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Originally posted by seagull
The United States bombed it's own ships? What pray is your evidence of this? Or that they allowed Japan, for some unfathomable reason, or reasons; to do so?
Really? Do you realize that the Pearl Harbour attack is one of the most looked at events of the Second World War? I personally own half a dozen works that research the event, from both sides of the Pacific. How many govt. officials would have had to be in the know? Military officers of impeccable character would have had to have known. Long time officers had careers destroyed that day, they would have had to have been in the "know"...
I think maybe you need to go back and take a longer look at this...
True there was some evidence that the Japanese were up to something...that much was known... Intelligence officers "knew" something was coming down the road at them...they didn't know where, or when. Suspicions? Oh, yes...lots of them. Hawaii, the Philippines, even California and Panama.
Remember, America was just beginning to shrug off a bout with isolationism and still recovering from the Great Depression. The mindset of the military and their civilian overseers was still very much peace at almost any price... Japan had been at war in China for several years already, and were vastly more ready for war than were their American counterparts...
On one side, you've got a country still reeling from the Great Depression though recovering; with a military that is still a generation behind the best the world has to offer militarily (though blind to that in regard to Japan). On the other, you've got a nation rabidly imperialistic who is fighting a war in mainland Asia against China, and preparing to head south into Indochina and Micronesia, with Australia ripe for the plucking (in their eyes), as well.
With this in mind, Japan knows that to do this, all they need do is delay the US Navy long enough to conquer the areas wanted, then sit back behind "the ribbon defense" of atolls and island fortresses.
How to do it, though?
The Brits, oddly enough, showed how to do it, in 1940 with an attack on Taranto against several Italian battleships. They used two aircraft carriers and succeeded in sinking and damaging four modern Italian battleships.
Yamamoto, commander of the Imperial Japanese Navy, saw this and had a brainstorm...
Six aircraft carriers, several hundred aircraft... viola, no US navy...
When the smoke had cleared, the US battleline had been savaged. It's Pacific airforce virtually eradicated...and many sailors and airmen, soldiers and marines killed...
Had the powers that be in Washington known before hand of an attack on Pearl Harbour, would they not have been better served by warning the commanders on the scene in time to defend themselves? The war would still have started... An unsuccessful attack is still causus belli, every bit as much as a successful one...
They knew, yet they didn't know... Too many trees kept them from seeing the forest, if you will...
Oddly how history parallels, isn't it? Much the same thing occured in the runup to the Trade Center attack.
Too much information, not enough skilled readers to interpret the info...
Originally posted by poedxsoldiervet
reply to post by KRISKALI777
I do tend to agree, that we allowed ourselves to be brought into both World Wars, That is a proven historical fact. I am still up in the air about the Gulf of Tonkin, being that we were still there.
However the Mexican war is also shown to be one were the American Government allowed to be dragged into a war but this time it was by Southern Democrats, who wanted to expand Slave states.
The Spanish American War was stupidity, not a false flag as you would say. The USS Maine, blow up because of the way the shells and powder were stored, not because of Spanish or American interference. Stupidity started that war..
9-11 was not a false flag, it was a terrorist attack that the Feds knew was going to happen. To the extent of what they knew, is still in the air. I feel they knew how and the who, but not the when.
Originally posted by poedxsoldiervet
reply to post by seagull
It is of my opinion that the US Government wanted a war with Japan, maybe not Germany but they wanted one with Japan. Hitler made a mistake by declaring war against us, if he had not and allowed the Japs to face us WWII, would have ended with Hitler owning Europe and large amounts of Africa, and the Middle East. The US would have ended up owning Australia, Japan, and Much of the pacific.
Originally posted by The Baby Seal Club
I'm not an expert on WW1, but I always thought the reason given for our entry into WW1 was the Zimmermann Telegraph. Or was that also a "conspiracy"?
Originally posted by BO XIAN
I don't personally KNOW what FDR personally WANTED. I doubt you do.