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Do women have a human right to taxpayer paid abortions? I don't think so!

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posted on Nov, 11 2009 @ 12:06 PM
reply to post by doctornamtab

Abortions do contribute to society. Nearly all our problems stem from overpopulation. One less American resource hog is equal to reducing resource consumption by 6 mexican children, 13 Chinese children, 31 Indian children, 128 bangladeshi children and 370 Ehtiopian children.

Seems to me like one American abortion could benefit society quite a lot. I'd pay for that. I already pay for endless unjustified wars, bank bailouts and the highest prison population on the planet. Seems like one less American is one less person to financially support the spread of global misery.

According to your logic, what is wrong with war, since "nearly all our problems stem from overpopulation." I guess killing off a bunch of people in Iraq and Afghanistan "could benefit society quite a lot."

posted on Nov, 11 2009 @ 12:10 PM
reply to post by The_Zomar

Think about the 15 year old girls who made a mistake and got pregnant. They don't want to tell their strict or maybe even abusive parents to take them and pay hundreds to get an abortion not to mention the humility factor.

How about..

Every girl under 20 is entitled 1 free abortion payed by the taxpayers. If you end up getting pregnant again, no-one pays for your abortion. If your over 20 you can pay for your abortion.

Deal. But if she ever comes in for another abortion ever then she has get sterilized even if she pays for the second one. I mean how many times can you scream "Do Over!"?

posted on Nov, 11 2009 @ 12:13 PM

Originally posted by Kerry_Knight
reply to post by orangetom1999

You seem to have an extraordinary grasp of what I am going to call the battle beyond our physical realm and wouldn't be surprised if you were not a member of some underground Christian organization teaching the quasi spiritual political ramifications of the Noahide laws and where we are headed with all that.

I don't see the drama you do however, I see melodramatic dead people and I am not talking about the dead from the abortions. Im talking about you, talking to dead people. I hope my outrage is seen as outrage as it is the only reasonable response to what should have been expressed as outrage by more and many a long time before it got this far.

Impressive stuff you post Mr. Tom

[edit on 11-11-2009 by Kerry_Knight]


Wow..I am impressed that you know about the Noahide Laws. Most people including Christians do not have a clue.

However..I do not approve of the Noahide Laws for I am aware of what they are...a Shakedown. Another Entltlement program on the public purse. I use the term Shakedown to describe such programs. This abortion program on the public purse is just another Shakedown program to finance votes for politicians. In like manner so is the Health Care program..a very expensive shakedown program on the public purse...including moneys for abortions. They must keep this in there, even by stealth, to maintaing the womens votes..particularly in high electorical vote states.

My point which is confirmed by the emotional status of so many posters on this board as well as so many others on ATS..becomes those Living. I think you are calling this melodrama or melodramatic dead people.

Indeed...most of what I put up here is not affected by dead people...for most of whom my thread went righ over thier heads. My post therefore was not to dead people..but to thie Living...however few there are out here. Thus in the hopes that a seed has been planted and will take root in process of time.

Very sharp of you to recognize this pattern. Dead people indeed.

In my view...the politicians are also among the dead for selling, bartering, and trading the souls of the public in this manner.
No melodrama here..only putitng this out there to the Living to expand out their thinking process with new and different informations.

Once again..great that you know about the Noahide Laws. Most folks to whom I speak have never heard of them. No Noahide Laws or Shakedown for me.


[edit on 11-11-2009 by orangetom1999]

posted on Nov, 11 2009 @ 12:26 PM

Originally posted by HotSauce

According to your logic, what is wrong with war, since "nearly all our problems stem from overpopulation." I guess killing off a bunch of people in Iraq and Afghanistan "could benefit society quite a lot."

Hotsauce, we have not interacted yet. I have read you quite a bit. Most often, i would classify what you post as 'trolling", or at the very least "inflamatory". Not always, but often.

Having said that, i am surprised that you picked up on something so astute. Yes, the logic used by the previous poster is flawed. But it is the logic that is used by our world leaders daily. The people who feel that it is there job to manage our futures.

Why do you think we keep raising money at Relay for Life, but no cures are forthcoming?

posted on Nov, 11 2009 @ 12:32 PM
reply to post by bigfatfurrytexan

I prefer inflammatory, that just has a better ring to it.

Yes I think we should limit government as much as possible. Preferably they would not get involved in paying for our healthcare at all and they would stop subsizing the solution to people's and company's bad decisions.

posted on Nov, 11 2009 @ 12:45 PM

Originally posted by concernedcitizan
As an ex american citizen and taxpayer I am probably responsible for more deaths then I care to imagine. In my adopted country of The Netherlands we have gov. subsidized abortions up to the 24th week. I would rather pay for that then for imperial wars of conquest. And now I am off to the coffee bars.

When Hitler was running The Netherlands, before the imperial United States came in and freed it through war, were abortions funded by taxpayers?

[edit on 11-11-2009 by factbeforefiction]

posted on Nov, 11 2009 @ 12:56 PM
Geez...what a question...where to start.

I am for a woman's right to choose.

I do not beleive that fetus's in the first 12 weeks constitute "unborn Children"

I do not think that taxpayers money should pay for elective abortions.

I do think that in the case of serious health risks to the mother, incest, rape and other extenuating circumstances that an abortion should be covered under taxpayer funded healthcare as neccessary medical proceedures.

Just my opinion.

posted on Nov, 11 2009 @ 01:04 PM

Did they clone me and put me/you out there in the world to freak me/you out?

Okay, to everyone's illogical responses.

It's legal. Okay, let us have boob jobs, tummy tucks, tattoos, sex changes, etc etc etc FOR EVERYONE.

I would rather pay for an abortion than welfare. Okay, let's get rid of welfare than, not enact something to fix something to fix something to fix something ad infinitum.

It's my body. Good than pay for it your fracking self.

Over population. Good, let's start with you and your ilk, eugenics is a good thing right? Hell, let's wipe about 6.9 billion off the planet, that way elitists can stretch their arms.

One, I really love. Neocons won't fund abortions but they will let people die due to lack of healthcare. Oh give me a fracking break. Google the BILL OF NO RIGHTS and than get back to me. Do you happen to be a politician? You certainly know the maneuvers.

I could go on but, the public schools have rotted the brains out there and there is no arguing with closet elitists that know what is best for me and mine.

The central government was never meant to make any of these decisions.

3 current wars, banker and mega corp bailouts, Cap and Trade, CODEX ALI- MENTARIUS, Monsanto and other Mega agribusiness destroying food supply and you still cannot even get something as simple as this right.

We should not have to pay for something that we believe is MURDER. Get it?

posted on Nov, 11 2009 @ 01:42 PM

Originally posted by Freenrgy2

Originally posted by SearchLightsInc
Ahh yes, the hot headed abortion debate.
Lets start by breaking this down on a financial POV. Anyone who can afford it will likely pay for the abortion themselves - Considering that going private is quicker. So that leads me to believe that anyone using tax payers money to pay for an abortion is probably poor and on the bottom end of society.
It would cost more in tax payers money to pay for the raising of a child. Now, the kid will probably grow up in a rough area with no opportunity to move up the scale unless its parents are extremely dedicated which i feel is unlikely. By not paying for the abortion all your really giving this child a chance at is failing miserably. Your practically inflicting a worthless life upon it.
And you know what? Yeah, it is my body. If i get knocked up it is half my fault. If i cant pay, the NHS should, you know why? because i'm a 20 year old whose trying to make ends meet. Its nothing to do with how much responsibility i have. Why should i keep a child i don’t want only to let it grow while i resent it for stealing my life? I don’t want to be a parent, but i'm not going to avoid sex.

The only thing that really pisses me off is when people use abortion as a contraception. Now THATS wrong.

I have no empathy for people who shirk responsibility because they are trying to make ends meet. Your post shows me how emotionally immature you are (resent it for stealing my life?) and it would be far better for you to be sterilized until such time that you are in a position to financially afford a child and are mature enough not to resent it.

Indeed. I am incredibly immature for being realistic about life. If you could just take your head out the clouds for two mins you might actually see what i was getting at. I said in my post i didnt want children, so why would you suggest i get sterilised until i'm ready? I don’t remember being under any obligation to bring someone into the world and sacrifice my life to take care of theirs. The fact that you would even suggest sterilization is, in its own way, abortion of the ability to reproduce (even if it is reversible) Tell me, when did you become judge and jury?
At 20 years old, how mature do you honestly expect me to be? Cmon, lets hear your generalisation of what upstanding young adults sound and act like in the modern era.

I'll say it again, i'm against abortion being used as a form of contraceptive and i think if someone cannot afford an abortion the state should pay for it. Unless you would like to find abandoned babies?

posted on Nov, 11 2009 @ 01:56 PM
And for all the morons on here suggesting sterilization, why not take a read of this site so you can actually see how ridiculious and retarded your suggestion is.

A few quotes:

- Costs between $1,500 and $6,000
- Meant to be permanent.

Can Sterilization Be Reversed?
If you are thinking about reversal, sterilization may not be right for you. Reversals require complicated surgery and cost thousands of dollars. Even though tubes can sometimes be rejoined, there are no guarantees. For many women, reversals are not possible because there is not enough of their tubes left to reconnect.

Nationwide, the cost of sterilization ranges from $1,500 to $6,000. (The cost of vasectomy is much less.)

I say why not give all men a vasectomy until there ready to have kids? Oh no, its wrong to mess around with men's parts isn’t it? not quite as acceptable as a designer vagina.

posted on Nov, 11 2009 @ 02:00 PM
There's a lot of numbers flying around with no sources. I will provide statistic for those who are truly interested in knowing how many abortions are done and what the reasons were. This is USA based, and I believe outdated, 2000, but neverthe less, informative.

posted on Nov, 11 2009 @ 02:02 PM
reply to post by SearchLightsInc

If you're so willing to allow the government to have a say-so about abortions, then you might as well open the floodgated and have them tell you who should have children, at what time, how many and if you can at all.

Sterilization doesn't restrict your ability to go out and have a "good time" now does it? I would think anyone who is pro-choice would be ecstatic about such a thing.

And, after all, isn't this what it's really all The kid would just be an inconvience to you at this age. Go out, sew your oats, get crazy and not worry about it until you're able to raise a child (mentally and financially). But, just be ready to be subjected to the strong hand of the government who will decide if you're a viable candidate for reproduction or not.

And if I am going to be a party to taxpayer funded abortions, then I think I deserve the right to persuade Congress to regulate reproduction.

[edit on 11-11-2009 by Freenrgy2]

posted on Nov, 11 2009 @ 02:03 PM
reply to post by SearchLightsInc

Wow, missed my earlier post where I didn't just restrict this to women. Yes, easiest way would be to give boys a vasectomy at the onset of puberty.

Very moronic, isn't it.

posted on Nov, 11 2009 @ 02:04 PM
It is in our own best interests to prevent as many births as possible, among those who do not wish to become Mothers.
Either we fund the abortion or we Mandate Sterilization for them

Of course you could opt to provide welfare for the unwanted child for at least 18 years, possibly for his/her whole life.

So which option of the 3 do you chooze?

posted on Nov, 11 2009 @ 02:32 PM
reply to post by OhZone

None, forgot about the fourth choice didn't you.

Government needs to stay the frack out of our lives.


Kill as many of your children as you like. Just do not ask me to help pay for it!

Have as many children as you like. Just do not ask me to help.

As a single person, I pay the fracking highest tax rate for people that make the same amount of money. This is another WELFARE redistribution technique.

Take care of your fracking self and your family and keep the FRACK out of my wallet. Get it?

edit to add-FUND YOUR NWO eugenics programs, EMPIRE, depopulation regime and all of your other sick twisted programs on your own fracking dime. I am done, will no longer pay ANY tax I can avoid. Throw me in jail, I do not care any longer. At least in jail, some of the money to pay for this # will have to go to pay for my meals and bed.

[edit on 11/11/2009 by endisnighe]

posted on Nov, 11 2009 @ 02:37 PM
I think a woman has as much right to a tax-payer paid abortion as the government does to wage war around the globe w/o declaration from Congress, or as Congress has to commit our money to fund such an undeclared war. War kills, abortion kills, What's the difference. The same people are behind both. War brings national debt. Debt makes the bankers money. The bankers think they own us and have a right to say how many we should be.

posted on Nov, 11 2009 @ 02:44 PM
How much is it going to cost joe tax payer???Do the math eighteen or more years supporting a child no one wants.At joe tax payers cost...
No one wants to face the reality the system is broke.How many of you have adopted children???Is anyone willing to step up to the plate... Just what I thought pure BS as usual.Save the child as long as someone else pays for it.

We pay for aliens in this country,why not pay for abortions???All of you that are against abortion should then pay for raising these kids.

posted on Nov, 11 2009 @ 02:49 PM
reply to post by fishing

We pay for aliens in this country,why not pay for abortions???All of you that are against abortion should then pay for raising these kids.

Well here is a novel idea, why don't we force their parents to find a way to support them instead of the taxpayer. Maybe then they would learn a lesson about using birth control.

The kid should not have to die because his parents are irresponsible idiots. We should do the right thing as society and hold them accountable to live up to their newly created responsibility. I call it tough love.

And...We should not be paying for illegal aliens in this country we should be shipping them back to Mexico by the train load.

[edit on 11-11-2009 by HotSauce]

[edit on 11-11-2009 by HotSauce]

posted on Nov, 11 2009 @ 03:11 PM
How do you force parents that have no morals??Fine them?? Make them pay with my tax dollar.

Why should I have to pay for transportation for someone who came here illegally??I agree no illegal aliens including grays.

posted on Nov, 11 2009 @ 03:16 PM

Originally posted by HotSauce
reply to post by fishing

We pay for aliens in this country,why not pay for abortions???All of you that are against abortion should then pay for raising these kids.

Well here is a novel idea, why don't we force their parents to find a way to support them instead of the taxpayer. Maybe then they would learn a lesson about using birth control.

****Maybe you would like to make some suggestions as to how to do this.
What kind of job would you "make" a 14 or 15 YO girl do to make money to support herself and child?
And how about the other Half of this Child..his Father. Do you "make" him go to work too? And he may be 15 years old too.

The kid should not have to die because his parents are irresponsible idiots. We should do the right thing as society and hold them accountable to live up to their newly created responsibility. I call it tough love.

****OK with you that it is just at "tough" on the kid?
Why are you so-called Pro-lifers so hung up on Death? Most of you are Christians and believe that when you die you go to Heaven, so why do you want to keep the unborn from going to Heaven? Somehow you seem to Identify with that unborn as if it is You are are dieing. Why is that?

[edit on 11-11-2009 by HotSauce]

[edit on 11-11-2009 by HotSauce]

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