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First person arrested after 911 was held on false information made up by US and UK agencies

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posted on Nov, 25 2009 @ 08:07 AM

Originally posted by VonDoomen
reply to post by beard

Look, i went through all the trouble of finding that article, and posting it as a reply to you. the least you could do is read it.

as stated in the article, he is Saudi born, and
"Now he is protesting his innocence from Casablanca, Morocco."

Or did you want me to track him down for your lazy butt and give you real-time GPS coordinates. Even though if you were to lazy to read the article, I highly doubt you would go to morocco. That's enough of me working to dispell your ignorance, i guess.

[edit on 11/25/2009 by VonDoomen]

I read it years ago. Now could I have the location of just 1 of these alive hijackers. I'd love to talk to one of them.

posted on Nov, 25 2009 @ 08:09 AM

Originally posted by djusdjus

Originally posted by beard

Originally posted by VonDoomen
reply to post by beard

your welcome


you'd like to give them a call? orly?

well, here you go, do your own legwork pal :

regards and report back how the conversation went, what was said etc etc. you'll probably have a little while to get individual phone numbers, but if you're serious, there's your start.

Only 7 are still alive. I wonder why none of these 7 aren't on Al_Jazeera right now? "Look at me. I'm alive."

posted on Nov, 25 2009 @ 08:16 AM
reply to post by beard

By researching you, Ive come to realize you are either a troll, a misinformationist, or a little bit of both. I find it sick that you can take 9/11 in such a light manner.
May god have mercy on your soul.


posted on Nov, 25 2009 @ 11:36 AM
reply to post by VonDoomen

How does this Beard clown have four warnings but not have been booted from ATS? Mods?

Originally posted by poedxsoldiervet
reply to post by GoldenFleece

Where exactly in that article did it say that 5 Isrealis were arrested? How about a driect link to the NY times article? If you can do that then you may have some credibility but unitll then you dont.

I have credibility whether you think so or not because I don't make things up. If this is the first you've ever heard of the five dancing Israelis arrested on 9/11, then you haven't done much research:

Separately, officials said a group of about five men were now under investigation in Union City, suspected of assisting the hijackers. In addition, the officials said the men had apparently set up cameras near the Hudson River and fixed them on the World Trade Center. They photographed the attacks and were said to have congratulated each other afterward, officials said.

Please visit the link provided for the complete story. N;%20BIN%20LADEN%20TIE%20CITED%20&st=cse

posted on Nov, 25 2009 @ 11:46 AM
reply to post by GoldenFleece

I wish I knew. Im knew to having an account at ATS, but I have been a long time reader. I am just a lowly Peon on the totem pole.

And this is something Ive noticed so many times. and this is on no offense to the person your replying to but, I have always noticed that the believers of the OS do NOT do any investigation on their own.

YOU WOULD NOT BELIEVE how many arguements Ive gotten in with people about 9/11, and how many of these people NEVER EVEN KNEW that building 7 was destroyed. Obviously I was arguing against some very worthy opponents lol.

posted on Nov, 25 2009 @ 12:18 PM
reply to post by VonDoomen

Yep, same here. But to their credit, once my friends and family have done even a modicum of personal investigation, they've agreed with me that 9/11 was an inside job.

The problem in America is that people only know what the pathetic corporate media tells them.

Osama bin Laden, blah, blah, blah, al-CIAduh, blah, blah, blah, "weapons of mass destruction", blah, blah, blah, balloon boy, blah, blah, blah.

This is why Americans are so ignorant and brainwashed.

posted on Nov, 25 2009 @ 02:59 PM
Unfortunately, the "dancing Israeli" story has only grown through the years.

Fox News erred in saying the cameras were pointed at the Towers prior to the attacks. Their article was based on a New York Times story that said ....

Separately, officials said a group of about five men were now under investigation in Union City, suspected of assisting the hijackers. In addition, the officials said the men had apparently set up cameras near the Hudson River and fixed them on the World Trade Center. They photographed the attacks and were said to have congratulated each other afterward, officials said.

New York Times, Published: September 13, 2001

The New York Times article does not state anything about them being there prior to the attacks. Fox News made an incorrect assumption. Of course, we could see what the person that reported them had to say, a lady named "Maria".

This story from ABC comes up...

Maria, who asked us not to use her last name, had a view of the World Trade Center from her New Jersey apartment building. She remembers a neighbor calling her shortly after the first plane hit the towers. She grabbed her binoculars and watched the destruction unfolding in lower Manhattan. But as she watched the disaster, something else caught her eye.

Maria says she saw three young men kneeling on the roof of a white van in the parking lot of her apartment building. "They seemed to be taking a movie," Maria said.

Okay, doesnt really address the time frame, however, the ABC show 20/20 did a story and interviewed Maria....

From the 20/20 transcript, air date, Friday, June 21, 2002

MARIA: She was sitting when she heard a noise, at the same time she felt like it--it shook--like the building shook, she said. She called me immediately. She said, 'You know, there's--there's something wrong, look at your window by the twin towers.' So I grab my binoculars and I could see the towers from my window.

Her friend heard/felt a tremor from the first strike and called Maria, who started viewing the Towers.

MILLER: (VO) After watching for a little while, something caught Maria's at-tention in the parking lot below her window.

MARIA: Like a few minutes must have gone on, and all of a sudden down there I see this van park. And I see three guys on top of the van, and I'm trying, you know, to look at the building but what caught my attention, they seemed to be taking a movie.

The story is a lot different from what Fox News had to say now isn't it? The first tower had been hit, time had gone by, and THEN the white van pulls up, parks and they set up their camera. Now then...dancing....this is what Maria said...

MARIA: And I could see that they were, like, happy, you know? They--they--they weren't--they didn't look shocked to me, you know? They didn't look shocked. I thought it was very strange

Not a single word about dancing or hi fives, or celebrating. But, Maria did take down the license plate and called the police, who found and arrested the men....

MILLER: (VO) Around 4 PM that day, this white Chevy van was stopped by police near Giants Stadium in New Jersey. Inside it were five men, all in their 20s. These grainy photos of the event were taken by a man who witnessed the scene from a nearby hotel

(OC) The van was stopped right here. Police pulled the five men out at gun point and handcuffed them. And almost immediately, police say, there was plenty to be suspicious of. One of the men had $4700 in cash hidden in his sock. An-other was carrying two foreign passports. A box cutter was found in the van. But perhaps the biggest surprise for police was when the five men identified themselves as being Israeli.

Cash, passports, even a box cutter (of course they DID work for a moving compant).....but absolutely no mention of a van packed with explosives......

A little more digging comes up with this, the source of the explosives laden van story....

Three arrested with van full of explosives

4:27:11 AM

Reports from New York are saying three people have been arrested with a van of explosives.

The van was stopped along the New Jersey turn-pike near the George Washington Bridge.

It was not clear why police stopped the van but when they did they found it was laden down with tonnes of explosives.

Yep, there was a report about a van filled with explosives. Funny thing though, less than eight minutes later, this was posted from the same source....and is completely ignored by the "truth" movement....

Police confirm arrests but deny explosives find

4:34:43 AM

NYPD officers have confirmed the arrest of three men on the New Jersey turn-pike.

However officials denied any explosives were found in the van.

Officials declined to say why exactly the men had been arrested.

Once again, the media, in their haste to scoop their competitors, make a pot load of mistakes.

posted on Nov, 25 2009 @ 03:14 PM


posted on Nov, 25 2009 @ 08:33 PM
they needed to start their 'investigation' somewhere. damn liars and frauds

posted on Nov, 25 2009 @ 10:54 PM
reply to post by beard

His passport and bandana were found in the rubble, you should give it back to him.

posted on Nov, 26 2009 @ 03:00 AM
Why I'm I not surprised? a group of law enforcement officers looking to make a splash grab the most convenient suspect and when it comes to light he had nothing to do with the case well,being the supreme egoists that they are they cannot bring themselves to admit they were wrong.Makes you wonder just how solid KSM's case really is...

posted on Nov, 26 2009 @ 11:54 AM
reply to post by GoldenFleece

Why is learning the truth "unfortunate" -- unless of course you're the government, Mossad or one of their paid disinfo lackeys?

If it were the truth that would be one thing. However, when people continue to believe (and add to) a lie, it is unfortunate.

posted on Nov, 26 2009 @ 12:40 PM

Originally posted by GoldenFleece



There was nothing "off topic" about this post... It was no more off topic than other post most recently posted.....

It had another link, will the moderator who deleted this post, please replace the link ??

[edit on 26-11-2009 by Truzzyx]

posted on Nov, 26 2009 @ 01:37 PM
"NYPD officers have confirmed the arrest of three men on the New Jersey turn-pike.

However officials denied any explosives were found in the van.

Officials declined to say why exactly the men had been arrested."

There is a little problem with this little three line story above. First off, why would the New York City Police Department be confirming the arrest of three men on the NJ Turnpike when it was East Rutherford, NJ police officers which made the arrest? Does the NYPD make a habit of confirming arrests made by NJ police officers?

"However officials denied any explosives were found in the van."

According to this Bergen Record newspaper article dated 9/12/01

"Sources also said that bomb-sniffing dogs reacted as if they had detected explosives. The FBI seized the van for further testing, authorities said."

There is a big difference here between denying explosives were found in the van and seizing it for further testing because of the dogs' reaction.

"Officials declined to say why exactly the men had been arrested."

According to the same Bergen Count article, this is why they were arrested:

"We got an alert to be on the lookout for a white Chevrolet van with New Jersey registration and writing on the side," said Bergen County Police Chief John Schmidig. "Three individuals were seen celebrating in Liberty State Park after the impact. They said three people were jumping up and down."

So, according to the Bergen Record article, it appears that little three line story on dated 12/9/01 is complete rubbish and is no longer being ignored by the "truth movement", as claimed.

posted on Nov, 26 2009 @ 01:39 PM
reply to post by Swampfox46_1999

Do you think Israeli National News was lying when they reported:

Five Israelis Still Held In New York - Arrested On 9-11
Arutz Sheva News Service

Five young Israelis are "on the verge of collapse," according to family members, as their incarceration in New York on charges relating to the Bin Laden attacks continues. They were arrested on Sept. 11, only hours after the World Trade Center attack, on charges of "plotting to blow up" a New York bridge.

Please visit the link provided for the complete story.

Do you think the dancing Israelis just happened to pick a bad day to photograph each other celebrating the 9/11 terrorist attacks and attempting to blow up the George Washington Bridge?

posted on Nov, 26 2009 @ 06:05 PM
reply to post by GoldenFleece

The messages posted to WikiLeaks corroborate this white van on the bridge.

It is just a matter of fitting the pieces of the jigsaw together...

[edit on 26-11-2009 by mirageofdeceit]

posted on Nov, 27 2009 @ 02:11 PM
reply to post by GoldenFleece

I never said that they were not taken into custody. I said that the story commonly used by the so-called "truth" movement, was overblown and not quite factual.

posted on Nov, 27 2009 @ 04:52 PM
reply to post by Swampfox46_1999

So you concede the dancing Israelis were arrested for plotting to blow up the George Washington Bridge after celebrating and photographing each other in front of the burning WTC towers. You concede they had large amounts of cash, phony passports and box cutters on their possession and that arresting police detectives believed they had advance knowledge and were connected to the terrorist attacks based on circled maps and other evidence found during their arrest.

So beyond your extensive cut and paste job from that BS 911Myths site, what the hell are you claiming?

posted on Nov, 28 2009 @ 12:20 PM
reply to post by GoldenFleece

So you concede the dancing Israelis were arrested for plotting to blow up the George Washington Bridge after celebrating and photographing each other in front of the burning WTC towers. You concede they had large amounts of cash, phony passports and box cutters on their possession and that arresting police detectives believed they had advance knowledge and were connected to the terrorist attacks based on circled maps and other evidence found during their arrest.

Thank you for an excellent illustration of my point. Have a good day.

posted on Nov, 29 2009 @ 12:18 AM
reply to post by Swampfox46_1999

LOL -- only you could try to claim victory from proof that the dancing Israelis were involved in 9/11.

Thank you!

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