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Ft. Hood Shooter Tried To Contact Al-Qaeda

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posted on Nov, 10 2009 @ 11:41 PM
reply to post by Night Watchman

Sorry friend, media manipulation nor peer pressure works when people are able to draw clear factual distinctions.

The 19 aledged Saudi Hijackers were not Taliban but alleged to be El Queda operatives. Common criminals from a privately not governmently funded network of rogue operators, extremists, and religious fundamentalists.

They wore no uniforms, were not born or raised in Afghanistan. The Afghanistan Taliban did not fund or plan the attacks.

When the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor they did so in clearly marked Japanese Airplanes followed shortly after within hours by an official Declaration of War delivered by the Japanese Embassador to the United States to the Secretary of State of the United States dated and timed before the attack on Pearl Harbor delivered an hour after the attack began though. A day that shall live in infamy because of the sneaky treachery.

The alleged funders for the alledged Al Queda conspirators came from Alleged Saudi Arabian sources.

In other words the Talbian not the Afghani People played no role in funding, or planning or carrying out the attacks as a people or a government or even private individuals.

Likewise Iraq did not have the alleged Weapons of Mass destruction it was widely reported to have that has led to a scandall where congress and the Attorney General of the United States are acussing the CIA and Administration officials of deliberately falsifying the intelligence to make an eroneous case for a war that like the one in Afghanistan has caused tens of thousands of innocent Iraqis their lives, their homes, their families, their limbs, and their livelihoods. None of which ever attacked the United States non of which ever paid anyone to attack the United States none of which ever planned to attack the United States.

19 alleged criminals operating as stateless criminals carrying out a crime that private stateless individuals paid for does not make a case for war it makes a case for the courts. Courts that did not try the case even in absentia because there is no evidence to prove the governments story which was a story made just to have a pretext to sell the American people on a thinly veiled religous crusade to kill Muslims to seek revenge for the 9-11 attacks on innocent people.

Meanwhile the Military Industrial Complex has made a fortune, placed us heavily in debt to foreign nations borrowing to pay for this war, built a pipe line for Royal Dutch Shell across Afganistan to tranship oil and gas out of the old Soviet Union, sold some of the richest copper reserves in the world to China, and increased the Heroin and opium production 100 fold, without catching Osama Bin Laden or destroying the Taliban but simply installed a puppet regime beholden to the U.S. and western interests that gained it's reelection through wide spread voter fraud recently that the Afghani people don't even support.

Thousands upon thousands of innocent lives lost and ruined over 19 criminals, are you really that self absorbed in your consumer lifestyle and way of life you have no empathy for the wide spread death and destruction that befalls innocent people every day because you would rather kill innocent people than try alleged criminals in a court system that actually works perfectly fine?

So once again one alleged criminal who has more than ample reason to go postal kills Americans because of our corrupt foreign policy and our brainwashed complacent citizenry and who do you want to bomb this time for the alleged homicidal actions of one man? Iran, Syria? Just as long as they are Muslim, so you can cry later when Muslims get tired of it?

Do you realize our corrupt congress is working on a law to put any American who doesn't buy health insurance in jail and you want to Muslim Bash?

Good grief, we deserve everything that happens to us at this point because American citizens are asleep in the back seat of a car that the Government is driving straight to hell.

The solution at this point is not killing more of the world's 1.6 billion Muslims it's appologizing for our screwed up foreign policy and making restitution.

posted on Nov, 11 2009 @ 04:05 PM

Originally posted by ProtoplasmicTraveler

So once again one alleged criminal who has more than ample reason to go postal kills Americans because of our corrupt foreign policy and our brainwashed complacent citizenry and who do you want to bomb this time for the alleged homicidal actions of one man? Iran, Syria? Just as long as they are Muslim, so you can cry later when Muslims get tired of it?

So you believe this alleged shooter was justified in murdering his fellow service people? Seriously? I guess we now know what kind of person you are. Thank you for your honesty.

As for the rest of the gibberish in your post, please point out where I ever advocated bombing any country in response to this mass murder? You can't of course which is further proof of your intellectual dishonesty.

You know, you could save us all a lot of time if you removed the nonsensical and irrelevant portions of your posts. That would likely leave us with but a line or two of utter rubbish to wade through.

posted on Nov, 12 2009 @ 10:59 AM

Originally posted by Night Watchman

Originally posted by ProtoplasmicTraveler

So once again one alleged criminal who has more than ample reason to go postal kills Americans because of our corrupt foreign policy and our brainwashed complacent citizenry and who do you want to bomb this time for the alleged homicidal actions of one man? Iran, Syria? Just as long as they are Muslim, so you can cry later when Muslims get tired of it?

So you believe this alleged shooter was justified in murdering his fellow service people? Seriously? I guess we now know what kind of person you are. Thank you for your honesty.

As for the rest of the gibberish in your post, please point out where I ever advocated bombing any country in response to this mass murder? You can't of course which is further proof of your intellectual dishonesty.

You know, you could save us all a lot of time if you removed the nonsensical and irrelevant portions of your posts. That would likely leave us with but a line or two of utter rubbish to wade through.

What I believe is a Constitutional Process assesses guilt and punishment not Internet Bloggers.

As far as my posts that you are being critical of they are laced with pertinent information that addressed each and every one of your contentions.

The reality is they speak for themselves and that you now have chosen to attack them in general as well as me just suggests that you can't actually overcome through a cordial debate my rebuttals to what you have previously tried to assert and had rebutted.

The fact of the matter is that here in the United States no one is guilty of anything no matter how horrific a crime until a Court of Law and a Jury of one's Peers presided over by a fair and unbiased Judge says so.

That you think Americans who value that process are some hoe deficient in their duties as Americans is as tragically flawed as one could ever be.

The Constitution is the Constitution, and our values shouldn't go out the window with a rush to let emotion instead of fact and prudence rule the day.

It's why we are embroiled in two morally and financially bankrupting wars and do through our lopsided and faulty foreign policy potentially invite blowback from the victims of it and those who see the true injustices in it.

We can learn from our mistakes or keep trying to perpetuate them through a Might Makes Right mentality that not only is not right but invites a whole hose of subsequent problems caused by such foolish thinking.

Wisdom isn't an easy thing to acquire friend, it requires wanting to know the truth, knowing the truth and having the true courage to face the truce.

Some people imagine courage is dropping a laser and computer guided smart bomb on the home of innocent men, women and children who have never attacked America in any way, shape or form.

Wise people know the greatest courage is being able to publicly admit "I was wrong".

America has lost that courage, along with it's morality and conscious.

That is what creates a terrorism problem.

This incident in Ft. Hood though has not led to one charge being filed against the alleged gunman as of today a whole week later.

That alone is very telling, along with all the initial conflicting media reporters on multiple shooters in multiple locations.

Wise people wait for the dust to settle and for all the facts to be revealed before passing judgment.

Why anyone should or would be criticized for doing just that when it is at the heart of our very Constitutional Process of Justice is beyond me friend.

[edit on 12/11/09 by ProtoplasmicTraveler]

posted on Nov, 12 2009 @ 01:07 PM
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

A couple issues with your last post.

They did file 13 pre-meditated murder charges against the "alleged" shooter today.

In Louisiana, napoleonic law is the base, so you can be considered guilty there until proven innocent. So, it's not the entire U.S. where it is supposed to be the other way around.

Ever looked at the concept of paragraphs? Might (I said might) make reading your posts less tedious.

posted on Nov, 12 2009 @ 01:19 PM
"Hasan had complained privately to colleagues that he was harassed for his religion and that he wanted to get out of the Army. But there is no record of Hasan filing a complaint with his chain of command regarding any harassment he may have suffered for being Muslim or any record of him formally seeking release from the military, the officials told the AP."

So if he didn't go on record with his complaints then he could very well have been working with AQ instruction as that is one of their plays in the playbook.

posted on Nov, 12 2009 @ 03:34 PM

Originally posted by ProtoplasmicTraveler

What I believe is a Constitutional Process assesses guilt and punishment not Internet Bloggers.

[edit on 12/11/09 by ProtoplasmicTraveler]

No you wrote the following:

So once again one alleged criminal who has more than ample reason to go postal

Those are your words. You stated yourself that the shooter had ample reason to kill innocent men and women; including a pregnant women and her baby as well as a Grandmother.

You sympathize with a terrorist, murdering pig. I guess as long as they aren't your grandmother, mom, husband, dad etc, you are more interested in understanding why this religious fanatic murdered these innocents in the name of his God and Religion than mourning the loss of life.

I'm done with you. You aren't worth the time it takes to type a response.

posted on Nov, 12 2009 @ 04:00 PM
reply to post by Night Watchman

Once again they key word being an alleged criminal.

How many dead grandmothers and babies are in Afghanistan and Iraq right now because of war mongering ignorant people?

I guess they don't matter, which is why you happily pay out those tax dollars to the Military Industrial Complex.

They are guilty of what? Those grandmothers and babies? The tens upon tens of thousands of them?

Can't answer that can you my friend.

You are too busy rushing to convict someone who stands accused of a crime who for all you know was driven insane by the wars you gladly fund and glorify.

I have no doubt in my mind you wish to be done with a whole lot of people!

Basically anyone who doesn't agree with you.

These insane foreign wars of needless agression come with a cost.

If this had happened to someone in my family I would put the blame right where it belongs, our Government and the Military Industrial Complex that endagers us all to make a buck!

posted on Nov, 14 2009 @ 08:42 AM
"The Iranian Supreme Leader's representative in Britain has told Muslim servicemen and women to quit the Armed Forces, saying that their involvement in the Afghanistan and Iraq wars is forbidden by Islam.
The cleric, personally appointed by Iran's Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, to be his special envoy to the UK, also urged Muslims to defeat the opposition to the Iranian regime and keep the 30-year-old Islamic Republic alive."

So let's connect the dot. Khamenei tells muslims to quit the Armed Forces of anyone other then Islam. Then there is an incident in Ft Hood. And muslims will follow Sharia Law and their leaders before they follow US law so we are at risk of other muslims committing acts like Ft Hood at any moment. Be prepared. Know the signs. Speak out.

[edit on 14-11-2009 by JJay55]

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