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I WILL bash on Obama, every chance I can get.

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posted on Nov, 9 2009 @ 02:16 AM
well after seeing this thread I've decided to post here for the first time in years. I love what you have to say. I can relate, things haven't been puppy dogs and rainbows last November. I hate this president just as much as you and I tried to be civil about it, there is almost no use. Heck I was on the syfy website which should have nothing to do with politics and comment after I see nothing but hate from the left as if they're rubbing in the faces of everyone who has a less than satisfactory outlook on Obama and then we get slammed for speaking our mind. I applaud you. The new world order is breaking down the door greeted with applause and you know this sir, bravo. You are not alone I've got your back.

This isn't ignorance people, yeah using the word 'bashing' doesn't help the argument but it is in no way ignorance. The original poster knows something is off with Obama. "Barry" comes off as two faced one minute we see a well educated man the next minute we see a man hell bent on shoving socialism down our throats.

The voters got what they wanted, weather or not you believe their votes count or not. Many people were more concerned with who makes the better first lady or who is the better looking candidate or who has the better running mate, now that is ignorance. The GOP failed to support a candidate who could compete. Romney was out because of the religious fundamentalists, Huckabee was out because of his name, the media ignored Ron Paul because he ran as a libertarian back in the 1980s and McCain was damaged goods as far as I'm concerned thanks to the 2000 election (smeer campaign during the primary and soft money) and was a relatively weak candidate.

Who ever said a revolution is coming your right but I'm predicting it will be bloodless, military and law enforcement don't like Obama.

posted on Nov, 9 2009 @ 10:32 AM
I agree with the blind obedience of his followers. None of them will discuss their reasons why, or try to debate. Just a bunch of slavish, flowery praise from them. Obamabots aren't to be reasoned with, they are to be avoided, since they are probably spies for the Obamanation and will report anything derogatory you say to whomever they think will listen.

Write "Obama Sucks" on all of your cash. It's going to be worth the paper it's printed on soon enough.

posted on Nov, 9 2009 @ 12:00 PM
reply to post by Common Good

Stars and Flag for your guts in posting the truth. I am an American living in England and exporting goods from America to England who is tired of trying to explain the highest office of our land actions to bewilder English friends and my wife's family.

posted on Nov, 9 2009 @ 12:52 PM
reply to post by Common Good

Thank you for expressing powerfully, honestly and courageously about Obama and his destructive administration.

I also think and feel very similarly about Obama. Where I live, one gets verbally abused or totally sensored for expressing anything negative about Obama.

Since he came into office, I feel like an alien left behind, who is living a horrific nightmare on earth and who prays only to get back to my planet of origin intact and sane again!

Reading your message has made feel connected to humans again!
Pity all those white sheep...LOL!


posted on Nov, 9 2009 @ 02:13 PM
First l say I will agree with you on two parts of this whole thing. Yes Obama has divided the country but it is not via race. He has divided it with those that want change and those that like things the way they are now.

And yes he is NOT our savior. He is a man. A man that just so happens to be the first black president of the United States. I will say that many Americans will be let down by Obama, not because of what he did but because of what he did not do. There is a regretablely large portion of our socity that thought just by electing a black president that things would change overnight. They are in for a huge let down. Obama is one man nothing more nothing less.

He reminds me of a cheap used car lot salesman who stalks on the less fortunate in order to make them feel happy for a day in a "new" old car. He shines it up nice, he puts new oil in it, maybe a new set of tires and even a new cup holder so you dont spill your drink while taking a test drive. Thats when the people get caught, hook-line-sinker.

I do not see how you can compare him to a Used car salesman. I have followed this man since he became a serious contender for the office. I have listened to his speeches over and over. Yes I have heard him say the same things that past prez's ssaid but it seems to me that he is actually trying to make good on the big promises of his campaign. One big diffrence between Obama and car salesman is that salesman is selling you false hope with the promise big payoffs with very little work on your side. Obama has said almost everytime I have heard him say This is going to be hardwork, longtime, 3+ years to see effect, you the american people must work to make this work. This is no where near selling false hope or talking to us like we are stupid. This is saying the preety much the same thing our parents said to us growing up.

Everytime I see his ugly mug on T.V I have to turn the channel to prevent myself from throwing up all over myself. He is an embarrassment to the flag, he thinks Americans are stupid, and he is trying to turn America into something it isnt, Europe.

Please explain (and it can be U2U if you like) how is he an embarrassment to the flag. I have seen nothing to show that he wants America to be like Europe. Please show some proof on that!

I didnt want to get too technical with this thread, because quite frankly, thats not how I roll. I know what I want when I see it, and I know whom I trust when I see/hear them act/speak.

Then why start this thread? You had to know that some Obama supporters would read this and ask you for prrof of what your saying. I can respect your opinion but you have not provided any proof other then a video to back it up.

This is one man out of many that I feel can do GREAT damage to this country of ours, not just because of his actions, but those who blindly follow his every step/word. He is not our saviour.

From this comment it leads me to believe that you dont have a problem with Obama the man, but with Obama the man that his supporters make him out to be. For those people that will blindly follow someone they deserve what they get. I may be an Obama supporter but I am an informed Supporter. For those that blindly follow him or voted for him because he is black then they are just as ignorat as those who voted against him because he is black.

Now you say this is not a race issue and I hope you are right about this, but even you have to admit that part of the division in this country right now is because of race. Not all but I would say about 10% the rest that has happend since he has taken office. is over the change he is trying to implement. I dont know who you have been talking to but in my many conversations about this subject I am finding that more and more people support Obama, especially the poor and lower middle class.

posted on Nov, 9 2009 @ 03:06 PM
reply to post by Common Good

Hip Hop producer? Wannabe maybe, but you're no producer. You haven't produced any hip hop that's out there. I can see right through the lies. Some of my best friends are...blah blah blah. Bash all you want. Freedom of speech is our right. Just like you and your friends said Obama would never get into office, he'll never going to get re-elected. Right? Wake up and smell the coffee sweet cheeks.

posted on Nov, 9 2009 @ 03:20 PM

Originally posted by Big Bear
I agree with the blind obedience of his followers. None of them will discuss their reasons why, or try to debate. Just a bunch of slavish, flowery praise from them. Obamabots aren't to be reasoned with, they are to be avoided, since they are probably spies for the Obamanation and will report anything derogatory you say to whomever they think will listen.

Write "Obama Sucks" on all of your cash. It's going to be worth the paper it's printed on soon enough.

I am an avid Obama supporter and I will gladly state my reasons for supporting him. And not one of them is because he is black. The question is can you bring proof to the table that he is doing as bad a job as you say. If you want a honest intellegent debate with a so called "obamabot" then U2U me. I will be happy to. Just make sure you bring proof of what ever you claim.

posted on Nov, 9 2009 @ 03:53 PM
Doesn't it make you wonder, how someone who is supposedly so intelligent, thoughtful, insightful and in touch with the common man...can be such a pompous ignoramus ass, who is actually out of touch on everything?

What a pig in poke this guy has turned out to be...

I can proudly claim, "I didn't vote for him!"

Conservative Independent, and intend to stay that way...

As far bashing is concerned...I'll leave that battle for those up to it. I'm too tired.

posted on Nov, 9 2009 @ 05:58 PM
reply to post by Common Good

Dude, everybody's bashing on Obama, and most of them don't even have a logical reason. Even Alex Jones' Obama Deception was pretty weak. Why be like everybody else? Why be like the NWO wants you to?

posted on Nov, 9 2009 @ 07:47 PM
I'm curious why such a poorly conceived and written thread was allowed. This post contains only facile and cliche put-downs of President Obama, with not one specific example of the supposedly awful things he is doing. There are many respects for which President Obama could be criticized, and that debate can be fruitfully had. But mere rants without specifics reminds me of the dim witted stuff I read on the AOL boards. Anyone can have a derisive opinion. It takes a more thoughtful person to back up their opinion with facts and logic. None were present in this surprisingly poor article. Does ATS just print anything, regardless of quality?

posted on Nov, 9 2009 @ 10:29 PM
Other than the fact that Obama is a stealth Muslim, a terrorist sympathizer, a die hard communist and is seeking to turn America into a soviet style republic with himself installed as the grand caliph, I have no problem with the man.

posted on Nov, 9 2009 @ 11:01 PM
reply to post by SevenThunders

Yeah, except that none of what you just said is true.

posted on Nov, 10 2009 @ 02:06 AM
reply to post by Big Bear

exactly he only won because he's a demigod. Out of nowhere he shows up on Oprah receiving an informal blessing, runs for senate, wins doesnt stay in there too long, and becomes president in very little time. Just look at how his image was built up. nobody should be this hyped up about a politicain. He's not Jesus, or Einstein, or Kurt Cobain. Never trust a politicain.

posted on Nov, 10 2009 @ 06:25 AM
What's your problem with Obama? He's a really nice guy and only means the best for us. So far, he's the greatest president we've ever had. Don't ask me how I know, I'm just majoring in Presidential Studies at the College of William & Hunk. I would have voted George W for the ascension to the throne but now let us behold, King Barack. I like the sound of it, has a good ring to it. I think he'll do us proud as king. All Hail King Barack!!!!! Awoooo Awoooo Ra Ra Ra!!!!!!

posted on Nov, 10 2009 @ 01:00 PM
reply to post by geekboy

Interesting you brought up Einstein. You didn't level in your post that you think Obama to be a socialist but I assume you like many of your ilk do feel in your heart such a thing. Back to Einstein... Here is what Einstein wrote in 1949 in The Monthly Review in explaining why he is a socialist:

"The result of these developments is an oligarchy of private capital the enormous power of which cannot be effectively checked even by a democratically organized political society. This is true since the members of legislative bodies are selected by political parties, largely financed or otherwise influenced by private capitalists who, for all practical purposes, separate the electorate from the legislature. The consequence is that the representatives of the people do not in fact sufficiently protect the interests of the underprivileged sections of the population. Moreover, under existing conditions, private capitalist inevitably control, directly or indirectly, the main sources of information(press,radio,education). It is thus extremely difficult and indeed in most cases quite impossible, for the individual citizen to come to objective conclusions and to make intelligent use of his political rights."

I'm having a laugh at your expense right now. I'm laughing at your misperception. I think it's funny how intuitively backward your logic is. I think it's sad how little of what you deem to be logical, actually is. There are bright people in this world who reckon truth to justify beliefs in a union towards knowledge. You have no knowledge because you have no truth. Your belief is all you have and it's nothing of value.

posted on Nov, 10 2009 @ 01:30 PM

Originally posted by SevenThunders
Other than the fact that Obama is a stealth Muslim, a terrorist sympathizer, a die hard communist and is seeking to turn America into a soviet style republic with himself installed as the grand caliph, I have no problem with the man.

This statement just shows how ignorant you really are.
1) whats wrong with being Muslim? Oh let me guess 9/11 blah blah blah. Let me remind you Timithey McVey was Christian. The Uni- Bomber was Christian, Hitler was Christian, Napolian, KKK all christian. Here are some known christian terrerist orgs; Christian Identity, Christian Patriot, Army of God, This is just to name a few. How many Terror Orgs can you name that are muslim besides Al-Qaeda. If you want I can run down a list of Athesit also.

2) How can you make a statement that Obama is a terrorist sympathizer? What proof do you have of this. The closing of Gitmo? If that the only proof that you have then you have no proof.

3) I'm sick of people saying that Obama is Communist or Socialist. Please show proof. What his health care bill. Please that is hardley proof. Every one said that social Sercurity was socialism when they did that. And why is that with every prez before Obama that tried health care reform this never happened. So come with proof. The burdun of proof is on you.

posted on Nov, 10 2009 @ 01:49 PM
The OP should read this!

I recommend this to anyone on the fence or who is willing to think for themselves.

posted on Nov, 10 2009 @ 09:51 PM
reply to post by Common Good

I get your point, but he is just one man.

The Senate and the House could totally nullify him, but they are
mostly liberals as well.

Don't take me as a neo-con, I am not.

I do not like EITHER side.

They are two sides to the same coin.

They are CFR, Trilateral Commission, and Bilderberg attendees.

We have a hybrid of a Plutocracy and Kleptocracy.

They look every day for a new way to rob the American ppl.

Both sides of the lawyers club of congress critters in DC.

There are a few that are legit, but few being the operative word.

40% of working age adults in California do not have a job.

That is not a sign of a recovery, and California is the largest
economic input as a state.

The number of taxes, and the number of licenses, fees, and permits
is at a all time high, yet tax revenues are at a all time low
per capita since the Great Depression.

Obama is one man, this giant toilet flush was begun before he
stood one day in office.

I do not like his policies and think he is covering up his college
records that show he received student aide as a foreign student.

That is why they are still not allowed to be seen by the public.

Watch the Obama Deception but know that the Congress Critters
are as much or more to blame for the state of the union.

posted on Nov, 11 2009 @ 12:40 AM

Originally posted by jmotley

This statement just shows how ignorant you really are.

Look who's calling the kettle black

1) whats wrong with being Muslim? Oh let me guess 9/11 blah blah blah. Let me remind you Timithey McVey was Christian. The Uni- Bomber was Christian, Hitler was Christian, Napolian, KKK all christian.

I don't know, what's wrong with being a mass killer and worshipping satan then?

Moreover none of these folks were christian. McVeigh had a stated contempt for christianity. Apparently you drank the kool-aid and believed what the gubmint has repeated to you a thousand times. McVeigh was just another in a long line of mass murdering atheists.

Hitler was an occultist and a member of the Pagan Thule society, as is well documented. He did everything in his power to undermine the christian faith while pretending to be part of it. I could get into the other examples, but your preconceived notions would make it impossible to break through the layer of lies.

Whats wrong with being a Muslim is that it is a devil worshipping religion set on fire by hell. The so called Muslim Holy book has a clear call for all true muslims to kill and torture non believers. It's not hard to find both the direct teaching and the practice of this belief. By contrast Jesus commands his followers to love their enemies and to not repay evil with evil.

Here are some known christian terrerist orgs; Christian Identity, Christian Patriot, Army of God, This is just to name a few. How many Terror Orgs can you name that are muslim besides Al-Qaeda. If you want I can run down a list of Athesit also.

Sorry they don't even qualify as terrorist groups, and certainly not as christian for the most part. Even the majority of christian identity and British Israelism and so forth do not embrace any kind of violence as part of their agenda. But the ones you hear about from your favorite brainwashing session on corporate controlled media of course all are.

2) How can you make a statement that Obama is a terrorist sympathizer? What proof do you have of this. The closing of Gitmo? If that the only proof that you have then you have no proof.

Apparently you made no background checks before you blindly voted for your messiah. I guess you don't care that Obama's mentor, Bill Ayers, is a guy who killed government workers and is sorry he didn't kill more.
How about obama's muslim terrorist buddies like Rashid Khalidi or Rezko?

3) I'm sick of people saying that Obama is Communist or Socialist. Please show proof. What his health care bill. Please that is hardley proof. Every one said that social Sercurity was socialism when they did that. And why is that with every prez before Obama that tried health care reform this never happened. So come with proof. The burdun of proof is on you.

Obama is communist through and through sorry to say. He sat under the teachings of Liberation Theology proponent and God d_mn America pastor Jeremiah Wright for 20 years. A close ally and mentor was Frank Marshall Davis and avowed communist,
and then he appoints a number of open communists to his government, some of whom have quit once outed.

Finally we have the evidence of his huge government centric takeover of 20% of the US economy in the form of socialized medicine, where the government will have your bank account numbers and remove health decisions from you and your doctor and give them to the health politburo. Let's not also forget his bank takeovers and now the implementation of salary controls. Equal outcomes will now be enforced thanks to your communist hero. Unfortunately Americans and most europeans are too brainwashed and uneducated with regards to the misery this system creates. I guess we'll just have to keep repeating the same mistakes over and over.

posted on Nov, 11 2009 @ 02:39 AM
Did anybody realize that Islam is the big ''change'' religion? What is up with this???

Maybe Obama, who was born from a Jewish woman, is actually using Islam to beat down Christianity.

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