a reply to:
All very normal and expected reservations toward Almighty God in the present age of self rule.
Yahweh Elohim is the Almighty Creator God of all things (spiritual and physical), the Father of Jesus Christ; the self existing One.
All things in Creation (seen and unseen) are for the purpose of the reproduction of Elohim over time. God is re-creating His way of thinking in the
minds of physical mankind over time.
The spiritual realm was first created to sustain the physical, Angels were created within the spirit realm as ministers for the physical realm which
soon followed. Billions of years ago God (Yahweh Elohim) created the Heavens (spiritual realm) followed by the Earth (physical realm).
After that initial creation of Earth was destroyed by the actions of Lucifer just prior to his "fall" (no life existed); God "re-created" the
Earth in 6 days roughly 6000 years ago.
Mankind was created physical for a purpose. We were made subject to vanity (pride/selfishness) in opposition to the mind of Yahweh Elohim for a
We were given one entire lifetime in the present age of mankind's self rule to determine for ourselves what is right and wrong, good and evil; by
free moral agency. We live a lifetime according to what we think is right and wrong; then we die a physical death in this age. This is the reality
of the last 6000 years of mankind's history.
At a future point in time (Great White Thrown Resurrection) after the millennial reign of Jesus Christ Elohim and the other 144,000 members of Elohim;
all mankind that lived a life in the present age according to what seemed right to the individual will be resurrected to physical life a second time
(this is the second life, of which the potential for a second death is active) according to God's will.
During the 100 year long time frame of the Great White Thrown Judgement age; all mankind that is resurrected at that time will be given the truth of
all things from Yahweh Elohim. They will live a second lifetime in obedience to the mind of God (Holy Spirit), they will learn of their nature, why
the age of mankind's self rule was full of suffering and pain and how to "think differently" (gk = repent) according to the perfect will of God in
their second lives.
By living one full lifetime according to your own desires (lusts/selfishness) followed at a later point by one full lifetime according to God's
desires (self-sacrifice/love) we, as free moral agent will willingly CHOOSE agreement with God's way of thinking over that of our own selfish nature
because we will reap the benefits of "goodness" in our second life when compared to reaping the curses of "evil" in the present life. We will
KNOW through experience that "my way" leads to pain and suffering and "God's way" leads to blessing and joy.
Only by living both ways of life through EXPERIENCE can mankind be re-created to choose a way of thinking which is in opposition to our created
physical nature.
God worked with mankind in a unique manner in Old testament times. Since the savior had not yet been created (Jesus Christ) the means for the
indwelling of God's Holy Spirit was not yet made manifest. During the 6000 year age for mankind's self rule, only 144,000 individual minds were
worked with by God over their first lifetimes. All others are meant for a second physical life. God worked with ancient Israel physically for the
purpose of teaching spiritual lessons to those 144,000 individual minds who were called and chosen for salvation in this present age.
If after 2 entire lifetimes (one according to what you think is right, and one according to what God says is right) you CHOOSE to disagree with the
mind of God (Holy Spirit) you will be cast into the "lake of fire" (gk = ghenna) and be consumed in totality. Not actively punished for eternity,
but rather a punishment which will last for eternity; never to have the gift of life again. The individual who chooses conflict (disagreement with
God) over peace (agreement with God) will eventually cease to exist, for the good of all creation after their second life. This is the plain truth,
so to teach those 144,000 individual minds (who do not get the chance of repentance in a second lifetime) this great final lesson God used ancient
Israel as an example. Not a positive example, but one that shows that the punishment for sin (disagreement with the mind of God) is DEATH
Since God has a plan to resurrect all those who died in the Old Testament as a result of your concerned stories (Sodom and Gomorrah, Noah's Flood,
Joshua's conquest of Canaan etc.) it is not an "evil" plan. Death in the present age is NECESSARY for the creation of Elohim over time according
to God's perfect plan. All mankind sins by our very nature, as such we are all guilty of sin and are destined to die a physical death in the present
age. However death in this age is not the end, it is halftime.
The present age is NOT the age of salvation for mankind, it is the age of salvation for only 144,000 individual minds over the course of 6000 years
for the purpose of the creation of the Kingdom of God at the return of Jesus Christ soon to take place.
After the establishment of the millennial reign of Jesus Christ and the Kingdom of God (Elohim) on Earth it will be an age for salvation of all
mankind, as we all live according to the laws of God in spirit and in truth under the rule of Christ.
Any sinner (all mankind) that dies in the present age is a lawful (at one with the mind of God) death. Therefore every death in the present age is
justified for the purpose of the Creation of Elohim (God Family) at a future point in time.
Everything God gave ancient Israel (and mankind prior) to accomplish in the Old Testament was a metaphor used to teach agreement with God's way of
thinking in the present age for only 144,000 individual minds in the last 6000 years. I was accomplished so they would overcome themselves and be
"chosen" as members of the Kingdom of God soon to come to rule over all the Earth.
God so loves his future, yet to be finished, family (Elohim, the purpose for all creation) that He sacrificed Himself (God is peace/agreement),
allowed for the existence of disagreement (chaos/evil) in free minds for a period of 7100 years so He could mold and fashion beautiful, unique and
creative beings as children (made in the spiritual image of God's way of thinking) brothers and sister with Jesus Christ the "first of the
first-fruits" of physical salvation.
After 2 lifetimes, any being that agrees with God's way of thinking will be transformed into a member of Elohim (born again of spirit); any being
that disagree's with God's way of thinking will be destroyed in the lake of fire, never to have life/consciousness again. All will know the choice
fully, all will know that Yahweh Elohim is the God of all Creation and that agreement = life, disagreement = death. Yet the choice will always be up
to the individual mind as to how they CHOOSE to think.
It all can be boiled down to this:
agreement = God is right
disagreement = I am right
After 2 full lifetimes, all minds will fall into one bucket or the other. But the present age and the times recorded in the Old Testament is NOT the
time for these things to be made known to all mankind, for a great and powerful purpose.
God Bless,