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Swine Flu Vaccine Fears Debunked

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posted on Oct, 23 2009 @ 02:17 PM

posted on Oct, 23 2009 @ 02:23 PM
To the maker of this thread

1. Do you realize on the label of the swine flu vaccine .. it states This vaccine is not guaranteed to be safe

2. The vaccine makers are immune to any law suits ( meaning if you are harmed by it .. TOO BAD .. you cannot sue )

[edit on 23-10-2009 by 2kni3]

posted on Oct, 23 2009 @ 02:33 PM

posted on Oct, 25 2009 @ 10:16 AM

Originally posted by 2kni3
To the maker of this thread

1. Do you realize on the label of the swine flu vaccine .. it states This vaccine is not guaranteed to be safe

2. The vaccine makers are immune to any law suits ( meaning if you are harmed by it .. TOO BAD .. you cannot sue )

[edit on 23-10-2009 by 2kni3]

Dude, no joke, it literally says that on the vial of 95% of vaccines.

Tex AM, thanks for spreading some truth around these boards, it was beginning to seem like I am the only person with a head still on their shoulders around here. I love all the talk about following the heard to get the vaccine, when really, everyone here is following the heard to not get the vaccine.

And in a more general comment: How is everyone's MMR vaccination doing? (measles mumps rubella) How'd the forced smallpox vaccination work out? What about the polio vaccination huh?


You all have been vaccinated 5-6 times in your life already, with no ill effects. The vaccine was made in no different a way, and will have no different of effects.

I currently am vaccinated with two IND's (investigational new drugs) and barely had anything more than a very small bump from either, and one of them has pretty much already saved my life.

But just as A&M said, its your decision, but don't come back to the table of science crying because your hungry but don't like the taste of what we cooked for dinner. (which historically has happened 100% of the time)

EDIT TO SAY ONE MORE THING: I guarentee you no vaccine produced these days has thimerosol in it pal, I believe it's not approved for human use by the FDA.

[edit on 25-10-2009 by retroviralsounds]

posted on Oct, 25 2009 @ 10:37 AM

Answer: This stubborn myth drives the experts nuts. Rumors have been swirling around the H1N1 vaccine ever since the epidemic began. The truth is that the H1N1 vaccine is manufactured in exactly the same way as the seasonal flu vaccine, experts say, and six decades of experience support its safety. Like the seasonal flu vaccine, scientists expect the H1N1 vaccine to cut the risk of coming down with the flu by between 70 percent and 90 percent.
reply to post by Aggie Man

I was just last night (saturday night) speaking with a lady friend of mine.
Her son went out and got vaccinated ten days ago. As of Friday night
he was sicker than a dog all day Saturday with the Flu.
Maybe you can explain this.
I've been calling this morning to see how he is. When I get an answer I'll be sure to post it here so people will know there is a diffrence in this vaccine. They use a live virus in this one. 21 yrs of age


How'd the forced smallpox vaccination work out? What about the polio vaccination huh?

Well what do you mean how did they work out?
You nor anybody else can say it's because of the vaccinations
that people arn't getting sick. Statistics will show that these deseases were in decline long before vaccines came on the scene.
As people were becoming more aware of sanitation and good hygene. Pal.

[edit on 25-10-2009 by randyvs]

posted on Oct, 25 2009 @ 10:53 AM
You should know by now that they will say anything to make you take the vaccine, once you take it you can't do anything about it.

posted on Oct, 25 2009 @ 10:57 AM

Originally posted by retroviralsounds

Originally posted by 2kni3
To the maker of this thread

1. Do you realize on the label of the swine flu vaccine .. it states This vaccine is not guaranteed to be safe

2. The vaccine makers are immune to any law suits ( meaning if you are harmed by it .. TOO BAD .. you cannot sue )

[edit on 23-10-2009 by 2kni3]

Dude, no joke, it literally says that on the vial of 95% of vaccines.

Tex AM, thanks for spreading some truth around these boards, it was beginning to seem like I am the only person with a head still on their shoulders around here. I love all the talk about following the heard to get the vaccine, when really, everyone here is following the heard to not get the vaccine.

And in a more general comment: How is everyone's MMR vaccination doing? (measles mumps rubella) How'd the forced smallpox vaccination work out? What about the polio vaccination huh?


You all have been vaccinated 5-6 times in your life already, with no ill effects. The vaccine was made in no different a way, and will have no different of effects.

I currently am vaccinated with two IND's (investigational new drugs) and barely had anything more than a very small bump from either, and one of them has pretty much already saved my life.

But just as A&M said, its your decision, but don't come back to the table of science crying because your hungry but don't like the taste of what we cooked for dinner. (which historically has happened 100% of the time)

EDIT TO SAY ONE MORE THING: I guarentee you no vaccine produced these days has thimerosol in it pal, I believe it's not approved for human use by the FDA.

[edit on 25-10-2009 by retroviralsounds]

It's safe you say ?

IS THAT WHY they are IMMUNE to any Lawsuits as a result of HARM the VACCINE DOES ?

posted on Oct, 25 2009 @ 11:23 AM
how many of these people havn't had an already compromised immune system. and with the with most parents, they don't really feed their kids the proper nutrition to begin with. hot dogs. mac and cheese, and Mcdonalds are a Zero on the nutrition meter. I say the average person doesn't eat like they should to keep up a proper defense against even the common cold.I'd also bet that most people daily drink at least two caffeine and high fructose corn syrup filled drinks. ( consuming more than 60 mg"s a day breaks down the immune system). one mountain dew contains 7 teaspoons of sugar. Things like this people overlook everyday. All it takes is a few people to fall victim to not eating healthy to keep the cycle of sickness to continue. Also most people on the go live on the trust that Coke and Pepsi will only give them clean water. Really? or for that thought do some research into just how clean your city water really is. So it come to no shock to me that so many wouldn't be able to fight off this virus on their own and be forced to accept a government solution.

posted on Oct, 25 2009 @ 11:28 AM
OP must be a government plant...I have studied the history of the gov't/FDA/WHO & vaccines...Not one good outcome!!!! NOT ONE!

posted on Oct, 25 2009 @ 11:41 AM
So what you are saying is that we should trust a drug company that has knowingly released HIV infected Factor 8 for over a year to hemophiliacs in third world countries back in the 80's, who is also guilty this year in February of releasing live H5N1 avian bird flu in their seasonal flu shots to over 16 laboratories and 4 countries. Not to mention they patented the vaccine for H1N1 last year before this was even a known virus. Remember this "new" strain is a totally new virus, never seen before.

Which has trans genetic signatures which indicate it was laboratory grown, man made and obviously a bioweapon.

I can see Discovery is up on these facts for the general public. But hey, if you are willing to put your life in Baxter's hands and think that they are trustworthy with this hideous track record, by all means roll up your sleeve.

I'll stick with the facts which clearly indicate a massive crime against humanity by Big Pharma and government.

The real question is, why create a pandemic in the first place? What is the political motivation here. The rest is all clearly propaganda such as your ill informed discovery channel link.

posted on Oct, 25 2009 @ 11:48 AM
We heard the facts as you've told them. Biased or not? Who knows. You're not an expert are you OP? Lets hear from an expert.

update 10:10 sunday morning He is still very sick. She said she has to help him to the bathroom. He can't stand up on his own. Sounds like great stuff mmm i want some. I suppose now I'm fear mongering.

[edit on 25-10-2009 by randyvs]

posted on Oct, 25 2009 @ 12:07 PM
Here is an excellent article on both the swine flu vaccine, the regular flu vaccine and tammiflu. One of the things mentionned is that there haven't been actual trials to demonstrate if the vaccines are actually effective.

But what if everything we think we know about fighting influenza is wrong? What if flu vaccines do not protect people from dying—particularly the elderly, who account for 90 percent of deaths from seasonal flu? And what if the expensive antiviral drugs that the government has stockpiled over the past few years also have little, if any, power to reduce the number of people who die or are hospitalized? The U.S. government—with the support of leaders in the public-health and medical communities—has put its faith in the power of vaccines and antiviral drugs to limit the spread and lethality of swine flu. Other plans to contain the pandemic seem anemic by comparison. Yet some top flu researchers are deeply skeptical of both flu vaccines and antivirals. Like the engineers who warned for years about the levees of New Orleans, these experts caution that our defenses may be flawed, and quite possibly useless against a truly lethal flu. And that unless we are willing to ask fundamental questions about the science behind flu vaccines and antiviral drugs, we could find ourselves, in a bad epidemic, as helpless as the citizens of New Orleans during Hurricane Katrina.

Demonstrating the efficacy (or lack thereof) of vaccine and antivirals during flu season would not be hard to do, given the proper resources. Take a group of people who are at risk of getting the flu, and randomly assign half to get vaccine and the other half a dummy shot. Then count the people in each group who come down with flu, suffer serious illness, or die. (A similarly designed trial would suffice for the antivirals.) It might sound coldhearted, but it is the only way to know for certain whether, and for whom, current remedies actually work. It would also be useful to know whether vaccinating healthy people—who can mount an immune response on their own—protects the more vulnerable people around them. For example, immunizing nursing-home staff and healthy children is thought to reduce the spread of flu to the elderly and the immune-compromised. Pinning down the effectiveness of this strategy would be a bit more complex, but not impossible.

Here is another quote:

All of which leaves open the question of what people should do when faced with a decision about whether to get themselves and their families vaccinated. There is little immediate danger from getting a seasonal flu shot, aside from a sore arm and mild flu-like symptoms. The safety of the swine flu vaccine remains to be seen. In the absence of better evidence, vaccines and antivirals must be viewed as only partial and uncertain defenses against the flu. And they may be mere talismans. By being afraid to do the proper studies now, we may be condemning ourselves to using treatments based on illusion and faith rather than sound science.

Here is the link to the full article:

Here is another link to questions and answers with the authors of the above article.

posted on Oct, 25 2009 @ 01:22 PM
Dr. Mercola is also against the vaccine and has written this article:
WHO Admits to Releasing Pandemic Virus into Population via 'Mock-Up' Vaccines
04/09/2009 00:08:00 admin
Posted by: Dr. Mercola September 03 2009

Dr. speaks out against vaccine

Interesting excerpt:
In order to speed up the cultivation of the virus and the manufacturing process, they’re using human liver cells instead of chicken eggs. Whether this new procedure is better or worse than the old method, I can’t say … but it’s never been used before and they have not had time to conduct any human testing.

According to Gary Matsumoto, an anthrax vaccine expert, squalene is not even approved by the FDA for use in the US and is considered a biological weapon.

Squalene used to create disease in animals. Too dangerous for human use.

As for the vaccine not being "forced"....tell that to the healthcare workers in New York. There are a few articles and threads on this board about Iowa considering "forced mandatory vaccines", as well as other states. Those articles are linked to real news sources (or at least generally accepted as "real").

With a global pandemic level 6 as well as a national emergency having been declared the authority to mandate forced vaccination and quarantine are already in place. We may not be experiencing it today but the potential is real enough.

I think most people are concerned that TPTB will over step all reason and civility and actually enforce some of their tremendous power to combat this non-emergency that is novel flu.

[edit on 25-10-2009 by whitewave]

posted on Oct, 25 2009 @ 05:46 PM
TO say that vaccinations did not end the smallpox or polio threats is absolutely ludacris.

Vaccines work, period, and they worked on millions of animals in animal testing before they worked on you.

posted on Oct, 25 2009 @ 05:57 PM

Originally posted by Aggie Man

The vaccine contains no adjuvants -- additives that can boost a drug's effectiveness. It is available without the preservative thimerosal, which contains mercury and has raised health concerns even though no studies have linked it with any problems. You can't get the flu from the vaccine. And more than a billion doses of the H1N1 vaccine have already been distributed without any unexpected side effects or other warning signs. (The only real risk is for people who are severely allergic to chicken eggs or other ingredients in the vaccine. Those allergies are rare.)

Let's just start with this one... since it's a flat out LIE!

Taken directly from the European Medicines Agency the following shows EXACTLY what's in the vaccine. Plain and simple, contains adjuvants AND Thiomersal!

What lengths do people have to go to to lie to the public. This thread should be classified as a HOAX.


[edit on 25-10-2009 by notreallyalive]

[edit on 25-10-2009 by notreallyalive]

posted on Oct, 25 2009 @ 08:04 PM
reply to post by Aggie Man

Well in Canada it is available to pregnant women and children without the Thimerosal (mercury) as the amount of Thimerosal in the H1N1 vaccine is higher than in the regular flu vaccine which also includes Thimerosal. The majority of the population will recieve the H1N1 vaccine with the higher quantity of Thimerosal plus the adjuvant.


Except for 1.8 million doses, all of Canada's H1N1 vaccine doses will be boosted with an unspecified adjuvant, which is a substance used to make a vaccine more effective. The vaccines without the booster will go to pregnant women. Canada's H1N1 vaccines are being made by GlaxoSmithKline at its labs in Quebec. "

The "unspecified" adjuvant is called ASO3

Here are the 3 key ingredients of the adjuvant:

Polysorbate 80

The batch the US is getting is from a different phrama company and does not contain any adjuvants as far as I understand, so you are incorrect in stating that the vaccine does not contain any adjuvants when indeed it does in some countries. If you look up those ingredients they definitely do not sound like something I want to put in my body.

AS03 is the same adjuvant that was in the Anthrax vaccine given to the soldiers that has been linked to Gulf War Syndrome.

[edit on 25-10-2009 by nepafogo]

posted on Oct, 25 2009 @ 08:54 PM
There is no H1N1 (swine flu). It is a government hoax like the regular flu. The vaccine is poison. While this is my opinion I can back it up from past examples. Sometime in the 1960's about 500 black men were given what they "thought" were vaccinations. Actually they were injected with Syphilis disease. The government wanted to see how it would spread among the population and so they allowed these black men to suffer and die of the disease. Then, a few years back a large amount of flu vaccine was contaminated with bacteria and had to be destroyed. That year was one of the lowest flu seasons ever. And those that got sick got a mild almost cold like flu.

This so called H1N1 is for fear tactic purposes only. And it will allow the so called president to exercise special powers under the veil of a national emergency. They say this declaration is akin to preceding a hurricane. Ahh... let me see, didn't they send the troops in after Katrina..?

posted on Oct, 26 2009 @ 12:28 PM
I tried starting a new thread on the Swine Flu subject, but my account is too new and not enough posts generated to start a thread in other forums than Introduction. I guess it wouldn't hurt just to put this in any Swine Flu thread until I can start my own threads, so here goes..

Ok, here goes my story. Last night, on October 26th, 2009 my little brother (11) was confirmed with Swine Flu at the Whittier Hospital (SoCal). I believe the virus confirmed was called H1N1 Influenza A. Earlier Friday night, he started out with a cough and a sore throat which eventually lead to a high non-stop fever at night. I mean the fever went as high as 104 according to my mom. I believe we tried to give him two different kinds of fever reducer, Motrin and Tylenol but none of them works.

So, Sunday afternoon, we finally decided that his fever was getting out of hand so we took him to a near by emergency hospital. Well, this is where my story gets real interesting and humorous. After waiting for like 3 to 4 hours at the emergency hospital, (yeah you heard me right, about 4 hours of wait before you can even see a nurse or doctor) they took some bacteria samples from his nose and did a lab test. Another 2 hours or so gone by, came back with the confirmation of H1N1. What the nurses/doctors there did was mixing double dose of two different fever reducers to get his fever to drop. They also warned my mom at the hospital to never do this at home, mixing medications.

After another hour or so, they sent him home along with the miracle drug "TamiFlu" and some other crap. What I cannot figure out is, why on earth these folks at the hospital does not treat this seriously. Like, no instructions were given to us about quarantine, they only gave us breathe masks. They basically told my parents that this is very common now, like 9 out of 10 patient they get right now that have flu like symptoms are basically H1N1. The part that makes me pissed off and confused is their attitude or lack there of when dealing with a epidemic such as this. Basically, we were told to go home, wear masks, and hope for the best. Any individual that has contact with the patient during high fever is potentially infected (this means our whole family by the way).

So they had to write a note for my brother so he can skip school. On the doctors note, there was absolutely no mention of H1N1, I guess they're respecting our privacy? In any case, the MD's basically act like this isn't a big deal, everyone's getting it, so why are you freaked out? They're basically saying, "Well, it's not like you're gonna die from this, so why worry?" No quarantine measures needs to be taken because heck, everyone's getting it. This is where my mind blew up, because I just couldn't accept the fact that no one in this hospital seem to take this seriously, they're treating it just like another seasonal flu.

Here's my question, why is H1N1 being feared by so many people? Why is the media and government agencies generating so much fear in people by going with a Level 6 pandemic warning? Why force folks to get vaccines? Why are the vaccines even developed? I just can't get this around my head, maybe I'm just plain paranoid. From what the doctors at the hospital is saying, you can basically recover from this Flu within 5 days and the funny thing is TamiFlu isn't absolutely necessary. So.. why the panic? Why the hysteria? Why is media going frenzy with this if it's just another regular flu? Most important question of all, why is the vaccine or TamiFlu even needed if my body can recover from this crap by itself?

What does this tell me? If I get H1N1 from my little brother, I'm not getting the vaccine nor am I going to use TamiFlu. Basically, I made this decision based on the Doctors reaction at the hospital, which tells me, this isn't a serious thing. Either I'm crazy, or the Doctors just plain don't give a crap.

posted on Oct, 29 2009 @ 07:13 PM
It's feared because its an RNA virus, which mutate randomly and out of control. Its composed of a single strand of RNA (no DNA at all), so every time it infects someone, every time it encounters a new environment, it mutates.

Over time these mutations mount up and can make the virus far more pathogenic. In fact, it really only takes ONE mutation for it to become a killer, which means we may all wake up tomorrow and have a major killer virus on our hands with death rates upwards of 10-15% which is totally unacceptable.

Also, we are worried because the vast majority of the world has never seen this virus, thus, none of us have any immunities built up to it. This is why you see the large scale infection numbers from teh WHO and CDC. The virus is a kid in a candy store right now. It is NOT seasonal flu. Let me repeat this, IT IS NOT COMPARABLE TO SEASONAL FLU. We are already nearing seasonal flu infection numbers, and the typical flu season has just started. Come Dec, Jan and Feb, we will have doubled or possibly even tripled traditional infection rates for seasonal flu. Anytime you infect more people with a virus, more people are going to die, thats just simple mathematics. So the gov't is trying to save as many lives as it can and more importantly, keep the country functioning as much as possible as we are already vulnerable and can ill afford a major pandemic.

[edit on 29-10-2009 by retroviralsounds]

posted on Nov, 1 2009 @ 03:55 PM
End of the thread.

Also that figure a couple posts north with the composition of the vaccine is the fakest, most doctored looking thing I have ever seen. The dude has like 30mg of stuff in a 500uL (0.5mL) vaccine. That's not just bad chemistry, its bad physics and its bad elementary math. Plus points for attempting to use the metric system, since most americans are too stupid to understand it (but before trying to influence people with bunk facts, make sure you understand the system yourself first!)

[edit on 1-11-2009 by retroviralsounds]

[edit on 1-11-2009 by retroviralsounds]

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