Well, thanks for nothing, NWO.
Thanks for making sure my 530ah Surette batteries cost USD $330
Thanks for ensuring that the best PV cell I could get is only 32% efficient, 220w cost USD $650 each.
While I'm at it, thanks for double-dinging me on all of the above with your high-priced fuel-driven shipping, and what the HELL is the point of
TRIPLE-dinging me by charging me with export tax, duties and in effect penalizing me for trying to do the right thing????
Don't I pick up the drift from the beach every week? It's YOUR plastic crap that floats up from the passing tankers. You suck!
Listen, when you finally make these things priced so that you make a reasonable profit rather than the 500-1200% that you do, we will FLOCK to these
"green" energies, and won't have to be tricked into it. Man, and I thought TPTB were money-lusting manipulative leeches, but you take the cake.
Well, you'd take the cake if we could afford to still waste therms on baking one. Oh yeah, and thanks for corrupting the concept of "green"
with your putrid policies and pusillanimous pundits.
Where was I? Oh yeah.
Thanks for the last runs of human pathogens. Pretty clever. You're getting better, I admit.
I appreciate the confession, o smiter of dreams, but if you really were penitent, you'd deal with your buddy Monsanto; he's screwing up the global
grain production with his frankenfoods, and as an extra bonus, trying to wipe out the open-pollinated seeds with which we MIGHT have a chance at
growing some nutritional crops.
Thanks for the wars. That's one of yours, isn't it, or am I confusing you with the OTHER elites? I get so confused sometimes, trying to figure
out how you're going to stick it to us next. I have to admit that the whole 2012 thing was brilliant. You've got many of us too scared to live.
Not me, though. Ever been attacked by a hoard of naked blue-painted warriors? No, me either, but it's fun to think about.
Sweet dreams, NWO. May the neo-chipboard base frame of your $12,000 tempurpedic bed slowly bow and cause you back pain. See? I'm so
indoctrinated into your systems, I can't even frame a good curse.
Well, I sleep well at night -- the sleep of working one's adz off in the sun, working the land and guess what?? I actually share some of that
produce. What a dang fool, huh?
You have nothing I want, other than the power to effect positive changes. I'd hate to have that power though. It must be seductive, and I'd hate
to become.......... you.
Thanks sdog. Enlightening as usual. Cathartic even.
[edit on 2/12/09 by argentus]