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We're headed for Full Enlightenment!

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posted on Nov, 17 2009 @ 04:51 PM

Originally posted by DragonriderGal

Originally posted by Valeri
reply to post by DragonriderGal
judge the message,not the messenger as they saying goes.
But fair neough I guess. Hope something enlightening happens in 2011-2014.
Do you know anythin about timetravel becoming possible? Like being able to go to the year 2009 and meet oneself before the shift? Or are these just dreams.

So the devil shouldn't be judged, only his message? I am kinda believing that the messenger is very much a part of the message, or why else would the messenger deliver it??

As for time travel, I think since everything is in the racial/collective unconscious, past-present-and-future, you can 'travel' there and see what you want. But the actual physical doing, hum, it is tricky. The whole multiple reality lines cause a lot of problems with it. Nothing as drastic as the Butterfly effect, but getting back to your original 'reality' line is almost impossible. Even an observer changes the event, just by observing.
well ofcourse changes, thats what im there to do. there are an infinite amount of timelines. If timetravel like in the butterfly effect iant possible,and I strongly believe it is,anything is...if you are correct,then Im sure lotso f other things I want to definitely try out and have fun with and explore are impossible.

And there is no "devil",that brainwashing imho,but if you like that concept, dont let me stop you.I have more than enough evidence of all kind as well as inner knoweldge that there is no devil,nor god, aside fro mthsoe created by man. there is no such thing as evil either,nor good...there jsut IS, all of it is evolution and all of it treasured,all of the expeirences.

If your limited ,and I miust sya,really boring, version of existence and reality is really true,then I'll more thna likely voulenteer to let someoen kill me off, destroy my soul or whatever...if it truyl is as limited and pointless and boring as you say, some kind of impossible stuff,no such thing as physical time-travel.

Kind of pointless,let others exist in such a limited world, I will opt out, I have no interest in a reality like that,if it truly is all impossible.

posted on Nov, 20 2009 @ 10:01 AM
I must say this is the only topic that I have found very interesting. You even encouraged me to start meditating, though I am still far from the real thing. After all, even if there is no such thing as enlightenment, I will still have much to gain from this.

But I have a couple of questions, that I feel I must ask. You mentioned EFT earlier, but I was wondering if you can recommend anything else that would prepare me for this? And when do you think this opportunity to be enlightened will take place?

posted on Nov, 20 2009 @ 12:41 PM

Originally posted by xds777

Hey uhm, I'm coming with a quite special question here.
Since we are led to believe that we are a working ant that's born on planet earth and have to work to live and have fun = money. And that everything's good aslong as we have money and alot of stuff and all of that.
What's the reality like?

My bets go that the entire creation is alive and that atoms may be equipped with a free will do to as they like, and what they like to do, is mate up with other atoms, forming molecules and more advanced structures. Finally forming sentient people walking around, claiming that "I am me", while meaning that I and all my atoms are me. You with me so far?

Okay, we have a very delicate thing here, consciousness, what is it really, am I the sum of all my atoms, or are my atoms merely a tool/vehicle for my spirit to equip to experience physical reality?

Is there a divine plan you think? I'm talking about an organizing god here, overwatching everything, the system theory, attributed not only non-personalized, but also highly personalized correlation to our position in the world?
What I really mean is, does the universe(aka god) care for us on a highly personal level?

How can you and me exist at the same time? May it be possible that we are the same and that I will live in your body at one point in time or another?
I just cannot get the grip of how it is possible for other consciousnesses to exist without me being them somehow, or stemming from me.

Existence is a very delicate thing according to me.
I hope I didn't rant on too much about philosophy, and you know the way I express myself, take it with a grain of salt.
I realize this is out of topic.

edit: spell correction

[edit on 15-11-2009 by xds777]

Sorry that took so long to get back to you... darn facebook apps! *lol*

Well, having fun and living a worthwhile life are definitely part of what we are here to do. Heck, what fun would it be if all we did was work?? Ask any grey; they'd tell you there isn't anything fun about that... that is why they were going extinct! Their lives were monotony never-ending. Work, eat this goo stuff, sleep, and then do it again day after day after day. No wonder some of them just started laying down until they died and then refusing to reincarnate!

I see the spirit as the energy that uses the physical body like we drive a car. The body/physical world 'atoms' exists for that reason alone, so that we can learn and grow as we can't when just a spirit. Part of the physical experience is for the express purpose of us learning who 'I' am as compared to 'you'. This isn't possible in spirit form because we are all so stuck together. That is why it is critical to 'know' yourself once you hit enlightenment. If you don't know which part of that huge spirit glob is you, you will basically dissolve back into the mass and end up reincarnating.

I think that our sentience actually imprints the energy so that it becomes 'ours' out there. Yes, it is all the same energy, but with the imprinting, it holds a minutely different vibration and becomes distinct although still part of the same energy glob; sorta like radio frequencies are all part of the same type of energy, but yet are distinct enough to pick up with the right receptor.
And the overarching sentience of the human race is the level of energy that 'cares' about us humans, since all of our highest selves are a part of that sentience, and for sure, each of us at that level cares very much what happens to our 'selves' in the flesh and alive on this world. There is a higher sentience than that; the overarching sentience of the 'universe' which cares about all sentient life because it cares about the various overarching sentiences of the many sentience species, if that makes sense, but it doesn't care about the level of 'you and me'.

And no, I don't think you ranted at all! It is very clear you have given this some thought, and have come to some similar conclusions! Again, sorry about the delay to answer... Uh oh! I think my bacon cheese burgers are burning over on cafe world! Gotta go! *lol* (teasing!)

[edit on 20-11-2009 by DragonriderGal]

posted on Nov, 20 2009 @ 12:58 PM

Originally posted by unityemissions
I think you're terribly mistaken. Enlightenment is a pipe dream. It doesn't really exist. It's people self-deluding their selves. That's all.

You want the truth? Here ya go. Over 90,000 previously nonexistent synthetic chemicals have been dumped into the environment in the last 65 years. One type of those, endocrine disruptors, is causing males to lose over half of their sperm in the last 50 years. 85% of what remains is dysfunctional.

Over 20,000 plant and animal species are lost yearly now. We're at the beginning stage of the sixth great mass extinction, and this time it's thought to be man-made. Over a billion people will go without adequate food this year. Many will die because of this.

Heavy metals are constantly being spewed out by factories and automobiles, with no sign of stopping anytime soon.

We're not heading towards a global enlightenment, we're heading towards the collapse of civilization and possible extinction. People are shooting for the stars, without realizing they must first build their rocket on the ground! Basic needs, and catastrophic issues must be dealt with before we can begin to think, "all is well."

I think the toxicity has already compromised your ability to reason. Many are to follow. Maybe you're right. Maybe before the collapse of civilization many will become so ill, that they just allow themselves to wither away in utter denial of what is. I want no part in it.
[edit on 29-10-2009 by unityemissions]

Suffering and the consequent pain can be a catalyst for growth through the resolve to relieve the suffering. Worldwide suffering could bring worldwide enlightenment, it wouldn't be quick, easy, or without danger. Neither is any birth. Is it possible? I think so. Is it also possible we run full-barrel toward the path of extinction? I think so. As with everything it comes down to the choices we make individually culminating into a collective outcome.

posted on Nov, 20 2009 @ 01:08 PM

Originally posted by Valeri
well ofcourse changes, thats what im there to do. there are an infinite amount of timelines. If timetravel like in the butterfly effect iant possible,and I strongly believe it is,anything is...if you are correct,then Im sure lotso f other things I want to definitely try out and have fun with and explore are impossible.

And there is no "devil",that brainwashing imho,but if you like that concept, dont let me stop you.I have more than enough evidence of all kind as well as inner knoweldge that there is no devil,nor god, aside fro mthsoe created by man. there is no such thing as evil either,nor good...there jsut IS, all of it is evolution and all of it treasured,all of the expeirences.

If your limited ,and I miust sya,really boring, version of existence and reality is really true,then I'll more thna likely voulenteer to let someoen kill me off, destroy my soul or whatever...if it truyl is as limited and pointless and boring as you say, some kind of impossible stuff,no such thing as physical time-travel.

Kind of pointless,let others exist in such a limited world, I will opt out, I have no interest in a reality like that,if it truly is all impossible.

I was only teasing about the 'devil'. It was a handy metaphor. And actually there is a satan energy, also called the parasite of the world. It is an energy being that the NWO bunch brought here to increase our suffering, and which like the demons, actually feeds on the emotive energy of humanity. Any intense emotion does the trick, but of course, it is MUCH easier to make humans suffer than feel joy, eh?

And wow, maybe you could run a spell checker before you post??? I mean really. I want to read what you say but boy, I am guessing half the time, trying to get the meaning you intend by the context.

And well, if you think my reality is boring (I think that is what you mean anyway), of course you are free to feel that way, eh? I actually find it quite interesting and challenging. And I am soooo gonna shoot for making full enlightenment! I doubt there is anything that can compare to that for a goal worthy of achieving.

posted on Nov, 20 2009 @ 01:27 PM

Originally posted by Chaplain Varnus
I must say this is the only topic that I have found very interesting. You even encouraged me to start meditating, though I am still far from the real thing. After all, even if there is no such thing as enlightenment, I will still have much to gain from this.

But I have a couple of questions, that I feel I must ask. You mentioned EFT earlier, but I was wondering if you can recommend anything else that would prepare me for this? And when do you think this opportunity to be enlightened will take place?

Thanks for the positive feedback, CV! Like you say, even if the enlightenment thing never happens, the work towards being ready for it will never be a waste.

Well, I recommend the EFT because it is really the fastest and least painful way to work thru issues left over from childhood that are still affecting you now. And if you ever react to a here/now situation to anything more than a 6 or so, on a scale of 10, then you've got issues (unless it is something extreme like a gun to the head or something). Or conversely if you underreact to a genuinely moving experience less than a 4, you've got issues.

And it isn't any big deal. All of us have something to deal with because parents aren't perfect. And really that is part of the growing process. To take our life experiences, master them to become our true selves, not the ones our parents might have wanted us to be, or the ones our siblings or friends wanted us to be, but instead, the one we truly are, acting and reacting to situations as they are, not over or under responding because of childhood issues.

I think that there will be people starting to make the shift within a year or so, but it will really start catching on in 2012 when all the other stuff starts happening, making it clear how much of what we 'know' and believe are really just lies spun for us by the NWO bunch to get us under control.

posted on Nov, 20 2009 @ 01:31 PM

Originally posted by wanderingwaldo

Originally posted by unityemissions
I think you're terribly mistaken. Enlightenment is a pipe dream. It doesn't really exist. It's people self-deluding their selves. That's all.

You want the truth? Here ya go. Over 90,000 previously nonexistent synthetic chemicals have been dumped into the environment in the last 65 years. One type of those, endocrine disruptors, is causing males to lose over half of their sperm in the last 50 years. 85% of what remains is dysfunctional.

Over 20,000 plant and animal species are lost yearly now. We're at the beginning stage of the sixth great mass extinction, and this time it's thought to be man-made. Over a billion people will go without adequate food this year. Many will die because of this.

Heavy metals are constantly being spewed out by factories and automobiles, with no sign of stopping anytime soon.

We're not heading towards a global enlightenment, we're heading towards the collapse of civilization and possible extinction. People are shooting for the stars, without realizing they must first build their rocket on the ground! Basic needs, and catastrophic issues must be dealt with before we can begin to think, "all is well."

I think the toxicity has already compromised your ability to reason. Many are to follow. Maybe you're right. Maybe before the collapse of civilization many will become so ill, that they just allow themselves to wither away in utter denial of what is. I want no part in it.
[edit on 29-10-2009 by unityemissions]

Suffering and the consequent pain can be a catalyst for growth through the resolve to relieve the suffering. Worldwide suffering could bring worldwide enlightenment, it wouldn't be quick, easy, or without danger. Neither is any birth. Is it possible? I think so. Is it also possible we run full-barrel toward the path of extinction? I think so. As with everything it comes down to the choices we make individually culminating into a collective outcome.

Exactly correct, wanderingwaldo. That is exactly why the NWO bunch is here. And with any 'gamble', there is a risk humanity might lose, but without the NWO's constant pushing and abusing us, we would have never been ready to make the shift into our spirit/light bodies at the time the energy started rising.

posted on Nov, 20 2009 @ 10:42 PM
I hope we are going to experience Full Enlightenment, but I really don't think this generation (or any in the near future) are going to be able to handle it... too much crap spewing from all the religious communities and keeping people hardcore involved with the religious societies - the sad part is the guilt people feel if they don't go to church for example... Doesn't most (or ALL?) religions preach that God is everywhere? I always told myself (before my spiritual awakening) that if God is everywhere, then I can ask for forgiveness, and talk to him anytime I wanted WHEREVER I wanted, and I did. No need for church... although I never was fully a believer in any religious stuff, even though I was raised Catholic, and went to Catholic School for a couple years, I was lucky my parents let me choose what school I wanted to go to after 2nd grade, and they never forced religious views upon me. I was allowed to believe what I wished, and seek truth on my own... which is why I am who I am this day. I have the word "truth" tattooed on my right wrist and I wasn't even doing it for the sense of the meaning of the word, it was just a nickname of mine from one of my best friends (since I try and be truthful about everything in my life, although we all lie sometimes, for me just usually to spare emotions, although I'm much more blunt these days). Anyway, nowadays I find that my tattoo means SO much more, and I find it ironic how much more it means to me since my spiritual awakening - it's as if it were meant to be there tattooed on my wrist for later spiritual meanings... I'm so glad I got it when I was like 18, I believe it was 18 anyway... Sorry for babbling my bad.

posted on Nov, 21 2009 @ 04:49 PM
reply to post by DragonriderGal
sorry for the spelling.dont doublecheck.

but boring i nthe snese of many things impossible, + some of your things jsut dotn ring true, I have an intuition that lets me knwo if something makes sense,and osemthing doesnt. There is no satan energy, there are only tools given to you,by the elites, sublte tools,as in you have a choise, if they didn't provide the negative,you wouldn't have a choise now would you. It is your job,if you want to evolve,to learn what path to choose, either negative or positive, no matter which one, you will learn and evolve either way,wether it is 4D negative or 4D postiive that will be oens destination after this 3D-ride is over,which it will be shortly.
Now meditation,quantum phyisics, regresison hypnosis-all of those and more have shown me and others too that anything and everything is possible, there is no such htings as limits...limits are an illusion so that one can evolve, but oen cna also always take a breather,a brake and do whatever one wants-anytyhing. I intend,either if I make it to the 4th dimension or die in a few short years, then I for one will time-travel quite a bit, manifesting myself in the phyisical,with full memory of it all, and meeting myself etc. Not ofr osme greater purpose,but jsut to have fun and enjoy myself within this 3D-world for a change.
there is no rush in evolution,for time is an illusion and all is eternal Now and infinite.
One can never be late for anything,not really.

But lets agree to disagree.You have your truth, I have mine.

posted on Nov, 21 2009 @ 07:17 PM
Truth is we need a place where enlightened beings can come together be free and share ideas. I know I have many and I'm sure you do to. Lets face it we all want to make it happen, start the fire, raise our vibrations to a state of knowingness letting the cosmic warmth fill our hearts, our soul and our mind.

We have a seed inside of us that when nurtured can fuel our desires into the next world and onwards.

The dance of freedom, expression, knowledge and love awaits us. We must learn to control our destiny and remember it is best to travel with the ones you love and connect to.

I hear the echo of time warn us we are evolving far too slow, many are ready and must prepare for the omnipresence of energic freedom of the consciousness. Many have fought for us, to get us to where we are. The fight for survival is over. Its time to move on now.

We are familiar with earth now, we know its cycles and quirks. They used to say live by the sword die by the sword, I say live for today cry for tommorrow for tears of joy await us if we are strong enough to embrace enternity we really can make it together and make it happen, you know this and I know this!

posted on Nov, 23 2009 @ 12:56 PM
booboo post, sorry!

[edit on 23-11-2009 by DragonriderGal]

posted on Nov, 23 2009 @ 01:01 PM

Originally posted by highlyoriginal
I hope we are going to experience Full Enlightenment, but I really don't think this generation (or any in the near future) are going to be able to handle it... too much crap spewing from all the religious communities and keeping people hardcore involved with the religious societies - the sad part is the guilt people feel if they don't go to church for example... Doesn't most (or ALL?) religions preach that God is everywhere? I always told myself (before my spiritual awakening) that if God is everywhere, then I can ask for forgiveness, and talk to him anytime I wanted WHEREVER I wanted, and I did. No need for church... although I never was fully a believer in any religious stuff, even though I was raised Catholic, and went to Catholic School for a couple years, I was lucky my parents let me choose what school I wanted to go to after 2nd grade, and they never forced religious views upon me. I was allowed to believe what I wished, and seek truth on my own... which is why I am who I am this day. I have the word "truth" tattooed on my right wrist and I wasn't even doing it for the sense of the meaning of the word, it was just a nickname of mine from one of my best friends (since I try and be truthful about everything in my life, although we all lie sometimes, for me just usually to spare emotions, although I'm much more blunt these days). Anyway, nowadays I find that my tattoo means SO much more, and I find it ironic how much more it means to me since my spiritual awakening - it's as if it were meant to be there tattooed on my wrist for later spiritual meanings... I'm so glad I got it when I was like 18, I believe it was 18 anyway... Sorry for babbling my bad.

No, no.. not babbling.. I liked your sharing your path! What I sense is that your journey is sincerely motivated to be come the best you possible.

But what I am seeing out there is that the NWO bunch is hoping we all believe their spun version of how many people are so lost. Sure, there are plenty, but just like the focus being on the few people who misuse guns in the media versus the many who's lives were saved because they were armed, so also is the focus that we are all so confused and lost and going to church and so on. Now there are a lot, but there are also a lot of US, who are so up to here with the NWO's bull crap, and looking for the more honest feeling and genuinely growing paths, instead of those fake paths that just suppress who we really are, in order to be more accepted and 'acceptable' aka manipulated and controlled.

And more people are starting to wake up all the time. The shift doesn't require everyone be awake and aware; in fact I see that those who start the shift early on, will be helping a lot of people wake up and be aware. It is a personal event that is going to spread throughout humanity. We can't help but get there. And now is the time. The energy field around and thru earth is rising, and that is the missing component of us doing the full enlightenment thru the ages. WE are the lucky ones.. if you want to call it that since these are also some of the most stressful times to be alive since the sinking of Atlantis.

[edit on 23-11-2009 by DragonriderGal]

posted on Nov, 23 2009 @ 01:18 PM

Originally posted by Valeri
reply to post by DragonriderGal
sorry for the spelling.dont doublecheck.

but boring i nthe snese of many things impossible, + some of your things jsut dotn ring true, I have an intuition that lets me knwo if something makes sense,and osemthing doesnt. There is no satan energy, there are only tools given to you,by the elites, sublte tools,as in you have a choise, if they didn't provide the negative,you wouldn't have a choise now would you. It is your job,if you want to evolve,to learn what path to choose, either negative or positive, no matter which one, you will learn and evolve either way,wether it is 4D negative or 4D postiive that will be oens destination after this 3D-ride is over,which it will be shortly.
Now meditation,quantum phyisics, regresison hypnosis-all of those and more have shown me and others too that anything and everything is possible, there is no such htings as limits...limits are an illusion so that one can evolve, but oen cna also always take a breather,a brake and do whatever one wants-anytyhing. I intend,either if I make it to the 4th dimension or die in a few short years, then I for one will time-travel quite a bit, manifesting myself in the phyisical,with full memory of it all, and meeting myself etc. Not ofr osme greater purpose,but jsut to have fun and enjoy myself within this 3D-world for a change.
there is no rush in evolution,for time is an illusion and all is eternal Now and infinite.
One can never be late for anything,not really.

But lets agree to disagree.You have your truth, I have mine.

I agree. That is what all of this is about. We share information and the other either takes some of it in, as helping them with their journey, or they don't. We are all walking our own path, and if what I am saying doesn't ring true to you, so be it, eh?

But unfortunately I see the 'satan' energy very clearly. It is a parasite and been here for quite a long time. It appears that the NWO bunch brought it over shortly after they realized enslaving us wasn't going to be the cake walk they thought it would be. It is mostly energy, and it is spread very thin over most of the inhabited parts of earth, soaking up as much emotive energy as possible. It does work with the demons but I don't see it being from their dimension.

And the demon's dimension is the only other dimension I see. All the rest of the stuff people call 'dimensions' appear to be only just differing levels of awareness, but of course as always, we may be talking about the same thing, just using different words, eh?

And did it ever occur to you that if the NWO can convince people that nothing is impossible and all that airy fairy New age horse pucky, then a lot of people are going to be wasting a lot of energy and time (which the NWO is also trying to make seem unimportant) focusing on which is actually impossible, instead of more effectively focusing on the stuff that does matter and is possible, aka personal growth work?? Oh, they try do think of all the angles when ever a new religious/spiritual 'belief' structure is formed. They do a pretty good job, but luckily for us, they really aren't that bright, and so sometimes very important things like the internet slip thru their awareness and it isn't dealt with until it is very late in the game, so to speak.

But hey, feel free to believe whatever you wish. If it works for you, then more power to you. I just unfortunately can't agree, but hey, that doesn't matter anyway. It is always your choice as to what you feel is 'right' and what to believe based on that.

And as for your spelling... do you even check it at all??? Are you that busy or lazy that you don't have time to bother with what I would consider an essential part of effective and appropriate communication? Just leave the heavy load of trying to understanding what you are saying on those of us who are trying to read it?? In my opinion, that is quite lame and rude.

[edit on 23-11-2009 by DragonriderGal]

posted on Nov, 23 2009 @ 01:29 PM

Originally posted by pharaohmoan
Truth is we need a place where enlightened beings can come together be free and share ideas. I know I have many and I'm sure you do to. Lets face it we all want to make it happen, start the fire, raise our vibrations to a state of knowingness letting the cosmic warmth fill our hearts, our soul and our mind.

We have a seed inside of us that when nurtured can fuel our desires into the next world and onwards.

The dance of freedom, expression, knowledge and love awaits us. We must learn to control our destiny and remember it is best to travel with the ones you love and connect to.

I hear the echo of time warn us we are evolving far too slow, many are ready and must prepare for the omnipresence of energic freedom of the consciousness. Many have fought for us, to get us to where we are. The fight for survival is over. Its time to move on now.

We are familiar with earth now, we know its cycles and quirks. They used to say live by the sword die by the sword, I say live for today cry for tommorrow for tears of joy await us if we are strong enough to embrace enternity we really can make it together and make it happen, you know this and I know this!

Yes, if we can effectively make that shift into full enlightenment, there will tears of joy aplenty.. for humanity. And tears of lamentation and pain for those who tried to enslave us. But they did it to themselves. *shrug* They will more than deserve every little thing they get.

And this shift was never meant for everyone. It is a repeating cycle from what I can see, and those who aren't ready this cycle, might well be, next one. I know I just plan on being one of those who are ready, to the best of my ability! *lol*

posted on Nov, 27 2009 @ 12:57 PM
reply to post by DragonriderGal

il ltry to check more when typing,sorry. But as far as I see it,the NWO or however you wish to call the rulers, they have no power over you unless you htink they have it either way- and you are implying as if they have that power either way,because even when one doesn't think about them etc and thinks about "impossible" things and having fun etc with that.. they still by your logic trick you into focusing on the "impossible" and not useful etc.

Sorry mate, if one doesn't care about hte elite and doesn't pay any attention to them and their actions,and only doing what he/she wants to do,then control is in your hands.

And what you call useful,again, there is no rush, we have an eternity in infinity here. And if your logic says many things are impossible,then you are only limiting yourself by believing that, cause you don't know anything for sure either way. A smarter thing would be to believe that all is possible, and if it's not, then at least you were never limiting your consciousness, it was always free of limits, which makes a person grow.

And even if your theory of many things nto being possible is ture,then I repeat, MANY people would not care to exist in such a reality.many would opt out simply because,liek for me, it's not worth it if so many things are impossible, time-travel being one of them for me.

And the satan energy may exist in your reality indeed,but since I don't care nor believe in such a thing,and have no reason or intuition to believe, then ,ironically,it doesn't effect me at all in my life, this energy you speak of.Isn't that interesting hehe.

posted on Nov, 28 2009 @ 11:46 AM

Originally posted by Valeri
reply to post by DragonriderGal

il ltry to check more when typing,sorry. But as far as I see it,the NWO or however you wish to call the rulers, they have no power over you unless you htink they have it either way- and you are implying as if they have that power either way,because even when one doesn't think about them etc and thinks about "impossible" things and having fun etc with that.. they still by your logic trick you into focusing on the "impossible" and not useful etc.

Sorry mate, if one doesn't care about hte elite and doesn't pay any attention to them and their actions,and only doing what he/she wants to do,then control is in your hands.

And what you call useful,again, there is no rush, we have an eternity in infinity here. And if your logic says many things are impossible,then you are only limiting yourself by believing that, cause you don't know anything for sure either way. A smarter thing would be to believe that all is possible, and if it's not, then at least you were never limiting your consciousness, it was always free of limits, which makes a person grow.

And even if your theory of many things nto being possible is ture,then I repeat, MANY people would not care to exist in such a reality.many would opt out simply because,liek for me, it's not worth it if so many things are impossible, time-travel being one of them for me.

And the satan energy may exist in your reality indeed,but since I don't care nor believe in such a thing,and have no reason or intuition to believe, then ,ironically,it doesn't effect me at all in my life, this energy you speak of.Isn't that interesting hehe.

First and foremost let me say thank you for your efforts to communicate more effectively. The spelling was very much better!

Anyway, with that belief stance, I guess that means you must have been an ostrich in your last life or something. If ignoring something and pretending it doesn't exist works for you, more power to you. Stick that head just a little deeper into the sand, eh?

Sadly that doesn't make it go away though. It doesn't make the government stop being controlled by these yahoos, or make the chemtrails stop being sprayed, or stop the big pharmaceutical companies from killing us slowly with their 'drugs' and 'vaccines' to make us sick, weak and broke, or etc etc etc. The list goes on and on.

So essentially, by tricking you into believing all that crap, they have effectively neutralized any kind of proactive defensive behavior on your part. Hey, if you can't get them guilt tripped and manipulated by shame to be 'peaceful', why not trick them into believing they don't have to do anything to protect themselves and their loved ones because the NWO bunch just isn't real if you pretend they aren't! See how that works??? Different clowns maybe, but still the same old manipulative circus with exactly the same results, aka No one coming after the NWO bunch. Yah, never would hear me say they aren't tricky little scum bags, but over all even a human with half a brain can out think them if they see past the trickery. So, please try to see beyond the obvious and stop buying all their lines of manipulative dis-empowering crap, eh?

But of course denial is a wonderful thing. *shakes head*

[edit on 28-11-2009 by DragonriderGal]

posted on Nov, 29 2009 @ 11:19 AM
reply to post by DragonriderGal

Again, YOU ARE NOT listening to me at all. I NEVER said they don't exist, they do, and they have malicious plans etc. All I am saying is that I don't care about their plans, I have better things to do with my life than sit around and find out what their actions are. I simply don't care enough to research what it is that they may be up to.
You really need to read more carefully what a person is saying, I said I don't care about them, not that they don't exist. And my life is turning out very well, because I am the creator of my experiences
and 2012 will be graduation time I think, if these are the hardest times ever leading up to 2012 then I think I'm doing wonderfully.
You go ahead and shiver in fear,good luck achieving any ascension at all with that outlook and stance.
Limiting ones own power.The sooner you realize that you are god and you are able to do anything, literally, including creating your own reality, the better off you'll be. But it seems you are more focused on thinking about this "satan" energy and how it is affecting you etc and how powerless you are against the actions of the elites.
if you like that way of thinking, go ahead.

The elites and that so-called satan energy has no power over me,because I choose not to concentrate on it and instead I concentrate on creating my own reality.

People talk about how hard it is and how this economic meltdown and swine flu etc affect them and how bad life is. None of these things even touched my reality. I only here about it on the news sometimes, and simply laugh, because that propaganda is failing miserably on me haha. Many eat it up and fall into fear, that's why # happens to them, they create their own realities by believing that this will affect them.
The economic crisis and the flus,wars etc will not effect me because those things are not part of my reality.
I am in the eye of the hurricane,where all is calm and peaceful.

[edit on 11/29/2009 by Valeri]

posted on Nov, 29 2009 @ 11:33 AM
reply to post by DragonriderGal

You are simply not ready for ascension,that is what I see when reading your post. It is filled with fear,throughout. You are blaming someone for something.There is no blaming anyone. The elite give you tools, you choose them,so that is your choise. If there was no rulers and controllers,you would not evolve. This ascension is for those who can see beyond the separateness,who actually realize that all of this is needed so that one can move beyond it, become immune to it, and I think I am becoming immune to it rather rapidly. All I have for the elite is feelings of pure love. They are simply wonderful,they are doing their part of the job brilliantly. They are another part of me, because we are ALL ONE eternal infinity.

The sooner you realize that all of this is a game, a place to learn, a learning ground, the sooner you will overcome the pointless fears you have. Fears of some silly vaccines,some drugs etc. These are such none-issues in the grand sceme of the universal ME that seriously make me chuckle. Your body is simply a vessel, that you use to learn and experience the physical reality. And those pesky elite men and women are simply YOU, only it is you reincarnated through another body(even beyond the system of individual souls)

So you are hating and bashing YOURSELF in essence.

Please try to overcome that pointless fear and if you don't like something, then simply change it in your life

Again, I am going to praise the elites and rulers(who are ME) for doing all that they are doing. They are preparing those of us who will be ready to ascend very well indeed. Bravo and may they give me new challenges/opportunities to grow.

I am doing exactly the opposite of an ostrich my friend, I am not hiding, I am embracing what they are doing. They give me opportunities to grow and when I choose the positive path instead of their negative one, I in effect am evolving.

[edit on 11/29/2009 by Valeri]

posted on Nov, 30 2009 @ 01:41 AM
reply to post by Valeri

Originally posted by Valeri
So you are hating and bashing YOURSELF in essence.

Yes, when the OP leads me to believe she has achieved some great attainment, that has to get through me before I can accept it. Sharing the Black Sun can only be with attainment or ascension. Nevertheless I refuse to play in her sandbox with her toys as she expects me to do. The mirror vexes, and I am a nuisance.

Originally posted by Valeri...give me opportunities to grow...

In our practice we rejoice when the three great enemies appear. Also in Catholicism the dogs of Heaven drive souls to salvation. A universal principle there.

posted on Dec, 1 2009 @ 12:16 PM

Originally posted by Valeri
reply to post by DragonriderGal

Again, YOU ARE NOT listening to me at all. I NEVER said they don't exist, they do, and they have malicious plans etc. All I am saying is that I don't care about their plans, I have better things to do with my life than sit around and find out what their actions are. I simply don't care enough to research what it is that they may be up to.
You really need to read more carefully what a person is saying, I said I don't care about them, not that they don't exist. And my life is turning out very well, because I am the creator of my experiences
and 2012 will be graduation time I think, if these are the hardest times ever leading up to 2012 then I think I'm doing wonderfully.
You go ahead and shiver in fear,good luck achieving any ascension at all with that outlook and stance.
Limiting ones own power.The sooner you realize that you are god and you are able to do anything, literally, including creating your own reality, the better off you'll be. But it seems you are more focused on thinking about this "satan" energy and how it is affecting you etc and how powerless you are against the actions of the elites.
if you like that way of thinking, go ahead.

The elites and that so-called satan energy has no power over me,because I choose not to concentrate on it and instead I concentrate on creating my own reality.

People talk about how hard it is and how this economic meltdown and swine flu etc affect them and how bad life is. None of these things even touched my reality. I only here about it on the news sometimes, and simply laugh, because that propaganda is failing miserably on me haha. Many eat it up and fall into fear, that's why # happens to them, they create their own realities by believing that this will affect them.
The economic crisis and the flus,wars etc will not effect me because those things are not part of my reality.
I am in the eye of the hurricane,where all is calm and peaceful.

[edit on 11/29/2009 by Valeri]

First off, again, thanks for taking the time to check your spelling. I appreciate that a lot!

So, Huh. What you are doing is different from me saying manifest your own personal safety how?? I am hardly shivering in fear. By knowing them and their idiocy, it empowers me even more to know that they are going to fail. Enough of us are willing it, and these ARE the end times, and the contract is expiring. And the NWO is going down hard in a total smack down. And the elves are quite happy to help.

And you can certainly acknowledge their existence and speak about all of that NWO stuff and not at all be living in the 'fear' you are so insistent I must be living in. Mostly it just gives me something to be aware of, and warn people about, which is why I am mentioning it here, so they can also avoid the various traps the NWO is busy spinning right now. And this VERY MUCH includes various of the New Age stuff that they have designed to trip those of us up who won't allow themselves to be manipulated by the old religious crap. So where in that do you think I am living in fear????? *rolls eyes*

What YOU don't seem to get is that YOU are being manipulated by some of their lies, from what I can see in the racial unconscious. I've pointed them out, but you just take it that I am afraid of the NWO somehow, because I am pointing out how they are manipulating you. Hum... Funny how that worked. It is pretty conveniently twisted around from my perspective. *shakes head* Oh well, let them control you and be happy as a little clam in the mud because you can't/won't see how they are, because you don't even care to acknowledge the possiblitity that they might be. *shrug*

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