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WAR: English Words and Western Voices Heard on Nick Berg Beheading Video

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posted on May, 20 2004 @ 02:07 AM
I wouldn't say this came from the makers of the Blair Witch project, but I noticed the tricks too, and they were well thought out. Camera movement to hide transitions, howling to mask stuff etc. I also saw patches where the clarity specifically around his mouth decreased.

Did anybody notice that Berg looks alert, takes a breath, then nods just before going down very cooperatively just before they push him over?

posted on May, 20 2004 @ 02:27 AM
I find it increasingly difficult to realize these very disturbing revelations without there being at least an investigation into the possibility that Nick Berg was very likely killed by Americans at Abu Ghraib. If you were a detective and you were trying to find out who killed Nick Berg, you'd have to be a moron not to see the evidence that we have discussed on this forum. The SAME CHAIR is in Abu Ghraib that Berg was sitting in, the same WALL COLOR, the orange prison outfit, the WHITE hands of the killers, the military issued bullet proof vests under those costumes. And now the English words at the end of the killing !!! You know it's a cover up by the fact that the FBI/CIA hasn't investigated the possibility. I mean , Abu Ghraib , with it's tortures and killings by Americans within it, is it really hard to believe. It's far more likely that Berg was killed there than anywhere else, the proof is in the video. Thank God there are people that don't buy it. Good job noticing the english speaker in the audio.

posted on May, 20 2004 @ 02:30 AM
Wow, I'm the kind of person who normally takes stuff like this with a grain of salt but this is an amazing find. This raises so many more questions than answers -- so many in fact i"m not even going to get into it.

What I find really scary is IF (thats a big if) the CIA or any other intel agency did make this tape this country is in even more trouble than i thought. If this is an acceptable standard of work for the CIA then god only knows how bad or intelligence is. No wonder why we were wrong about the WMD's in Iraq we have a bunch of absolute retards at the helm of the country. Then again maybe we knew all along there wasn't # to be found in Iraq.

No matter how you look at this its terrible terrible news for this country. Wow....just wow.

posted on May, 20 2004 @ 02:32 AM

Originally posted by GrndLkNatv
or 60 minutes for verification? I think it has to be and should be done. I would start sending emails right now to anyone and everyone who would listen!

I think that everyone in this forum should start writing congress, go to all the news web sites and email, email, email. I've written to congress, CBS, MSNBC, and even Geraldo Rivera. If everyone would write, maybe they would listen.

posted on May, 20 2004 @ 02:44 AM
Listen to what? all you have is circumstancial evidence.

I think some people are jumping too fast to conclusions that we really do not know enough about.

Have any of you watched or lived among terrorists to know what kind of positions they normally have when they are standing or if there are no terrorists that speak English?, if it was indeed English that we heard.

Definitive proof would be to see the face of one of these men and then recognize it as a US soldier for this kind of theory to stand.

BTW when these extremist psychos are about to do something in the name of Allah they always give thanks to Allah outloud. So the wailing and yelling does not prove they were trying to hide anything, is just what they do. Even when a father is about to cut the clitoris from his 5 year old daughter he normally yells and prays outloud to Allah, showing to his daughter that she must be subservient to him.

If the terrorists hadn't behaded anyone in the past before Berg, then it will look more suspicious, but Islamic extremists have behaded others in the past, now are you going to say they were all part of a CIA conspiracy to make the terrorists look bad to the world?

[Edited on 20-5-2004 by Muaddib]

posted on May, 20 2004 @ 03:07 AM

Originally posted by Plautus
Now can you explain how multiple people can hear the same thing without prompting or cajoling them in any way? .

I'm not sure folks weren't cajoled.
The opening post of this thread contains
the phrases we are supposed to hear.

Other sites contain other phrases.

I don't hear it, maybe thats why I'm skeptical.

posted on May, 20 2004 @ 03:23 AM

Originally posted by nanna_of_6

Originally posted by Flinx

Hey, take a look at the url above and look at the pictures of the guards walking a prisoner, note that one of the guards has a watch/bracelet on his left arm, now, look at the picture where Nick is being cut, note that the person doing the cutting has a watch/bracelet on his left arm also. It maybe something or it maybe nothing, but makes a person wonder.

That is the "hogtie" on the prisioner. the guard has a grip on his elbow. His right hand is on the prisioners right shoulder and his left hand is holding the prisioners left elbow. I admit it kinda looks like the guards arm, but it's the prisioner bound with a "zipstrap" or "hogtie". The cops use them when the don't have cuffs.


posted on May, 20 2004 @ 03:32 AM
Sorry, I dont want to read 11 pages of comments. I just want to say this.

If what you say is true. If this really was a fraud, who would pull it off and why? Think about who has what to lose, and who has what to gain.

It seems to me that you all are walking on a very fine path. Noone here knows how far this goes up, and if you do reveal something, than realize that you all are responsible. This isn't Joe Schmoe conspiracy. This is a major thing, with serious consequences. Don't be surprised if people come knocking on your door.

God speed.


posted on May, 20 2004 @ 03:36 AM
And please keep in mind the Patriot Act. No, you're not breaking any laws that I know of. But if anything that anyone on here says or does makes them feel uneasy, it's not hard to have them label you a terrorist.

It's all downhill from there.

posted on May, 20 2004 @ 04:04 AM
Just because the voice you here is an american accent dont assume that the person behind the voice is american. I live in london and have a few european friends, all the english they speak sounds american or tehy speak with a new york accent. This is becasue all tehy english they here whilst tehy are learning are on mtv, and sitcom's such as friends.
English could have been spoken because teh group was multinational and it was a language taht tehy all understand????
just my view.

posted on May, 20 2004 @ 04:27 AM
I don't know. It could also be a combination of bad sound quality and suggestion. Did you check with people that speak arabian what they hear in that part?

posted on May, 20 2004 @ 04:53 AM
Did any of you think about the content of the words, and in what way they would make sense if this is indeed english?

"How wicked was that" after a beheading could mean:

1. Someone watching was shocked/surprised. (pleasantly?)
2. Someone watching was another prisoner/someone forced to watch? (unlikely)
3. Someone watching was a journalist of some kind? (unlikey)
4. The cameraman was not native/hired by the terrorists.

"How are we gonna..."

This means that there are at least 2 american-speaking people watching the beheading, one with an american accent.

This is obviously a question asked by someone who was not fully informed about what was about to happen.
Just brainstorming.

posted on May, 20 2004 @ 04:57 AM
Like "What are we gonna" do with the body.

posted on May, 20 2004 @ 05:14 AM
Not to be redundant but you need to think this through a little better before buying off on the idea, because:

1) The outfit he is wearing is silky material, not rugged material used in the prison jumpsuits.
2) His body language doesn't coincide with what transpires.
3) His decapitated head has no signs of trauma or blood, even though the left side of his face was smashed into what we're supposed to believe are pools of his blood, while they try to finish severing his head from his body.
4) His face elongates and stretches like rubber during the supposed decapitation. He looks completely different during the decapitation than he does when they finally hold up his unbloodied head.
5) The cut is too clean.
6) There are no english words in it other than Berg's original statement. Not that I can hear, and I had that thing turned up as high as I could get it and replayed it about 10 times, to no avail.
7) For all intents and purposes, those are terrorists, staging a fake beheading, which means Nick Berg is probably still alive, and I'm sure his Dad would be happy to know that. What Nick Berg is actually up to, is another question altogether.
8) What has been construed to be a military cap in one frame is not a cap but is simply the left sleeve, elbow, and pinky finger or thumb of someone holding something, presumably the second camera man holding the second camera.
9) Before they throw him to the ground, he visually prepares himself for it, even though he can't see them, doesn't appear to know what they are up to, and they haven''t made any moves yet to indicate to him that he is about to be grabbed and hurled to the floor, as if he is in anticipation of what will happen next - a staged death.

[Edited on 20-5-2004 by Undomiel]

posted on May, 20 2004 @ 06:23 AM

Originally posted by Undomiel
3) His decapitated head has no signs of trauma or blood, even though the left side of his face was smashed into what we're supposed to believe are pools of his blood, while they try to finish severing his head from his body.
4) His face elongates and stretches like rubber during the supposed decapitation. He looks completely different during the decapitation than he does when they finally hold up his unbloodied head.
5) The cut is too clean.

[Edited on 20-5-2004 by Undomiel]

I thought about that too. I'm no doctor, but wouldn't it be rather hard to saw through a person's neck? Wouldn't they have problems going through the spinal bones at the back of the neck? With a sword, I can see a clean cut, with weight an leverage involved. But with a buckknife?

posted on May, 20 2004 @ 06:37 AM
I have removed any frame captures from the video from this thread. We do have a warning on this thread of graphic content and do not wish to place one. Since the frames and issues around them have been discussed in several other places, I removed the images.

posted on May, 20 2004 @ 06:41 AM
You guys ever think it could be the sound of someone who was dubbing the tape?
BTW the family has the body now, any questioning of whether he had his head cut off could be answered by anyone at the morgue he was taken to. This whole questioning is silly. It undermines the fact that they killed this fellow in cold blood and showed it to the world.


[Edited on 5/20/2004 by Variable]

posted on May, 20 2004 @ 06:46 AM

Originally posted by The Vagabond6. The reader in the middle isn't wearing the same type of hood. it looks like a ski mask. My question: is there any significance to the masks that are usually worn during these things? Is there a prescribed color/style, or is it stictly a matter of making sure the CIA doesn't kill you?

If you look at the pictures of previous hostage takers, they almost all seem to have mismatched masks and almost always have mismatched outfits.

Here are some pics from my hostages thread:

Pfc Maupin:

Captured Truck drivers:

Italian Hostages:

Berg Captors:

posted on May, 20 2004 @ 06:54 AM
Listened to the audio, and to be quite honest all I could really make out the "now are we gonna..." at the end. The quality is so bad that it could really be anything in Arabic, plus the fact that we are being primed to listen for and interpret speech as being American English. I'm going to wait for a more detailed analysis before I form an opinion.

posted on May, 20 2004 @ 06:59 AM

Originally posted by Muaddib
Listen to what? all you have is circumstancial evidence.

I think some people are jumping too fast to conclusions that we really do not know enough about.

Hear, hear. I think it's well within the realms of possibility that the CIA gets up to this sort of mischief - however, they are not amateurs. Maybe US Army intel, if I were inclined to think that there was US involvement in this - but not CIA. They are not this incompetent (although there was Chile...)

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