfulness, that the sane mind does everything to disbelieve such a thing. At first I couldn't believe that Project Monarch is real. Later I felt extremely shaken and disturbed. But evidence for this project exists.

Victims like Carol Rutz have come forward. After no one wanted to believe her, she has done the hard work. Carol filed countless FOIA requests and searched for evidence. Names are mentioned over and over again in the victims testimonies. Somehow these names are the same as those, which are attributed to members of “the Shadow Government”.

Mercenaries applied abroad are a perilous tool. They can also be used inside ones own borders, once a need arises. Blackwater/Xe and its shadowy involvement in assassinations and obscure contracts are a danger to democracy. But I believe the USA has already lost her values and is ruled by a “Shadow Government”. A Shadow Government, which is brought into existence by the same people, who are behind the mind control programs.

Carol Rutz - A Nation Betrayed a 10-Page Summary
- Secret Cold War Experiments Performed On Our Children and Other Innocent People

A Nation Betrayed - book review

Short video which proves the existence of a Shadow Government in a hearing where Oliver North testifies on Iran-Contra

posted on Dec, 19 2009 @ 04:07 AM
Hi, this is Silent Thunder. Some of you may know may know me and my posts, and (hopefully) trust me to some extent.

Given that, I hope the following will shed some light on the veracity (or lack thereof) of the OP's contentions.

For about two years ending a few months ago, the OP and myself had a very intense, torrid romantic relationship that ended fairly well, all things considered. She still lives with me but will be moving out soon. She is a practicing satanist while I am anything but, which was a big part of the problem. She is an honest, intelligent, and well-meaning person but she's had an exeptionally hard life in many ways. It is true that her sister disappeared and her dad killed himself soon after some years ago, around this time of year. The circumstances were mysterious. She also battled a number of sexual issues for many years, came from an abusive home, and was involved in the "adult entertainment" business when she was a few years younger. (She freely has admitted all this online so I don't think it constitutes disclosure of personal information to reiterate). She is also a very emotional person with a number of bad habits who has trouble sometimes knowing what is true and what isn't -- a fact she's aware of and works hard on, and has admitted to herslf and to me.

I think that when you take all of the above into account, you'll see she's a very confused, beautiful, sensitive young woman who has been through a lot. I personally have not heard her talk about Monarch much but maybe this is just a way of dealing with some hard seasonal memories. OR maybe it actually happened. I for one am not going to press her on this.

I wish geegee all the best in the future and personally I hope some of the posters will lighten up on her a bit. As for Monarch itself, I believe some illegal mental experiments have certainly been conducted by the government so one one way to salvage this thread may be to concentrate on the alleged program itself rather than the rather hurt, sad, brave, and beautiful (both inside and out) young poster who showed this lucky old curmudgeon so much about what love can be over the past year or so, despite our many ups and downs.


Silent Thunder

[edit on 12/19/09 by silent thunder]

posted on Dec, 19 2009 @ 10:05 AM
[EDIT:removed original post]

After reading the post directly above (which i should have before posting the first time
) I've made a decision regarding the integrity of this story and whether I have a role to play here or not & concluded I don't,
realising this I've decided NOT to share my story here.

Kind regards,

[edit on 19/12/09 by B.Morrison]

posted on Dec, 19 2009 @ 10:07 AM
reply to post by silent thunder

Thanks Silent Thunder, for a post that is finally intelligent, doesn't attack the OP, and conveys some intelligent facts.
Before the rest of you go and discredit this young lady, know that what she is saying "DOES EXIST".
I personally am involved in a group that deprograms these "Monarch Slaves", and I can tell you: IT IS ALL REAL.
So before you jump down her throat, call her a liar, or anything else: walk in her shoes, feel her heartache and believe what she conveys.
Think about what a secret program is: IT LEAVES NO TANGIBLE PROOF OF IT'S EXISTENCE.
The only thing left is a shell of a person, a mindless drone, used for what ever the handlers desire.
Don't be too quick to judge others.

posted on Dec, 19 2009 @ 10:30 AM

Originally posted by JayinAR
reply to post by Hemisphere

If you had read the rest of my post, you would have seen that I have come to my own conclusion as well.
But I didn't have to read a bunch of other crap to get there.

I wasn't being critical Jay. I did read your post.

posted on Dec, 19 2009 @ 10:39 AM
reply to post by silent thunder

I think yours is a rather heart-felt interesting, enlightening post ST. Thanks for that. All the best to you both.

posted on Dec, 19 2009 @ 03:56 PM

Originally posted by Goatflesh Gnosis
She was heavily involved in stage-six porcelain face programming in particular and her natural condition of dissociative disorder was utilized. She disappeared at age 23. Now almost seven years ago. I can only assume she is dead now.

Mind control victims are separated into "hierarchy" and "non-hierarchy" categories. She was classified in the second group, also called "beta," (like about 70-80% of victims), which means she was abused as a kind of sexual slave and also used for settinng up government officials as part of blackmail schemes. She was able to describe some of this in person during her last years and provide proof that was irrefutable to me.

I was personally fortunate enough that my parents were separated some time earlier and I was not targeted, but simply the fact of knowing this happened to my sister has been a tremendous emotional damage that will haunt me forever.

My father was involved in an earlier similar government program which is why he allowed the government to take her. Dissociative disorder runs in our family and the government has been using victims of this personality problem for mind control for several generations because they make the ideaql victims. Shortly after my sister's disappearance he committed suicide. Whether at his own initiative or due to programming I will never know.

I cannot really talk about this because it is too painful to me but I think ATS should be fully aware that this goes on. Much of the following information may be helpful:

i am crying now I miss you Angela my sister love forever Geegee.

I think we're all very blessed that such a small handful of people daily are granted such raw glimpses of insider knowledge, and that our government, or in this case, the Illuminati, don't really care that this information is being disseminated. (Because, of course, they can use people like you as cover by allowing you to look like crazies)

And the fact this site also sells "warrior pendants" gives an even higher degree of credibility to all this.

I'm not meaning to be cruel, but I am being sarcastic. You give just enough of a story to get people to click the link which takes us to yet another (sigh, another) tin-foil hat site, with the same regurgitated information. You've had 7 years to come to grips with this, and just now break the news. Outstanding.

I think conspiracy sites are like fountains. You know the ones that have like 3-4 vertical levels? Water comes out from the top tier, then trickles down lower and lower, pooling and growing larger as it goes down. Eventually the water is recollected and pours out from the top again, and the cycle repeats.

So old, so tired.

posted on Dec, 19 2009 @ 04:22 PM
reply to post by allgoodnamesaretaken

im afraid i think the satanic stuff is real.

Having worked in the criminal legal system, most people dont realize a tenth of what goes on. you see one story on the news that shocks you - how could this happen? well there are tens of thousands of IDENTICAL stories and worse going on EVERYDAY in your country or state.

people are ignorant of the horrific things that go on every day in this world.

satanic child abuse is no doubt true.

but theres also plenty of cases of 'every day' people who abuse their kids or grandkids. plenty thousands of cases.

posted on Dec, 19 2009 @ 04:46 PM
reply to post by Drunkenshrew

oh, god its sick. but its true. i can tell.

posted on Dec, 20 2009 @ 04:14 AM

Originally posted by rapunzel222
reply to post by allgoodnamesaretaken

im afraid i think the satanic stuff is real.

Having worked in the criminal legal system, most people dont realize a tenth of what goes on. you see one story on the news that shocks you - how could this happen? well there are tens of thousands of IDENTICAL stories and worse going on EVERYDAY in your country or state.

people are ignorant of the horrific things that go on every day in this world.

satanic child abuse is no doubt true.

but theres also plenty of cases of 'every day' people who abuse their kids or grandkids. plenty thousands of cases.

Another poster said the OP's story must be a lie because it took her 7 years to get round to telling it.

Originally posted by Meesterjojo . . .
I'm not meaning to be cruel, but I am being sarcastic. . . . You've had 7 years to come to grips with this, and just now break the news. Outstanding.

I was abused for my first 16 years, yet didn't tell anyone until at around 40 I bought a house. It seemed the security of owning my own home made it possible to examine the past instead of shutting it out.

I'm wondering how this ties in your experience of working with abused people. Is it common for people to keep it all to themselves until many years later?

Would you disbelieve a story on the grounds that it took so long to be told?

posted on Dec, 20 2009 @ 06:44 AM
Yes, I would believe the story, because of a couple of reasons.
1) the fear of retaliation from the CIA
2) some post trauma victims subconsciously bury the memories
( average between 20-40 years)

Unfortunately the truth is once you've been in any of the subprojects under MKULTRA your always being watched or coerced. I know this as fact from project bluebird and project articoke ... I was one of em.

posted on Dec, 20 2009 @ 01:40 PM
reply to post by Goatflesh Gnosis

I am so sorry.
I cannot agree with you more strongly people need to stop putting this along side cattle mutilations, UFO's and alien sightings.
There is no guessing game here. Not up for speculation.
We have film, photos, testimony, documentation, credible (Grand Jury award winning) witness reports and a DC cover-up. This is the sort of thing described here in my thread.
Hunter Thompson was involved in many a drugged out late night party where young boys were sexually passed as favors. Girls and women were not so prized You will notice this is an evil group that has seemed to exist in perpetuity. They are described as fallen angels by Christians. Angels, aliens, to-may-to, to-ma-to me.

I have learned to recognize them when I see them.
The truly evil and attractive are rare in my experience. There are exceptions but as you might expect to find in the movies and real-life Evil people look evil. And please note here I call them people with no certainty whatever THAT is actually true in the purest sense of the word-they might be anti-human.
You can look through them and see it in the way they smile and how it makes you feel, comfortable or oddly repelled.

Look for small beady eyes. Tight lips and no reflexive spontaneity. They cannot produce an easy spontaneous smile. These are not to be confused with the mentally ill. They are intelligent machines without humanity. It is not uncommon for me to notice a sickly nausea from the hateful negative vibrations emanating around them, even through television and computer screens.
And deliver us from evil. (how did early writers know about this evil that must have existed even then?)

I didn't believe in evil per se...until I learned about this secret group and their not so secret enterprise and truly incomprehensible (for most of us) agenda. Trafficking, sexually abusing and murdering, human beings, predominantly orphans.

These are inhuman acts performed on humans as ritualistic sacrifice not by the village pranksters or the criminally insane and so prosecutable...they are heinous acts committed by bankers, politicians, house and cabinet members along with a number of elite and secret society members, certain high positioned and influential men in media and a wide variety of respected corporations and professions on a global scale. And I wonder exactly how does the house of Rothschild's figure in to the whole fallen angels picture? I have heard some stories...none of them good.

[edit on 20-12-2009 by rusethorcain]

posted on Dec, 20 2009 @ 10:28 PM
I apologized already in the edit of my first post, but want to do it here again. Conspiracy hoaxers are a problem. Here on ATS many attempts have been made by members to fool the rest of us with far-fetched claims. So it was my first thought, after reading the OPs title and story, to look into her previous posts. I don't agree with many of her posts, and after having read, what previous posters have written, I quickly jumped the bandwagon and doubted the OPs integrity. Mind control is a very serious topic. Yet to doubt another persons integrity, based on differing opinions is both a sign of ignorance and arrogance. I did in the first sentence of my first post, what I condemned in the following sentences: “Not believing the victim, and victimizing it a second time”. After having read Silent Thunder's post, I felt ashamed and have now something to think over during the holidays. I am deeply sorry for Goatflesh Gnosis loss.

Here is a compilation of mind control survivors and therapists, who speak out and demand an investigation:

posted on Dec, 20 2009 @ 11:25 PM
I was given Trance Formation of America to watch- and was skeptical- government mind control programs are not something I've done alot of research into- but after watching the movie and seeing Cathy OBrien I wasnt so skeptical- everything about her screamed honesty.

All I really know is fact is stranger than fiction.

posted on Dec, 21 2009 @ 06:24 AM
Ok, I've read everything here so far. I'm sorry but I'm not going to answer questions or get into specifics because emotionally inside I don't even like talking about this. So why did I post the thread? I'll be honest, I don't know. I can't stop thinking about it and missing my sister recently. As I said to another poster in a U2U just now, its funny what bubbles up, even years later.

I know my occult beliefs are not acceptable or understood by most people and I don't expect people to believe me. I don't even know what to believe half the time myself!

To those who have been supportive, thank you so much. In particular, thanks Silent Thunder you have been so wonderful to me since the day we met. You are always my white knight, what can I say? I appreciate what you wrote and tried to explain because I can't, really.

I don't think I'm going to talk much more in this thread but I hope it keeps going and people have more stuff to say about this. I'm trying to read the e-book that the link in the original post is the first chapter of, but its really hard emotionally and to be honest its really freaking me out. I'll probably have to stop soon. But I still want this topic out there being discussed.

Thanks again.

posted on Dec, 21 2009 @ 05:02 PM
reply to post by Goatflesh Gnosis

Your occult beliefs really have nothing to do with this. I was asking how you know she was beta-level face programed if she went missing, or proof of any of this. Like a link to a article or a missing persons report or something.
That e-book you linked to is full of crap, it has some major problems with it's facts.

posted on Dec, 21 2009 @ 09:08 PM
reply to post by zaiger

The following is my opinion as a member participating in this discussion.

I've suspected for some time that the Springmeier "Formula" is nothing more than a programming script in it's own right.

While I do not doubt MKULTRA or Project Monarch, I can't help but question the majority of methodology in the aforemented work.

Still, the fact remains there are countless cases of people who have undergone programming and abuses out there, and it's not an easy subject to talk about for them.

Therapy with an understanding and sympathetic licensed caseworker can be difficult enough.

An online internet forum?

Even more so.

As an ATS Staff Member, I will not moderate in threads such as this where I have participated as a member.

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