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We're headed for Full Enlightenment!

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posted on Nov, 4 2009 @ 10:02 AM

Originally posted by TheLaughingGod

Originally posted by David H NIt is indeed possible to penetrate solid objects in the light body, for instance a surface can be felt of a brick wall but apply pressure and you can push your arm inside. Once inside you feel pressure but not pain, the more dense the object generally the more pressure you feel. When I first began to penetrate a wall with the light body hand, I was unsuccessful but found later that the double bed had moved away from the wall by around a foot, again I tried to move the bed in the same way in the physical body but could not even with two arms using all my strenghth. There are many examples of experiments that I have made whilst in this light body, that have affected physical objects, I can say that when in this state you have far greater strength. This is the same in practice as in Shen Kung and Daoism, where the spirit or internal body stength has superior strenghth compared to the physical body.

So, according to this, theoretically you could beat someone up in your light body?
You're saying I could be floating around as a spirit beating corrupt politicians up?
If that's the case, what's your excuse for not doing that already?

Come on, do it for all of us!
Give Obama a broken nose the next time he's lying to the people on National TV.

Funny! But of course that isn't really fair, acting that way. And fair is something to aspire to, I think, no matter how others act. Although it would be a serious hoot if someone did that. Probably being more into the spirit form requires a goodly amount of emotional calmness, which would get in the way of acting out of a powerful emotion while in that state.
So, David, what say you about that?

posted on Nov, 4 2009 @ 10:37 AM

Originally posted by lifecitizen

I dont believe we are headed for 'enlightenment'- that's just new age clap trap

but if we are- I would say you have a long way to go as your so called work that you've done hasn't taught you tolerance as is evident from your replies here telling people they've fallen for the NWO dogma- is being condescending a part of being enlightened?

in the following post you say this

I am glad I don't live in your dark fear driven world. And of course there is no NWO.

The NWO is all about fear, buying into the NWO is buying into fear.

edit to add: I posted this reply when I was up to page 2- I then read the thread in it's entirety and it seems I wasnt the only one to say you are condescending, amongst other things anyone that doesn't agree with your POV is brainwashed by the NWO- funny
why is it so many New Agers are the polar opposite of what they preach? love and light- I don't think so.

[edit on 4-11-2009 by lifecitizen]

I don't preach tolerance, nor 'peace' nor 'love' nor any of that other 'New age' or religious dogma but actually NWO driven drivel. Talk about more of the NWO manipulations to disarm us humans and make us docile and biddable. Ohh.. never argue; never assert yourself. Nooo... be humble and neutered.. er I mean loveable. *ack* Yah, they wish. Nothing scares them more than a human claiming their power; and that isn't done by whimping out and pretending to love/accept everyone, without having done the hard work of loving/accepting yourself first.

And so I have still some ways to go with my healing work, *shrug* who doesn't????? Certainly not you either, Mr. finger pointer.
I am just saying what I see, and what I DON'T see, which would be a lot of the versions coming from all venues, both thru the media and thru the various current 'religious/new age' versions of stuff.

So, first and foremost, I am myself, and as true to myself as I can be, and if someone sounds brainwashed, then I call it as I see it. And that is far more the path to enlightenment than being a NWO whimpy love/tolerance mind-slave. If I were to try to pretend to be that, it would just be another layer of lies I would have to dig thru later. So, basically like me as I am or not. Your choice. I won't change to suit your manipulative 'requirements' for what you think demonstrates 'enlightenment'. Sorry.

But see, that is exactly how that whole guilt tripping shaming thing is supposed to work. I care so much about what YOU think of me that I will try to conform to what you want from me, even at the expense of my true self. Look up people! See the manipulation/game for what it is. Instead, claim your power, be the truest self you can be. Don't let them trick you into being weak just so they will like/love you. Blah. It isn't like they really love/like you anyway; underneath it is simply that they feel they control you. Makes 'em feel safe and powerful albeit it is all based on a lie.

And the 'light' I am talking about?? That is the energy devoted to the furthering of humanity towards its highest destiny. I don't preach it, I merely say that is what we are heading for. Light/spirit bodies along with all the other levels of enlightenment. And that 'light' energy will protect any human who asks for it because in doing so, they are claiming their path towards their highest and best destiny.

And of course there is full enlightenment coming, but the NWO has to keep us guessing and afraid to believe it will happen, so we won't prepare ourselves to be ready in time. Looks like they got you fooled too, eh?

If you saw the extent of the brainwashing, you wouldn't be surprised at the fact that most of what we all 'know' is in fact NWO brainwashing. Especially if you learned it thru the media and our current 'school' system or in any religious/metaphysical venue. They have infiltrated it all; trying to cover all the bases so they won't fail again, since this is their last chance. Period. It is make it or break it time for them. Don't think there isn't any venue too small or too big to have their efforts to spin it to their advantage as in place and spinning as much as possible.

And acknowledging the NWO's infiltration is to realize how spun you are which then allows you to make the choice to stop letting them spin you! Pretending the NWO doesn't exist just lets them keep on spinning you like a over-revved top. Oh, they so want you to not talk about them, for sure. But hey, you go on and enjoy your spinning. I can see why you wouldn't want to stop though. Such a rapid deceleration would probably make you puke, as fast as you are spinning.

[edit on 4-11-2009 by DragonriderGal]

posted on Nov, 4 2009 @ 11:12 AM

Originally posted by Matyas

Originally posted by DragonriderGalSystems theory.

Impressive, intelligently so, but not applicable.

Why do I sense all this intelligence, comely vitality, and creative energy encumbered with scales of ego?

It is the NWO's opinion that ego is bad. It is all in how it is used, eh?

So, regards system theory, this is why it is not applicable. For one area. But that link addresses a logical audience. You could listen to what I say instead, its your choice.

From my education, I have the opinion that Systems theory is based on the principle that EVERYTHING is part of the system. Just different levels. IF there is order in the small level, there will be order in the big level; all levels mirror each other. Hence if something seems like chaos at a higher level to you, then you just aren't seeing enough of the higher level to see the replicating pattern. And any 'expert' is only someone else with an opinion. *shrug* Not any more valid nor 'right'. It is just run thru their filters and given a different interpretation.

Freedom of choice is a grace.

So what is that supposed to mean? Sure it sounds groovy, but in practical application, who says so and why?? And are we talking 'religious' grace, like Amazing grace? Or does it moves smoothly and with lovely motions or???

There is, intertwined with the phenomenal world like two serpents, a numenal world. It too has laws, the kind you can't pin down. Not with the way humans think. Or imagine. And there are certain bridges which exist. Maybe I should call them conduits, its a sexier word. One is through chaos, annilhilation could be considered another. Faith is a definitely one also.

The early psychonauts from the 60s and 70s played with chaos quite a bit. Remember Altered States? That was a movie, if you havn't seen it you should. Pascal is a great case of annilhilation, or what he called in his time the God of Oblivion. Drove him to suicide. You've heard of Pascal's Triangle, right? The one and same. And faith does more than move mountains. I have worked it myself, with out of this world results. You can even change your karma from the past.

Sounds like a delightful way to believe... *ack* Yah, I wanna go jump right off that bridge.. *shakes head*

*snaps fingers a couple of times* Wake up!

The NWO is always thinking up stuff to try to distract us from the actual path, and if they can drive us insane in the process, they are happy as clams in the mud. And 'faith' isn't what is moving stuff; it is manifesting. The knowingness that what you see happening will happen. But expecting 'god' to do it for you gets in the way of that effectiveness. But of course the NWO had to shift our attention away from manifesting because if we counter-manifest what they are trying to do, it will make their stuff fail. There are a LOT more of us than them, and we humans are at least as powerful if not more so than the original jue-sah, even blocked as we are.

And lets not forget the greatest connector of all, love. It is anethema to both the New Age and establishment science. I can use it here because I know how. It takes damn near a lifetime of overpowering all the poison in us to make something effective out what is widely considered a four letter word.But you know what? Love is the best dope, and it will preserve you through the transitions. I have to stop here before I start humming Beetles songs.

Gotcha, third time's the charm!

Love love love. Yah. *rolls eyes* Boy, it just shows how many ways there are to be spun, for sure. Self acceptance, self love. Those two concepts are the real need and the real problem. The universal energy isn't 'love'; it is just energy. How we use it determines the way it expresses. Like a hammer. Use it to hang a picture or bash in someone's head. The hammer doesn't care. It is just there to be used.

And I would so disagree with the idea that New age stuff isn't 'love' based. That is all they talk about, oh you gotta be love-you gotta do love-you gotta act out of love and ooonnnly love. Blah. All I hear from that group o' sheep is Love love love.

Hum.. uh huh.. you sure got me. *rolls eyes*

[edit on 4-11-2009 by DragonriderGal]

posted on Nov, 4 2009 @ 12:22 PM

Originally posted by Matyas
Very important questions. You, we humans, that is, have done so before and can do so again. As a people. That is the goal. A balance must needs be met with the materialistic and spiritual bases.

ok.. I give up. What have we done before and can do so again? As a people?

But what is it? If I may be bold enough to be the one "who defines", I will say if someone gives you a cold prickley, like so many here are doing, I say you should give them a warm fuzzy instead. That encourages spiritual growth, and is not a side product, but is the center which causes self healing and self awareness. You don't know the power until you use it.

I say if they give you a cold prickly, they give you a cold prickly. You don't need to do anything. That is their issue. Now if you choose to give one back, that is your issue. Or if you think you can out smart them and give them warm fuzzies back, that is also your issue. What give self healing is if you give yourself cold pricklies or warm fuzzies or not. Enlightenment has nothing to do with anyone else. All the answers are inside.

A nod to your higher self, thank you. If by local phenomenon you mean insane monkeys, I concurr. Its time to leave the cages.

Get those lock cutters, boys! Lets break outta these boxes the NWO's spun for us, eh? Yeeee Haw!

[edit on 4-11-2009 by DragonriderGal]

posted on Nov, 4 2009 @ 06:25 PM

I have to say, this is a very interesting thread, Dragonridergal. I've enjoyed reading your posts. I even got that goose-bumps, tingly feeling you mentioned at the beginning!

My parents are christian/catholic, but the whole religion thing never made sense to me, which is what led me to look elsewhere. Then I found some books by Eckhart Tolle (I'm sure you've heard of him), "The Power of Now" & "A New Earth" are kind of what got me started on this whole 'enlightenment' thing (or whatever other word you want to call it, ultimately words are just signposts pointing to something bigger anyway). Those books are really awesome, they just made sense to me. It sounds like what he talks about in "A New Earth" is similar to what you are talking about here, although you go into a lot more specific details about who, what, when & where, etc.

Couple questions though. What does "NWO" stand for and exactly who are they? I'm also not clear on the "racial unconscious" thing. What is it, and how are you accessing it? The post that guy "David H" (I think that's his ATS name) posted about shifting into your lightbody was extremely interesting (I would love to be able to do that!), I even tried it this morning. Though I was not successful (I didn't really expect to be able to do it on the first try, lol!), I'm not giving up.

[edit on 4-11-2009 by bdw18_123]

posted on Nov, 4 2009 @ 10:05 PM

Originally posted by DragonriderGalIt is the NWO's opinion that ego is bad. It is all in how it is used, eh?

Depends what kind of ego, selfishness or your essence.

From my education, I have the opinion that Systems theory is based on the principle that EVERYTHING is part of the system. Just different levels. IF there is order in the small level, there will be order in the big level; all levels mirror each other. Hence if something seems like chaos at a higher level to you, then you just aren't seeing enough of the higher level to see the replicating pattern. And any 'expert' is only someone else with an opinion. *shrug* Not any more valid nor 'right'. It is just run thru their filters and given a different interpretation.

I can see honesty at work here. But when you get to game theory it will supercede the former. Then constructivism will supercede that. Such hierarchies these theories proceed through, never able to attain the numenal.

...are we talking 'religious' grace, like Amazing grace? Or does it moves smoothly and with lovely motions or???

The very fact you are here at all, as well as everyone else, is the grace of it. Much the moreso you should have a shot at enlightenment. Thank your lucky stars, they are the ones which say so.

Sounds like a delightful way to believe... *ack* Yah, I wanna go jump right off that bridge..

Just for fun,


Dreams of war, dreams of liars
Dreams of dragon's fire
And of things that will bite

Sleep with one eye open
Gripping your pillow tight

Exit light
Enter night
Take my hand
Off to never never land


*snaps fingers a couple of times* Wake up!

'faith' isn't what is moving stuff; it is manifesting. The knowingness that what you see happening will happen. But expecting 'god' to do it for you gets in the way of that effectiveness.

"When you get to the end of all
the light you know and it's
time to step into the darkness of
the unknown, faith is knowing
that one of two things shall
happen: either you will be given
something solid to stand on, or you
will be taught how to fly."
-Ede Teller

There are a LOT more of us than them, and we humans are at least as powerful if not more so than the original jue-sah, even blocked as we are.

While self empowerment is a good thing, taking responsibility for our actions is equally important.

The universal energy isn't 'love'; it is just energy. How we use it determines the way it expresses. Like a hammer. Use it to hang a picture or bash in someone's head. The hammer doesn't care. It is just there to be used.

Looks as if you have a shiny new reductionist tool there. You are the problem and solution. Be my guest to use it on yourself first. Gently though.

And I would so disagree with the idea that New age stuff isn't 'love' based. That is all they talk about, oh you gotta be love-you gotta do love-you gotta act out of love and ooonnnly love. Blah. All I hear from that group o' sheep is Love love love.

Self love, material love. But what of sacrifice? Can you love a perfect stranger enough to push them out of the way of a moving vehicle, sacrificing your own life in the process? Can it be a split second decision without argument with your ego? That love is courageous, and it creates heros. I don't see the New Age program producing heros. None that I have seen lately.

Hum.. uh huh.. you sure got me. *rolls eyes*

You admit as much, truth be told no one can "have" anyone else. But I am not opposed to a little play

edit to add this part about God, or god(s), I find completely irrelevant to what we believe. God is a pair of doxes, without evidence for or against. Buddha is not God, you are the Buddha. Truth be told, I find "Oh, God!" starring George Burns the most accurate portrayal of God to date by our modern media. Go ahead and laugh, its on you.

[edit on 11/4/2009 by Matyas]

posted on Nov, 4 2009 @ 11:03 PM

Originally posted by DragonriderGalWhat have we done before and can do so again? As a people?

Let's look at Caral Supe for example, a very old civilization, if not the first. It is an anthropological fact they existed for over one thousand years without war. No weapons, no warriors, no battles. Of course, there may have been an outburst here, and argument there, but only the day to day friction we have to put up with neighbors. So what's so special about them that we cannot do what they did? The formula is simple, work hard, play hard, believe hard. I shall reiterate, 1000 years. There has barely been 100 years of peace for the Earth throughout "known" history.

Now if you choose to give one back, that is your issue. Or if you think you can out smart them and give them warm fuzzies back, that is also your issue. What give self healing is if you give yourself cold pricklies or warm fuzzies or not. Enlightenment has nothing to do with anyone else. All the answers are inside.

Gotcha! again. Well maybe a half nelson. Point is, if no one gives out warm fuzzies, then there are none. Everyone has cold pricklies instead. So enlightenment requires community. You are not going to learn anything beyond a blank wall. The sum is truly greater than the individual parts, as each part is not a completely isolated island. Or else, you will enter into a contradiction which you will not be able to easily extricate yourself from.

Get those lock cutters, boys! Lets break outta these boxes the NWO's spun for us, eh? Yeeee Haw!

And then run back howling to our trainer's safe place. Out of fear. I see you using this NWO subject as a hobby horse, but for me the NWO is not an entity so much as an event which transpired around 700 BC which forced humanity to reinterpret the world. That is when the imbalance began. If you want to talk spin, think of a whole planet with its moon. You could be right though, I don't see it that way. Another reason is what I call the Helm of Earth. The enlightened perceive its divine guidence.

posted on Nov, 4 2009 @ 11:12 PM
We aren't heading anywhere...
Gimme a damn break...please.
The world is horrible right now, perhaps if you find solace in the phrase....
It's darkest before dawn...

posted on Nov, 4 2009 @ 11:15 PM
reply to post by DragonriderGal

This depends on who is ready to be enlightened to a certain extent, all of the Infinite One is mysterious until you are once again in unity with the Infinite One therefor you are never really fully enlightened until then.

Those who are ready will be ready and those who are not will go through incarnations again.

posted on Nov, 5 2009 @ 12:32 AM
Also I believe it was...Comte or was it Kant..who said..
There will the the age of enlightenment...
And the Enlightened Age...We are far from the latter...

posted on Nov, 5 2009 @ 01:08 AM

Originally posted by DragonriderGal
Huh. Well that whole paragraph was a bit convoluted. So are you saying that my inner 'knowingness' won't help with laws of physics and such or?

That is correct.

Originally posted by DragonriderGal
Hum.. so are you saying the uneducated masses are more prone to falling into the fake psychic stuff?

Of course proven common sense. Do you remember Waco?

Originally posted by DragonriderGal
Huh yet again. Please be more specific with less run-on sentences that put ideas and questions and your observations all into one lump.

So you attack anyone who questions you with grammatical gestures. Hemingway would be displeased.

Originally posted by DragonriderGal
Hey I can deciper this one. Yes, we are all at varying levels of 'enlightenment' but most aren't even trying to be enlightened, from my observation. And how do YOU know it is fiction?? What makes you so much wiser here? Just wondering.

I doubt it. Why should they? Your observations are based on stereotypes of what a person is from you. Correct? You mean wiser than you? A threat to your audience gratification. I like how you removed “edit” the “double masters” and “BA” response to my less educated response.

Why did you do this?

The answer is obvious to me. You do not wish to be seen superior to those here who would pick up on that stereotype chord. Perhaps this shows you as a pure example of NWO philosophy as you are educated by “peer review” psychs of which you were required to agree with to graduate. Who then is the real NWO philosopher when you yourself have been molded by such? An accusation no, I hold no contempt for this but awareness, yes.

Please feel free to complain that I am bashing you to the mods maybe this will make you hold your image tight. I see holes and I call them plainly. Such is life.

posted on Nov, 5 2009 @ 06:05 AM
i am finding this thread gggreat. everyday i check up and if I was to be honest i find i change my opinion.

Where do people get their information from? surely everyone ultimately is searching for the same thing?

posted on Nov, 5 2009 @ 12:01 PM
soo many responcesss. nice post, i wish others could be as spiritually enlightened. hopefully your messege will make others see. :]

posted on Nov, 5 2009 @ 03:23 PM

Originally posted by bdw18_123

I have to say, this is a very interesting thread, Dragonridergal. I've enjoyed reading your posts. I even got that goose-bumps, tingly feeling you mentioned at the beginning!

My parents are christian/catholic, but the whole religion thing never made sense to me, which is what led me to look elsewhere. Then I found some books by Eckhart Tolle (I'm sure you've heard of him), "The Power of Now" & "A New Earth" are kind of what got me started on this whole 'enlightenment' thing (or whatever other word you want to call it, ultimately words are just signposts pointing to something bigger anyway). Those books are really awesome, they just made sense to me. It sounds like what he talks about in "A New Earth" is similar to what you are talking about here, although you go into a lot more specific details about who, what, when & where, etc.

Couple questions though. What does "NWO" stand for and exactly who are they? I'm also not clear on the "racial unconscious" thing. What is it, and how are you accessing it? The post that guy "David H" (I think that's his ATS name) posted about shifting into your lightbody was extremely interesting (I would love to be able to do that!), I even tried it this morning. Though I was not successful (I didn't really expect to be able to do it on the first try, lol!), I'm not giving up.

[edit on 4-11-2009 by bdw18_123]

Thanks for taking the time to read the thread, bdw18-123.

I can understand your feeling of it just not making any sense. It never did to me either, and all the religious people in my life were quite annoyed because I kept asking questions that ultimately required them to say "you just have to have faith'. In other words, they didn't know either, and they wanted me to stop asking so they could stop wondering themselves, I suppose.

The NWO stands for the New World Order, also called One World Order, or Neo-zionists, etc.

I do have a thread that speaks to what the racial/collective unconscious is, if you want more details, but in short, it is the total accumulative spirit knowledge of humanity via their memories. I don't really know how to access other than by a shaman journey but I am sure there are many other ways; probably about as many other ways as there are cultures and then some.

And good, don't give up! I don't really know how to do that either, but with such details I can get myself into that state, hopefully. Although it is only half of what will be entailed in the light/spirit body. But definitely a good step in the right direction!

posted on Nov, 5 2009 @ 03:52 PM

Originally posted by MatyasOriginally posted by DragonriderGalIt is the NWO's opinion that ego is bad. It is all in how it is used, eh?
Depends what kind of ego, selfishness or your essence.
"Oh, God!" starring George Burns the most accurate portrayal of God to date by our modern media. Go ahead and laugh, its on you.

[edit on 11/4/2009 by Matyas]

It depends on your definition of ego, most of all, I think.

And I suppose you can categorize all the things you believe and what 'theory' they came from. Ultimately though, understanding that there is some small amount of 'truth' in all the different NWO spun 'theories' and religions, just like a rip-off coffee roaster will put in a small amount of top quality arabica beans into an otherwise cheap batch of robusta beans to make it taste better and fool the customer into thinking they are getting higher quality beans than they actually are. People think they must be hearing all truth if they can 'taste' some truth, but if they ever tasted pure 'spirituality' it won't be a bit like the mishmash sour taste of 'religion' or even most of the new age NWO spun swill. I doubt they would ever go back!

So, you can break all this information into little pieces and say this came from there and that came from here, but I have to say this is what I see, and it all came from the racial unconscious or from my education, or my deductions about what works for me, and what doesn't. I don't need labels. I know what works. And I am not confined to any other person's 'theory' of this and that.

That is part of why spirituality is a very individual journey. So you can go with some of what I have found to be 'true' for me if it rings 'true' for you, or you can go with what you have found to be 'true' for you, or you can just buy one of the pre-packaged 'programs' offered by your local church, temple, pyramid, etc. All your choice. And that is one of the criteria. You have to MAKE a choice and then go from there instead of wandering around in the guru of the month club, never committing to anything for fear that something better will come along. Really though, it is a clever ploy to keep you from ever having to make a decision about what you DO believe and therefore having to act on it.

And no, the new age is alll about love love love -- others. Oh sure there is a bit of 'you gotta work on this issue' in there too, but mostly it is all the same crap any religion preaches, just in different colors with different terminology that ends up meaning the same old thing. Save others, save the world, but pay nooo attention to yourself. No, all you have to do is love other people enough and voila! You will love yourself! *rolls eyes* What a load of horse pucky.

And OF course the NWO LOVES people who self sacrifice! Oh yah! Gullible humans --er I mean---'Heroes' killing themselves for 'others'! Whoo hoo! Just one more human they won't have to kill themselves! Here, let's idolize those guppies, opps... heroes, I mean; say how superior/wonderful/spiritually advanced they were (notice the tense there) so we can encourage others to be just as foolish. Sure. *shakes head* Man, they have got sooooooooo many people brainwashed as to what is truly 'spiritual'. And all of it serves their agenda of keeping us from enlightenment plus the bonus of getting rid of a few more useless eaters, as Henry Kissinger was wont to say.

And the movie, 'oh god' portrays more the old indian fellow. He is about as close to a face as the combined sentience of our highest selves has. But since it is all of us, there isn't a 'face' really. Just a presence, I guess you would say.

And self empowerment is the ultimate in taking responsibility for yourself and your actions. Since you are the reason things are going awry in your life, who else is there to blame???

And really.

Roses are red
violets are blue
I find poetry 'postings' abusive
so why don't you?

There is a short stories thread, eh? Maybe even a poetry one. I am sure they would so appreciate your efforts.

And irony isn't your long suit, is it?

[edit on 5-11-2009 by DragonriderGal]

posted on Nov, 5 2009 @ 04:18 PM

Originally posted by Matyas

Originally posted by DragonriderGalWhat have we done before and can do so again? As a people?

Let's look at Caral Supe for example, a very old civilization, if not the first. It is an anthropological fact they existed for over one thousand years without war. No weapons, no warriors, no battles. Of course, there may have been an outburst here, and argument there, but only the day to day friction we have to put up with neighbors. So what's so special about them that we cannot do what they did? The formula is simple, work hard, play hard, believe hard. I shall reiterate, 1000 years. There has barely been 100 years of peace for the Earth throughout "known" history.

Now if you choose to give one back, that is your issue. Or if you think you can out smart them and give them warm fuzzies back, that is also your issue. What give self healing is if you give yourself cold pricklies or warm fuzzies or not. Enlightenment has nothing to do with anyone else. All the answers are inside.

Gotcha! again. Well maybe a half nelson. Point is, if no one gives out warm fuzzies, then there are none. Everyone has cold pricklies instead. So enlightenment requires community. You are not going to learn anything beyond a blank wall. The sum is truly greater than the individual parts, as each part is not a completely isolated island. Or else, you will enter into a contradiction which you will not be able to easily extricate yourself from.

Get those lock cutters, boys! Lets break outta these boxes the NWO's spun for us, eh? Yeeee Haw!

And then run back howling to our trainer's safe place. Out of fear. I see you using this NWO subject as a hobby horse, but for me the NWO is not an entity so much as an event which transpired around 700 BC which forced humanity to reinterpret the world. That is when the imbalance began. If you want to talk spin, think of a whole planet with its moon. You could be right though, I don't see it that way. Another reason is what I call the Helm of Earth. The enlightened perceive its divine guidence.

The american indians were under the protection of the star people until they left about 1100 years ago. They weren't being controlled and manipulated by the NWO bunch. The star people wouldn't allow it. So what you see is what humanity would be like if the NWO bunch weren't stirring the pot and causing trouble all the time.

But I have said that before. Once they are gone, you will see a whole new humanity. It will be a lot harder for the whole world though. Those humans in the americans were all pretty much ex-star people, so their underlying beliefs were fairly similar. The whole world isn't so limited though. Every spirit origin has it's own spirit prejudice, I call it. And they don't really match each other, at all. The elder races may find a limited consensus, but they won't agree with the ex greys or the star people and most certianly not the ex-blues as to what is basically 'right'. But we will definitely be a LOT more civil about it.

And NO, you didn't get me again. You have yet to get me at all. You missed the point entirely. WE GIVE OURSELVES WARM FUZZIES. WE, each one of us. What others give us is 'frosting on the cake'. WE need to make the cake aka self acceptence and self love, not tell them they must 'make our cake' for us by giving us warm fuzzies, like somehow they are responsible for OUR warm fuzzie quota. *shakes head*

But yes, full enlightenment will be quite the community event. That is why you need to have yourself as shipshape as possible. In that place, it will be clear that you are responsible for you, that we are each responsible for ourselves AND no one else. Then and only then can we truly be able to be inter-dependent. Otherwise you end up co-dependent, independent (the best place to start this work, but it is the ground floor), or just plain old dependent.

And well, I think you have your beliefs about enlightenment and they don't at all match mine except in a few sideswiping ways. So probably we are gonna just have to agree to disagree, eh?

[edit on 5-11-2009 by DragonriderGal]

posted on Nov, 5 2009 @ 04:26 PM
reply to post by DragonriderGal

Out of time again! I will be back tomorrow with more responses! Thanks for your patience.

posted on Nov, 6 2009 @ 04:05 PM

Originally posted by bdw18_123

The post that guy "David H" (I think that's his ATS name) posted about shifting into your lightbody was extremely interesting (I would love to be able to do that!), I even tried it this morning. Though I was not successful (I didn't really expect to be able to do it on the first try, lol!), I'm not giving up.

[edit on 4-11-2009 by bdw18_123]

Hello bdw, I can also suggest that before you fall asleep ask yourself, make an intention to enter your Light Body in your own words. Believe that you have the ability to enter that state already, without requiring any techniques or future. This is how it really started for me, I assumed that I could do it already, asked to enter that state, fell asleep then woke up and saw a figure in my minds eye very vividly of an oriental man making a motion with his arm. The energy (chi) travelled through his arm, and then I felt the energy in my arm and it was powerful, then the energy entered the rest of my body and I then heard a high pitched tone.

I opened my eyes and was inside the Light Body, I touched my face and could hear the electical field of my hand and face touching, I tried to push my hand gently through the wall, but could not at that stage. Later the bed had moved away from the wall as if pushed but I could not do this physically even with both arms and all my strength.

So you can enter that state by intending before you fall asleep, trusting that you will be guided through the experience. If you are uncertain about what may happen which is ofcourse natural then you could say something along the lines of 'I intend to be free of all unwanted influences'. The fact that you have the desire to do this at all means that the possibility of being able to do this is there. I also follow Eckhart Tolle, his teachings come through Consciousness, and have inspired millions at this time to awaken.

posted on Nov, 6 2009 @ 05:02 PM

Originally posted by antmax21
We aren't heading anywhere...
Gimme a damn break...please.
The world is horrible right now, perhaps if you find solace in the phrase....
It's darkest before dawn...

That is exactly what the NWO wants you to believe. Doom, gloom, end of the world. Remember, they are the ones who control the media and are constantly spinning it to make everything seem worse. Sure some people say oh that is just what sells. Well, maybe, but it also disheartens and weakens us and too many give up without ever really trying to see if maybe they are being lied to. Just the way the NWO likes us, enslaved by depression and hopelessness. So feel free to believe that everything is going to hell in a handbasket, but do understand that is exactly what the NWO bunch wants.

posted on Nov, 6 2009 @ 05:54 PM

Originally posted by vincere1

That is correct.

Or I could say your laws of physics and such aren't really all that important. They are just words to help people understand someone's idea/opinion about the way the world may or may not work, eh? The inner sense of knowingness is pretty consistent, though.

Of course proven common sense. Do you remember Waco?

Waco was the NWO showing the real right wing who was boss. They wanted them to know they could step on them like bugs. *shakes head* Worked fairly well. All that is left in the political arena now are the fake (and not at all right wing) right wing NWO stoogies.

So you attack anyone who questions you with [grammatical gestures]. (Now this is one of those word choices that screams to me that you don't speak english as your native tongue. It would be more correct to say something like "...questions you with a harsh critique of their grammar usage and word choices.) Hemingway would be displeased.

I am clarifying why I find your posts so impossible to read. If you want to be more successful with people understanding you, this is important feedback. If you don't give a rat's behind, then please take it that I am just attacking, ok? *rolls eyes* And I am pretty sure Hemingway would not approve of your writing style either.

I doubt it. Why should they? Your observations are based on stereotypes of what a person is from you. Correct? You mean wiser than you? A threat to your audience gratification. I like how you removed “edit” the “double masters” and “BA” response to my less educated response.

Why did you do this?

I didn't remove that from my response to you. It was in another response, I am pretty sure. And really audience gratification??? Here again is why I don't think you are a native english speaker. Your sentence structure and word choice is different to say the least. You pick words that mostly mean what I think you are trying to say, but not really. So I have to guess how you meant it, and how your word might be interpreted into some context that I am imagining you meant. Way too much work, really.

The answer is obvious to me. You do not wish to be seen superior to those here who would pick up on that stereotype chord. Perhaps this shows you as a pure example of NWO philosophy as you are educated by “peer review” psychs of which you were required to agree with to graduate. Who then is the real NWO philosopher when you yourself have been molded by such? An accusation no, I hold no contempt for this but awareness, yes.

Of course, you are always entitled to your opinion. Man, you sure make it tough to respond. So what I think you said was that because I was molded by a university, I must also be trained to think by the NWO?? Even though this school was very much the one to 'train' me to think outside the box and learn to be more emotionally competent? Funny, that hardly seems like the kind of thing the NWO would want anyone learning. But then that is one of the advantages of private colleges. You don't' have to learn the government's agenda. Maybe they don't have private colleges where you live, eh?

Please feel free to complain that I am bashing you to the mods maybe this will make you hold your image tight. I see holes and I call them plainly. Such is life.

I don't at all feel that there is anything to call the mods about. You are stating your opinion, not being abusive. Big difference. Just because I don't agree with you, doesn't mean you are bashing me. I appreciate that you are expressing your opinion. This would be a very boring thread if everyone agreed with me (even though they should!) Hahha Just kidding.

[edit on 6-11-2009 by DragonriderGal]

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