posted on Nov, 2 2009 @ 02:24 PM
reply to post by retroviralsounds
I do agree with your perspective on this subject, however, I would still like to point out the important key points in my previous post.
If this is a serious viral outbreak, like you mentioned, how it will possibly mutate under certain circumstances, then why oh why do they not
quarantine people?
I did not do hours of research on vaccines or TammiFlu, so I can't tell you if they are real or if they hurt you. But all I know is that the Hospital
we went to acted like as if they did not care after my brother was confirmed with H1N1 from the lab results. It's funny how serious this virus is but
the hospitals just tell you to go home and rest for 5 days so you'll be back to normal. Also, my little brother could of infected our entire family
so the virus could of mutated in them. Well, more reason to quarantine us isn't it but why didn't they?
On top of that, my brother was given 5 days off from Doctor's note. It wasn't a mandatory thing, if it's as serious as you describe this virus,
then he should be made to stay home as if it's a mandatory thing but he wasn't. In fact the doctors note did not even mention he has H1N1 although
his lab results did. So hypothetically speaking, if we were to send him back to school on the second day of the viral outbreak, he would potentially
infect every kid that gets in close contact with him. The ironic thing is, he did get this virus from school lol. So that means, as serious as this
viral outbreak is, pandemic level 6, our government isn't really taking this seriously.