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I could kill someone like this!

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posted on Nov, 13 2009 @ 11:28 AM

Originally posted by Zosynspiracy
I never get more enraged than when I see disgusting human beings who they themselves act like animals. I would have no problem treating these vile human specimens like they do these animals. Pulling off these guys' fingernails with pliers would be joyous compared to what I could do to them if I ever witnessed first hand something like this. I mean makes me ashamed to be a meat eater and a milk drinker. WARNING GRAPHIC!

I was sickened by this but it is no worse than how chickens are treatred have a look at this program

I feel there is nothing wrong with eating meat but thats no reason to make an animal suffer for your own pleasure or wallet.

posted on Nov, 13 2009 @ 11:38 AM
It's ugly. True. I don't have an answer. But, what really gets me is...


Really? Because that makes you a better representative of the human race?

I understand the need to punish people like that. But gloating about being able to inflict the same damage to them as they do to the animal...doesn't make you any less animalistic. haha

Like I said, I don't have the answer either, as I'm in the same boat. Some things to consider are: Commercial slaughter of animals happens because there is a 'demand' for the product. Maybe not for you, but for billions.

I eat animals. That is why I have incisors. I hunt and kill animals. It isn't "Humane" or "sport" to shoot bambi with a 30-30, rip the guts out and chop the animal up into little steaks, but...that is the process to fill my freezer and feed my children. Same with fish.

I don't slap or torture the deer if the first shot didn't kill it, I end its life as abruptly as possible. But that said, its still an ugly process. Even "humanely". The fact that people can treat living things in the fashion of this video, makes me wonder about their mental stability.

However, it also makes me wonder about the mental stability of someone who says they can tear the fingernails off of a human, who does stuff like this.

Again, I don't have the answer. My emotions guide me to wish bad things on these people too. So I'm not ANY better than anyone else. But also consider, if intelligent lifeforms WERE actually observing us.

On that end, we will never be ready for contact, when we are so barbaric. Even our "humane" ways are fairly barbaric.

posted on Nov, 13 2009 @ 11:44 AM
Unless you're all vegetarians, you're all huge hypocrites. When you eat meat from anywhere other than a farmer who you directly purchased it from - you're paying factory farms to treat animals terribly every day.

There is no difference between a dog and a pig. The mistreatment of both are terrible, but understand you are contributing directly to the awful conditions animals are subjected to daily.

Everyone wants to change the world, no one wants to change themselves.

posted on Nov, 13 2009 @ 11:46 AM
This is the hired killing you order and finance when buying meat at your local supermarket. You are responsible. And by the way, humane slaughter doesn't exist.

Any ET's listening: Stay away from mankind!!! They are inherently screwed up!

[edit on 13-11-2009 by Raabjorn]

posted on Nov, 13 2009 @ 11:51 AM

Originally posted by Melissa101
We are human not animals...

Humans are animals.

posted on Nov, 13 2009 @ 11:51 AM
reply to post by sh1fty

I get my beef directly from a cattle ranch that is owned by my step family. They are sent to a private butcher who is also a rancher. I doubt he mistreats the animals on the basis that he also raises them.

What now!

Score +1 for DaMod!

posted on Nov, 13 2009 @ 11:52 AM
It is hard to imagine how these men live with themselves. Poor helpless cows can't even walk upright

posted on Nov, 13 2009 @ 11:59 AM
reply to post by Davidius

They are calves at that. Freaking babies. It's like torturing a puppy or a kitten.

posted on Nov, 13 2009 @ 12:00 PM
reply to post by Zosynspiracy

All Meat that comes from slaughter houses, is saturated with Fear as the animals know what is coming, more fear is propagated through society by the fear based programming prevalent in society daily! it is to their benefit to maintain a constant state of fear, so no "reason" is used.

The same "belief" that has created the ability for a "human" to act " inhumane" and do this to another living creature. Has recently unleashed a bio weapon on the populous of earth that causes the victim to drown in their own bodily fluids!

Perpetrators of such heinous acts, BELIEVE, they have the right to do so, regardless of scale or method!

To all agents that read this post, when you stand before the creator of all things, “I was just following orders”, will not be an acceptable answer, those that give the orders you follow are directly responsible for the way the world is! They are not spiritually advanced enough to create anything, other than what you are experiencing now. Nor will they be in an underground facility, or when they reemerge. Your allegiance to them is no longer required. Soon they will turn on you as well.

The battle has begun; you are behind enemy lines and already have their trust, giving you strategic advantage, like it or not, right now you are partially responsible for the planetary Genocide that has begun, soon it will become the greatest Mass Murder this planet has ever known, that is what you are part of, do you in your heart believe it be just?

It is not too late! Start fighting back from the inside! Use your position to help your human family! You know it is the Right Thing to do.

Perhaps you are uncertain of what you can do. Begin by Setting all data free! You know it should be! Publicize their objectives! Disrupt any system that you work with, so that it cannot proceed toward its objective! Do what you were trained to do! You wanted to make a difference, Now is your chance!

The advantage has become ours join us! Their resources are waning, soon they will not be able to pay you, and will discard you as they do with anything they consider no longer useful.

With your help the war can be won quickly, without bloodshed!

Those on here that are following the playbook, is this what you went to school for? Think about the teachers and professors that shared their time and knowledge with you, would they be Proud of you now? Is this how the knowledge was intended to be used? Would your family be proud if they knew what you were really doing?

Knowledge is power! Use it Wisely!

[edit on 13-11-2009 by PaulKCA]

posted on Nov, 13 2009 @ 12:06 PM
You would kill men like this?

Good to know...

I will mark that down under my list of "Things to sway you into killing other humans" and call it a day.

I wonder if anyone else in this world has come to the conclusion I have about people like you. If so, I wonder if they ever use systematic tactics (psy-op attacks) on you to trick you into the "murderous mood".

It never seems to amaze me how sick humans are, and how quick they can be galvanized morally into murdering other humans.

You poor soul...I would hate to learn that a small clip of what goes on daily across the world would be enough to produce a desire to murder within me.

I guess they already have you where they want you.

As for treatment of animals is going to make me "want to murder a human". I guess I just am not programed like that.

Enjoy your moral high-ground...

Be careful not to slip and break your neck on the way down.

[edit on 13-11-2009 by Mr Mask]

posted on Nov, 13 2009 @ 12:16 PM
reply to post by Mr Mask

Excellent points all! This was most likely posted to continue spreading fear, and
make more, "believe" there are circumstances that make it acceptable to terminate LIFE! Besides just bringing you down in general!

posted on Nov, 13 2009 @ 12:19 PM

Originally posted by Tomis_Nexis
Well that's how you get Veal. Baby calves. This can't be new news to some can it? I mean, don't people research what they eat? Or do they just gorge on food and not wonder.

I eat Veal, I love it, I know where it comes from. Are you going to bash me for eating it? Go ahead, circle of life. If people don't like it, don't eat it.....if you don't like it an complain about it, well then go save the cows, I'm sure they'll remember your attempts of freeing them for generations to come, and they'll pass it on to there calves and so on....please.

Also to everyone, do you know they cut the feet off? So when they grind the cow and process the meat, you don't choke on a piece of hoof when you're eating a burger or hot dog or whatever you want to eat.

Geez, you people research UFO's and Aliens and all that other stuff that has no concrete proof, but you don't research this.

[edit on 12-11-2009 by Tomis_Nexis]

Yeah we all know where veal comes from, but that is definitely no excuse for the way that these jerks torture the animals. Are you implying that these barbaric and utterly disgusting actions by these people in the video makes it OK?? It's one thing to slaughter animals for the dinner plate, but it is another to torture these animals in the way that this video clearly shows. Did you watch the video? Do you think that torturing an animal like this is OK?

posted on Nov, 13 2009 @ 12:22 PM
reply to post by Zosynspiracy

Yeah its to bad superHeros dont exist, the world could really use a superman,wonder woman hell even just a normal guy like Batman or Green arrow could do some good in the world.

posted on Nov, 13 2009 @ 12:23 PM
i agree its sad and mabye disgusting to some but its been goin on since humans started to domesticate animals for food. i think we can all agree that if it has to happen, rather it be done on animals than people which sadly happens more than some might think. just think of all the horses that were used in cavalry charges in the greatest battles in history, they're probably in horsey heaven bragging about it.

posted on Nov, 13 2009 @ 12:31 PM

Originally posted by Zosynspiracy
I never get more enraged than when I see disgusting human beings who they themselves act like animals. I would have no problem treating these vile human specimens like they do these animals. Pulling off these guys' fingernails with pliers would be joyous compared to what I could do to them if I ever witnessed first hand something like this. I mean makes me ashamed to be a meat eater and a milk drinker. WARNING GRAPHIC!

But we are animals, we kill those to eat them. Do we complain when it's on our table.

I am not to sure where to draw the line on this but either way, they are going to die to end up on your plate.

posted on Nov, 13 2009 @ 12:32 PM

Originally posted by Verd_Vhett
reply to post by Zosynspiracy

Its to bad Super Heroes don't exist, the world could really use a superman,wonder woman hell even just a normal guy like Batman or Green arrow could do some good in the world.

Oh Superheroes exist my friend...that I can assure you. Its just comic-books don't do us justice and saving the day can't be done in under 24 pages. But, exist they surly DO.


[edit on 13-11-2009 by Mr Mask]

posted on Nov, 13 2009 @ 12:35 PM

Originally posted by Melissa101

Originally posted by Zerra

I am a vegatarian, an activist in some ways, and yes change is incredibly hard. Humans are not natural predators, it was a cultural thing starting with the invention of simple weaponary and then the ice age. We adapted quickly when our lives were at stake (no pun intended-steak)however, we may not be able to see the disasters coming like with the ice age-but factory farms are making us weaker, spreading pathogens, polluting the air and water that we need to surivive. We do so while being cruel to animals-if that's intelligent thinking on our part I don't agree...We forgot how to adapt when it is needed...We forgot how to outsmart nature. Natures winning, confining animals is cruel yes, for so many reasons, but it's creating diseases that we can't hardly fight. Who knows what else is next.

[edit on 13-11-2009 by Zerra]

[edit on 13-11-2009 by Zerra]

Humans have been eating meat since the dawn of time. Responsible (unlike the video) farming of animals is not a bad thing nor is eating meat. It is not the consumption of meat that is causing the problems it is the greedy, sadistic irresponsible farmer that is causing problems. But yes the abuse of animals is not exceptable any way you dice, slice or sugar coat it.

[edit on 13-11-2009 by Melissa101]

Humans have not been domesticating animals since the dawn of time, nor have they been eating large animals- before the ice age we would see us eating mostly vegetables and once in a while a fish or a fowl. Meat was not a main course in our meals-especially since meat went bad quickly. Just like the ape today, our diets were mostly vegetation and grain. So my point was, culture created our need for so much meat (the greed you speak of). Cows and other large animals aren't meant for us biologically (red meat is bad for us) After the ice age and the domestication of animals we started to find that animals were never meant to be confined-The first cold virus is the result of domestication, so is influenza. So yep, I do think our culture needs to 'adapt' again and find a new way. In the end, whether or not humans want to continue their lifestyle or not, something needs to give.

posted on Nov, 13 2009 @ 12:46 PM
If don't like that video; you may like this:





Research the animal liberation front. People are doing stuff about this, and you can help.

Lets see how angry hillbillies get at this.

posted on Nov, 13 2009 @ 12:50 PM

Originally posted by The_Zomar
If don't like that video; you may like this:





Research the animal liberation front. People are doing stuff about this, and you can help.

Lets see how angry hillbillies get at this.

very cool!

posted on Nov, 13 2009 @ 12:57 PM
reply to post by The_Zomar

Can't say I am an angry Hillbilly...but I will say I am concerned that your activities are illegal.

I respect your need to stand up, but I do fear for your future and those who side with you under criminal activities and intent.

Not saying your beliefs are wrong...but your solutions are very radical.

Becoming a criminal may not be the best way to make a change.

In jail, you have no say in how people treat your "food" or anything else.

I really hope you change to preach a legal way to make people come to your terms and idealism. If not...well...enjoy being shut down.

PS-I also hope you smarten up and learn just how "watched" these boards are, and just how "stupid" it is to advertise crime. Seriously...look out for your self and your cohorts. The animals may want you to remain free.

PSS- Also placing your illegal group in a thread that endorses "murdering humans" is about as stupid as giving the authorities a way to track you here. Just a word from one radical to another.

[edit on 13-11-2009 by Mr Mask]

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