Originally posted by mcguyvermanolo
I fully concur w/ you, Laughing GOD.
The NWO is led by professed Satanists.
Okay, here we go again...
What, if anything, do you actually know about Satanism?
Are you seriously serious?
Once again, I'm forced to rattle the cage from which you sing your canary songs of sorrows.
Satanism, my dear misguided peer, is all about the celebration of the flesh.
Living because we are alive.
Not content with living how we are told, but rather by being guided by our own desire to be happy, however that may be.
Indulgence over abstinence.
Not denying ourselves simple carnal pleasures in the hopes of spiritual pipe dreams that may or may not even be real.
Satanism has nothing, repeat...NOTHING to do with christianity.
The word 'Satan', actually comes from a term in Hebrew meaning 'adversary', and was used by Lavey to show that he was not afraid to step on
conservative toes in order to provide a philosophy that some people may actually become comfortable with.
Satanism has been recognized as a legitimate religion, and if people are allowed to come up on here and speak freely about their love for 'jesus',
'christianity' and those other things, then, by all rights and privileges, I should be allowed to defend Satanism.
For those of you who do not know, true Satanism has nothing to do with the atrocities you see in the media. And, for those of you keeping score,
christianity has way way WAY more innocent blood on it's hands than even those killings done by maniacs and lunatics in the name of 'Satan'. It's
true, it's documented, hell...it's even in your bible.
True Satanism doesn't believe in heaven or hell, has no roots in christianity and is a celebration of the individual, carnal pleasures, and, more
than anything else, Responsibility to the Responsible!
Satanism doesn't promote the idea of an anthropomorphic devil character, but rather promotes the idea that we, as thinking individuals, have all the
power of the universe within us, and we do humanity a disservice by externalizing our own godhood and giving up power of, and responsibility of our
own lives to keep our consciences clean.
If you want to keep your conscience clean, don't do things you consider wrong.
There are points of view that differ from person to person, different views on morality, which is how we enrich ourselves as people and learn about
the world around us.
There are those of you who, through whatever mechanisms your minds work, love to equate the NWO/Illuminati, if such a thing really does exist, with
If I were to go around making wild accusations claiming that your jesus was a murderer, rapist, liar, thief and mind controlling cult leader, whether
true or not, you'd be aghast and cry foul.
Well, I've taken it upon myself to defend a philosophy which I hold very dear to me, which is also my Constitutional right and damn near obligation,
being that this is supposed to be a free and civil society.
Are Satanists responsible for the Inquisition?
The systematic elimination and subjugation of many African and South Pacific Island peoples and cultures?
The Crusades, in which thousands upon thousands of innocent women, children and non-fighter castes were murdered simply for not being christian?
No, not even close.
Keep in mind that, in this age of education, information is mish-mashed and people take what they will from it, whether for good or for ill, and
perpetuate the lies and misconduct that they accuse others of spreading.
Be careful people, lest you fall into the same trap or ignorance that has so ensnared much of the people up here who claim to have some 'insight'
into the international cabal of Satanist/Masonic/Illuminati/Elitist/whatever conspiratorial mumbo jumbo.
Lots of these guys up here say, if you have a question about Masonry, ask a Mason...along those same lines, if you have a question about Satanism, ask
a Satanist. You might be surprised by the respect you are given.