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Avatar, Great Achievement, or a Liberal/Communist Indoctrination Campaign?

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posted on Dec, 21 2009 @ 10:40 AM

Originally posted by Lilitu

Distaste for capitalism does not automatically make one a communist as if those were the only two

Capitalism is the only one that seems to work, even the hard core Communist Chinese have discovered that much.

posted on Dec, 21 2009 @ 11:38 AM
You should probably SEE the movie before you make long posts about it. I did just see the movie and I am not picking up on communism as one of the themes. Yes, I see imperialism as a theme-- but it's hard to pull communism out of Avatar. It's a bit of a stretch.

That the movie shows "evil, greedy Americans" seems to be your link between it and Communism?? Because the movie features greedy Americans, it is promoting Communist ideals? But, don't characters like these truly exist in our culture, and aren't they a part of our cultural history? You can go back to Manifest Destiny all the way through to Lehman Brothers and Bernie Madoff. It isn't an evil leftist scheme to put characters like that in this movie-- it's based on a cultural reality. And really, it's very timely considering the economic conditions we are in right now.

If you think about it, imperialism and greed haven't been practiced by Americans alone. Europeans colonized much of the world. If you saw the movie, you would know that the aliens in Avatar seem to have characteristics of many different world cultures- Native American, African, Polynesian. So, in fact, James Cameron is probably more interested in the theme of imperialism as a whole, rather than evil "American Imperialism".

((Movie Spoiler Ahead)) You also mention how the "aliens kick the butt of the 'greedy Imperialistic Americans'".... stop and think for a minute. How many movies have you watched in which the Americans kick the butts of the aliens, the Indians, the bad guys, the Russians, the Arabs, the Nazis, the ANYTHING. It's the age-old storyline, dude. The Americans ALWAYS win. And, they didn't really lose in Avatar, either, they just couldn't mine their ore from underneath the Aliens and they got sent packing. Not destroyed, Earth wasn't invaded, capitalism as a system wasn't decimated and overturned by the, they just got put on their ships and sent home. It was a nice twist for the aliens to win.. and for once a movie to have a happy ending.

posted on Dec, 21 2009 @ 11:44 AM
reply to post by gdeed

Don't worry Gdeed, when we come to power I'll make sure that you can get a prime spot in one of our re-education camps!

posted on Dec, 21 2009 @ 11:47 AM
UM avatar is just a movie that's suppose to catch your attention so u will tell your family and your friends to go see it i really don't think theirs any thing special its just a movie its fake

posted on Dec, 21 2009 @ 12:30 PM
I am sorry but what the hell..? In the Movie there are no talks about the Americans the Imperialism the Communism or what ever..! Are you guys sure that you have seen the movie..?

It s a fight between corporation “invaders” and the inhabitants of the planet called “Pandora”… same story line as the Star wars!

Imperial forces (starwars), corporation (Avatar) against the Rebellions (starwars) "Na'vi" (Avatar). And the hero “Jake Sully” Avatar “Luke skywalker” starwars.

What is the difference..?

[edit on 21-12-2009 by amkia]

posted on Dec, 21 2009 @ 01:48 PM
Having seen "Avatar" on Saturday, I have to say I am going to stick with my initial assessment that I had posted through three separate posts about this movie.

Respect For The Natives, Hegemony's Biggest Crime, Wiping Out A Race (Post 1)

Avatar : Reply to Zazza Frazz (Post 2)

Avatar : Prosthesis/Avatar/Xenophobia (Post 3)

It was stunning and breath-taking in the beauty of the story, CGI/human characters, and the message was one about a new beginning and that Hegemony does not always win because it should not always win, in my opinion.

To me a Hegemony always lays waste to the indigenous population without giving two shakes of a rats tail for those people, ruthlessly moving in for some unique reason, minerals (gold, silver, gems), because they have abused their own homeland, or quite simply for nothing other than greed (domination through ownership, land, slaves, economic takeover).

This is not uniquely an American function, and James Cameron did not label these characters as American, Russian, or Chinese, the soldiers and scientists, who encroached upon the planet of Pandora, he utilized a unique perspective of making that point neutral, in my opinion, to let the people watching the movie instead draw their own conclusions.

I saw the correlations to this being a history lesson, without specific ties to any one country, or political party, or ethnicity.

It was an awesome film and I am going to go see it again tomorrow with a different set of friends.

I will not ruin the movie for those who have not seen it by including any spoilers.

If anything I have stated prior to this post, or within this post, ruins your movie-going experience, I am truly sorry, it was not my intent, I only shared my thoughts on it, not the story arc/story plot.

For anyone who cannot separate that this movie is merely a science-fiction/fantasy movie, who has to wrap it in Liberal verses Conservative, Republican verses Democrat, Democracy verses Communism, without looking at the story as one of adversity, loss, and hope, I feel truly sorry for you because this means you have picked a side, and more often than not both sides are playing their own "party members" as fools against fools on the other side, merely because they can, for no other reason than to generate income and false support through indoctrinated falsehoods.

Original Quote by SKL :

With being who I am, I have the unique ability to see all angles, the unique ability to see into the heart of a conflict, and see exactly where the truth lies.

Usually, in any conflict, truth is the first casualty, the first to die, the last to be salvaged from the rubble of the conflict, and never to be buried because it is dragged about like a crude and barbaric trophy like the head of a dead king carried on a pike for all to see.

[edit on 21-12-2009 by SpartanKingLeonidas]

posted on Dec, 21 2009 @ 05:06 PM

Originally posted by Someone336
reply to post by gdeed

Don't worry Gdeed, when we come to power I'll make sure that you can get a prime spot in one of our re-education camps!

What do you mean when you come to power? I can't even talk capitalism to my friends and family, you people have won over America big time.
Hugo Chaves could learn a thing or two from America about converting Capitalism into Socialism without firing a shot nearly over night. Perhaps a slight exaggeration on my part but I don’t think I too far off.

posted on Dec, 22 2009 @ 12:18 AM
reply to post by amkia

The difference is the statements made by James Cameron on the interview, and him agreeing with the Liberal journalist.

Why do people keep posting comments without reading the excerpts, and watching the video?...

posted on Dec, 22 2009 @ 12:32 AM
reply to post by Someone336

When you come to power?.... You are already in power with the Obama administration.... And they have been implementing Socialist programs, and laws that you have been demanding for... Not to name the fact that the Obama administration is trying to take over healthcare, which is another thing you have been demanding...

And of course, the Liberal/Democrat/Progressive Senators make claims like "those who opose Socialized Healthcare are Aryan, right wing militias, and birthers", as well as using insults such as "lunatic fringe" trying to dismiss the millions of Americans oposing to this Socialization of America's healthcare....

There are other ways to solve the problems in healthcare, and other problems without converting the Republic into a Socialist dictatorship...

Sen. Whitehouse: foes of health care bill are birthers, right-wing militias, aryan groups

Senator Sheldon Whitehouse (D-R.I.) today took shots at those who are not supporting the health care legislation. During a floor speech, he excoriated Senate GOP members for holding up the pending health care bill and accused their supporters of being birthers and fanatics in right-wing militia and Aryan support groups. He started off by citing an editorial from the Manchester Journal Inquirer, which used the insult "lunatic fringe.":

“Let's Look At What Current Observers Are Saying As A Possible Early Indicator Of The Judgment History Will Inflict. Recently, The Editor Of The Manchester Journal Inquirer Editorial Page Wrote Of The Current G.O.P. Which He Called ‘This Once Great And Now Mostly Shameful Party,’ That ‘It Has Gone Crazy, Is More And More Dominated By The Lunatic Fringe And Has Poisoned Itself With Hate.’ He Concluded, ‘They No Longer Want To Govern. They Want To Emote.’ A Well Regarded Philadelphia Columnist Recently Wrote Of The Conservative Paranoia And Lunacy On The Republican Right.”

BTW...we are not "fringe lunatics" by pointing the reasons why a Liberal made a movie...

[edit on 22-12-2009 by ElectricUniverse]

posted on Dec, 22 2009 @ 12:50 AM

Originally posted by Wallachian
But fine, I guess you can turn anything into politics, if that's your thing.

To all of you saying Avatar is communist propaganda, don't watch it. Don't give your money to that communist Cameron. But then don't talk about the message of the movie either. I never read "War and Peace", and therefore I never find myself philosophising about Tolstoy's message and art.

Last I checked we are still allowed to post threads, even if some people don't like those threads....

BTW, I repeated myself several times now...Cameron stated clearly the reason for the movie, and he blames "Imperialism and all that" which does include Capitalism... He agreed with the claims made by the Liberal interviewer which happens to be the same motto of Communism.... It is not my fault if Cameron agrees with the Communist motto of blaming Imperialism and Capitalism for all the problems in the world....

[edit on 22-12-2009 by ElectricUniverse]

posted on Dec, 22 2009 @ 03:41 AM

Originally posted by ElectricUniverse
reply to post by amkia

The difference is the statements made by James Cameron on the interview, and him agreeing with the Liberal journalist.

Why do people keep posting comments without reading the excerpts, and watching the video?...

My good man, it is Mr Cameron’s own political view and interpretations of the (Avatar’s) story line according to his belief and political view that doesn’t make the movie less enjoyable!

Opinions are like A**holes, Everyone's Got One – Including YOU & Me..

I still fail to see what is the difference between the Starwars and the Avatar..!

You should at least check out the other movies out there with the similar story line and messages.

1) – Delgo

2) – Battle for terra

3) – District 9

4) – Star wars all episodes I to IV

And countless many more, your own political view, opinions and attitude making those movie “different” or else they all have one simple messages.

Battle between the Good and Evil

If the “Na’vi” people of the planet “Pandora” were the “Evil one” would it makes you happier?


posted on Dec, 22 2009 @ 04:05 AM
reply to post by amkia

I didn't say "anywhere" not to watch the movie.

The point of the thread was to INFORM people as to what James Cameron intended to do by the making of this movie.

An informed person can made a better decision than one that is not informed.

Show me where I said "don't watch the movie".... except now of course.

[edit on 22-12-2009 by ElectricUniverse]

posted on Dec, 22 2009 @ 04:14 AM
reply to post by amkia

BTW, as to those movies you mentioned, except Terra, I watched the other ones.

In the movie Delgo it is more a movie about the battle of spirituality, and materialism. The movie didn't put the blame on "Capitalism, and Imperialism".

Star Wars shows what MORE government, and having the government control everything does to a world, and more so an entire galaxy. When the government controlls everything will transform it into a dictatorship.

So in Star Wars Democrats/Progressives/Socialists/Communists are the evil ones.

In the movie District 9 the aliens become for the most part vile, and violent when they are left stranded on Earth, and we never truly learn why they came. The Aliens are also very war-like since they have a lot of weaponry, so it is not showing them to be "peaceful aliens."

[edit on 22-12-2009 by ElectricUniverse]

posted on Dec, 22 2009 @ 04:20 AM

Originally posted by ElectricUniverse
reply to post by gdeed

You are right my friend. However, for the most part it is not their fault, but just wait and see when these people start losing their priviledges such as they won't be able to play WOW, or LOTRO, and other online games anymore because they will be shut down "for the good of all, and the good of the environment"...

Just wait for people to start losing their right to buy beer, and other commodities in the supermarket "because beer is not really necessary to live"....

Many of them don't see it yet, but true Socialism/Communism takes away the right of people to choose, and it takes away most of the priviledges that most, if not all left-wing advocates love. BTW, i also love LOTRO.

The Socialist/Globalists are trying to find ways to shut down the internet, because it can become a weapon against them, and after all, keeping the internet going takes a lot of resources, and energy..... What do people think will happen once the "Socialist/Globalist" plan to shut down the internet "for the good of all, and the good of the environment"?....

There are too many Liberals, and in general left-wing advocates who really have no idea what the main goal of Socialism/Communism really is...

[edit on 17-12-2009 by ElectricUniverse]

It seems that your youth has brought about a wild swing.
In case nobody told you, this country is successful because the right and left manage to counter balance one another. You go to each thread and seem to be oblivious to the existence of over done right wingism. The American left does not advocate the leftism you fear, you guys have projected that and created a self affirming loop. At the heart of your everyday liberal, is an attempt at awareness, the responsible use of freedom and the power of this nation. Another adage is just just because you can does not mean you do. With out the left you WOULD have your freedom dictated by the private sector, at the ground level we tend to think that company is not entitled to create all the laws
of this nation. Without government, the power vacuum will be filled by big money, creating self serving laws, more so than now, corporate carte blanche.

This movie as an expression, it should be applauded as a work of a free society, not akin to the mindless drivel that does not challenge, but intentionally dulls. One could infer that the only goal of making a movie is to sell popcorn, pepsi and sell tickets... This attitude is just as dangerous as socialism, we are not cattle and we should be conscious of our actions in order to prevent the carelessness of the past and ensure that we do not wander into a hell of our own making. It is just an American view that money is not everything and that everything that produces money is not always positive. That moderation is wise in practice

The contrary equals to total apathy and sociopathy, not good for any mindful patriot.

[edit on 22-12-2009 by Janky Red]

[edit on 22-12-2009 by Janky Red]

posted on Dec, 22 2009 @ 04:48 AM
LMAO! Were closer to communism in Scandinavia than any self-professing 'communist' country ever has been with their dictatorships and authoritarian military rules.

Avatar was communist, so what? You know what else was, EVERYTHING primitive. The first humans banded together to form society, working together, every native culture is communist, every farm is communist, the family/clan/band work together for the greater good, blacksmith, farmer, weaver, all help each other out.

Capitalism took over when one person decided he wanted to have power over others.

posted on Dec, 22 2009 @ 04:49 AM

Originally posted by Janky Red

It seems that your youth has brought about a wild swing.
In case nobody told you, this country is successful because the right and left manage to counter balance one another. You go to each thread and seem to be oblivious to the existence of over done right wingism. The American left does not advocate the leftism you fear, you guys have projected that and created a self affirming loop. At the heart of your everyday liberal, is an attempt at awareness, the responsible use of freedom and the power of this nation. Another adage is just just because you can does not mean you do. With out the left you WOULD have your freedom dictated by the private sector, at the ground level we tend to think that company is not entitled to create all the laws
of this nation. Without government, the power vacuum will be filled by big money, creating self serving laws, more so than now, corporate carte blanche.

Not really for a long time the left has been taking over, and obviously you haven't been paying attention.

As for my youth, I am old enough, and experienced enough to see what is happening in the world.

Perhaps you haven't noticed it yet, it could be your youth, or just your inability to accept the obvious.

There has been an indoctrination to change this Republic for the sole purpose of giving MORE power to the government...

Of course there is a need for SOME government, and SOME laws. But the government, and the laws have been expanding too much.

All of this indoctrination into accepting left-wing ideology is leading the world into this One World Government, and ONe World economy that so many people, including Presidents of the U.S. and representatives of other countries have been talking about.

Sorry to say to those with the idealism that everyone will abandon their own views, and their own idealism for that of a few, that a One world Government will only become a DICTATORSHIP for the mayority of the people in this world.

Even looking at the leftist/Socialist laws which have been passed by the Obama administration, and some which were even done by the Bush administration and some others, we can see that the final result will be a One World Socialist dictatorship.

Once again, it seems that people like you seem to forget the United States is a Republic, and the forefathers made it clear themselves....

U.S. Constitution - Article 4 Section 4

Article 4 - The States
Section 4 - Republican Government

The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government,.........

We, in the United States, and other countries in the world are losing our identity, and our sovereignty because of the Socialist goal of the elites to consolidate ALL power to them, and FORCE all nations to give up their sovereignty, and their identity.

The elite globalists have been working to this goal through decades of indoctrination, and infiltrating countries such as the U.S.

Now we are facing the dissolution of the Republic, and we know that President Obama wants to give control of the U.S. to the UN, and the power elite.

We have threads in these same forums about the Obama administration giving even power to the Interpol over all U.S. citizens.

The Obama administration gave all power over education, as well as voluntary and MANDATORY Community Service to something they call the Corporation.

This Corporation has the power to also implement a citizen electronic verification system, similar to the verichips threads and discussions we have had inthe forums for years.

They have been talking about FORCED vaccinations, MANDATORY Community Service, and MANDATORY Military service.

All of this is been accepted by a large percentage of the population, and it seems including you unless I am wrong.

We have even seen the responses of some of our Liberal American members who claim "FORCED" Community Service, and FORCED vaccinations among other things is a good thing, because it is "for the good of all"....

That's the sot of indoctrination which the left-wing ideology has been leading us up to.

Like the Communist manifesto, to some people it "looks a good idea, and the perfect utopia", but in reality it will never be a perfect utopia because in essence you are giving up your individual right to choose for yourself "for the good of all", which is interpreted by those in power. In essence turning people into mere robots, and not spiritual beings whom each one of us has a free will.

[edited for errors]

[edit on 22-12-2009 by ElectricUniverse]

posted on Dec, 22 2009 @ 04:52 AM
reply to post by Ridhya

They were not Communist... in case you didn't know, for whatever reason, EVERY tribe had to either trade with others, or fight for resources...

Capitalism is the natural course of the world. A FREE Market, and not a FORCED one...

Since immemorial times men and women sought for others to trade, to compliment each other's skills, and trade the fruits of their skills, because only then will people survive.

But those who united had similar views. If their views clashed with that of others there was either a split or even war.

What happened in the past when people lost their freedom?....THEY FOUGHT TO REGAIN IT... that is not Socialism, nor Communism...

In case you didn't know, in Capitalism people need OTHERS to trade, and to survive...

In Capitalism people are communal, and social but they don't lose their FREEDOM.... People don't lose their individual rights...

The FORCED Capitalism that we are approaching, and which has been forced to us is Socialism/Communism, in which a few claim to represent all, and the few have ALL the power consolidated to them... That is not Capitalism anymore, that is Socialism/Communism.... This is where people lose their FREEDOM.

The meaning of Capitalism is a FREE market...

In Socialism/Communism the state/elites own everything, and control everyone. This is when people lose their freedom.

[edited for errors and to add comments]

[edit on 22-12-2009 by ElectricUniverse]

posted on Dec, 22 2009 @ 05:46 AM
[edit on 22-12-2009 by Janky Red]

posted on Dec, 22 2009 @ 05:46 AM

Originally posted by ElectricUniverse

Originally posted by Janky Red

It seems that your youth has brought about a wild swing.
In case nobody told you, this country is successful because the right and left manage to counter balance one another. You go to each thread and seem to be oblivious to the existence of over done right wingism. The American left does not advocate the leftism you fear, you guys have projected that and created a self affirming loop. At the heart of your everyday liberal, is an attempt at awareness, the responsible use of freedom and the power of this nation. Another adage is just just because you can does not mean you do. With out the left you WOULD have your freedom dictated by the private sector, at the ground level we tend to think that company is not entitled to create all the laws
of this nation. Without government, the power vacuum will be filled by big money, creating self serving laws, more so than now, corporate carte blanche.

Not really for a long time the left has been taking over, and obviously you haven't been paying attention, as for my youth, I am old enough, and experienced enough to see what is happening in the world.

Perhaps you haven't noticed it yet, it could be your youth, or just your inability to accept the obvious...

There has been an indoctrination to change this Republic for the sole purpose of giving MORE power to the government...

Of course there is a need for SOME government, and SOME laws. But the government, and the laws have been expanding too much.

All of this indoctrination into accepting left-wing ideology is leading the world into this One World Government, and ONe World economy that so many people, including Presidents of the U.S. and representatives of other countries have been talking about.

Sorry to say to those with the idealism that everyone will abandon their own views, and their own idealism for that of a few that a One world Government will only become a DICTATORSHIP for the mayority of the people in this world.

Even looking at the leftist/Socialist laws which have been passed by the Obama administration, and some which were even done by the Bush administration and some others, we can see that the final result will be a One World Socialist dictatorship.

Once again, it seems that people like you seem to forget the United States is a Republic, and the forefathers made it clear themselves....

U.S. Constitution - Article 4 Section 4

Article 4 - The States
Section 4 - Republican Government

The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government,.........

We, in the United States, and other countries in the world are losing our identity, and our sovereignty because of the Socialist goal of the elites to consolidate ALL power to them, and FORCE all nations to give up their sovereignty, and their identity.

The elite globalists have been working to this goal through decades of indoctrination, and infiltrating countries such as the U.S.

Now we are facing the dissolution of the Republic, and we know that President Obama wants to give control of the U.S. to the UN, and the power elite.

We have threads in these same forums about the Obama administration giving even power to the Interpol over all U.S. citizens.

The Obama administration gave all power over education, as well as voluntary and MANDATORY Community Service to something they call the Corporation.

This Corporation has the power to also implement a citizen electronic verification system, similar to the verichips threads and discussions we have had inthe forums for years.

They have been talking about FORCED vaccinations, MANDATORY Community Service, and MANDATORY Military service.

All of this is been accepted by a large percentage of the population, and it seems including you unless I am wrong.

We have even seen the responses of some of our Liberal American members who claim "FORCED" Community Service, and FORCED vaccinations aong other things is a good thing, because it is "for the good of all"....

That's the sot of indoctrination which the left-wing ideology has been leading us up to.

Like the Communist manifesto, to some people it "looks a good idea, and the perfect utopia", but in reality it will never be a perfect utopia because in essence you are giving up your individual right to choose for yourself "for the good of all". In essence turning people into mere robots, and not spiritual beings who each one of us has a free will.

What you fail to recognize is that the goal of the elites is being executed by capitalism, is it not the hoarding and consolidation of capital that which makes the elite, elite?
IF they goal was a "socialist utopia" why would the weapon of choice be capital and the American right to profit be it hell or high water?

Is it not the manipulation of a capital based system that allowed for the initial pillaging of the economy?

Was it not the capital holders in this world that garnered the capital to manipulate the system?

Was the goal not to consolidate more CAPITAL?

You equate the system with the individual parts in the system, they are not the same.

Further more did the FEDS do anything to halt the plunder of this economy? NO, just like conservative edicts state, hands OFF, left the producers create - then came
SEPT 15th...

If you recall the last time this happened the FED did nothing and how did that end up?

For a socialist country, this country has sure decapitated its fair share of socialist leaders and governments. In fact the only right wing one I can think of is the Bathe party... So another question, why has the US systematically deposed socialist leaders
if it is turning socialist? Isn't the scheme of socialism to "create equality thru the elimination of class based society based upon economic disparities" - SO why

Warren Buffet is worth half a Trillion dollars and this trend for him has been excelerating year to year. I should think half a trillion dollars might be a sign that capitialism is alive and well. The wealthy here have their wealth grow in an exponential fashion, another sign that the dream is still alive.

Regardless their are many who think to hold such a high position in the world comes a great responsibilty. A thinking man questions EVERYTHING - point is the US and its policies effect the entire globe, what you seem to dislike is questioning of this system and this government which are interlinked. So in this case who maintains the power structure with their support, the person who defends the entire principle or the one who points out its short comings in certain instances?

You mentioned that Cubans cannot access medicine in reality,

Who is blocking that access?

Once again, for a socialist turning nation we sure don't treat are Comrades very Comrade like.

Finally I have yet to receive my public holding in any INDUSTRY, in fact I have yet to receive squat. I do not have ANY say to the conduct of the industry I supposedly have a vested interest or social domain upon. I haven't been forced to join any group, take any medication, in fact the majority of toxins I ingest (freely) can be sourced by entities with CEO's and share holders.

The last contridiction I see is, why would the Elites who have produce their wealth under this capitalist frame work desire to dismantle the system they currently own and profit from?

Contrary to what you may think, the majority of American lefties, want a nation thats laws are dictated by the peoples house, NOT by the power garnered by money and influence. A swing straight to the far right will ENSURE, ensure that policy and recourse is given by default, to those that hold the most capital. I wish you could recognize the practical implications of hands off as professed here by many, kills freedom just the same, balance.

posted on Dec, 22 2009 @ 05:55 AM

Originally posted by Janky Red

What you fail to recognize is that the goal of the elites is being executed by capitalism, is it not the hoarding and consolidation of capital that which makes the elite, elite?
IF they goal was a "socialist utopia" why would the weapon of choice be capital and the American right to profit be it hell or high water?

You are failing to recognize that there hasn't been a true free market since at least 1913 for the U.S.

Capitalism is where a free market reigns, since 1913 there hasn't been a free market in the U.S., or most of the world.

There has been an illusion of a free market, but we know the market is being controlled by the Socialist elites.

We even heard how Obama would be tried by the elites, and he has been siding with them since the beginning.

Originally posted by Janky Red

Was the goal not to consolidate more CAPITAL?

You equate the system with the individual parts in the system, they are not the same.

No, the goal is to consolidate power, capital comes with power. They are not even afraid to bankrupt countries like the U.S. They yearn for MORE POWER. To control every country, and every facet of each country.

They caused the global economic crisis to claim they need to consolidate more power to them to save us all...

Originally posted by Janky Red
Further more did the FEDS do anything to halt the plunder of this economy? NO, just like conservative edicts state, hands OFF, left the producers create - then came
SEPT 15th...

If you recall the last time this happened the FED did nothing and how did that end up?

The Feds was implemented by a Democrat who gave the power over the economy of the United States to the Socialist elites...

Once this happened there was no true free market anymore, as the market has been controlled by these Socialist/globalist elites..

Originally posted by Janky Red

For a socialist country, this country has sure decapitated its fair share of socialist leaders and governments. In fact the only right wing one I can think of is the Bathe party...

Because the conversion has been slow... It didn't occur overnight... It took decades to get to this point in time.

Ever heard that if you boil a frog quick, it will jump out of the pot, but if you do it slow it will boil itself to death slowly?...

If the change had been fast the people would have rebelled then and there, but instead there has been a slow indoctrination which is culminating in the times we are in.

As for the Socialists being rich... EVERY Socialist/Communist with power in the world is rich.... It doesn't make them any less Socialist/Communist...

In Socialism/Communism the STATE/government and those in power have all the control, and hold all the resources, and all the money.

[edit on 22-12-2009 by ElectricUniverse]

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