Thats right, you read it right.
I WILL bash on Obama, every chance I can get.
Why? because he takes every opportunity he can get to bash on the American people. I am not afraid to admit my disgust for the man, I dont care about
being stereotyped. Call me what you want to call me, but guess what, I have ever right to not take this man seriously. He gives me the creeps.
He reminds me of a cheap used car lot salesman who stalks on the less fortunate in order to make them feel happy for a day in a "new" old car. He
shines it up nice, he puts new oil in it, maybe a new set of tires and even a new cup holder so you dont spill your drink while taking a test drive.
Thats when the people get caught, hook-line-sinker.
Everytime I see his ugly mug on T.V I have to turn the channel to prevent myself from throwing up all over myself. He is an embarrassment to the flag,
he thinks Americans are stupid, and he is trying to turn America into something it isnt, Europe.
The way that the left thought about Bush, I feel the same towards Obama(for a fair comparison).
Im not a republican, I am a Independant. So before you call me a repulicant and that I imbreed with my cousins and hate the man cause he is black,
just remember on thing, Im not. Also, to prove that I am not a racist(like I should have to anyways, but I will indulge those that think I have
to)..I am a Hip Hop producer, so trust me, I have had this conversation with Many of the black community, and the majority of those that I have talked
to, feel the same way. So this isnt a race issue, its a hate issue.I feel that he is bad for our country,not only economically and militarily, but
also because he is tearing the people of this nation apart more and more everyday. I have been seeing a lot of diversity of lately, and it is really
sickening to me. To me, it feels as if he has devided this country more so than he has brought it together. Its funny, cause I have always thought
that by electing a "black" man, that it might have been a chance to bring unity to our people, but IMO, it hasnt(not in my eyes).
Im just being real with you all, and I am using my freedom of expression to let this off my chest, and to tell you the truth, it really feels good
that I have now done that.
I didnt want to get too technical with this thread, because quite frankly, thats not how I roll. I know what I want when I see it, and I know whom I
trust when I see/hear them act/speak. This is one man out of many that I feel can do GREAT damage to this country of ours, not just because of his
actions, but those who blindly follow his every step/word. He is not our saviour.
EDIT---- Mods...If you wanna move it, go right ahead
[edit on 4-11-2009 by Common Good]