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I got my H1N1 vaccination.

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posted on Oct, 30 2009 @ 01:48 AM
Hope you don't end up like this cheerleader 10 days after she received the vaccine:

posted on Oct, 30 2009 @ 05:14 AM

Originally posted by Dnevnoi

Originally posted by Agent_USA_Supporter

No RFID Id but there are Nano Particles in it
side effects dont start right away but you will feel them later on.

let me guess your in toronto? and you fell for the media hype.

[edit on 28-10-2009 by Agent_USA_Supporter]

[edit on 28-10-2009 by Agent_USA_Supporter]

That website is bull.

I live in Vancouver, on the North Shore there are schools with huge absenteeism due to kids and their families getting sick. There's one elementary school with only 13 out of about 150 seventh graders attending. Its not media hype, its happening, right now. H1N1 is spreading here, the media here doesn't even focus solely on any outbreak, its happening as we speak.


hmmm all my family is in north Van....haven't heard of ONE above average sickness.....we have had it twice. Took colloidal silver, fine litterally within 10 minutes it killed the bugs.....

I haven't heard of any empty schools...sure your not fear mongoring? Not trying ot be a skeptic, but with all MY family down there, I would have at least heard of ONE of them being sick........

posted on Oct, 30 2009 @ 10:47 AM

Originally posted by mellisamouse
hmmm all my family is in north Van....haven't heard of ONE above average sickness.....we have had it twice. Took colloidal silver, fine litterally within 10 minutes it killed the bugs.....

I haven't heard of any empty schools...sure your not fear mongoring? Not trying ot be a skeptic, but with all MY family down there, I would have at least heard of ONE of them being sick........

This is how people start believing in nanoparticles and microchips in vaccines, they don't pay attention. I never said empty schools, they've only closed a school in Kitimat. I stated that 13 out of 150 students in the seventh grade at an elementary school were actually attending class. There's still K through 6 before you hit the seventh graders.

Fear mongering is what the anti-vaccine people here do, linking to sites claiming of minuscule grains of elements in the syringes and conspiracy theories based upon pure speculation and cherry picking evidence. In Canada, there isn't a tactical reason or even an advantage to either sterilize or control the population.

We're 32 million people in a giant country, we have no problems with population control and less than half of us voted in the last election. Harper couldn't mastermind something like this, besides, NDP and Liberals would effectively overthrow the Conservatives. We don't have a bipolar political system like the US. The only people worthy of being controlled would be separatists in Quebec trying to break away from Canada, and even then, someone would be accountable.

You can try to cite anything you want, ultimately you're fear mongering if you spam that video of the girl with the 1 in a million genetic reaction to the vaccine. You're fear mongering if you tell people lies and speculation who are wary of the vaccine or the virus. I know, you know, we know, people in Afghanistan (home to only one pig) know that the H1N1 virus affects young people the worst.

Your family may not be sick, but that does not mean others in the assortment of communities aren't.

posted on Oct, 30 2009 @ 11:01 AM
reply to post by Dnevnoi

I was called a disinfo agent as well. My child received the vaccination almost a full month before main stream media told us it was commercially available.

The H1N1 has moved through our house. The child that had the vaccination contracted the regular flu, and got sick and got better. Sadly, his "flu" symptoms were worse. He had the diarrhea and throwing up with his...and just high fever and coughs for the rest of us.

The point is: If the gov't can put "nano particles" in a "vaccination", they can put it in any consumable we buy. If "they" were going to do it, it would already be done. It wouldn't have been a "choice" for us. Whether we were fear mongered or not. If you wanted paranoia, there it is, for those who think about the vaccination as "sinister plot to depopulate the earth" haha. Now you can worry about everything else too. haha

I still believe all this attention on the H1N1 (FLU) is to mis direct us from something else.

posted on Oct, 30 2009 @ 04:59 PM
reply to post by Dnevnoi

My mistake, sorry about that.... I read that only 13 children out of 150 children were attanding the school!
I read wrong.

Please exscuse my tone back there..... I just completely misunderstood.

posted on May, 31 2011 @ 02:12 PM
It's time for a retrospective!

Originally posted by Agent_USA_Supporter

No RFID Id but there are Nano Particles in it
side effects dont start right away but you will feel them later on.

let me guess your in toronto? and you fell for the media hype.

I'm from Vancouver and I didn't fall for any media hype, although you did. It's been two years and nothing has changed in my body's chemistry, no heavy metals, no foreign elements, everything is the same as it was before.

Originally posted by Fromabove
Who knows, pretty soon you may feel compelled to obey and love big brother. maybe there will be a genetic change, who knows... When ever the government gives you something... there is usually a catch.

The government gives me $150 every three months because of the HST. The only time I've encountered a catch with the government was when I had to be in Ottawa to claim a prize or I'd have to forfeit it.

Originally posted by Doomsday 2029
Let me guess, you haven't seen the movie I Am Legend starring Will Smith?

you will turn into a Zombie Vampire within a few weeks.

[edit on 28-10-2009 by Doomsday 2029]

LOL, still not a zombie vampire. And if I was, the entire cast of Twilight would be gone, man, just gone. As a member of the zombie vampire community, I'd make a b-line for them.

Originally posted by SoLittleTimeToRead
reply to post by Agent_USA_Supporter

Thanks for posting that article. I hadn't seen that one before.

Criminal Negligence?? I would say so, on a massive scale.

Good luck to you, Dnevnoi.

Wouldn't have needed your luck anyways.

Originally posted by liquidsmoke206
ok cool, so you just got it yesterday...
I've known many people who have taken the flu shot and gotten sick within a couple days, so you're not in the clear yet.

You probably havent been chipped, and you might not turn into a zombie, but yeah yer definitely sterilized now..

Please keep us updated on your condition I'll be watching this thread.

Cool story, brah.
I didn't get sick at all, just had a sore arm like every other person. I already proved I'm not sterilized last year

Originally posted by FightThePower
reply to post by Agent_USA_Supporter

i heard things about mass depopulation, but this doesnt seem to be it, unless everyone dies months later from it. hope not

Mass depopulation? Nope. Debunked.

All of your predictions were wrong, it feels quite gratifying knowing I was right all along. Idiocy and sensationalism, two things I'm not going to fall for when my personal safety is involved

posted on Jun, 1 2011 @ 10:31 PM
reply to post by Dnevnoi

I see you as a pro vaccines supporter have fun been a slave then, but if you die or get any strange reactions from the H1N1 shots dont say we didn't warn ya

Mass depopulation? Nope. Debunked. All of your predictions were wrong, it feels quite gratifying knowing I was right all along. Idiocy and sensationalism, two things I'm not going to fall for when my personal safety is involved

LOL well now its proven that vaccination dont improve your personal safety

I'm from Vancouver and I didn't fall for any media hype, although you did. It's been two years and nothing has changed in my body's chemistry, no heavy metals, no foreign elements, everything is the same as it was before.

You did fall for the media hype you got the untested flu shot.

nothing has changed in my body's chemistry, no heavy metals, no foreign elements, everything is the same as it was before

nice lie though alot of folks here in toronto who had there shots aren't showing up, not to mention a pulse news reporter who also had the H1N1 taken live on the air, isnt on the news anymore it seems the reactions have stopped her from coming on the air.

Enjoy been a slave to system as usual sheeps who fall for such media vaccination nonsense.

Tell me then why you think the makers of the H1N1 shots didn't want there own shots that they made then?

say what?

The government gives me $150 every three months because of the HST. The only time I've encountered a catch with the government was when I had to be in Ottawa to claim a prize or I'd have to forfeit it.

lol a rich and wealthy member on ATS? why i am not surprised, that means you have a job with the government if the government is giving you back $150, heck everyone i know here in canada people are losing there jobs, and are even still losing jobs and money because the finical crisis isnt over yet.

And here we have a member who enjoys the HST Tax?

Everything in prices is going up, even our food and you support the destruction of canada?
edit on 1-6-2011 by Agent_USA_Supporter because: (no reason given)

edit on 1-6-2011 by Agent_USA_Supporter because: (no reason given)

edit on 1-6-2011 by Agent_USA_Supporter because: (no reason given)

edit on 1-6-2011 by Agent_USA_Supporter because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 3 2011 @ 09:29 PM

Originally posted by Agent_USA_Supporter

I see you as a pro vaccines supporter have fun been a slave then, but if you die or get any strange reactions from the H1N1 shots dont say we didn't warn ya

Did you not read my post? No strange reactions, no death, not a slave. You're wrong and you know it.

LOL well now its proven that vaccination dont improve your personal safety.

Didn't get sick, thus it was proven that it does improve personal safety. Self-fulfilling prophecy good enough lol.

You did fall for the media hype you got the untested flu shot.

Well, you still fell for the media hype in believing it's dangerous.

nice lie though alot of folks here in toronto who had there shots aren't showing up, not to mention a pulse news reporter who also had the H1N1 taken live on the air, isnt on the news anymore it seems the reactions have stopped her from coming on the air.

Enjoy been a slave to system as usual sheeps who fall for such media vaccination nonsense.

Tell me then why you think the makers of the H1N1 shots didn't want there own shots that they made then?

say what?

People here, who have had shots, I still see on a regular basis BECAUSE THEY ARE ALL ALIVE. Only person I know who hasn't shown up in a while is an asthmatic girl who was hit by a car, two months later and is currently two metres or so underground somewhere in Richmond.

Governments establishing high risk groups, how many asthmatics work in labs I wonder.... This still comes back to the fact that if the government wanted to control a population, they wouldn't go out of there way to control asthmatics. They'd go after the "free thinking" or "awake" people like you claim to be.

Also, sheep don't follow in packs, their actually prompted and contained. If you knew about herding livestock, you'd know that the "sheeple" analogy is about as flawed as the "majority-oppressing-minority" Israeli "Apartheid"

lol a rich and wealthy member on ATS? why i am not surprised, that means you have a job with the government if the government is giving you back $150, heck everyone i know here in canada people are losing there jobs, and are even still losing jobs and money because the finical crisis isnt over yet.

And here we have a member who enjoys the HST Tax?

Everything in prices is going up, even our food and you support the destruction of canada?

Rich people don't get HST rebates, low income families or workers get HST rebates. And of course, an accusation of me working for the government, just to show how desperately you clutch at any straws you can. Everyone I know here in Canada who are losing jobs are being laid off by American companies.

ATS has many members who support the HST, it's just a simplified version of the GST/PST tax. It makes no impact despite what disgraced politician Bill Van der Zam says.

Food prices are going up because of fuel costs, plain and simple. Price of oil goes up, price of gas stays up, ergo price of food goes up because instead of $100 to ship a few boxes of fruit it now costs $150. Of course you're saying the tax is making food prices go up when they were still affected by 12% tax before. Taxes aren't destroying Canada, our reliance on the Middle East, our military involvement in South Asia, the global rise of food prices, and erratic decisions of US policymakers are what's destroying Canada.

Seriously, wake up, the world is a lot different from your dream.

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