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Ft. Hood Shooter Tried To Contact Al-Qaeda

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posted on Nov, 9 2009 @ 10:12 AM

Originally posted by illuminatislave
He also allegedly was hanging out in strip clubs. I'm sure Allah would be proud

Please stop the lols... it's rude.

No, it was never alleged he was hanging out in strip clubs, that's against Islamic belief. However, temporarily marrying a woman for sex isn't. But that's a complicated law that I can't explain right now.
And you are probably referring to Atta in Las Vegas when he was visiting a financier and having prayer before the 911 incident. That's already been proven and documented.
If you don't know about Islam it's probably a good time to learn as these incidents will increase.

posted on Nov, 9 2009 @ 10:15 AM
The real question seems to be why was info flying out of this so quickly?

In finding that answer, we will be closer to what really happened, whether it is a islamic fundamentalist, or just a wacko.

I can't remember a single time where the media had this much information, had names, and all of that stuff SO quick. Yes, they said 3 to 4 shooters at one point, but it was all put to rest rather quickly, the main thing they fudged on was that he was dead, my guess is because it was in the script, but no one actually killed him like the suspected they would, even if they tried.

This couldve been a random person killing, but it doesn't smell like it.

They have all this info on him being close to an extremist. yet he wasn't being watched, and was going to be sent out soon? I don't want that guy fighting next to me honestly.

Why send a guy like this over there? Especially at his age? Isn't upper 30's a bit old in the army's mind?

I don't know much about any of the going ons in the military, but I would've thought a guy like this would've been taken care of by now internally.

That's why it smells funny to me.

posted on Nov, 9 2009 @ 10:16 AM
Trust me, I completely get what you're saying and am not saying you're wrong or that i'm right. I'm just saying that just because someone SAYS something, doesn't make it true. With all the actors of the world playing the parts of sick people. (Saw comes to mind...) Is it really that outlandish to think this Hamad guy just "might" be an agent becoming a scapegoat?

False flags happen because TPTB be use a touchy subject like this to influence our emotions to get a response much like this.

posted on Nov, 9 2009 @ 10:17 AM
Lapping it up, taking in what is fed to the MSM. The Al Qaeda boogieman strikes again.

We need a change in plans a new way to better identify domestic terrorist threats.

Maybe it is time to move them all into concentration camp sites?

Plan B?

posted on Nov, 9 2009 @ 10:20 AM
reply to post by TheAgentNineteen

You mention in your post that he tried to make contact with a SUSPECTED Terrorist group. Clear this up for me. If you suspect a group for being terrorists. Does that mean that they are terrorists?

He tried to make contact. Does that mean he did?

To many assumptions here. Based on suspicion.

posted on Nov, 9 2009 @ 10:22 AM

Originally posted by Genus
Is it really that outlandish to think this Hamad guy just "might" be an agent becoming a scapegoat?

If there weren't hundreds of other incidents like this than maybe. But this is common practice by muslims. Sure many Americans aren't aware of this because the MSM fluffs other stories. But I don't get my information from MSM.

posted on Nov, 9 2009 @ 10:23 AM

Originally posted by spy66
reply to post by TheAgentNineteen

You mention in your post that he tried to make contact with a SUSPECTED Terrorist group. Clear this up for me. If you suspect a group for being terrorists. Does that mean that they are terrorists?

He tried to make contact. Does that mean he did?

To many assumptions here. Based on suspicion.

Not based on suspicion, based on what intelligence can tell the public.
Do we think we are all entitled to LE info? I don't think so, we are just armchair quarterbacks who like to spew our opinions.

[edit on 9-11-2009 by JJay55]

posted on Nov, 9 2009 @ 10:37 AM
True, It sounds pretty bad but it's true that it happens a lot. I just can't stress enough to step back and asses this before jumping the gun.

The best False flags have to obviously look right, but I could go over there and do the same thing and be linked with Al Qaeda too, that doesn't mean I was. We just need more evidence unfortunately.

posted on Nov, 9 2009 @ 10:45 AM

Originally posted by JJay55

Originally posted by spy66
reply to post by TheAgentNineteen

You mention in your post that he tried to make contact with a SUSPECTED Terrorist group. Clear this up for me. If you suspect a group for being terrorists. Does that mean that they are terrorists?

He tried to make contact. Does that mean he did?

To many assumptions here. Based on suspicion.

Not based on suspicion, based on what intelligence can tell the public.
Do we think we are all entitled to LE info? I don't think so, we are just armchair quarterbacks who like to spew our opinions.

[edit on 9-11-2009 by JJay55]

Yes i guess we get the light version. But the Odd thing is. We in Norway get a totally different story served to us about this event then what Americans get.

The way we read about this event. Its angled totally different. We learn that this guy was harassed by his colleagues. There was even filed a harassment complaint against some of his colleagues. But the complaint was ignored by the senior officers. There was mentioned that just prior to the shooting. The guy got his car scratched up by some of his soldier colleagues. Just because he had a sticker that said God is great. In English.
And the story goes on.

Apart from that. We are told that Americans are furious and angry at Muslims and Islamic people because of their religion. Much like the things that are being said on ATS. Hate Hate Hate Muslims.

posted on Nov, 9 2009 @ 10:47 AM

Originally posted by Genus
True, It sounds pretty bad but it's true that it happens a lot. I just can't stress enough to step back and asses this before jumping the gun.

The best False flags have to obviously look right, but I could go over there and do the same thing and be linked with Al Qaeda too, that doesn't mean I was. We just need more evidence unfortunately.

Really, you could be linked to AQ? By what qualifications?
Again, please don't think muslims are victims because we don't understand them so they must be something.... else. They are muslims and they fight for their religion daily. It's not pretty. If you would like a list of over 15000 acts of Islamic terrorism since 911 you can find it here:

It is necessary for every American to understand what Islam is and the dangers we face. It isn't a time to doubt or put our heads in the sand.

posted on Nov, 9 2009 @ 11:05 AM

Originally posted by spy66
Apart from that. We are told that Americans are furious and angry at Muslims and Islamic people because of their religion. Much like the things that are being said on ATS. Hate Hate Hate Muslims.

And that's just what muslims would want you to think.
I will tell you that most Americans don't hate many things. But according to the Koran it is custom for muslims to think of non-muslims as inferior and in cases of non-muslims in Islamic territory they can be chastised with death.

posted on Nov, 9 2009 @ 11:06 AM
Ok obviously my point isn't getting across so i'll rephrase it. I'm NOT DEFENDING MUSLIM MURDERS. Yes I know they happen, they kill for religous reasons I know that. What i'm saying is just because the CIA and MSM SAY this and that about someone, doesn't make it true.

This particular case looks like an agent pretending to do what is common for who he is trying to portray, in order to be a scapegoat to further an agenda. He may well get rewarded right now in secret for a job well done. That happens a lot.

posted on Nov, 9 2009 @ 11:08 AM
like i said in the post that was started earlier on the exact same topic -

is that the same Al-Qaeda which most of this forum believes does not exist ?

well ?

posted on Nov, 9 2009 @ 11:12 AM

Originally posted by Genus
Ok obviously my point isn't getting across so i'll rephrase it. I'm NOT DEFENDING MUSLIM MURDERS. Yes I know they happen, they kill for religous reasons I know that. What i'm saying is just because the CIA and MSM SAY this and that about someone, doesn't make it true.

This particular case looks like an agent pretending to do what is common for who he is trying to portray, in order to be a scapegoat to further an agenda. He may well get rewarded right now in secret for a job well done. That happens a lot.

Give me one proven example of this happening alot. Your posts sound apologetic because you are blaming someone else for an act by a muslim in the name of Islam, which happens daily admittedly by muslims. So either you are speaking for muslims in a language they don't even speak or you have some information that no one knows about...

posted on Nov, 9 2009 @ 11:20 AM

Originally posted by boaby_phet
like i said in the post that was started earlier on the exact same topic -

is that the same Al-Qaeda which most of this forum believes does not exist ?

well ?

Many people will deny things that they don't understand. That's typical.

posted on Nov, 9 2009 @ 11:23 AM
Alright, let's play this game then. Does said killings happen? Yup, said so already, so I agree with you. I'm juru trying to defend American intelligence (a losing battle with some apparently.)

Why did the 9 11 FF work? Because the "attackers" were known for doing the very thing that happened, suicide bombing basically. Everyone jumped the gun and got PO'd. Now guess what? The evidence says we were wrong there.

I'm just trying to prevent a similar FF from happening again because people fell for it again.

posted on Nov, 9 2009 @ 11:28 AM
reply to post by JJay55

who's denying anything, i posed a question ... their accepted whenever needed, yet discounted as being a made up entity when needed!

it also seems conveniant that they (?) have manage to tie him in with 9/11 and al queda operitaves, while all the time being a phsycologist ?

im suprised they havent said his parents were from afganistan, iran or palestine yet!

posted on Nov, 9 2009 @ 11:35 AM
No need to argue here guys or try to make a point. JJay knows it all


posted on Nov, 9 2009 @ 11:49 AM

Originally posted by boaby_phet
reply to post by JJay55

who's denying anything, i posed a question ... their accepted whenever needed, yet discounted as being a made up entity when needed!

it also seems conveniant that they (?) have manage to tie him in with 9/11 and al queda operitaves, while all the time being a phsycologist ?

im suprised they havent said his parents were from afganistan, iran or palestine yet!

So because you don't know that information you think no one does? I don't get it.

There is also a problem with too many AQ and not enough agents. Liek the muslim population expanding so is the crime base. The US agencies are overwhelmed, outsmarted, and can't handle every single AQ member that is going to go suicidal at any moment. We try to keep a grip on it. But there will be those incidents that slip through the cracks. That's why it's important to be prepared to protect yourself and not rely on the government to tell you to evacuate the twin towers because there's a plane flying into it. Or there's a muslim in your work place who has been talking about Islam and evil America.

posted on Nov, 9 2009 @ 11:58 AM
reply to post by JJay55

what exactly are you getting at ? that you have a boner for al queda? as thats all i seem to make of it ... ive even looked through your prev posts and they all seem to be round this same fringe islamic issue?

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