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We're headed for Full Enlightenment!

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posted on Nov, 2 2009 @ 07:49 PM
Earth/Nature + Individual Preparation = Sovereign Integral Realization. (J)

[edit on 2-11-2009 by A por uvas]

posted on Nov, 2 2009 @ 07:54 PM

Originally posted by The_Seeker
Ok - forgive me firstly, as I am not very good at this quote, cut and paste thing, so I will just try the best I can

You seem to be doing just fine.

I understand the whole cycle process, as I am sure a lot of people do now. But I will say that, whom is to say that your "guides" or what ever you wish to call them are the ones that are in the " KNOW", who here at ALL can turn around and say that they know for certain what, if anything, is going to happen. I again re-iterate, that I base my belief on the same as what you seem to base yours on. I, surely like you, also I try to get as much scientific" data as I can find, and that data is what I ONLY deem certain covers my truth and my case. But Science is not really a science, that has been proven time again. Things change and they do very quickly... But I digressing)

I don't use guides. I usually see it in the memories of the people who were there at the time. And from my observation, the racial/collective unconscious has it's own pretty powerful protections in place. That is part of what that old indian fellow is. He keeps non-humans out of the human racial unconscious and he guards the accesses, like mine.

The spirit realm is open to all though, so that level is more easily messed with.

To your point on not letting things fester within our souls, I agree with you on this, if you read my reply you can see that, again, I bring you back to my point of, that is how we learn.

As for "white lights" and "Psychic protection", and the nwo order using this against us, I am sorry, BUT, and dont get me wrong I do believe in these factions, but, I do not believe in the whole mind control stuff. I do believe they have manipulated us very very carefully over the years, but, we have all allowed it to happen. Right under our noses, and this, to me only, has led to the great nwo mind control debate.
No sorry.. this just doesn't work for me as a theory.

The spirit realm is a very real place, but one to which we humans have our awareness pretty well blocked, and what little might be getting thru, they've managed to convince most of us that it is just our imagination. Oh yah, they've been working very hard at keeping us doubting ourselves and our connection to the spirit realm and racial/collective unconscious. Very hard.

So of course you aren't going to believe it. Plus how much scarier might it be if you believed they could mess with your head at that level?? Especially if you didn't know you can protect yourself at that level.

As for taking my dreams with a grain of salt, thanks for the advice, but they have worked very well for me over the last 36 years, so I think I will keep taking stock in what I know works.

Cool beans. Just saying, based on what I see. Your choice, as always.

And to your point of self love, that is just the first building block, there are many many more to go through yet, most of which we have no concept of, we are yet to learn, this is my view only of course, those that generally claim to know, really do not know anything, no insult intended.

Considering most never make it over that first hurdle, but go on and try to jump over the ones that actually come after it, it seems important to me that I stress the first and hardest step. If you can't make that one, none of the others matter.

As for your judgment on my old gentleman from the other realm, you have your opinion and belief and I have mine. Show me the difference between what you have been given, in comparison to what I have

Of course and we are both entitled to those opinions. My view of it is based on the fact that what I see and know from my own memories is that we all have died and reincarnated. If that was enlightenment, we are so already there. Out there we just know more, because we are IN the spirit realm, not just connected to it thru our right brain and unconscious mind.

With the shift and the experiences we may or may not have, again it comes down to interpretation, I have dreamt of my possible experience, you have been told of your, you chose to believe what you will.

Always it is and always will be each of our own interpretations. Because that is all we have. We all can gather data till kingdom come, get it stuffed into our heads somehow but always each and everyone of us will ascribe meaning to the raw data. We will make a judgment on it and in that moment, it no longer is a fact, or data. It has become our 'opinion' of it. Our interpretation of our experience of it.

And I haven't been 'told' information; I usually watch it like little mini-movies in the memories of those who have the information I am seeking. Part of the job of the old Indian fellow is to make sure nobody gets in and messes with the memories. They are there just as that person remembered them.

Plus there is usually several people who witnessed the particular event, and cross referencing is possible if you wish. It really is a lot like accessing a raw video feed library from what I can see.

[edit on 2-11-2009 by DragonriderGal]

posted on Nov, 2 2009 @ 08:02 PM

Originally posted by Matyas
reply to post by DragonriderGal

No, no...I do understand. You must take the leap into chaos, and there/then you will experience the maximum degrees of freedom. It is not enough to turn everything you know on its head, because you still have order left, same as the old one but upside down.

Hold onto your trunk though, because both your branches and roots will get a real buffeting

If you back up far enough, there isn't any chaos. Just a pattern you can't see if you are too close. Everything is connected to everything else, and everything moves in reaction to something else. You just need to look for the bigger pattern. Systems theory.

[edit on 2-11-2009 by DragonriderGal]

posted on Nov, 2 2009 @ 08:07 PM

Originally posted by Matyas

Originally posted by DragonriderGal...WE are the only species who will make enlightenment. NO other species out there can 'help' us because, when it comes right down to it, by the end of it all, we will be the ones who actually know how to make the shift.

Actually, they are waiting for us. And we are the ones we have been waiting for. More specifically, we are waiting for you.

Humanity is Universal. And humans have the potential to exist for eternity in peace.

Huh. Well, we certainly have the potential to exist for eternity. But who defines what 'peace' is? And is peace really much good for encouraging us to grow, spiritually?? Is peace a goal?? Or a side product of self healing and inner loving awareness of self?

And yes, our highest selves are very excited right now. Finally we are almost there.
But until we make enlightenment, we are pretty much a local phenomenon. *lol*

posted on Nov, 2 2009 @ 08:17 PM

Originally posted by IM_NOT_FROM_EARTH
reply to post by DragonriderGal

Enlightenment is a growth process not a quick procedure. The more technologically advanced a civilization becomes the more englightenment it requires to balance the technology in possession. What we call humans on earth were never intended to become truly enlightended or achieve great achievments only that which was given to them. The soul purpose for humans on earth is to be entrapped within a body that is a container to store your soul. The souls of earth are not supposed to remember or have memory of who they truly are. You are in the process of figuring out who you are and refinding yourselves all over again. This is a long journey for most of you but all souls on earth deserve to be entrapped if they could only remember.

So you're one of those 'earth is a prison planet' guys, eh?

Well, if I saw that out there in the racial unconscious, that is what I would say. Sure it is a nice theory. Certainly explains why life here is so crappy. We are all prisoners on bread and water rations, right?

But sorry I do remember who I was and where I came from and why I am here. Here is the ONLY place to make enlightenment. You gotta be human and you gotta be on earth, because that is the only place humans are allowed to be (most aliens are more than a little unnerved by our insanely creative and unrelenting ability to get revenge when we think we've been wrong plus the fact that we go around sucking up stray spirits anytime a human being is conceived).

Yah , and mostly we don't remember becuase the greys blocked their little spirits in human bodies from remembering their grey lives because it made the little fellas so unhappy to remember the bliss state and not be able to get into it. It actually is a blessing for a lot of the elder races. They lost a lot when they ended up human.

But you are right in that the Illumniati realllllllly intended we humans NEVER make enlightenment. Heck, enlightened beings who can walk thru walls are reallllly tough to keep locked up. *lol* So I guess we know who is feeding you information, eh? So do they whisper it to you in your inner ear, or do they send it in dreams or do they just pop it into your noggin, fully formed as a 'thought'? They can do it any of those ways if you aren't protecting yourself, eh? Probably a couple others if I take the time to watch.

[edit on 2-11-2009 by DragonriderGal]

posted on Nov, 2 2009 @ 08:26 PM

Originally posted by v01i0
In general, why do people even assume there is such thing as enlightenment? Isn't it discriminative hypothesis to suggest such at all?

I think I'll post a very short video clip from a person that should have had very deep insight about the matter of "enlightenment". Allow me to introduce, U.G Krishnamurti - a profound thinker and a realist - on enlightenment:

Then again, in the name of fairness, what makes one assume there is no such thing as enlightenment? I am pretty sure that there must exist a midway for this conception. Maybe it is something what one should be trying to comprehend. Maybe it is the silence - not discriminating something to enlightened or unenlightened, but silent observation of the existing reality - what ever that is.


[edit on 1-11-2009 by v01i0]

Most people who are aware of the coming enlightenment are connecting to it in the racial unconscious at a mostly unconscious level. Of course, some, like me, may be seeing it in there. The event of 'enlightenment' is there and quite real. I am not assuming anything. I am seeing it. *shrug*

But as always, believe as you wish. If it makes you happier to think we die and go to heaven or that we just simply cease to exist when we leave our bodies, or that we reincarnate as a cow, heck, whatever floats your boat, eh? Your choice, really.

posted on Nov, 2 2009 @ 08:28 PM
Ok, outta time yet again. And again, thank you for your patience! If I didn't respond to a post, I probably didn't think it was intended for me. If it was, just let me know, and I will go back and take a run at it, ok??
Thanks again for your many and varied responses.

posted on Nov, 3 2009 @ 03:42 AM

Originally posted by DragonriderGal

And what seems lacking is your understanding of the information you are basing this all on. You have been taught not to question, so I guess you can't be blamed, but the info you are using is totally biased and spun by the NWO bunch aka Illuminati aka neo-zionists aka masons aka U.N. aka all sorts of other top level organizations they have gained control over.

This point of thinking is definitely over the top. There are factual realities that do not require the approval or disapproval of how you "feel" or what is "good for you." Laws of physics, gravity, life itself, will not be defined by your "definition" or NWO lingo. Nor, your psychic connection to the earth or trees. You say live outside the NWO, but I guarantee none of you do. Not even the Amish do. The mere fact of you on this forum is proof that, you like all humans, wish to teach or divulge some special knowledge in your brain. To experience that which no one else has - the unique you to give to the world.

Usually this is more so with individuals lacking in levels of education so to delve into a world of unknown psychic karma to the masses allows oneself to be an expert in your own field. All parlor tricks IMO. I witnessed a Russian who claimed to be psychic in fighting and the person had all kinds of tricks to prove this to his witless audience.

The NWO stigma is the same as you say something you don't understand, but it's bad. It's bad to live in society and among societal structures and tradition. Bad to embrace a suburb or school system because of the NWO "system" teaching our kids. Reminds me of the Harrison ford movie where his family moves to the jungle to find spiritual bliss and come away with misery, poverty, and death.

Beyond the physical realm. U see yourself in stages enlightenment but yet connect to the world through what you have read from others. Also the cross examining of the illuminati stopping people from enlightenment, did you not think that this also was spiritual? So why is this given a fictional name based off traditional musings? Illuminati, the word itself is a laughable gesture. You are tricked to believe in this word. The very word controls your thought process, your decisions and how view the world and others.

It is true everyone is at different levels of enlightenment - too bad we humans throw so much fiction in there.

[edit on 3-11-2009 by vincere1]

posted on Nov, 3 2009 @ 06:18 AM
Should anyone be interested in how to activate the light body within your physical body this is how it happens for me.

When you wake up after having slept, your body is able to fall easily back into sleep state again, this is the best condition to be able to enter the light body. As you fall into sleep, remain conscious as your physical body becomes paralysed. This state is not the hypnopompic one which can cause hallucinations. I am describing how a kind of narrow gate opens in which you hear rhythmic sounds in your head. If you consciously focus on these sounds, which could be described as bursts of energy, this is the key for entering the dimension in which the light body can be used.

As I described before you can effect the physical world in this state to satisfy yourself that it is not a mere hallucination. If you observe your light bodys hand in daylight it is completely transparent, but you can still see the surface of the hand and a rippling effect, much like that scene in 'the Abyss' when the water takes on the form of a face. If observed in the dark you can see the light body, as if emitting light but it is still translucent.

Here are some observations for what it is worth. There is no saliva in the mouth, you can't feel wetness in the mouth at all. If you are within the physical body and you touch your eyes you will notice that they are closed and that you are effectively looking through the skin. You can see through physical objects in this state by merging with them.

One thing to be cautious of is electricity as I once moved into a wall with an electrical socket without realizing. With a jolt, instantly I snapped back into the physical body suddenly and lost my hearing temporarily in the left ear. On a few occasions although I have not experienced pain in the light body, once back in the physical I have felt pain. For instance I once slammed my light body head on the ceiling, and later felt some physical pain. This demostrates the link I believe, between the light body and it's physical counterpart.

You posess extreme strength in this state compared to the physical body, I once tried to gently tug on my girlfriends top to wake her without success. Later on, in the normal state all the buttons were ripped off on the top she was wearing, and the material torn where the buttons were.

For what it is worth I thought that I would take this opportunity to share this with you, as it is almost unheard of discussing the 'Light Body', and this post is the first time I have stumbled across this subject on the net. Ofcourse light bodies have been written about in Daoism for instance for thousands of years, but awareness of them appears to be gaining momentum now.

[edit on 3-11-2009 by David H N]

posted on Nov, 3 2009 @ 09:13 AM
reply to post by David H N

Nice posts, David! This is definitely along the lines of what I see, although, from what I see, once in full 'light/spirit' form, the light body is glowing light, transparent to some degree, but light that is visible all the time, not just in the dark. AND the physical body is part of it. If you are in full physical enlightenment, your body isn't 'left behind', you are all there. At this point I would say that you are getting very familiar with your spirit body, like your 'ghost'. When all of you can make the shift, that is what is entailed in a fully enlightened 'spirit/light' body.
That will be the part no one has been able to do without the earth energy rising.

I think you are getting really close though! I knew some people are, but as of yet, I don't feel anyone into it fully. Do you feel connected to everyone and everything yet? Like there is no boundary between anything? That is the part that is going to be hardest on the shifter (or at least me!); that 'no privacy, no quiet' part.

And I do tend to stay away from that whole 'religious' terminology/connotation. I consider this very much a part of the human spirit growth path, but not because it is all about some 'creator' or 'god' energy. I guess I just find the whole idea of trying to make this stuff 'sacred' sort of like trying to make eating dinner sacred. It isn't. It is just us, growing to our potential.

Now it is wow-ee stuff, for sure, really pretty amazing when you think about it, but we don't even need any new 'priesthood' setting up shop with this stuff. I don't know why humans seem to need to 'worship' something. Maybe it is that whole dis-empowering modality the NWO has been manipulating us with for so long. It's like we've been trained to think we can't consider ourselves to be equal to any possible 'god'-type energy (aka aliens manipulating us usually). Or probably it's so that we can't consider ourselves peers to the NWO bunch and their priest flunkies, more likely.

When I talk to the aliens in the spirit realm, none of them are anything but my peers. They may know more because they can access the spirit realm far more easily but not one of them is worth being worshiped or held in 'awe'. The elves, well, they are beautiful and powerful and tend to expect it, but even still they are just other beings, spiritually our peers as is every living being out there. Spirits are equal. I think the elves have finally gotten that figured out, though. The arch angels/High elves I talk to don't mind at all that I don't try to kiss their.. er...feet (ya, that's it) or any other groveling behaviors. I think they actually prefer a friend/peer to a worshiper.

But thank you for more direct and detailed type information about how you access that 'spirit' state. The more details we have to work with, the more successfully we will be able to make that shift.

And the reason more and more people are catching on to this stuff NOW is because the time is coming quite soon, and the information is becoming more active in the racial unconscious, feeding into people unconscious awareness. Just like any idea who's time has 'come', usually not just one person is learning it; normally there are several people who come up with the same idea almost simultaneously.

[edit on 3-11-2009 by DragonriderGal]

posted on Nov, 3 2009 @ 10:37 AM

Originally posted by unityemissions

Jesus! Arrogant and Ignorant. Yep, sounds like the average enlightened individual to me.

Jesus was arrogant and ignorant?? Huh. Definitely a case of the pot calling the flower vase black. *rolls eyes*

First off, there seems to be many groups of people who are elitist that are working on power grabs these days. I've done some research. Not as much as most, perhaps more than some. I'm aware of many things going on that are no good at all.

Yah, I figured that out about the time you started thru your litany of what was wrong and why we are all doomed, doomed, doomed...

Second off, WTH is the racial unconscious? Do you have a clue what this term is you keep referring to? I looked it up. It seemed easy enough to figure out, yet it was not applicable to anything you're talking about. Geez, gal, get your terms correct!

Sorry, but that is what the old indian fellow called it, that and the collective unconscious, the askaric (never can spell that right) library and a couple other names I haven't heard before. And others may use the term in a more limited way. The more common usage would be the, well, more common usage, but not necessarily the fullest or even the best usage, eh? And really, is the NWO going to let us know what the real racial unconscious is all about?? Don't think so.

Okay, so concluding, I'm well aware that people in high places are in control of many, many things. I'm aware education has been dumbed down. Libraries have been burned over time. Corporations do just about what ever they want. International bankers control whole countries. I know of these things! Sheesh, get ahold of your ego, enlightened fool. Stop assuming.

What you don't seem to get is that these seemingly separate 'groups' are all being controlled from the shadows by the puppet masters, the Illuminati/NWO bunch/etc. It isn't coincidence that all this crap is happening now. NOW is when they need to break us, especially the USA, because we are the only bastion of freedom strong enough to resist them effectively in their quest to enslave humanity. (And well, you really aren't concluding. That means you stop.)

What I was trying to say from the very beginning, was that it's not just about thinking that we're these awesome light-warriors, and just uniting to tell all the elite that we're about peace. That's not going to bring about change.

You'll never hear me advocating peace. That is one of their all time best control tools. That is why every stinkin' religion on this planet endorses that as the only way to act that proves how spiritual one is. It is also how I know, even if I didn't see it in the racial unconscious, that they had a hand in creating all of the religions of this planet, new age ones included. It is THEY who want US peaceful so we won't rip their faces off when they abuse us. And let's not forget the whole we all gotta be "LOVE" tripe. If we are busy loving and being 'love', we won't be busy healing ourselves, or figuring out ways to get back at them.

Truth is, we need to spread real knowledge on what's going down. People need to be informed. They need to be pissed off and willing to sacrifice their life if necessary. We need to realize politics is broken, economics is broken, the whole damned system is broken. We gotta tear it all down. Build it back up, by the people, for the people.

We need to realize that the NWO bunch are wrecking our country, and wrecking it on purpose, so they can take the place over. THEY deliberately broke our country with that single goal in mind. But I agree. We need to stop them, take it back.
Hey, we agreed on something.. sorta kinda??

In doing so, we can address the ecological insanity, and hopefully save off some species in the process. It's simply not going to be all good by not focusing on what the real problems are. What is truly oppressing humanity.

THE NWO is truly what is oppressing us. But that was why we have them here. To push us and abuse us and make our lives such living hell we won't want to sit around all day and get all comfy. NO, we had to be up and moving towards enlightenment to save ourselves. That is the real and only solution for all this. We save ourselves, we save the world. The more of us that are healed, the less control the NWO bunch has and the more we act in ways to successful counter what they are doing. But really, once we reach full enlightenment, they will have lost. But we can thank them because they, in their efforts to stop us, actually encouraged us to keep on going, pushing, to get out from under their thumb. They did to themselves, really.

Is that okay with you? I admit my first post was a bit too negative. I do need to provide solutions to end this. The whole system has been infiltrated, hijacked by evil men (call it NWO if you like) who have their minions everywhere. The solution is to take down the system.

Finally. The face behind that hijacking is the NWO bunch, yes.

I've heard people say it must be done intelligently. Not by force. Where has that gotten us?! I think force is our only option at this point. Revolt or resign.

I am not adverse to that solution. And the NWO bunch are well aware that we might try that kind of solution as well. Why do you think they are trying so hard to induce a pandemic? They are desperately looking for a way to declare martial law so they can get our guns away from us and get those who could effectively fight back into FEMA camps where they can dispose of them quietly without the general public knowing about it. Oh you won't read about it in the news, that's for sure.

They know (even as the Japanese did in WWII) that if they try a by force take over, they will find a 'gun behind every blade of grass'. So they are trying to trick us into giving up our guns. I say "oh so don't let them, or you will see just how much this hasn't been a democracy for a long time"; only our right to bear arms has them even pretending it is.

But it isn't over yet. One thing you can do to help is manifest everyday, like I said, that you and yours are completely safe and work to make a spirit level connection with others who are manifesting the same thing. See yourself safe, know it is true. The NWO has so done everything they can to make us think we are powerless; they want us to just go along with what they are manifesting, believing it to be inevitable. But it so isn't. We can manifest every bit as powerfully as they can, and there are LOT more of us then them.

And while you are at it, manifest that ALL the plans of anyone who might be trying to take over this country now fail, and fail completely. Manifest tnat NOTHING goes right for those yahoos; equipment fails, personnel get sloppy, any thing you can think of to interfer with their operations.
Now that is some real work and work that will have an impact on their attempt to enslave us all. The sheep can look up, and they can say No, thank you very much; now go away.

[edit on 3-11-2009 by DragonriderGal]

posted on Nov, 3 2009 @ 12:08 PM

Originally posted by VergeofObscene
Good posts as always, Dragon!

Just one question; when the shift is made, will we be able to alter our physical appearance/attributes etc?

I have more self-hatred than a Disney villain, so this shift is going to be challenging for me to make.

[edit on 1-11-2009 by VergeofObscene]

Ohh... *gives you an air hug since you might not want unsolicited hugs* Yes indeed, we can be whatever we want. I think many will take the opportunity to go back to their original spirit form, especially those from the elder races.

Yah, I am afraid it will be quite a challenge if you have a lot of self hatred. I still suggest checking out EFT (Emotional Freedom techniques). It is quite amazing and does really work to heal old wounds and reasons for self hatred, a LOT more easily and less painfully. It's worth a look see, at least.

posted on Nov, 3 2009 @ 12:58 PM

Originally posted by A por uvas
Earth/Nature + Individual Preparation = Sovereign Integral Realization. (J)

[edit on 2-11-2009 by A por uvas]

Ok. Rather oblique that. Care to expound a bit?

posted on Nov, 3 2009 @ 01:20 PM

Originally posted by DragonriderGal

Originally posted by xSeraphim

Huh. Well, as always, thanks for sharing your opinion, although it was a bit tough to decipher. What exactly are you tired of? I think it was about this topic, but how exactly is doing things the same old way going to give us different results. Hasn't 'religion' of every kind (ALL created by the NWO bunch btw) been preaching this same lame old "help everyone else, save the world' but never mind about healing yourself' stuff for millina now??

Is the human race the better for it??? Doesn't look that way to me. So what that says to me is the results are exactly what the writers of these 'religions' want. They want us fighting among ourselves so we won't be watching what they are up too. Plus 50% world population reduction is one of their stated goals so if they can get us to kill each other, just that much less for them to have to deal with, eh?

I actually think they have YOU pretty well brainwashed. After all, they were your high priests for a LONG time. I am sure they practiced honing their human population control techniques on their own first, to see how effective or not, the control tool might be.

So you started to tear my post apart and spin facts eh?

I cannot understand how you had a hard time "deciphering" my post when other people had no real problem.
Was it my english that was hard for you or the way i expressed my self?
Do you think that if you lock your self inside your house or run into the mountains the world will just fix itself or will the "elves" come and rescue us.
I agree that we all need time to get away from the troubles of life and work on our selves but paranoia is something else.
Just because I have a priest as my avatar doesn't mean they are my high priests.
So everyone that puts your beliefs to the test are "brainwashed", "NWO","CIA" etc.
We can stop killing each other by "helping others" understand what's really going on and not by talking to the elves(they have their own problems
There is no ignorance,there is ATS

posted on Nov, 3 2009 @ 03:37 PM

Originally posted by vincere1

Originally posted by DragonriderGal

And what seems lacking is your understanding of the information you are basing this all on. You have been taught not to question, so I guess you can't be blamed, but the info you are using is totally biased and spun by the NWO bunch aka Illuminati aka neo-zionists aka masons aka U.N. aka all sorts of other top level organizations they have gained control over.

This point of thinking is definitely over the top. There are factual realities that do not require the approval or disapproval of how you "feel" or what is "good for you." Laws of physics, gravity, life itself, will not be defined by your "definition" or NWO lingo. Nor, your psychic connection to the earth or trees. You say live outside the NWO, but I guarantee none of you do. Not even the Amish do. The mere fact of you on this forum is proof that, you like all humans, wish to teach or divulge some special knowledge in your brain. To experience that which no one else has - the unique you to give to the world.

Huh. Well that whole paragraph was a bit convoluted. So are you saying that my inner 'knowingness' won't help with laws of physics and such or?
And that we can't live outside the box of lies the NWO has spun for us?? Dang.. I am guessing you aren't a native english speaker. This feels sorta like trying to put together a toy that was made in china, with chinese writing the 'instructions' in their version of english. Sounds right sorta, but sentence structure and words aren't put together in quite the same way and it is confusing.

Usually this is more so with individuals lacking in levels of education so to delve into a world of unknown psychic karma to the masses allows oneself to be an expert in your own field. All parlor tricks IMO. I witnessed a Russian who claimed to be psychic in fighting and the person had all kinds of tricks to prove this to his witless audience.

Hum.. so are you saying the uneducated masses are more prone to falling into the fake psychic stuff? Like Madam Hodo and her tarot cards or?? With a double masters in systems counseling and my BA in communication arts, I don't think I fit that profile very well if so, eh? And that is also why I am pretty confident that your english isn't from someone who speaks it everyday, at least not here in america. It is a mite tricky to decipher, trust me.

The NWO stigma is the same as you say something you don't understand, but it's bad. It's bad to live in society and among societal structures and tradition. Bad to embrace a suburb or school system because of the NWO "system" teaching our kids. Reminds me of the Harrison ford movie where his family moves to the jungle to find spiritual bliss and come away with misery, poverty, and death.

Hum.. well you got me stumped. What do you mean here that has any bearing on the discussion?

Beyond the physical realm. U see yourself in stages enlightenment but yet connect to the world through what you have read from others. Also the cross examining of the illuminati stopping people from enlightenment, did you not think that this also was spiritual? So why is this given a fictional name based off traditional musings? Illuminati, the word itself is a laughable gesture. You are tricked to believe in this word. The very word controls your thought process, your decisions and how view the world and others.

Huh yet again. Please be more specific with less run-on sentences that put ideas and questions and your observations all into one lump. Completely undeciperable because each 'sentence' has at least one of each, and none of them really go together from what I can tell. Or perhaps some one else could take a stab at what he is saying here??

It is true everyone is at different levels of enlightenment - too bad we humans throw so much fiction in there.

Hey I can deciper this one. Yes, we are all at varying levels of 'enlightenment' but most aren't even trying to be enlightened, from my observation. And how do YOU know it is fiction?? What makes you so much wiser here? Just wondering.

[edit on 3-11-2009 by DragonriderGal]

posted on Nov, 3 2009 @ 04:04 PM

Originally posted by xSeraphim

So you started to tear my post apart and spin facts eh?

If that is how you perceive it, feel free.

I cannot understand how you had a hard time "deciphering" my post when other people had no real problem.

Oh they just answered the parts they could understand, I am guessing.

Was it my english that was hard for you or the way i expressed my self?

Mostly it is your tendency to jump from idea to idea; hard to tell which one you were focusing on, from my read of it. You don't bridge between them and somehow expect us to be the ones to tie them together into some sort of logical conclusion that tells us what you think. It takes too much time to sort thru it, I find. I can, but why? *shrug*

Do you think that if you lock your self inside your house or run into the mountains the world will just fix itself or will the "elves" come and rescue us.


I agree that we all need time to get away from the troubles of life and work on our selves but paranoia is something else.

Paranoia means I think they are out to get me. They aren't out to get me specifically. They are out to enslave humanity. Big difference there, eh?

Just because I have a priest as my avatar doesn't mean they are my high priests.

No, of course they aren't. That group abandoned you guys right around the time Rome razed Jeruslem, back in .. hum.. 60 ad? I don't really remember the exact date, but it was somewhere around that time. They split to europe and left you guys holding the bag. They really aren't very nice.

So everyone that puts your beliefs to the test are "brainwashed", "NWO","CIA" etc.

Wow. Mr.--"The truth is you are brainwashed into believing this crap" in his very second line of posting. So you are really going to point that finger at me when all the rest of them are pointing at YOU??? Ooook.

We can stop killing each other by "helping others" understand what's really going on and not by talking to the elves(they have their own problems
There is no ignorance,there is ATS

Elves have a lot less problems than we. They don't have the NWO bunch trying to enslave them, nor are they cut off from their psychic skills and awareness.

And so talking about what is really going on will helping us not kill to each other?? Really? How's that working for the NWO bunch and the arabs, anyway??? Not too well from what I can see, although there is talk until both side's faces are blue (although the arabs have the advantage here because their faces were originally blue, I suppose! *lol*).

No, what will help is if you do your personal growth work, I do my personal growth work and joe blow does his personal growth work and everyone else does their personal growth work and then, guess what? People won't need to have control of others because they can control themselves, people won't need to hurt others to feel better about themselves, people will be able to truly love others because they truly love themselves. Any other solution is just moving deck chairs around on the titantic. The killing will always begin again, because the underlying personal insecurities which drive the 'bad' behavior are still there and are going to come back into play when someone gets afraid and angry, no matter how much talking they've done.

I wouldn't however, hold my breath expecting the Jue-sah or even their human flunkies to ever do any of this kind of work. They think they are so above it. Yah, huh. *rolls eyes* NOT.

[edit on 3-11-2009 by DragonriderGal]

posted on Nov, 4 2009 @ 02:46 AM

Originally posted by David H NIt is indeed possible to penetrate solid objects in the light body, for instance a surface can be felt of a brick wall but apply pressure and you can push your arm inside. Once inside you feel pressure but not pain, the more dense the object generally the more pressure you feel. When I first began to penetrate a wall with the light body hand, I was unsuccessful but found later that the double bed had moved away from the wall by around a foot, again I tried to move the bed in the same way in the physical body but could not even with two arms using all my strenghth. There are many examples of experiments that I have made whilst in this light body, that have affected physical objects, I can say that when in this state you have far greater strength. This is the same in practice as in Shen Kung and Daoism, where the spirit or internal body stength has superior strenghth compared to the physical body.

So, according to this, theoretically you could beat someone up in your light body?
You're saying I could be floating around as a spirit beating corrupt politicians up?
If that's the case, what's your excuse for not doing that already?

Come on, do it for all of us!
Give Obama a broken nose the next time he's lying to the people on National TV.

posted on Nov, 4 2009 @ 03:10 AM

Originally posted by DragonriderGal

Originally posted by v01i0

Originally posted by DragonriderGal
And if you aren't willing to manifest a future you want, your life energy will contribute do the default future that the NWO is busy trying to create. Believe me, they know about manifesting and that is why there is so much pressure to live in the 'now'' don't worry about the future; there is nothing you can do to change it. Baloney!! See what you want; Make it so! Don't let them win because nobody bothered to challenge them. That would be really sad, eh?? Don't give up so easily, please.

I appreciate your sincerity, but I must regretfully inform you that I have looked and I have seen. This may be my subjective vision about the existence, but it is strong as the word of god.

There is absolutely nothing I need to do and there is absolutely nothing I need to become. I am nothing, I am void. You think that I am lost case in favor of some NWO, you have every right to do so.

In your opinion NWO has so cleverly fooled me that I think it doesn't exist, but it is merely a collective nightmare. No, there are nothing controlling us expect ourselves, and if there is no self, there is no control. Of course there are those who would want to control, but in reality they are not in control as they don't even control themselves.

With best regards,


Interesting. Of course, your choice entirely to believe as you wish. The NWO is proud of you.
Your acceptance of their dogma is heart warming to them, I assure you. They really hope not enough of us will catch on to their slimy tricks before 2012, and that they can get 80% of us enslaved by then. I think even if they force us into slavery, it may count this close to the end.

But hey, that is ok. Soon enough we will know. Sure I could be wrong, but it looks pretty clear in the racial unconscious. *shrug*

I dont believe we are headed for 'enlightenment'- that's just new age clap trap

but if we are- I would say you have a long way to go as your so called work that you've done hasn't taught you tolerance as is evident from your replies here telling people they've fallen for the NWO dogma- is being condescending a part of being enlightened?

in the following post you say this

I am glad I don't live in your dark fear driven world. And of course there is no NWO.

The NWO is all about fear, buying into the NWO is buying into fear.

edit to add: I posted this reply when I was up to page 2- I then read the thread in it's entirety and it seems I wasnt the only one to say you are condescending, amongst other things anyone that doesn't agree with your POV is brainwashed by the NWO- funny
why is it so many New Agers are the polar opposite of what they preach? love and light- I don't think so.

[edit on 4-11-2009 by lifecitizen]

posted on Nov, 4 2009 @ 05:56 AM

Originally posted by DragonriderGalSystems theory.

Impressive, intelligently so, but not applicable.

Why do I sense all this intelligence, comely vitality, and creative energy encumbered with scales of ego?

So, regards system theory, this is why it is not applicable. For one area. But that link addresses a logical audience. You could listen to what I say instead, its your choice.

Freedom of choice is a grace.

There is, intertwined with the phenomenal world like two serpents, a numenal world. It too has laws, the kind you can't pin down. Not with the way humans think. Or imagine. And there are certain bridges which exist. Maybe I should call them conduits, its a sexier word. One is through chaos, annilhilation could be considered another. Faith is a definitely one also.

The early psychonauts from the 60s and 70s played with chaos quite a bit. Remember Altered States? That was a movie, if you havn't seen it you should. Pascal is a great case of annilhilation, or what he called in his time the God of Oblivion. Drove him to suicide. You've heard of Pascal's Triangle, right? The one and same. And faith does more than move mountains. I have worked it myself, with out of this world results. You can even change your karma from the past.

And lets not forget the greatest connector of all, love. It is anethema to both the New Age and establishment science. I can use it here because I know how. It takes damn near a lifetime of overpowering all the poison in us to make something effective out what is widely considered a four letter word.

But you know what? Love is the best dope, and it will preserve you through the transitions. I have to stop here before I start humming Beetles songs.

Gotcha, third time's the charm!

posted on Nov, 4 2009 @ 06:23 AM

Originally posted by DragonriderGal...who defines what 'peace' is? And is peace really much good for encouraging us to grow, spiritually?? Is peace a goal?? Or a side product of self healing and inner loving awareness of self?

Very important questions. You, we humans, that is, have done so before and can do so again. As a people. That is the goal. A balance must needs be met with the materialistic and spiritual bases.

But what is it? If I may be bold enough to be the one "who defines", I will say if someone gives you a cold prickley, like so many here are doing, I say you should give them a warm fuzzy instead. That encourages spiritual growth, and is not a side product, but is the center which causes self healing and self awareness. You don't know the power until you use it.

And yes, our highest selves are very excited right now.
A nod to your higher self, thank you. If by local phenomenon you mean insane monkeys, I concurr. Its time to leave the cages.

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