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My sister was a Project Monarch victim (beta-level mind programming)

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posted on Dec, 18 2009 @ 06:07 PM
reply to post by Hemisphere

If you had read the rest of my post, you would have seen that I have come to my own conclusion as well.
But I didn't have to read a bunch of other crap to get there.

posted on Dec, 18 2009 @ 06:11 PM
Let us remember what is said at the top of every thread posted in the Gray Area:

The Gray Area is a discussion forum that provides a dedicated area for members to post their confessions, disclosures, and related extraordinary personal experiences. Like the highly speculative Skunk Works forum, The Gray Area will tolerate topics that may be unusually hypothetical or unproven for the purpose of vetting the stories of thread-starters by the ATS membership at large.

The reason why threads make it to the front page is due to all the attention they get by members. You know, stars, flags and responses

posted on Dec, 18 2009 @ 06:14 PM
reply to post by wanderingwaldo

Are you dead on the inside? Has your heart shriveled to a withered husk?

No compassion, no sympathy, no understanding.

Hatred doesn't make you smart or better than others, just hateful.

How could you have so little sympathy for your fellow humans?

Why bother asking?

posted on Dec, 18 2009 @ 06:17 PM
reply to post by GideonHM

The topic is: My sister was a Project Monarch victim (beta-level mind programming . Discuss the topic and not other members.

posted on Dec, 18 2009 @ 06:25 PM
reply to post by greeneyedleo

I'll start with an apology, as this post may not be considered on topic.

Ummm, I understand that this forum sorta' overlooks the burden of proof, but are we still not welcome to state that we believe it to be bogus?

Actually, I'll apologize AGAIN because normally I wouldn't really be in this forum at all.
When a topic makes it top of page, I read it without really caring about what forum it is in.

I'll just state, for the record, that I think the OP is lying and really, that is about all I can say about this topic.
I mean, if I can't say that much, this will be a boring thread indeed. Everyone just agreeing with eachother (voice of the hippy dude in family guy)

posted on Dec, 18 2009 @ 06:28 PM

Originally posted by JayinAR
reply to post by greeneyedleo

I'll start with an apology, as this post may not be considered on topic.

Ummm, I understand that this forum sorta' overlooks the burden of proof, but are we still not welcome to state that we believe it to be bogus?

Actually, I'll apologize AGAIN because normally I wouldn't really be in this forum at all.
When a topic makes it top of page, I read it without really caring about what forum it is in.

I'll just state, for the record, that I think the OP is lying and really, that is about all I can say about this topic.
I mean, if I can't say that much, this will be a boring thread indeed. Everyone just agreeing with eachother (voice of the hippy dude in family guy)

You are more than welcome to challenage a post as long as it is respectful and not trollish. If you dont believe a story, lay out the reasons why. Dont just give a one line post saying "your a liar!" or "BS".

This forum is here for those who are unable to provide any proof to their stories

[edit on December 18th 2009 by greeneyedleo]

posted on Dec, 18 2009 @ 06:33 PM
reply to post by Goatflesh Gnosis

As much as I believe the government has and does do mind control experiments I have a very hard time believing this story. Where is the proof?

If the government truly did such terrible things your sister you'd be knocking down the door to Congress demanding action not posting on an internet conspiracy forum.

posted on Dec, 18 2009 @ 06:35 PM


posted on Dec, 18 2009 @ 06:41 PM
I feel bad for the O.P. Can't find his sister. History of genetic mental problems. Paternal suicide.

Still the story appears to be a result of the inherent mental challenges rather than anything else. Poor guy...

posted on Dec, 18 2009 @ 06:45 PM
So does the OP have anythin to back this up? I believe the book used as a reference for the face programming to be garbage.
I mean if all you have to go on is that she went missing, why not abducted by aliens or got sent to the moon on a rocket ship?

posted on Dec, 18 2009 @ 06:51 PM
reply to post by greeneyedleo

Yes, I understand that. But I guess what I was trying to get across is that if the OP is lying, like many also believe to be the case, then what is the point of discussing anything at all?

Personally, I would like to see the OP come back in here and address the accusations. In my eyes, that is the only way I can see the thread moving forward. I mean, there have been many reasons given as to why people believe the author is lying and I believe that until the author makes a comment on this there really isn't too much to say.

posted on Dec, 18 2009 @ 07:00 PM
so just because this Goatflesh Gnosis person has posted about their percieved relishing of 'dark matters' ... you automatically reject her statement here in offering insight to a personal experience with a Monarch victim?

if anything.. if she's actually in deep with the dark artists that may be in positions of power.. would that not make more sense that her sister would be easy pickings close to the 'tree' as it were?... conveniently within proximity.. already within the circle?

this type of thing is difficult to prove.. and it's only about whether you feel like a fool in giving it an ounce of consideration. if you do, and can't suspend your disbelief for a split second to contemplate the possibile reality of the situaiton, then IMO, you can't really think candidly or thoroughly about any matter efficiently.

I have had personal experience with someone i highly suspect to be a monarch slave.
she experienced massive consistent repeated ritual childhood sexual abuse, by people in decorative masks... on many, many occasions..
was 'gifted' to these people by her father under specific arrangements...
and is now sexually addicted to an unhealthy level... completely bi polar and has dissasociative personality disorder...

if that hasn't been 'intelligently arranged' for her to be this way, then it's just a string of identical coincidences.... but even if that were true.... i'm sure someone somewhere has developed stringent meticulous techniques to make that type of sexually addicted easily hypnotized attractive female be such a way in their adult life.

how would that NOT be of value when trying to sway political figures into the general direction of your agenda(s)?

naysayers somehow think that this would be of no value?
or wait.. morals are somehow involved in decision making here?

... no physical evidence as proof..
... but deductive reasoning leads a path that exquisitely articulates it's very probable existence.

as for my opinion on the matter?
... i believe the saying is 'sinning for salvation' .. whereas the end result of the fruits of the labors of the central controlling nerve-complex of the world will in essence, in the end.. benefit a spiritual reality.

ie: if you don't take the most lethal, and manipulative means towards the highest good... then someone else will... and they very well may not have your same immaculate vision on the horizon of their agenda.

such would be the basic mentality behind our CIA, DoD, shadow gov......

i would hope.

and in the end all will be forgiven... or burnt. amnesty for mispercieved directives.....


posted on Dec, 18 2009 @ 07:18 PM

Originally posted by GideonHM
reply to post by wanderingwaldo

Are you dead on the inside? Has your heart shriveled to a withered husk?

No compassion, no sympathy, no understanding.

Hatred doesn't make you smart or better than others, just hateful.

How could you have so little sympathy for your fellow humans?

Why bother asking?

I am plenty compassionate. I am just not going to fawn over someone wanting sympathy from the world when I think they are lying. Compassion does not equal an inability to see contradiction. For one, there has not been a single post by the OP since the original to refute my assertions or explain anything. Why would someone with an interest in spreading the message of hell and a love of the dark arts then come along complaining of satanic ritual abuse of her "dead sister"? Is it a great and wonderful thing or not? I still smell troll crap and am not afraid to say it.

For the record I do believe that this stuff is real (not as per the website linked though) and it is terrible, but I just don't believe the OP at all.

[edit on 18-12-2009 by wanderingwaldo]

posted on Dec, 18 2009 @ 07:24 PM

Originally posted by R0BCROW75
The real question that nobody here has asked "Are you sure you're not a victim of mind control?"
If you are you'll know what I'm talking about

We are all victims of mind control. Not one of us have an original thought. They are simply someone elses thoughts rearranged and tweaked and regurgetated.

posted on Dec, 18 2009 @ 08:30 PM
OP if what you are saying is true I am very sorry for your loss.

Do you think it would help if you posted a picture of your sister so many eyes could be on the lookout for her? I think it could be beneficial to you to do all you can do to find her.

Have you done any posters or handouts in the years since you've seen her?

What area was she in when you last saw her?

Waiting for your reply.

posted on Dec, 18 2009 @ 08:42 PM

Originally posted by Goatflesh Gnosis
My father was involved in an earlier similar government program which is why he allowed the government to take her. Dissociative disorder runs in our family and the government has been using victims of this personality problem for mind control for several generations because they make the ideaql victims. Shortly after my sister's

If you're talking about dissociative identity disorder, it does run in families, but that's because it's caused by extreme trauma in childhood, like repeated sexual abuse.

It runs in families because the abuse continues.

My sympathies.

posted on Dec, 18 2009 @ 09:06 PM


posted on Dec, 18 2009 @ 10:21 PM
The boys were called Adam and the girls , Eve.

Interesting story. Got any proof?

posted on Dec, 18 2009 @ 10:31 PM

Originally posted by Goatflesh Gnosis
My father was involved in an earlier similar government program which is why he allowed the government to take her.

Do you recall any details as to what agency this may have been?

Also, in what capacity did your father work with said agency/program?

*edit for clarity

[edit on 12/18/09 by GENERAL EYES]

posted on Dec, 18 2009 @ 11:35 PM


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