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At Least 7 Dead, 12 Wounded in Shooting at Ft. Hood in Texas

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posted on Nov, 8 2009 @ 07:06 AM
reply to post by woodwytch

I just saw another story where they state they do not know if he is able to communicate yet. He could still be heavily sedated or what have you.

I just saw this too:

"Had this occurred under the previous administration or any other previous administration, the natural position would have been America is under attack," he said. "It would have been a different posture. Now because a strategic decision has been made to disengage, our efforts will be suffering. They're not going to coin it as terrorism."

Scheuer said law enforcement officials have been loathe to rule the shooting an act of terrorism because "they're politically correct."

"Over the last 24 hours it appears this major was a very devout Muslim, and his pending deployment overseas put him in a position where he was going to be assisting in killing other Muslims," he said. "And that's a very big decision for a Muslim to do, not only killing another Muslim but killing on behalf of an infidel or a Christian."

But Tobias remained skeptical.

"To me, it looks more like the other shootings where one person seems mentally deranged," he said, adding that the rampage reminded him of the Virginia Tech shootings in 2007.

This is what JJay and I have been saying about the PC issue.

The end of the artcile about the deranged thing, thats going to remain the consistant story because we don't wish to offend Muslims.

I wonder how many at the VTech shooting were yelling Alluha Ackbar?


posted on Nov, 8 2009 @ 07:24 AM

Originally posted by JJay55
reply to post by woodwytch

I'm simply stating facts about Islam. The show was started by those who are opposing me and making this about racism. Name them instead of me. They are agent provacateurs and get some sick joy of picking on the girl. Very typical characteristic of CAIR. Thanks.

I educate in crisis management and counter terrorism. This incident falls directly into that catagory. Once we understand that this was a typical attack by a muslim carrying out his mission of fard ayn then we can move on to healing. There should be no question that Islam is fulfilling their plan and how it is playing out. This incident is only a small portion. It should be a wake up call for every American to wake up and become educated about 1. the motivation 2. the means 3. the results.

Good luck to all. Be safe.

If you want to play with the boys, as a male and a feminist, I'm happy to accommodate you.
In the process of becoming a enlightened educator, did they teach to question the concept of Manifest Destiny within your national psyche?
Akin to the divine right of kings; showing contempt and aggression against all other than American Christendom, forcing upon others, your way or the highway to hell.
Did you spend much time studying the military action taken against one nation or another every single year except about 2 out of the last 100+ by USA for "national interests".
Willing to charge as 'evil' the whole of Islam on the actions of a few don't you see any hypocrisy in not judging Americans as a whole in exactly the same way??
Supporting totalitarian and oppressive regimes is not a rare phenomenon for USA; 9/11 is also the anniversary of the death of Chile's Salvitore Alliende, as you guys propped up that other "evil" guy... Pinochet.

Oliver North (Iran/Contra affair) is back on the scene you know; advising your GOP on foreign affairs. His tactics are not unique within America; but you are a very 'forgiving' nation when it comes to people like him. It seems that some dirt is just dandy for some extreme nationalist, and it started long before USA embraced all those NAZIs after WWII in Operation Paperclip to set up your OSI, CIA, p2og, and even NASSA.

Has it ever even occurred to you that some attacks are coming from aggrieved regional indigenous autonomy movements, who are no more motivated by religion than are the Christian Soldiers in your Armed Forces who scream out to their God in their final death throws.

Peace be with you too.

posted on Nov, 8 2009 @ 07:30 AM
reply to post by Libertygal

VT killer, Cho Seung Hui, Chinese muslim. Hui is a word used to designate the devout Muslims of China. Since China has no state religion, it recognizes only ethnicities and their respective provinces. Hui is an Islamic ethnic group and similarly chinese speaking peoples surnames typically indicate family origin based in province and Muslims traditionally to indicate religion. Cho had two muslim neighbor in his dorm suite. But yes, the media, intelligenta and the typical American remained politically correct on this one.
What are we afraid of? Why can't we call a spade a spade? Are we going to offend someone? Meanwhile there will be shooting incidents in barracks, malls, schools, the Beltway, and other common public locations until we are all terrorized.
Great, welcome to the Caliphate.

[edit on 8-11-2009 by JJay55]

posted on Nov, 8 2009 @ 07:33 AM
reply to post by phoneyid

Yeah, they come out of the woodwork with backhanded veiled threats. Typical.
Peace be with you too.

posted on Nov, 8 2009 @ 07:43 AM

Originally posted by JJay55
reply to post by phoneyid

Yeah, they come out of the woodwork with backhanded veiled threats. Typical.
Peace be with you too.

I'm gob struck (like jaw dropping) that you could possibly view that as a "veiled threat".. sarcasm, ie not to be expected for a war like nation.
Backhanded are phrases like "spreading democracy"... but then you can't see that if raised on a diet of "manifest destiny".

posted on Nov, 8 2009 @ 07:46 AM
Ah it took me a while, but I found the article again. I mistakenly said it was his Imam in another post, so here is the actual text:

In the months leading to Thursday's shooting spree that left 13 people dead and 29 others wounded, Hasan raised eyebrows with comments that the war on terror was "a war on Islam" and wrestled with what to tell fellow Muslim solders who had their doubts about fighting in Islamic countries.

"The system is not doing what it's supposed to do," said Dr. Val Finnell, who complained to administrators at a military university about what he considered Hasan's "anti-American" rants. "He at least should have been confronted about these beliefs, told to cease and desist, and to shape up or ship out."

Finnell studied with Hasan from 2007-2008 in the master's program in public health at the military's Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences in Bethesda, Md., where Hasan persistently complained about perceived anti-Muslim sentiment in the military and injected his politics into courses where they had no place.

"In retrospect, I'm not surprised he did it," Finnell said of the shootings. "I had real questions about what his priorities were, what his beliefs were."

"I told him, `There's something wrong with you,'" Osman Danquah, co-founder of the Islamic Community of Greater Killeen, told The Associated Press on Saturday. "I didn't get the feeling he was talking for himself, but something just didn't seem right."

Danquah assumed the military's chain of command knew about Hasan's doubts, which had been known for more than a year to classmates at the Maryland graduate military medical program. His fellow students complained to the faculty about Hasan's "anti-American propaganda," but said a fear of appearing discriminatory against a Muslim student kept officers from filing a formal complaint.

Just one more sentiment there to back up the PC problem. Thing is, if they had gone to file a complaint, they would have most likely been punished, so it is a paradox. What exactly was someone to do to not come off looking like it was a hate issue and perhaps this guy really needed some help?

PC has just gone too far, and it is sad. All those people... *shakes head*

posted on Nov, 8 2009 @ 07:55 AM
reply to post by Libertygal

Who's "they"? If they would have helped him? If we would have seen it coming?
Here's the importance of that, we aren't opening our eyes because we might offend someone. All the muslims who are demanding we shut our eyes and accept them and look the other way aren't taking into account that this will happen again. And since muslims won't police their own population then what are we suppose to do now?

If I see something I will speak up. If I notice something not right, muslim or otherwise, I will take action. I'm not afraid.

[edit on 8-11-2009 by JJay55]

posted on Nov, 8 2009 @ 08:09 AM
reply to post by JJay55

"His fellow students complained to the faculty about Hasan's "anti-American propaganda," but said a fear of appearing discriminatory against a Muslim student kept officers from filing a formal complaint."

That they from the article. But no, I agree with you. People are too intimidated to speak out. Hell, I know I was in the past. I still am in the workplace, because I need my job.

I worked with a woman, even though we were required to wear a uniform, she didn't have to because she came dressed in robes with a hijab and sandals.

She left the area many many times to go pray, which caused disruption in the work cycle. For the 20 minutes or so each time that she was gone, she got paid for that, along with taking two paid 15 minute breaks and a half an hour for lunch.

Her daily productivity on a 12 hour shift was reduced to about 9 hours, probably even less, due to bathroom breaks too. The place where we worked together was not ammenable to just leaving whenever you want. I am lucky to go pee twice in a 12 hour shift, and take one 30 minute break for lunch.

I can't tell you how many times I put my left hand on her shoulder.

Now, we have had to take the cross down from inside the chapel, because Muslims were offended.

It does make me mad, because I think their foot baths are nasty germ infested things.

There have been homeowners associations that make people take down Christmas lights because they offend Muslims living nearby.

Boo freaking hoo. I am just tired of worrying about not offending them, but what about when they offend me?

You are right, we are expected to turn our heads and just deal with it. Suck it up.

I am kinda done doing that.

posted on Nov, 8 2009 @ 08:16 AM
Oh this is good stuff;
While we're on the non PC angle..
I can just hear the current Israeli Prime Minister addressing this issue, just as Benjamin Netanyahu addressed the Issue of 911 “It’s very good….Well, it’s not good, but it will generate immediate sympathy (for Israel).”

I'm certain that's exactly what Chertoff and Rham Emanuel are thinking right now.

[edit on 8-11-2009 by phoneyid]

posted on Nov, 8 2009 @ 08:28 AM

Originally posted by Libertygal
There have been homeowners associations that make people take down Christmas lights because they offend Muslims living nearby.

Boo freaking hoo. I am just tired of worrying about not offending them, but what about when they offend me?

You are right, we are expected to turn our heads and just deal with it. Suck it up.

I am kinda done doing that.

Welcome to the Sharia Caliphate. It sure is creeping in quickly, eh? The UK will be 50% muslim in a few years.
The plan is to have it completed on the whole planet by 2020. They are right on schedule.

More Americans need to speak up, need to open their eyes, need to not be passive (dhimmi), need to learn about Islam and not be intimidated!!!
Hats off to you, Libertygal!!! Looks like the girls can make this happen!

posted on Nov, 8 2009 @ 08:29 AM
This incident is obviously a major coup for certain interests.

It's got me beat why any Muslim would join the American Army in this "Crusade" as Dumbya called it, anyhow.
Matter of fact, it's got me beat why any Mexican would join either.

oh, I know why... because the 'live' in the USA

posted on Nov, 8 2009 @ 08:31 AM
reply to post by phoneyid

Oh great, we've moved from Anti-American to Anti-Israel. Saw it coming a mile away. Typical pattern.

Back to the topic. Many Americans should stand up and take notice that our media will be unindated with calls of protest from muslims who will insist the shooter isn't a product of Islam. Our politicians offices will be filled with muslims who insist that this incident isn't a product of Islam. Muslims will protest in public that they are discriminated against not understanding fully the law of the US and what it stands for.
It is our job as Americans to let misguided muslims know that their behavior is not wanted or accepted in America. This is America and they must behave according to our custom and law.

posted on Nov, 8 2009 @ 08:32 AM
reply to post by phoneyid

Please take your Anti-Americanism elsewhere. It is neither appropriate or appreciated in this time of mourning.

posted on Nov, 8 2009 @ 08:41 AM
Right on cue:

Muslims: 'America's chickens have come home to roost'
U.S. Islamic street preachers declare Fort Hood victims got just deserts

A radical Muslim group was videotaped condoning the massacre at Fort Hood by Army Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan because it was a military target.

"America's chickens have come home to roost," shouted a representative of the group.

Gee, wonder where they got that line from?

[edit on 8-11-2009 by Libertygal]

[edit on 8-11-2009 by Libertygal]

There is a good video from CNN on the link, tried to embed but failed.

[edit on 8-11-2009 by Libertygal]

posted on Nov, 8 2009 @ 08:48 AM
What some of you people don't understand, is that if 'we' weren't making their countries and their lives a living hell, then they would want to move to our nations.
Do you honestly think they like having their kids grow up with the kids that some of you raised to think like you??

In spite of all the 'axis of the willing' propaganda, I just hope Australia doesn't become as racially intolerant as America.
A country where 45% of people are either born overseas or have at least one parent that is, we can't afford to be.

National ethnic wars are not very nice; but then I look on the positive side; better for you than us.

posted on Nov, 8 2009 @ 08:59 AM

Originally posted by phoneyid
What some of you people don't understand, is that if 'we' weren't making their countries and their lives a living hell, then they would want to move to our nations.
Do you honestly think they like having their kids grow up with the kids that some of you raised to think like you??

In spite of all the 'axis of the willing' propaganda, I just hope Australia doesn't become as racially intolerant as America.
A country where 45% of people are either born overseas or have at least one parent that is, we can't afford to be.

National ethnic wars are not very nice; but then I look on the positive side; better for you than us.

WRONG. We did not create violence in Islam. The Koran did that. America wasn't even around when the Koran declared violence against all humans.
This is typical muslim nonsense, blame America, blame Australia, blame anyone but never take responsibility for their own actions.

A muslim man went into a US military facility and shot up a bunch of Americans because of his religious belief. Very simple. America did not cause his actions.

posted on Nov, 8 2009 @ 09:00 AM

Originally posted by Libertygal
Right on cue:

Muslims: 'America's chickens have come home to roost'
U.S. Islamic street preachers declare Fort Hood victims got just deserts

A radical Muslim group was videotaped condoning the massacre at Fort Hood by Army Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan because it was a military target.

"America's chickens have come home to roost," shouted a representative of the group.

Gee, wonder where they got that line from?

I hope other Americans will stand up against this nonsense coming out from muslims in the aftermath of this horrific crime.
This is America and we have zero tolerance for violent actions by muslims!!!

posted on Nov, 8 2009 @ 09:01 AM

Originally posted by Libertygal
Mr Hasan is alive and off the vent as of yesterday, and so he is probably talking.

Seems he was talking beforehand too, and his Imam didn't think to tell anyone he was a little off his rocker, and maybe even nuts.

He simply blames the military for not seeing it, and says how he is not surprised at all, because he saw it coming.

How quaint.

It's the military's fault, donchaknow?

LG, we could expect just that from the Imam. This is a feather in his trip to paradise cap too. That's a big part of the problem. Those moderate Muslims not participating in the actual violence are rewarded or at least not punished by the theology. There's no sin in the Imam not alerting the infidels to this man's plans. The faith is in direct conflict with being a citizen of this country. That's exactly why this man could not fulfill his assignment overseas.

posted on Nov, 8 2009 @ 09:02 AM

Originally posted by JJay55
reply to post by phoneyid

Please take your Anti-Americanism elsewhere. It is neither appropriate or appreciated in this time of mourning.

In light of the 1.5+ Million Iraqis killed in your name, since 2003
3 million Iraqi children orphaned of at least one parent,
4 million in exile,
Miscarriages and deformities up 700 & 1000% as a result of Depleted Uranium Munitions, and young women avoiding pregnancy as a result.

your outpouring of 'humanity' seems rather petty for a trivial number of 12.

But that's how you think, 'American blood is more valuable'.

Although I do feel some sympathy for the families that have suffered as a result of this incident; my outrage is all used up.

posted on Nov, 8 2009 @ 09:09 AM
reply to post by phoneyid

You are quite correct my friend that Muslims are always the big losers in so called 'Terror' attacks. They traditionally loose the most in them and rarely gain anything by them. Collectively the harm done to Muslims in the backlash in the actions taken to combat so called 'Terrorism' far outweigh anything tangible that they might gain primarily in the for of recruitment propaganda.

That's all based on the assumption that it was Muslims that carried out the 9-11 attacks even though the U.S. Government has failed to ever present it's findings in a Court of Law where they would have to hold up to the scrutiny of evidentiary standards as well as a cross examination by those the charges are being leveled against.

I and many other Americans find it highly dubious that the government has never been able to put on the trials that would actually establish allegation as fact but have merely used the court of public opinion through a tightly controlled media to in essence declare these things as fact by fiat and decree rather than actual constitutional standards.

When there is a doubt in such matters there is no doubt. It likely was not Muslims that carried out the 9-11 attacks that launched the whole reprisal terror campaign against Muslim States not playing ball with the American Corporations and Corporate Government as bade to, as opposed to the Saudi's whose citizens are alleged to have carried out the attacks.

Israel, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and the Military Industrial Complex and the Bush Family all won big as all had an axe to grind with the Iraqi State. Organized Criminal Elements, Israel, England, Royal Dutch Shell, the CIA and China all won big and had clear motives and financial gain to be had in attacking Afghanistan after the creation of a pretext of what really is a thinly veiled Religious Crusade as reprisal in the form of a collective punishment based on a shared religion amongst the victims of that reprisal. Those victims being Muslims who always loose big when a Muslim extremist either commits an act of 'tactical terrorism' for political reasons or a Muslim is alleged to have committed an act of 'tactical terrorism' for political reasons.

You are quite correct there are always some happy gloating people of certain nations and other religions who while 'lamenting the great tragedy of the actions' smile and say, see, see we told you so...maybe now you will listen to us.

The manipulation and exploitation is glaring and even insulting to people who can think rationally and haven't become victim to the emotional manipulation that the above described people waste no time and spare no effort in calculatingly drawing upon to usurp those emotions and tragedy to use it as a tool to their own agendas. They try very hard to appear benevolent and sincere as they do that but that such people always and immediately look to exploit these tragedies for their own agenda makes it fairly obvious that a pre-calculated manipulation has taken place and is taken place and no matter how many illogical and irrational falsehoods it takes to craft the Muslim Terrorists did this simply and only because you aren't Muslim they just repeat those distortions of the facts while suppressing the real ones over and over again until so many people are inclined to believe it that the people who refuse and fail to believe it are set upon by those who have been convinced too.

Terrorism is in reality a tactic used by combatants and politicians to shape political opinion not to win battlefield victories.

Yet the governments and the media do their level best to promote the notion of the "Terrorist Lifestyle" and the false notion that the combatants and politically motivated carrying out tactical terrorist attacks imagine that they can win militarily through such actions.

That it is an organized military style campaign to conquer as opposed to the reality that terrorism is about a political campaign to strike terror into certain hearts and minds, and to win other hearts and minds to the political cause in that process.

Politically though Muslims do have virtually nothing to gain and almost everything to loose and they loose big doing it.

Poverty and poor education is Extremists of all kinds best recruitment tool.

Spectacular and bold attacks on a non-relevant targets that don't cripple key infrastructure or weaken an enemies military power have to tactical advantage only a political advantage when there is one to be exploited.

That the crafty Muslims would time and time again carry out attacks that do them more political damage than good and invite widespread reprisals that endangers and subsequently condemns tens if not hundreds of thousands other Muslims not aligned politically to begin with these extremist organizations often founded and funded through Western Intelligence Agencies either suggest that the Muslims are incredibly naive and don't understand the politics involved since it causes much more harm than good or that Muslims are being deliberately set up and meant to be scapegoats for attacks that are actually carried out by those that have the most to gain through them.

That would be nations like Saudi Arabia, Israel, England and the United States and their Intelligence Agencies and the Criminal Syndicates that sometimes do business with and assist the Intelligence Agencies.

I find it very suspect that the people who have the most to gain are always right there trying to 'educate' us to the 'true nature' of the Muslim scourge on humanity.

The blanket bigotry that these provocateurs espouse and promote is many times more dangerous politically to the collective citizenry of countries like the United States and England and to the Muslims who a vast majority of are really peaceful law abiding people.

Whether this one man carried out these attacks or was set up as a patsy for them, and whether he actually did carry out the attacks he is alleged to for religious reasons or whether he simply went insane and snapped are all things ultimately that chances are like 9-11 the Government will not attempt to prove in a Court of Law.

That they will though be instead used to exploit and manipulate and condemn innocent people for the sake of some religious, corporate and national agendas is once again happening right before our eyes.

What remains to be seen if increasingly wiser Americans will reject these manipulations, and increasingly worried Americans about the economy and our own government will reject these or ignore these manipulations
remains to be seen.

That the people who have the most to gain in exploiting this tragedy for political purposes are all over it, trying to exploit them is obvious.

It's also disgusting as many of these men and women victimized by it haven't even been laid to rest yet while those with an agenda to be furthered through exploiting the tragedy or already hotly involved doing just that.

The war against terror is one great big ugly lie. Who looses the most is the Muslims and the American citizens tricked into fighting them.

It's hard to believe the people who don't have the most to gain are not the ones who are truly behind awful occurrences like these.

Their gleeful actions speak volumes. The solution is not increasing the cycle of violence and extending it. The solution is ending the violence and making restitution and amends as the only effective means towards truly trying to end the cycle.

The real terrorists are the bigots and the governments and the corporations who always look to exploit these things for their personal gain and the more they do that, the more obvious it becomes.

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