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.... and so the old gods stir

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posted on Nov, 10 2009 @ 06:04 PM
reply to post by stanlee

I thought the Eyptian God of Gods was Ra?

posted on Nov, 10 2009 @ 06:13 PM
reply to post by wdkirk

As i said earlier, Atum was the original creator, but Ra later replaced him as the creator of the world. He was just a sun-god who become more popular in the sixth or fifth Egyptian dynasty.

[edit on 10/11/2009 by serbsta]

posted on Nov, 10 2009 @ 06:30 PM

Originally posted by wdkirk
reply to post by stanlee

I thought the Eyptian God of Gods was Ra?

ra was the sun god and king/father of the rest. nu was above him

posted on Nov, 10 2009 @ 06:34 PM
reply to post by serbsta

but note as well, a creator god isnt always the main one. and Im not 100% positive but I think Atum may be Nu as well.

posted on Nov, 10 2009 @ 06:36 PM

Originally posted by stanlee
reply to post by serbsta

but note as well, a creator god isnt always the main one. and Im not 100% positive but I think Atum may be Nu as well.

I don't think so, but that's just my opinion. I think its quite clear that Atum emerged from Nu (water abyss) and became the first sun god and creator.

posted on Nov, 10 2009 @ 06:40 PM

Originally posted by serbsta

Originally posted by stanlee
reply to post by serbsta

but note as well, a creator god isnt always the main one. and Im not 100% positive but I think Atum may be Nu as well.

I don't think so, but that's just my opinion. I think its quite clear that Atum emerged from Nu (water abyss) and became the first sun god and creator.
which i wont discount either, see this is what sucks about history. no one know for certain

posted on Nov, 10 2009 @ 06:53 PM
reply to post by serbsta

yes.. back to enki/enlil. it is said in the GVSU
that Enlil is the son of Enki. and
Nammu, the sea, "the mother, who gave birth to heaven and earth" (Kramer, Sumerian Mythology 39)/ so is it possible the Anu is a mix up of Nammu?

posted on Nov, 10 2009 @ 07:08 PM
Neeeevermind.. I found it. you are correct. here. "Nammu, who is either the sea or the goddess of the riverbed, goes to her son Enki, who is asleep in the deep (the Apsu) and entreats him to rise from his bed and "fashion servants of the gods" (Kramer, History Begins 109). Enki, who after all is the god of wisdom, thinks of the germinating powers of the clay and water of the abyss, and he tells Nammu to have some womb-goddesses pinch off this clay and have some "princely fashioners" thicken it, so she can mold it or give birth to it: " this is nice because it still doesnt alter my hypothesis

posted on Nov, 10 2009 @ 08:22 PM
If you are still trying to find connections, may I recommend these?

Four Bacab

The Mayans, although having numerous gods, held one high above all; Hunab-Ku, meaning Holy One, "the one living god, the greatest of gods".

He had a son by the name of Hun-Ytzamma (also known as Itzamna), who rose from the sea to settle in the land of these people. Ytzamma was able to raise the dead and cure the sick; in different South American cultures, he was also known as Zamna, the bringer of civilization. Eventually, after many generations, Itzamna died, and was buried near the sea from where he came.

Now, Ytzamma was of a race/group of beings known as the Bacab, of which there were a total of 4. The High God Hunab-Ku had placed his four children in the four corners of the globe, at different times.

In Sumeria, the prophet known as Zoroaster tried to spread the word of a one god; Zoroaster was of a virgin birth, his mother being impregnated by a beam of light from the heavens.

In Jerusalem, Jesus of Nazareth, too, brought the word of a One God; he too was of a virgin birth.

In Mayan texts, Hun-Ytzamma was the son of this High God (as was Jesus), and he, too, was of a virgin birth. Also, it must be known, that Ytzamma was also scourged, crowned with thorns, hung on a cross (with rope), died, and was reborn 3 days later. I don't know how Zoroaster died... from what I gathered, he left the world vowing to return in the end.

Battle.....of the GODS?!

1. There is a High Father. He is the one who created the universe and the "younger gods" (or angels), whether by dreams or intentional.

2. This High God, or the most powerful of the younger gods, fought and slew a Great Dragon, creating parts of the universe. In Hebrew, the Dragon was Rahab, in Sumer it was Tiamat.

3. Whether to a civil war or a natural division, the young gods fought with either each other, or the gods before them. Norse gods versus Frost Giants, Greek gods versus Titans. Hebrew angels (twice), once because of mortal women, and second with the Fall.

4. The defeated gods swore to return, to reclaim their positions.

With regards to why structures share similar shape / design... I would pose that perhaps it is simply due to ease of construction, and that a pyramid is less likely to topple as a cube would. But, then again, my path doesn't involve the temples as so much as those that dwelt within.

edit: link error

[edit on 2009/11/10 by The Soothsayer]

posted on Nov, 10 2009 @ 11:24 PM
reply to post by stanlee

your historical facts are true especially about the Sumerian texts as the book that we call the bible was plagiarized from it all they did was change the names and continue to write in the history of the Jewish people proclaiming to the world that they are the chosen people of god ,i guess this makes the rest of us unclean by their standards..
Jesus or jesu or jevosis actually means to give to us the power -which by the way is money -FALSE profits [church as they were not in the church as we were all told they are the church -check history as to their false power ,end of the Templar ,sacking Jerusalem ,crusades and the list is endless.]
think on it everyone loves a hero ,but all heroes we know are dead so what is wrong here.and he died for what or is this also a lie ,why is it his family showed up in France ,Britain and elsewhere after he supposedly died on the cross.where ever his family was a war broke out -someone is hunting them down like curs to this day.....WHY?
up until 1939 edition of the christian family bibles there were 9 letters above the Christs head on the cross,not the deadly 4 that the church changed it to when i was younger. they stood up in front of the world and told us that the new found 4 was the truth and that the original 9 was a lie . i guess that they never understood the words-CHANGE NOT SO MUCH AS 1 word in this book nor were they to erase anything in it . false profits .




it is written in the hand of a child check it out.

posted on Nov, 10 2009 @ 11:31 PM
reply to post by ntech

i would love to get my hands on a copy of that bible you saw concerning the supernatural and the esoteric teachings .i know there is only a small mentioning of them left ,but they are mentioned within it -Jacobs ladder -dream time are the actual teachings of his within and can you get a copy of it in English-it would be a most interesting read .

posted on Nov, 11 2009 @ 03:22 AM

Originally posted by picrat
reply to post by stanlee




it is written in the hand of a child check it out.

Brian Peer?

Jesus' real name was Brian???

posted on Nov, 11 2009 @ 05:01 AM

Originally posted by stanlee
reply to post by cosmicpixie

which brings in the question "Why do I believe the old gods are stirring/returning. Well SO FAR they appear in times of great oppression, defeat the over seers of the time, and give knowledge, peace, and harsh law. We are in times of great oppression, and with all the strange things we see in the skies globally (IMO) they may be "casing the joint. see?"

Oh I absolutely agree they are planning a very open return - the kind of return where not a soul on the planet can deny any longer that they exist. For maximum impact and passive response though I think they are deliberately timing this global event to tie in with so called "prophecy" written down in the Bible and other texts which have similar expectations. That way they capture the attention of all the religious people - and there are about 3 -4 billion of them - who are all awaiting the return of "God" who is not expected to arrive until a very obvious attempt is being made by Earthly powers to counterfeit some "divine" presence by staging some fake second coming for example and making moves to create a "New World Order". Everything that's going on seems to be exactly what the religious folk are expecting. It's posible the Earthly PTB are working IN TANDEM with the creator ETs to make such things come to pass, ie the false second coming, the attempts to create a New World Order etc have all been planned because these feed into the expectations of the religious masses. This would perhaps mean that when "God" and co return, a huge majority would accept them and many previous non-believers would "convert", making for less disruption on planet Earth as humans acclimatize to "the visitors"..........?

Then again, perhaps the PTB are well aware there is a plan for the ETs to openly return and reclaim rule of Earth openly. Most of the ancient texts speak of the ET race being divided into opposing factions who both want what they consider "theirs". The ruling powers on Earth may be working in tandem specifically with the original REBEL faction of these ETs.... I could then imagine a scenario whereby the PTB and rebel ETs create a "second coming " of sorts complete with ships in the sky all over the world , set about integrating on Earth then a couple of years later "break it to us" that there is some ET enemy faction out there who plan to try and take us over and we must all band together to fight them. The Earthlings would use their back engineered craft to fight alongside the rebel faction of ETs in an effort to vanquish the "enemy". In this scenario is is not a "given" that the so called "good" side would win as prophecy assures its readers. And it would almost guarantee the mother of all wars, fought in our skies, resulting in hundreds of millions dead who were caught in the crossfire.

I think it may well boil down to one of these possibilities - either the PTB are working in tandem with the rebel ETs and a very real war is therefore STILL going on even after all of these millenia OR the PTB are working in tandem with the "Good guys" (who are perhaps not SO good after all) but doing "bad things" in order to feed into expectations of the masses who are expecting all sorts of crap to hit the fan prior to "God's return".

If we accept some ET race of master genetecists created us millenia ago then the "greys" who are often linked to the "Nordics" may be the so called "good guys" who are doing what they can to recreate the original designer race who existed on Earth peacefully prior to being "infected" by random DNA their bodies were ill equipped to positively cope with. The original design may have been such that it was against the best interests of the created ones to have the kind of total freedom that was introduced into the gene pool by the rebel faction. We may agree that the designers did an ethically questionable thing to start with by creating a designer race, but by the same token it could also be agreed that something that is designed for one kind of purpose does not function as well when altered - that by the rebel ETs tinkering with the design, even if the intentions were altruistic, did the designer race no favours as quite obviously an appalling amount of defects and disadvantages were subsequently introduced into the gene pool which is probably one of the main reasons why something is so terribly wrong with the human race and the world as a whole.

The designers therefore may be trying to "fix" what went wrong. They upped the ante when we developed the capacity for weapons of mass destruction which interestinly coincided with the first steps in understanding the human genome. The designers were probably freaking out by then of what these two massive advances would mean (a) for the survival of the human species and (b) for other races in the universe. How WE go about using or not using weapons and how WE go about using genetic engineering knowledge may be miles apart from how the original designers utilized either for all we know. THEY for example, millenia ago may have only used weapons and enaged in wars in extreme circumstances unlike humans who are fairlt trigger-happy as a species. And likwise THEY may have utilized genetic engineering for more altruistic purposes whereas WE would likely err alot more on the "dark side" and perhaps eventually create some sort of designer militia that would go out into the universe domineering other species for puposes that may be more nefarious. These prospects could be part of why the presence of ETs here on Earth began to grow and why the programme of the greys began in earnest. Perhaps up until then we had been "allowed" to forge our own way on this planet to some degree to "see how we go" but it became obvious we were an extreme danger to ourselves and others because the rebel ET action destablized our genome long ago, creating a species that has ever since been imbalanced and reckless in myriad ways.

You could imagine a similar thing occuring on Earth in 150 years time - a genetically enhanced , peacable race of "new humans" is developed and placed on a new terraformed world as some sort of experiment to better the human race. Their genome is programmed so that they have zero drive to commit any crimes or do any "evil". Many humans would object to this kind of tampering of the genome and many would also perhaps be jealous of the improvements and enhancements these new humans enjoyed, they would feel threatened by the changes and some extremists may think it was outright wrong and set about "liberating" the new humans , thinking they will be doing them a big favour. It would also be extremely likely that there were laws forbidding certain interractions with this "genetic elite" and probably for good reasons . The introduction of rogue DNA through any interbreding between the genetic elite and "normal" humans could have devastating consequences for the future development and evolution of the new humans........

posted on Nov, 11 2009 @ 11:42 AM
reply to post by stanlee

I'm not that great with the ancient culture's especially the gods. But I've learned a great deal with your post. But what I cant place is what correlates this post with the post I did About chandryaan 1?

posted on Nov, 11 2009 @ 08:55 PM

Originally posted by 0bserver1
reply to post by stanlee

I'm not that great with the ancient culture's especially the gods. But I've learned a great deal with your post. But what I cant place is what correlates this post with the post I did About chandryaan 1?

First.. dont take this tiny bit of skimming as a good example of history. I find the further I do into this with actual history there is FAAAR more than I thought I "knew?" even as Serpsta pointed out with the SUmerians alone. These new findings do not place my theory in jeopardy, infact they reinforce the entire thing.. this will be big when its done.. (well to a lil' fella like meself) second... I dont think I mentioned anything about the satellites in orbit. that is a qood question... unless chandraaya 1 found something on the moon. You will have to forgive me, I've beem emersing myself in study as of late, so I dont remember much about news

posted on Nov, 11 2009 @ 08:58 PM
reply to post by cosmicpixie

well miss, if you want my x-files theory about what has been going on, this illuminati bullocks, and the alleged doing away with 1/3 of the population crap.. watch this....

I think the PTB have been in contact with the old "gods" and they were told to maintain the over population here on earth, or they will do it for them. WHy is this a big deal? the PTB wont be the PTB when they come back. I say let them come. We could use a reduction of a few worthless morons out there.

posted on Nov, 11 2009 @ 10:18 PM
You might want to check out this site, it might offer you some interesting reading for your research, although i find it does delve into areas i don't associate with Sumer at times.

Its the website of E. Vegh (undo on ATS).

Also, here's a great dictionary on Sumerian mythology for any members who want to check it out, this is a very old link.

posted on Nov, 12 2009 @ 04:59 AM

Originally posted by nik1halo
S&F for this thread!

This is something that I have often thought about since I was a teenager. It seems perfectly feasable to me that the Gods were ETs and that for some reason we may never understand, they either ruled over and enslaved us, or guided and protected us. I have always found this more convincing than the whole God being an invisible, yet all powerful and all knowing deity. There were too many holes in that story for me (I actually got kicked out of Sunday School for asking too many awkward questions as a kid, lol).

Either way, I don't know for sure whether this is true or not, so I'm going to keep an open mind, but it's definitely the way I've been leaning for many years now.

I'm with you.
I felt the same way as a kid.
When I was reading the stuff about the ancient gods of old, Zeus and his crew, Odin and so on I thought 'That makes sense'. It felt true as a youngster.
When I asked my folks about it I was told they didn't exist or were devils. Only God exists and JC.
I thought 'okay, but what about those that were before', those that the Greeks and Sumerians spoke of?
Were all the supposed dieties and gods/goddesses somehow so irrevalent today? Of course not.

My point is that people wouldn't tell these story's and 'myths' if there wasn't something to go on from them in the first place. You don't create nothing out of nothing. Somethings got to be a catalyst.
I don't buy into this 'oh people weren't as intelligent or wise back then and just invented it themselves as x y z worship of the sun etc'
I think that's one of the biggest con jobs going.

We're very much the same as our ancestors were tens of thousands of years ago. Only to record what you saw and pass it on was a lot harder. Writing was only for those who had the resources and education to study and learn it.
Usually that tended to be the elites forte.

That's way oral history is important. It keeps alive what the average joe would of seen and heard about.

I personally feel that the mess humanity has gotten into is beyond the pale and without outside help it's going to get a lot more miserable and unfair for the good folks.
Limited resources and overpopulation is what I would call a veritable prison planet.

posted on Nov, 13 2009 @ 08:03 PM
well so far, the theory that we were created by aliens as an experiment is blown out the window. (IMO) lets just hypothesise.... rather speculate, and say the Sumerians were correct.. first of all, why the kick on sumerians? no this isnt just about them, they are however whom the research falls upon. Im trying to go in order of age. what civilisation started when, etc. Next up is Africa based off some of the things I have come across in the Sumerian, working up to Northern Africa/egypt, then we swim over to South America, back to northern Europe, to North America (possibly)
then to Rome and Greece, and finally to Western Europe. (England, Germany, Ireland, Scotland, etc.) Then I hope to find a time line between Anunnaki rule and the creation of the Book of Genesis. Because THEN will we get a true understanding of what happened when, creation, etc, and possibly something shown as very strong evidence that we were in fact created as.... back to original point. Workers.
Hypothetically saying that the Sumerians were the first humans to colonise, make towns, villages, ethics, cities, etc, ergo all facets of civilisation, If their hierarchy and dogma are true.. we were not created as slaves, experiments, or out of boredom, but as workers. So far, I have come to this conclusion. There is really nothing to fear from these so-called Anunnaki, even if the 2012 thing is real. They seem to be no more evil than Human beings. I dont really know where people are getting all this bullocks about lizard people from Nibiru, but I wish that sort of fear mongering would stop! These things, if real, created us, to work. thats it. we were allowed to have our daily lives, our relationships, and all that, they just wanted gold. (for some reason, of all the precious metals, we too want gold at the top.... why is that? why is it worth more than say.. silver to us, why does Platinum and Titanium not back the dollar almighty?) anyway, Im not sure what I will find as my understanding broadens and changes daily. I just wanted to show a possible relationship between the gods of old, and show that maybe they are in fact coming to pay us a visit again, or perhaps even, have been. lol.
I swear im not insane.

posted on Nov, 13 2009 @ 08:29 PM
Checkout the Link in my Sig to Read my Take on the Old Gods , It is the Truth about Our History

The Old Gods of our Ancient Myths were REAL

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