posted on Oct, 29 2009 @ 07:16 AM
reply to post by Ridhya
Ive heard a bit about Thunderbird... do you believe they were UFOs?
No... you may not believe me but I've see them...
Huge bird bigger than a small airplane... I know that as while I watched this big bird soar a small single engine aircraft passed under it... the bird
was bigger...I think their called Thunderbirds as the two times I've seem them they flew under rain clouds... maybe they use the gray sky as a form
of camouflage? stil,l from far away they make a dark outline.
I know what a lot of people will say.. "How can something that big not be noticed in this day and age"? well my answer is look how remote our state
is... Catron county (down in the southwest corner) is the size of Rhode island and has fewer the 5,000 people living there. Even in Albuquerque a city
of 750,000 how many people look up at the sky and really look, when its raining?
Thunderbirds fall under the heading of cryptozoology rather than UFO's
PS I'm glad this was a far away look see... that was not something I wanted to be up close and personal with...
[edit on 29-10-2009 by DaddyBare]