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First person arrested after 911 was held on false information made up by US and UK agencies

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posted on Nov, 29 2009 @ 12:27 AM
Regarding the 'dancing israelis'.

Consider it in the context of the information in this link:

Along with other countries, Israel gave us strong warnings that we were in danger of such an attack.

The 'art students', indeed, look to have been Israeli agents. Some even had residences very close to a couple of the hijackers, such as Atta. They were right on the heels of the attackers.

They fed us a list of names. They told us more than once that a major attack was imminent.

And judging by the fact that a group of them were at the WTC on 9/11 to record the event, it looks like their intel was spot on. A couple of them even went on an Israeli talk show months later, and said in the open they were there to film the event.

In other words, it looks like they gave us all the information we needed to try to stop it, but, we didn't.


To anyone who thinks Israel is behind it:

How does that make sense in light of the fact they tried so hard to warn us?

No, methinks the finger ought to be pointed a little closer to home.

[edit on 29-11-2009 by TrueTruth]

posted on Nov, 29 2009 @ 12:56 AM

Originally posted by TrueTruth
To anyone who thinks Israel is behind it:

How does that make sense in light of the fact they tried so hard to warn us?

No, methinks the finger ought to be pointed a little closer to home.

Have you read the rest of this thread?

I'll go with what arresting New Jersey police detectives said about the explosives-laden dancing Israelis, based on evidence recovered at the scene --

...sources close to the investigation said they found other evidence linking the men to the bombing plot.

"There are maps of the city in the car with certain places highlighted," the source said. "It looked like they're hooked in with this. It looked like they knew what was going to happen when they were at Liberty State Park."

-- instead of conjecturing about the specificity of warnings that Israel may or may not have provided.

Mossad's official motto is, "By way of deception, thou shall make war." Anyone who doesn't think Israel could do something like this should look into the USS Liberty.

Having said that, I'm not pinning 9/11 entirely on Israel. Israel didn't send a missile into the Pentagon, order a military stand-down or take down the WTC towers with explosives.

[edit on 29-11-2009 by GoldenFleece]

posted on Nov, 29 2009 @ 01:23 AM

Originally posted by GoldenFleece

Originally posted by TrueTruth
To anyone who thinks Israel is behind it:

How does that make sense in light of the fact they tried so hard to warn us?

No, methinks the finger ought to be pointed a little closer to home.

Have you read the rest of this thread?

I'll go with what arresting New Jersey police detectives said about the explosives-laden dancing Israelis, based on evidence recovered at the scene --

...sources close to the investigation said they found other evidence linking the men to the bombing plot.

"There are maps of the city in the car with certain places highlighted," the source said. "It looked like they're hooked in with this. It looked like they knew what was going to happen when they were at Liberty State Park."

-- instead of conjecturing about the specificity of warnings that Israel may or may not have provided.

Mossad's official motto is, "By way of deception, thou shall make war." Anyone who doesn't think Israel could do something like this should look into the USS Liberty.

[edit on 29-11-2009 by GoldenFleece]

Just consider the first source in that link to 'what really happened'. It's to a NYT article. In the article, it says the men had their cameras set up on the bridge before the attack.

Meanwhile, the eyewitness who called the police to report them in the first place, saw them recording in a completely different location - the parking lot of her apartment building. She went to the window to film the event herself, after a friend called and told her about what had happened. She saw the van then. AFTER the first plane had already struck.

In other words, if you trace the story back to the person who started the ball rolling with her phone call to authorities, it is clearly impossible that they were also at the bridge.


Here's a goodie too - a story that came out about 10 minutes after the report of explosives in a van:

This is where the police corrected the report, and told use there were no explosives after all. Funny how that one never shows up on 'what really happened".

According to other articles I've read, this confusion was brought about by the fact that bomb sniffing dogs were brought in. However, they found nothing. Can you see how that scenario, in the midst of a crisis, might get mis-reported?

This is what you call 'the fog of war' - accounts in the early stages of an event like this are often filled with misinterpreted hearsay and erroneous rumors.


That's all I'm bothering to research tonight. I've been over this a thousand times over the past few years. If you REALLY take the time to parse out these allegations, they fall apart, over and over again.


And you still haven't answered why it makes sense for them to warn us if it was their own little plot.

It's just plain illogical.

[edit on 29-11-2009 by TrueTruth]

posted on Nov, 29 2009 @ 01:37 AM
reply to post by TrueTruth

Read "By Way of Deception" by former Mossad agent Victor Ostrovsky. Israel is well known for providing vague, non-specific warnings that can't be acted upon in order to throw the scent off their trail.

You don't know the specifics of warnings that Israel did or didn't provide. It seems like you've glommed on to a minor, unknowable detail in order to absolve Israel when there's a whole lot of evidence that implicates them.

Have you looked into the USS Liberty? That was no "mistake." If Israel would attack and try to sink a US Navy warship, they'd have absolutely no problem being involved in 9/11.

But as I said, it wasn't just Israel. 9/11 was pulled off in conjunction with elements of the U.S. government (neocons) and the CIA.

posted on Nov, 29 2009 @ 02:04 AM

Originally posted by GoldenFleece
reply to post by TrueTruth

Read "By Way of Deception" by former Mossad agent Victor Ostrovsky. Israel is well known for providing vague, non-specific warnings that can't be acted upon in order to throw the scent off their trail.

You don't know the specifics of warnings that Israel did or didn't provide. It seems like you've glommed on to a minor, unknowable detail in order to absolve Israel when there's a whole lot of evidence that implicates them.

Have you looked into the USS Liberty? That was no "mistake." If Israel would attack and try to sink a US Navy warship, they'd have absolutely no problem being involved in 9/11.

But as I said, it wasn't just Israel. 9/11 was pulled off in conjunction with elements of the U.S. government (neocons) and the CIA.

ugh. we got warnings from like, 10 different countries. they gave us atta's name, and a list with 19 total names (although it is not known if it was THE 19). are they all working for Israel?

furthermore, you're now changing the subject form the evidence you told me to look at on account of the fact that I just debunked it. it's called the 'truther two step' - somebody debunks one of your arguments, so you just slide on over to another, and never admit you were wrong. i'll never read the book. i've spent enough of my life reading about this story, and I don't need to do it again. referring people in a message board debate to long movies or books, is another cheap trick. it's a ridiculous request, and amounts to a dodge - it places the proof for your point in a place you know they won't find it.

if you want more details on the warnings, go read the link to the history commons article I provided before you prejudge and tell me i don't know what I'm talking about. as you clearly didn't, it's YOU who doesn't know what they're talking about, not I. I'm familiar with both sides of this issue, and you only care about one. I've been to where you are and back. You're telling me nothing I haven't already heard about, read about, vetted, and dismissed.

further, i haven't 'glommed' onto anything at all. i'm listening to what sounds like the most reliable evidence, and rejecting stories (such as the explosives in the van) that are proven to be false. and yet, you insist on clinging to them. now THAT, is glomming.

Yes, I also know about the liberty. Did you know that according to some reports, when jets were scrambled to go help the Liberty, a recall order was issues from the white house? It's possible we knew it was coming. It's possible we were in cahoots. There's so much secrecy surrounding this event, that a full accounting of it may never be known.

But you know what? It's got nothing to do with 9/11. At all.

Seriously dude. I know you think you've 'done your research', but clearly, you've just read stuff that supports the conclusion at which you have already arrived.


[edit on 29-11-2009 by TrueTruth]

[edit on 29-11-2009 by TrueTruth]

[edit on 29-11-2009 by TrueTruth]

posted on Nov, 29 2009 @ 03:41 AM
reply to post by TrueTruth

You asked how Israel could provide "warnings" and still be involved in 9/11. I referred you to "By Way of Deception" (titled based on Mossad's official motto), written by former Mossad agent Victor Ostrovsky, who talks about this very subject being a common misdirection ploy. If you don't want to read it, fine. Your question was asked and answered, but you don't want to accept it. Perhaps you should spend more time reading than writing.

Not sure how you can claim the USS Liberty is unrelated to 9/11. That's like saying Operation Northwoods is unrelated to 9/11. They're all classic false-flag terrorist attacks that were meant to frame Egypt, Cuba and Muslims, respectively. You are correct -- U.S. military command recalled fighters from defending the USS Liberty on orders from the White House. So what's your point? That there was complicity by the U.S. government? Of course there was -- just like 9/11.

Here's a question for you -- why were our Israeli "friends" dancing, celebrating and high-fiving each other after the 9/11 attacks?

With "friends" like those, who needs enemies?

posted on Nov, 29 2009 @ 06:17 AM

Originally posted by GoldenFleece
reply to post by TrueTruth

You asked how Israel could provide "warnings" and still be involved in 9/11. I referred you to "By Way of Deception" (titled based on Mossad's official motto), written by former Mossad agent Victor Ostrovsky, who talks about this very subject being a common misdirection ploy. If you don't want to read it, fine. Your question was asked and answered, but you don't want to accept it. Perhaps you should spend more time reading than writing.

Not sure how you can claim the USS Liberty is unrelated to 9/11. That's like saying Operation Northwoods is unrelated to 9/11. They're all classic false-flag terrorist attacks that were meant to frame Egypt, Cuba and Muslims, respectively. You are correct -- U.S. military command recalled fighters from defending the USS Liberty on orders from the White House. So what's your point? That there was complicity by the U.S. government? Of course there was -- just like 9/11.

Here's a question for you -- why were our Israeli "friends" dancing, celebrating and high-fiving each other after the 9/11 attacks?

With "friends" like those, who needs enemies?

You're ignoring the fact that Israel was one of several sources of the warning. And heed what I said about referring people to books on a message board. I read plenty, thank you. It's arrogant to presume I don't read because I haven't read some random book you happen to have read. It's a sure sign you can't make your point, and you don't know your stuff. What's more, you haven't even taken the time to read the link I provided -and you expect me to purchase an entire book and read the whole thing?


One more time - it wasn't just Israel, it was multiple nations, multiple warnings. Think about it, and for once, directly address this fact please. Or are you just going to reference the book a third time instead of addressing the facts on the table?


Operation Northwoods IS unrelated to 9/11. The only connection is your own imagination. Period.


Some bitter old lady who had beef with the 'moving company' for whom the israelis worked is the only person who allegedly saw them dancing. Nobody can verify her claim, and like so many other things you bring up, it's irrelevent.

There is literally no evidence at all to tie this attack to Israsel. None.

All you've given me is a 40 year old incident, a police report that was recanted, a vague statement of general tendencies in some book i've never laid eyes on, and the opinion of one bitter witness who already hated the people she ratted on.

This is is what you call proof?


This is why people laugh at the 'truth movement' - because they couldn't string enough facts together to make a friendship bracelet.

This is tedious, and old.

[edit on 29-11-2009 by TrueTruth]

posted on Nov, 29 2009 @ 06:38 AM
reply to post by TrueTruth

Are you Jewish? You sure seem mighty worked up over the dancing Israelis. What is it about this story that bothers you so much? Enough with your "Israel tried to warn us" BS. Along with Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, Perle, Abrams, Bolton and the rest of the neocons, they're guilty as sin and you know it.

posted on Nov, 29 2009 @ 06:40 AM
Just think how many innocent people are made to end up being the victims in government plans.

Sick how you can just want to live your life, and people in the government take your life away from you.

posted on Nov, 29 2009 @ 09:09 AM
reply to post by GoldenFleece

Declaring victory? I've given you evidence showing that your story is inaccurate, other posters have given you evidence showing your story is inaccurate, and you still cling to a bunch of falsehoods. It isnt about declaring victory, its about knowing you will never see the light and accept the truth.

posted on Nov, 29 2009 @ 01:39 PM

Originally posted by GoldenFleece
reply to post by TrueTruth

Are you Jewish? You sure seem mighty worked up over the dancing Israelis. What is it about this story that bothers you so much? Enough with your "Israel tried to warn us" BS. Along with Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, Perle, Abrams, Bolton and the rest of the neocons, they're guilty as sin and you know it.

Of COURSE you would ask me that question. Couldn't have anything to do with the fact that the evidence does not support your case. Couldn't remotely be a conclusion I've arrived at after thousands of hours of research over the past 6 years.

Why do I get work up? Because you're a belligerent know it all and you talk down to people in an aggressive manner. You seem to have as little insight into your own behavior as you do about the rules of argument and evidence.

Go ahead. Ignore the fact that multiple nations issued multiple warnings. Brush it aside. Pretend it's not true. And while you're at it, ignore the fact that you're van story was completely debunked literally 8 minutes after the first erroneous report by the police department who checked the guys out.

You're a fundamentalist. You've departed from reality. You're operating on belief, and you've abandoned your adult responsibility to own up to the facts - including of your own errors. Are you even over 18? You sure don't act like it.

To get back to your question though, No.

Like I said - I spent years of my life being obsessed with this topic.

Unlike you, however, I believe in intellectual honesty, and I actively searched for evidence against my own conclusions, and lo and behold, I discovered that many of the things I had previously taken for truth, were false. Unlike you I want the REAL truth, and I will tear my own mind apart to find it.

Someday, when you wake up and realize how foolish you've been, you'll lament the wasted hours, the wasted sleep, the unnecessary fear... that is, if you ever grow up and gain the ability to examine your own beliefs objectively, and not ridicule people for disagreeing with you on the facts.

And hopefully, someday you'll realize what an assinine question you just asked me, and that frankly, I shouldn't have even stooped to answer. I just wanted to let you know that once again, you're wrong. You make too many assumptions, and you think too little.

[edit on 29-11-2009 by TrueTruth]

[edit on 29-11-2009 by TrueTruth]

posted on Jan, 4 2010 @ 11:43 PM

Originally posted by TrueTruth

Originally posted by GoldenFleece
reply to post by TrueTruth

Are you Jewish? You sure seem mighty worked up over the dancing Israelis. What is it about this story that bothers you so much? Enough with your "Israel tried to warn us" BS. Along with Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, Perle, Abrams, Bolton and the rest of the neocons, they're guilty as sin and you know it.

Of COURSE you would ask me that question. Couldn't have anything to do with the fact that the evidence does not support your case. Couldn't remotely be a conclusion I've arrived at after thousands of hours of research over the past 6 years.

Why do I get work up? Because you're a belligerent know it all and you talk down to people in an aggressive manner. You seem to have as little insight into your own behavior as you do about the rules of argument and evidence.

Go ahead. Ignore the fact that multiple nations issued multiple warnings. Brush it aside. Pretend it's not true. And while you're at it, ignore the fact that you're van story was completely debunked literally 8 minutes after the first erroneous report by the police department who checked the guys out.

You're a fundamentalist. You've departed from reality. You're operating on belief, and you've abandoned your adult responsibility to own up to the facts - including of your own errors. Are you even over 18? You sure don't act like it.

You know, for the same contributor, I went to some effort to provide documentation and links that thoroughly debunked this malign disinformation that's been spread on the Net trying to implicate Israel in 9/11.

It gets totally ignored and the same assembly of racist propaganda gets trotted out repeatedly by the same people.

Anyone with any self-awareness gets used to the fact that there we have a few foaming at the mouth Jew-haters incapable of doing anything beyond pushing their malicious agendas.

[edit on 5-1-2010 by mmiichael]

posted on Jan, 20 2010 @ 11:49 PM

Originally posted by mmiichael

Originally posted by TrueTruth

Originally posted by GoldenFleece
reply to post by TrueTruth

Are you Jewish? You sure seem mighty worked up over the dancing Israelis. What is it about this story that bothers you so much? Enough with your "Israel tried to warn us" BS. Along with Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, Perle, Abrams, Bolton and the rest of the neocons, they're guilty as sin and you know it.

Of COURSE you would ask me that question. Couldn't have anything to do with the fact that the evidence does not support your case. Couldn't remotely be a conclusion I've arrived at after thousands of hours of research over the past 6 years.

Why do I get work up? Because you're a belligerent know it all and you talk down to people in an aggressive manner. You seem to have as little insight into your own behavior as you do about the rules of argument and evidence.

Go ahead. Ignore the fact that multiple nations issued multiple warnings. Brush it aside. Pretend it's not true. And while you're at it, ignore the fact that you're van story was completely debunked literally 8 minutes after the first erroneous report by the police department who checked the guys out.

You're a fundamentalist. You've departed from reality. You're operating on belief, and you've abandoned your adult responsibility to own up to the facts - including of your own errors. Are you even over 18? You sure don't act like it.

You know, for the same contributor, I went to some effort to provide documentation and links that thoroughly debunked this malign disinformation that's been spread on the Net trying to implicate Israel in 9/11.

It gets totally ignored and the same assembly of racist propaganda gets trotted out repeatedly by the same people.

Anyone with any self-awareness gets used to the fact that there we have a few foaming at the mouth Jew-haters incapable of doing anything beyond pushing their malicious agendas.

[edit on 5-1-2010 by mmiichael]

Sadly true.

Although I must say, GF and I seem to have reached some kind of cease fire, once he stopped shouting long enough to realize that I share his core skepticism...

But ya - and they have no seeming concept of how their overt bigotry completely defeats their efforts. But of course, this assumes they mean to achieve anything beyond internet posturing....


posted on Jan, 21 2010 @ 01:51 AM

Originally posted by TrueTruth
But ya - and they have no seeming concept of how their overt bigotry completely defeats their efforts. But of course, this assumes they mean to achieve anything beyond internet posturing....

How am I a "bigot" when irrefutable evidence shows that the five dancing Israelis (Mossad agents) were absolutely involved in 9/11 -- and according to Israeli media, held for months, given multiple polygraph tests (which they failed) and charged with conspiracy to blow up the George Washington Bridge? Check out the documentary "Core of Corruption" where they play police radio transmissions that say the dancing Israeli's phony moving van actually exploded.

Given the evidence, it's just not possible to come to any other conclusion.

Am I a "bigot" for pointing out that Israel tried to sink the USS Liberty after surveilling it for like 8 hours? Even one Israeli pilot admitted that they knew it was a U.S. ship and USS Liberty crew members agree that Israel had to know.

Charges of anti-semitism are a cheap and dishonest attempt to discredit people and deflect the truth.

posted on Jan, 21 2010 @ 07:14 AM
reply to post by GoldenFleece

Adding the facts that the LIBERTY had a very large US flag on full display while being strafed and survivors were likewise machine gunned while in the water,burning from the spilled fuel.Friends like these who needs terrorists?

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